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No. 17–459
on writ of certiorari to the united states
court of appeals for the first circuit
[June 21, 2018]
Justice Sotomayor delivered the opinion of the
Nonpermanent residents, like petitioner here,
who are subject to removal proceedings and have accrued 10 years of
continuous physical presence in the United States, may be eligible
for a form of discretionary relief known as cancellation of
removal. 8 U. S. C. §1229b(b)(1). Under the so-called
“stop-time rule” set forth in §1229b(d)(1)(A), however, that period
of continuous physical presence is “deemed to end . . .
when the alien is served a notice to appear under section 1229(a).”
Section 1229(a), in turn, provides that the Government shall serve
noncitizens in removal proceedings with “written notice (in this
section referred to as a ‘notice to appear’) . . .
specifying” several required pieces of information, including
“[t]he time and place at which the [removal] proceedings will be
held.” §1229(a)(1)(G)(i).[
The narrow question in this case lies at the
of those statutory provisions. If the Government
serves a noncitizen with a document that is labeled “notice to
appear,” but the document fails to specify either the time or place
of the removal proceedings, does it trigger the stop-time rule? The
answer is as obvious as it seems: No. A notice that does not
inform a noncitizen when and where to appear for removal
proceedings is not a “notice to appear under section 1229(a)” and
therefore does not trigger the stop-time rule. The plain text, the
statutory context, and common sense all lead inescapably and
unambiguously to that conclusion.
Under the Illegal Immigration Reform and
Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA), 110Stat. 3009–546,
the Attorney General of the United States has discretion to “cancel
removal” and adjust the status of certain nonpermanent residents.
§1229b(b). To be eligible for such relief, a nonpermanent resident
must meet certain enumerated criteria, the relevant one here being
that the noncitizen must have “been physically present in the
United States for a continuous period of not less than 10 years
immediately preceding the date of [an] application” for
cancellation of removal. §1229b(b)(1)(A).[
IIRIRA also established the stop-time rule at
issue in this case. Under that rule, “any period of . . .
continuous physical presence in the United States shall be deemed
to end . . . when the alien is served a notice to appear
under section 1229(a) of this title.”[
3] §1229b(d)(1)(A). Section 1229(a), in turn, provides
that “written notice (in this section referred to as a ‘notice to
appear’) shall be given . . . to the alien
. . . specifying”:
“(A) The nature of the proceedings against the
“(B) The legal authority under which the
proceedings are conducted.
“(C) The acts or conduct alleged to be in
violation of law.
“(D) The charges against the alien and the
statutory provisions alleged to have been violated.
“(E) The alien may be represented by counsel
and the alien will be provided (i) a period of time to secure
counsel under subsection (b)(1) of this section and (ii) a current
list of counsel prepared under subsection (b)(2) of this
“(F)(i) The requirement that the alien must
immediately provide (or have provided) the Attorney General with a
written record of an address and telephone number (if any) at which
the alien may be contacted respecting proceedings under section
1229a of this title.
“(ii) The requirement that the alien must
provide the Attorney General immediately with a written record of
any change of the alien’s address or telephone number.
“(iii) The consequences under section
1229a(b)(5) of this title of failure to provide address and
telephone information pursuant to this subparagraph.
(G)(i) The time and place at which the
[removal] proceedings will be held.
“(ii) The consequences under section 1229a(b)(5)
of this title of the failure, except under exceptional cir-
cumstances, to appear at such proceedings.”
§1229(a)(1) (boldface added).
The statute also enables the Government to
“change or postpon[e] . . . the time and place of [the
removal] proceedings.” §1229(a)(2)(A). To do so, the Government
must give the noncitizen “a written notice . . .
specifying . . . the new time or place of the
proceedings” and “the consequences . . . of failing,
except under exceptional circumstances, to attend such
Ibid. The Government is not required to
provide written notice of the change in time or place of the
proceedings if the noncitizen is “not in detention” and “has failed
to provide [his] address” to the Government. §1229(a)(2)(B).
