1. Whether the stipulations of a treaty are annulled by a
subsequent war between the parties to it depends upon the intrinsic
character of the stipulations. P.
279 U. S.
Page 279 U. S. 232
2. The provision in Art. III of the Treaty of 1794 granting to
the subjects of Great Britain and the citizens of the United States
the right freely to pass and repass into the respective territories
of the contracting parties on the continent of America was
abrogated by the War of 1812. Pp.
279 U. S.
3. In the clause in Article XXVIII of the Treaty providing that
its first ten articles shall be "permanent," but that the
subsequent articles, except the twelfth, shall be limited in their
duration to twelve years, the term "permanent" is employed merely
to differentiate the first ten from the subsequent articles, and
not as a synonym for "perpetual" or "everlasting." P.
279 U. S.
4. Long acquiescence by our government, after the War of 1812,
in the continued exercise by inhabitant of Canada of the privilege
of passing and repassing the international boundary is not a ground
for presuming that a revival of the treaty obligation in that
regard was recognized. P.
279 U. S.
5. Under the Immigration Act, § 3, any alien coming from
anyplace outside of the United States who is not within one of the
exceptions, is an immigrant, whether he come to reside permanently
or for temporary purposes. P.
279 U. S.
6. In clause (2) of § 3 of the Act, making an exception in favor
of aliens visiting the United States "temporarily for business or
pleasure," the term "business" is to be interpreted with regard to
the policy of Congress to protect American labor revealed by the
history of the legislation, and does not include labor for hire. P.
279 U. S.
24 F.2d 649 reversed.
Certiorari, 278 U.S. 594, to review a judgment of the circuit
court of appeals which reversed, on appeal, a judgment of the
district court dismissing a writ of habeas corpus. The writ had
been sued out on behalf of two aliens who were detained by
immigration officers.
Page 279 U. S. 233
MR. JUSTICE SUTHERLAND delivered the opinion of the Court.
This case arose under § 3 of the Immigration Act of 1924, c.190,
43 Stat. 153, 154, U.S.Code, title 8, § 203
et seq., which
"When used in this Act, the term 'immigrant' means any alien
departing from any place outside the United States destined for the
United States, except . . . (2) an alien visiting the United States
temporarily as a tourist or temporarily for business or pleasure. .
. ."
The complete section, together with other pertinent provisions
of the act, are copied in the margin. [
Footnote 1]
Neither respondent is a native of Canada. Mary Cook, is a
British subject, born in Scotland, who came to Canada in May, 1924.
She is a spinner by occupation, and resides at Niagara Falls,
Ontario. Antonio Danelon
Page 279 U. S. 234
is a native of Italy who came to Canada in 1923. He also resides
at Niagara Falls, Ontario. He alleges that he became a Canadian
citizen by reason of his father's naturalization. Both sought
admission to the United States on December 1, 1927, as
nonimmigrants, under the excepting clause (2) above quoted. Prior
thereto, Mary Cook had crossed from Canada to the United States
daily for a period of three weeks to engage in work at which she
was employed. On the occasion in question, she was out of
employment, but desired admission to look for work. Danelon had
been at work in the United States for more than a year, crossing
daily by the use of an identification card. He sought admission to
resume work. Both were denied admission by the immigration
authorities on the ground that they were quota immigrants within
the meaning of the act, and did not come within the excepting
clause. Section 3(2). The following departmental regulation,
adopted under § 24 of the act, has been in force since September,
"Temporary visits . . . for the purpose of performing labor for
hire are not considered to be within
Page 279 U. S. 235
the purview of § 3(2) of the act."
It is not disputed that both aliens were property excluded if
the validity of this regulation is established.
In a habeas corpus proceeding, brought in behalf of the two
aliens, the Federal District Court for the Western District of New
York sustained the action of the immigration officials and
dismissed the writ. On appeal, this judgment was reversed. The
circuit court of appeals held that an alien crossing from Canada to
the United States daily to labor for hire was not an immigrant, but
a visitor for business within the meaning of § 3(2) of the act. 24
F.2d 649. In reaching that conclusion, the court seemed of opinion
that, if the statute was so construed as to exclude the aliens, it
would be in conflict with Article III of the Jay Treaty of 1794, 8
Stat. 116, 117, a result, of course, to be avoided if reasonably it
could be done.