The consequences of a noncitizen’s failure to
appear at a removal proceeding can be quite severe. If a noncitizen
who has been properly served with the “written notice required
under paragraph (1) or (2) of section 1229(a)” fails to appear at a
removal proceeding, he “shall be ordered removed in absentia” if
the Government “establishes by clear, unequivocal, and convincing
evidence that the written notice was so provided and that the alien
is removable.” §1229a(b)(5)(A). Absent “exceptional circumstances,”
a noncitizen subject to an in absentia removal order is ineligible
for some forms of discretionary relief for 10 years if, “at the
time of the notice described in paragraph (1) or (2) of section
1229(a),” he “was provided oral notice . . . of the time
and place of the proceedings and of the consequences” of failing to
appear. §1229a(b)(7). In certain limited circumstances, however, a
removal order entered in absentia may be rescinded—
when the noncitizen “demonstrates that [he] did not receive notice
in accordance with paragraph (1) or (2) of section 1229(a).”
In 1997, shortly after Congress passed IIRIRA,
the Attorney General promulgated a regulation stating that a
“notice to appear” served on a noncitizen need only provide “the
time, place and date of the initial removal hearing, where
.” 62 Fed. Reg. 10332 (1997). Per that
regulation, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), at least in
recent years, almost always serves noncitizens with notices that
fail to specify the time, place, or date of initial removal
hearings whenever the agency deems it impracticable to include such
information. See Brief for Petitioner 14; Brief for Respondent
48–49; Tr. of Oral Arg. 52–53 (Government’s admission that “almost
100 percent” of “notices to appear omit the time and date of the
proceeding over the last three years”). Instead, these notices
state that the times, places, or dates of the initial hearings are
“to be determined.” Brief for Petitioner 14.
Matter of Camarillo, 25
I. & N. Dec. 644 (2011), the Board of Immigration
Appeals (BIA) addressed whether such notices trigger the stop-time
rule even if they do not specify the time and date of the removal
proceedings. The BIA concluded that they do.
Id., at 651. It
reasoned that the statutory phrase “notice to appear ‘under section
[1229](a)’ ” in the stop-time rule “merely specifies the
document the DHS must serve on the alien to trigger the ‘stop-time’
rule,” but otherwise imposes no “substantive requirements” as to
what information that document must include to trigger the
stop-time rule.
Id., at 647.
Petitioner Wescley Fonseca Pereira is a native
and citizen of Brazil. In 2000, at age 19, he was admitted to the
United States as a temporary “non-immigrant visitor.” App. to
Pet. for Cert. 3a. After his visa expired, he remained in the
United States. Pereira is married and has two young daughters,
both of whom are United States citizens. He works as a
handyman and, according to submissions before the Immigration
Court, is a well-respected member of his community.
In 2006, Pereira was arrested in Massachusetts
for operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. On
May 31, 2006, while Pereira was detained, DHS served him (in
person) with a document labeled “Notice to Appear.” App. 7–13. That
putative notice charged Pereira as removable for overstaying his
visa, informed him that “removal proceedings” were being initiated
against him, and provided him with information about the “[c]onduct
of the hearing” and the consequences for failing to appear.
Id., at 7, 10–12. Critical here, the notice did not specify
the date and time of Pereira’s removal hearing. Instead, it ordered
him to appear before an Immigration Judge in Boston “on
a date
to be set at
a time to be set.”
Id., at 9
(underlining in original).
More than a year later, on August 9, 2007, DHS
filed the 2006 notice with the Boston Immigration Court. The
Immigration Court thereafter attempted to mail Pereira a more
specific notice setting the date and time for his initial removal
hearing for October 31, 2007, at 9:30 a.m. But that second notice
was sent to Pereira’s street address rather than his post office
box (which he had provided to DHS), so it was returned as
undeliverable. Because Pe- reira never received notice of the time
and date of his re- moval hearing, he failed to appear, and the
Immigration Court ordered him removed in absentia. Unaware of that
re- moval order, Pereira remained in the United States.
In 2013, after Pereira had been in the country
for more than 10 years, he was arrested for a minor motor vehicle
violation (driving without his headlights on) and was subsequently
detained by DHS. The Immigration Court reopened the removal
proceedings after Pereira demonstrated that he never received the
Immigration Court’s 2007 notice setting out the specific date and
time of his hearing. Pereira then applied for cancellation of
removal, arguing that the stop-time rule was not triggered by DHS’
initial 2006 notice because the document lacked information about
the time and date of his removal hearing.
The Immigration Court disagreed, finding the law
“quite settled that DHS need not put a date certain on the Notice
to Appear in order to make that document effective.” App. to Pet.
for Cert. 23a. The Immigration Court therefore concluded that
Pereira could not meet the 10-year physical-presence requirement
under §1229b(b), thereby render- ing him statutorily ineligible for
cancellation of removal, and ordered Pereira removed from the
country. The BIA dismissed Pereira’s appeal. Adhering to its
precedent in
Camarillo, the BIA agreed with the Immigration
Court that the 2006 notice triggered the stop-time rule and that
Pereira thus failed to satisfy the 10-year physical-presence
requirement and was ineligible for cancellation of removal.
The Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
denied Pereira’s petition for review of the BIA’s order. 866
F. 3d 1 (2017). Applying the framework set forth in
U. S. A. Inc. v.
Natural Resources Defense
Council, Inc., 467 U. S. 837 (1984), the Court of Appeals
first found that the stop-time rule in §1229b(d)(1) is ambiguous
because it “does not explicitly state that the date and time of the
hearing must be included in a notice to appear in order to cut off
an alien’s period of continuous physical presence.” 866 F. 3d,
at 5. Then, after reviewing the statutory text and structure, the
administrative context, and pertinent legislative history, the
Court of Appeals held that the BIA’s interpretation of the
stop-time rule was a permissible reading of the statute.
Id., at 6–8.
The Court granted certiorari in this case, 583
U. S. ___ (2018), to resolve division among the Courts of
Appeals on a simple, but important, question of statutory
interpretation: Does service of a document styled as a “notice to
appear” that fails to specify “the items listed” in §1229(a)(1)
trigger the stop-time rule?[
Pet. for Cert. i.
As a threshold matter, the Court notes that the
question presented by Pereira, which focuses on all “items listed”
in §1229(a)(1), sweeps more broadly than necessary to resolve the
particular case before us. Although the time-and-place information
in a notice to appear will vary from case to case, the Government
acknowledges that “[m]uch of the information Section 1229(a)(1)
calls for does not” change and is therefore “included in
standardized language on the I–862 notice-to-appear form.” Brief
for Respondent 36 (referencing 8 U. S. C.
§§1229(a)(1)(A)–(B), (E)–(F), and (G)(ii)). In fact, the
Government’s 2006 notice to Pereira included all of the information
required by §1229(a)(1), except it failed to specify the date and
time of Pereira’s removal proceedings. See App. 10–12. Accordingly,
the dispositive question in this case is much narrower, but no less
vital: Does a “notice to appear” that does not specify the “time
and place at which the proceedings will be held,” as required by
§1229(a)(1)(G)(i), trigger the stop-time rule?[
In addressing that narrower question, the Court
need not resort to
Chevron deference, as some lower courts
have done, for Congress has supplied a clear and unambiguous answer
to the interpretive question at hand. See 467 U. S., at
842–843 (“If the intent of Congress is clear, that is the end of
the matter; for the court, as well as the agency, must give effect
to the unambiguously expressed intent of Congress”). A putative
notice to appear that fails to designate the specific time or place
of the noncitizen’s removal proceedings is not a “notice to appear
under section 1229(a),” and so does not trigger the stop-time
The statutory text alone is enough to resolve
this case. Under the stop-time rule, “any period of . . .
continuous physical presence” is “deemed to end . . .
when the alien is served a notice to appear under section 1229(a).”