Lem Moon Sing v. United States,
158 U. S. 538,
158 U. S.
We granted the writ of certiorari because of the far-reaching
importance of the question. The decision below affects not only
aliens crossing daily from Canada to labor in the United States,
but, if followed, will extend to include those entering the United
States for the same purpose from all countries, including Canada,
who intend to remain for any period of time embraced within the
meaning of the word "temporary." By the immigration rules, this
time is defined as a reasonable fixed period to be determined by
the examining officer, which may be extended from time to time,
though not to exceed one year altogether from the date of original
entry. Thus, if the view of the court below prevail, it will result
that aliens -- not native of Canada or any other American country
named in § 4(c) -- whose entry as immigrants is precluded, may land
as temporary visitors and remain at work in the United States for
weeks or months at a time.
First. The pertinent provision of Article III of the
Jay Treaty follows:
Page 279 U. S. 236
"It is agreed that it shall at all times be free to his
Majesty's subjects, and to the citizens of the United States, and
also to the Indians dwelling on either side of the said boundary
line, freely to pass and repass by land or inland navigation into
the respective territories and countries of the two parties on the
continent of America (the country within the limits of the Hudson's
bay Company only excepted), and to navigate all the lakes, rivers,
and waters thereof, and freely to carry on trade and commerce with
each other. . . ."
The position of the government is that (1) there is no conflict
between the treaty and the statute, but (2) in any event, the
treaty provision relied on was abrogated by the War of 1812. We
pass at once to a consideration of the second contention, since, if
that be sustained, the first becomes immaterial and the statute
open to construction unembarrassed by the treaty.
The effect of war upon treaties is a subject in respect of which
there are widely divergent opinions. The doctrine sometimes
asserted, especially by the older writers, that war
facto annuls treaties of every kind between the warring
nations, is repudiated by the great weight of modern authority, and
the view now commonly accepted is that "whether the stipulations of
a treaty are annulled by war depends upon their intrinsic
character." 5 Moore's Digest of International Law, § 779, p. 383.
But as to precisely what treaties fall and what survive under this
designation, there is lack of accord. The authorities, as well as
the practice of nations, present a great contrariety of views. The
law of the subject is still in the making, and, in attempting to
formulate principles at all approaching generality, courts must
proceed with a good deal of caution. But there seems to be fairly
common agreement that at least the following treaty obligations
remain in force: stipulations in respect of what shall be done in a
state of war; treaties of cession, boundary, and the like;
Page 279 U. S. 237
provisions giving the right to citizens or subjects of one of
the high contracting powers to continue to hold and transmit land
in the territory of the other; and, generally, provisions which
represent completed acts. On the other hand, treaties of amity, of
alliance, and the like, having a political character, the object of
which "is to promote relations of harmony between nation and
nation," are generally regarded as belonging to the class of treaty
stipulations that are absolutely annulled by war.
Id., p.
385, quoting Calvo, Droit Int. (4th ed.) IV. 65, § 1931.
Society, etc. v. New
Haven, 8 Wheat. 464, a case involving the right of
a British corporation to continue to hold lands in Vermont, this
Court was called upon to determine the effect of the War of 1812
upon the Ninth Article of the Jay Treaty, which provides:
"That British subjects who now hold lands in the territories of
the United States, and American citizens who now hold lands in the
dominions of his Majesty, shall continue to hold them according to
the nature and tenure of their respective estates and titles
therein, and may grant, sell, or devise the same to whom they
please in like manner as if they were natives, and that neither
they nor their heirs or assigns shall, so far as may respect the
said lands and the legal remedies incident thereto, be regarded as
8 Stat. 116, 122.
It was held that the title to the property of the society was
protected by the Sixth Article of the Treaty of 1783, 8 Stat. 80,
83, was confirmed by the words of Article IX above quoted, and was
not affected by the War of 1812. The applicable rule was stated (p.
21 U. S. 494)
in the following words:
"But we are not inclined to admit the doctrine urged at the bar,
that treaties become extinguished,
ipso facto, by war
between the two governments unless they should be revived by an
express or implied renewal on the return of peace. Whatever may be
the latitude of doctrine laid
Page 279 U. S. 238
down by elementary writers on the law of nations, dealing in
general terms, in relation to this subject, we are satisfied, that
the doctrine contended for is not universally true. There may be
treaties of such a nature as to their object and import as that war
will put an end to them; but where treaties contemplate a permanent
arrangement of territorial and other national rights, or which, in
their terms, are meant to provide for the event of an intervening
war, it would be against every principle of just interpretation to
hold them extinguished by the event of war. If such were the law,
even the treaty of 1783, so far as it fixed our limits, and
acknowledged our independence, would be gone, and we should have
had again to struggle for both upon original revolutionary
principles. Such a construction was never asserted, and would be so
monstrous as to supersede all reasoning."