8 U. S. C. §1229b(d)(1). By expressly referencing
§1229(a), the statute specifies where to look to find out what
“notice to appear” means. Section 1229(a), in turn, clarifies that
the type of notice “referred to as a ‘notice to appear’ ”
throughout the statutory section is a “written notice
. . . specifying,” as relevant here, “[t]he time and
place at which the [removal] proceedings will be held.”
§1229(a)(1)(G)(i). Thus, based on the plain text of the statute, it
is clear that to trigger the stop-time rule, the Government must
serve a notice to appear that, at the very least, “specif[ies]” the
“time and place” of the removal proceedings.
It is true, as the Government and dissent point
out, that the stop-time rule makes broad reference to a notice
appear under “section 1229(a),” which includes
paragraph (1), as well as paragraphs (2) and (3). See Brief
for Respondent 27–28;
post, at 5–6 (opinion of Alito, J.).
But the broad reference to §1229(a) is of no consequence, because,
as even the Government concedes, only paragraph (1) bears on the
meaning of a “notice to appear.” Brief for Respondent 27. By
contrast, paragraph (2) governs the “[n]otice of change in time or
place of proceedings,” and paragraph (3) provides for a system
to record noncitizens’ addresses and phone numbers. Nowhere else
within §1229(a) does the statute purport to delineate the
requirements of a “notice to appear.” In fact, the term “notice to
appear” appears only in paragraph (1) of §1229(a).
If anything, paragraph (2) of §1229(a) actually
bolsters the Court’s interpretation of the statute. Paragraph (2)
provides that, “in the case of any change or postponement in the
time and place of [removal] proceedings,” the Government shall give
the noncitizen “written notice . . . specifying
. . . the new time or place of the proceedings.”
§1229(a)(2)(A)(i). By allowing for a “change or postponement” of
the proceedings to a “new time or place,” paragraph (2) presumes
that the Government has already served a “notice to appear under
section 1229(a)” that specified a time and place as required by
§1229(a)(1)(G)(i). Otherwise, there would be no time or place to
“change or postpon[e ].” §1229(a)(2). Notably, the dissent
concedes that paragraph (2) confirms that a notice to appear must
“state the ‘time and place’ of the removal proceeding as required
by §1229(a)(1).’ ”
Post, at 13. The dissent
nevertheless retorts that this point is “entirely irrelevant.”
Ibid. Not so. Paragraph (2) clearly reinforces the
conclusion that “a notice to appear under section 1229(a),”
§1229b(d)(1), must include at least the time and place of the
removal proceedings to trigger the stop-time rule.
Another neighboring statutory provision lends
further contextual support for the view that a “notice to appear”
must include the time and place of the removal proceedings to
trigger the stop-time rule. Section 1229(b)(1) gives a noncitizen
“the opportunity to secure counsel before the first [removal]
hearing date” by mandating that such “hearing date shall not be
scheduled earlier than 10 days after the service of the notice to
appear.” For §1229(b)(1) to have any meaning, the “notice to
appear” must specify the time and place that the noncitizen, and
his counsel, must appear at the removal hearing. Otherwise, the
Government could serve a document labeled “notice to appear”
without listing the time and location of the hearing and then,
years down the line, provide that information a day before the
removal hearing when it becomes available. Under that view of the
statute, a noncitizen theoretically would have had the “opportunity
to secure counsel,” but that opportunity will not be meaningful if,
given the absence of a specified time and place, the noncitizen has
minimal time and incentive to plan accordingly, and his counsel, in
turn, receives limited notice and time to prepare adequately. It
therefore follows that, if a “notice to appear” for purposes of
§1229(b)(1) must include the time-and-place information, a “notice
to appear” for purposes of the stop-time rule under §1229b(d)(1)
must as well. After all, “it is a normal rule of statutory
construction that identical words used in different parts of the
same act are intended to have the same meaning.”
Kan Pacific Saipan, Ltd., 566 U. S. 560, 571 (2012)
(internal quotation marks omitted).[
Finally, common sense compels the conclusion
that a notice that does not specify when and where to appear for a
removal proceeding is not a “notice to appear” that triggers the
stop-time rule. If the three words “notice to appear” mean anything
in this context, they must mean that, at a minimum, the Government
has to provide noncitizens “notice” of the information,
i.e., the “time” and “place,” that would enable them “to
appear” at the removal hearing in the first place. Conveying such
time-and-place information to a noncitizen is an essential function
of a notice to appear, for without it, the Government cannot
reason- ably expect the noncitizen to appear for his removal
proceedings. To hold otherwise would empower the Government to
trigger the stop-time rule merely by sending noncitizens a
barebones document labeled “Notice to Appear,” with no mention of
the time and place of the removal proceedings, even though such
documents would do little if anything to facilitate appearance at
those proceedings.[
“ ‘We are not willing to impute to Congress . . .
such [a] contradictory and absurd purpose,’ ”
States v.
Bryan, 339 U. S. 323, 342 (1950),
particularly where doing so has no basis in the statutory text.
Straining to inject ambiguity into the
statute, the Government and the dissent advance several overlapping
arguments. None is persuasive.
First, the Government posits that §1229(a) “is
not worded in the form of a definition” and thus cannot circum-
scribe what type of notice counts as a “notice to appear” for
purposes of the stop-time rule. Brief for Respondent 32. Section
1229(a), however, does speak in definitional terms, at least with
respect to the “time and place at which the proceedings will be
held”: It specifically provides that the notice described under
paragraph (1) is “referred to as a ‘notice to appear,’ ” which
in context is quintessential definitional language.[
8] It then defines that term as a “written
notice” that, as relevant here, “specif[ies] . . . [t]he
time and place at which the [removal] proceedings will be held.”
§1229(a)(1)(G)(i). Thus, when the term “notice to appear” is used
elsewhere in the statutory section, including as the trigger for
the stop-time rule, it carries with it the substantive
time-and-place criteria required by §1229(a).
Resisting this straightforward understanding of
the text, the dissent posits that “§1229(a)(1)’s language can be
understood to define what makes a notice to appear
Post, at 10 (emphasis in original). In the
dissent’s view, a defective notice to appear is still a “notice to
appear” even if it is incomplete—much like a three-wheeled Chevy is
still a car.
Post, at 10–11. The statutory text proves
otherwise. Section 1229(a)(1) does not say a “notice to appear” is
“complete” when it specifies the time and place of the removal
proceedings. Rather, it defines a “notice to appear” as a “written
notice” that “specif[ies],” at a minimum, the time and place of the
removal proceedings. §1229(a)(1)(G)(i). Moreover, the omission of
time-and-place information is not, as the dissent asserts, some
trivial, ministerial defect, akin to an unsigned notice of appeal.
Becker v.
Montgomery, 532 U. S. 757, 763,
768 (2001). Failing to specify integral information like the time
and place of removal proceedings unquestionably would “deprive [the
notice to appear] of its essential character.”
Post, at 12,
n. 5; see
supra, at 12–13, n. 7.[
The Government and the dissent next contend
that Congress’ use of the word “under” in the stop-time rule
renders the statute ambiguous. Brief for Respondent 22–23;
post, at 4–5. Recall that the stop-time rule provides that
“any period of . . . continuous physical presence” is
“deemed to end . . . when the alien is served a notice to
appear under section 1229(a).” §1229b(d)(1)(A). According to the
Government, the word “under” in that provision means “subject to,”
“governed by,” or “issued under the authority of.” Brief for
Respondent 24. The dissent offers yet another alternative,
insisting that “under” can also mean “authorized by.”
at 4. Those definitions, the Government and dissent maintain,
support the BIA’s view that the stop-time rule applies so long as
DHS serves a notice that is “authorized by,” or “subject to or
governed by, or issued under the authority of” §1229(a), even if
the notice bears none of the time-and-place information required by
that provision. See Brief for Respondent 24;
post, at
We disagree. It is, of course, true that “[t]he
word ‘under’ is [a] chameleon ” that “ ‘must draw its
meaning from its context.’ ”
Kucana v.
558 U. S. 233, 245 (2010) (quoting
Ardestani v.
INS, 502 U. S. 129, 135 (1991)). But nothing in the
text or context here supports either the Government’s or the
dissent’s preferred definition of “under.” Based on the plain
language and statutory context discussed above, we think it obvious
that the word “un-
der,” as used in the stop-time rule, can only
mean “in accordance with” or “according to,” for it connects the
stop-time trigger in §1229b(d)(1) to a “notice to appear” that
contains the enumerated time-and-place information described in
§1229(a)(1)(G)(i). See 18 Oxford English Dictionary 950 (2d ed.
1989) (defining “under” as “[i]n accordance with”); Black’s Law
Dictionary 1525 (6th ed. 1990) (defining “under” as “according
to”). So construed, the stop-time rule applies only if the
Government serves a “notice to appear” “[i]n accordance with” or
“according to” the substantive time-and-place requirements set
forth in §1229(a). See
Kirtsaeng v.
John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 568 U. S. 519, 530 (2013) (internal quotation
marks omitted). Far from generating any “degree of ambiguity,”
post, at 4, the word “under” provides the glue that bonds
the stop-time rule to the substantive time-and-place requirements
mandated by §1229(a).
The Government argues that surrounding
statutory provisions reinforce its preferred reading. See Brief for
Respondent 25–27. It points, for instance, to two separate
provisions relating to in absentia removal orders: §1229a(b)(5)(A),
which provides that a noncitizen may be removed in absentia if the
Government has provided “written notice required under paragraph
(1) or (2) of section 1229(a)”; and §1229a(b)(5)(C)(ii), which
provides that, once an in absentia removal order has been entered,
the noncitizen may seek to reopen the proceeding if,
alia, he “demonstrates that [he] did not receive notice in
accordance with paragraph (1) or (2) of section 1229(a).” According
to the Government, those two provisions use the distinct phrases
“required under” and “in accordance with” as shorthand for a notice
that satisfies §1229(a)(1)’s requirements, whereas the stop-time
rule uses the phrase “under section 1229(a)” to encompass a
different type of notice that does not necessarily include the
information outlined in §1229(a)(1). See Brief for Respondent
25–26. That logic is unsound. The Government essentially argues
that phrase 1 (“written notice required under paragraph (1)
. . . of section 1229(a)”) and phrase 2 (“notice in
accordance with paragraph (1) . . . of section 1229(a)”)
can refer to the same type of notice even though they use entirely
different words, but that phrase 3 (“notice to appear under section
1229(a)”) cannot refer to that same type of notice because it uses
words different from phrases 1 and 2. But the Government offers no
convincing reason why that is so. The far simpler explanation, and
the one that comports with the actual statutory language and
context, is that each of these three phrases refers to notice
satisfying, at a minimum, the time-and-place criteria defined in
Equally unavailing is the Government’s
invocation of §1229a(b)(7). Brief for Respondent 26–27. Under that
provision, a noncitizen who is ordered removed in absentia is
ineligible for various forms of discretionary relief for a 10-year
period if the noncitizen, “at the time of the notice described in
paragraph (1) or (2) of section 1229(a) of [Title 8], was provided
oral notice . . . of the time and place of the
proceedings” and “of the consequences . . . of failing,
other than because of exceptional circumstances,” to appear.
§1229a(b)(7). The Government argues that the express reference to
“the time and place of the proceedings” in §1229a(b)(7) shows that,
when Congress wants to attach substantive significance to whether a
noncitizen is given information about the specific “time and place”
of a removal proceeding, it knows exactly how to do so. Brief for
Respondent 26–27. But even if §1229a(b)(7) may impose harsher
consequences on noncitizens who fail to appear at removal
proceedings after having specifically received oral notice of the
time and place of such proceedings, that reveals nothing about the
distinct question here—
i.e., whether Congress intended the
stop-time rule to apply when the Government fails to provide
written notice of the time and place of removal proceedings. As to
that question, the statute makes clear that Congress fully intended
to attach substantive significance to the requirement that
noncitizens be given notice of at least the time and place of their
removal proceedings. A document that fails to include such
information is not a “notice to appear under section 1229(a)” and
thus does not trigger the stop-time rule.
Unable to find sure footing in the statutory
text, the Government and the dissent pivot away from the plain
language and raise a number of practical concerns. These practical
considerations are meritless and do not justify departing from the
statute’s clear text. See
Burrage v.
United States,
571 U. S. 204, 218 (2014).
The Government, for its part, argues that the
“administrative realities of removal proceedings” render it
difficult to guarantee each noncitizen a specific time, date, and
place for his removal proceedings. See Brief for Respondent 48.
That contention rests on the misguided premise that the
time-and-place information specified in the notice to appear must
be etched in stone. That is incorrect. As noted above, §1229(a)(2)
expressly vests the Government with power to change the time or
place of a noncitizen’s removal proceedings so long as it provides
“written notice . . . specifying . . . the new
time or place of the proceedings” and the consequences of failing
to appear. See §1229(a)(2); Tr. of Oral Arg. 16–19. Nothing in our
decision today inhibits the Government’s ability to exercise that
statu- tory authority after it has served a notice to appear
specify- ing the time and place of the removal proceedings.
The dissent raises a similar practical concern,
which is similarly misplaced. The dissent worries that requiring
the Government to specify the time and place of removal
proceedings, while allowing the Government to change that
information, might encourage DHS to provide “arbitrary dates and
times that are likely to confuse and confound all who receive
Post, at 8. The dissent’s argument wrongly assumes
that the Government is ut- terly incapable of specifying an
accurate date and time on a notice to appear and will instead
engage in “arbitrary” behavior. See
ibid. The Court does not
embrace those unsupported assumptions. As the Government concedes,
“a scheduling system previously enabled DHS and the immigration
court to coordinate in setting hearing dates in some cases.” Brief
for Respondent 50, n. 15; Brief for National Immigrant Justice
Center as
Amicus Curiae 30–31. Given today’s advanced
software capabilities, it is hard to imagine why DHS and
immigration courts could not again work together to schedule
hearings before sending notices to appear.
Finally, the dissent’s related contention that
including a changeable date would “mislead” and “prejudice”
noncitizens is unfounded.
Post, at 8. As already explained,
if the Government changes the date of the removal proceedings, it
must provide written notice to the noncitizen, §1229(a)(2). This
notice requirement mitigates any potential confusion that may arise
from altering the hearing date. In reality, it is the dissent’s
interpretation of the statute that would “confuse and confound”
post, at 8, by authorizing the Government to
serve notices that lack any information about the time and place of
the removal proceedings.
In a last ditch effort to salvage its atextual
interpretation, the Government invokes the alleged purpose and
legislative history of the stop-time rule. Brief for Respondent
37–40. Even for those who consider statutory purpose and
legislative history, however, neither supports the Government’s
atextual position that Congress intended the stop-time rule to
apply when a noncitizen has been deprived notice of the time and
place of his removal proceedings. By the Government’s own account,
Congress enacted the stop-time rule to prevent noncitizens from
exploiting administrative delays to “buy time” during which they
accumulate periods of continuous presence.
Id., at 37–38
(citing H. R. Rep. No. 104–469, pt. 1, p. 122 (1996)).
Requiring the Government to furnish time-and-place information in a
notice to appear, however, is en- tirely consistent with that
objective because, once a proper notice to appear is served, the
stop-time rule is triggered, and a noncitizen would be unable to
manipulate or delay removal proceedings to “buy time.” At the end
of the day, given the clarity of the plain language, we “apply the
statute as it is written.”
Burrage, 571 U. S., at
For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the
Court of Appeals for the First Circuit is reversed, and the case is
remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
It is so ordered.