"We think, therefore, that treaties stipulating for permanent
rights and general arrangements, and professing to aim at
perpetuity and to deal with the case of war as well as of peace, do
not cease on the occurrence of war, but are, at most, only
suspended while it lasts, and, unless they are waived by the
parties, or new and repugnant stipulations are made, they revive in
their operation at the return of peace."
The English High Court of Chancery reached the same conclusion
Sutton v. Sutton, 1 Russ. & M. 663, 675:
"The relations, which had subsisted between Great Britain and
America, when they formed one empire, led to the introduction of
the ninth section of the treaty of 1794, and made it highly
reasonable that the subjects of the two parts of the divided empire
should, notwithstanding the separation, be protected in the mutual
enjoyment of their landed property; and, the privileges of natives
being reciprocally given not only to the actual possessors of
lands, but to their heirs and assigns, it is a reasonable
construction that it was the intention of the treaty that
Page 279 U. S. 239
the operation of the treaty should be permanent, and not depend
upon the continuance of a state of peace."
These cases are cited by respondents and relied upon as
determinative of the effect of the War of 1812 upon Article III of
the treaty. This view we are unable to accept. Article IX and
article III relate to fundamentally different things. Article IX
aims at perpetuity, and deals with existing rights, vested and
permanent in character, in respect of which, by express provision,
neither the owners nor their heirs or assigns are to be regarded as
aliens. These are rights which, by their very nature, are fixed and
continuing, regardless of war or peace. But the privilege accorded
by Article III is one created by the treaty, having no obligatory
existence apart from that instrument, dictated by considerations of
mutual trust and confidence, and resting upon the presumption that
the privilege will not be exercised to unneighborly ends. It is in
no sense a vested right. It is not permanent in its nature. It is
wholly promissory and prospective, and necessarily ceases to
operate in a state of war, since the passing and repassing of
citizens or subjects of one sovereignty into the territory of
another is inconsistent with a condition of hostility.
7 Moore's Digest of International Law, § 1135; 2 Hyde,
International Law, § 606. The reasons for the conclusion are
obvious -- among them, that otherwise the door would be open for
treasonable intercourse. And it is easy to see that such freedom of
intercourse also may be incompatible with conditions following the
termination of the war. Disturbance of peaceful relations between
countries occasioned by war is often so profound that the
accompanying bitterness, distrust, and hate indefinitely survive
the coming of peace. The causes, conduct, or result of the war may
be such as to render a revival of the privilege inconsistent with a
new or altered state of affairs. The grant of the privilege
Page 279 U. S. 240
the existence of normal peaceful relations. When these are
broken by war, it is wholly problematic whether the ensuing peace
will be of such character as to justify the neighborly freedom of
intercourse which prevailed before the rupture. It follows that the
provision belongs to the class of treaties which does not survive
war between the high contracting parties, in respect of which we
quote as apposite the words of a careful writer on the subject:
"Treaties of the fifth class are necessarily at least suspended
by war, many of them are necessarily annulled, and there is nothing
in any of them to make them revive as a matter of course on the
advent of peace -- frequently, in fact, a change in the relations
of the parties to them effected by the treaty of peace is
inconsistent with a renewal of the identical stipulations. It would
appear, therefore, to be simplest to take them to be all annulled,
and to adopt the easy course, when it is wished to put them in
force again without alteration, of expressly stipulating for their
renewal by an article in the treaty of peace."
Hall, International Law (5th ed.) pp. 389, 390.
Westlake classifies treaties not affected by war as (1) those
providing what is to be done in a state of war; (2) transitory or
dispositive treaties, including such as are intended to establish a
permanent condition of things, such as treaties of cession,
boundary, and recognition of independence, as well as those having
no conceivable connection with the causes of war or peace, and (3)
treaties establishing arrangements to which third powers are
parties, such as guaranties and postal and other unions. Westlake,
International Law, Part II, pp. 29-32. He then says:
"Outside the exceptions which have been discussed, treaties
between belligerents do not survive the outbreak of the war. At the
peace, there is no presumption that the parties will take the same
view as before the war of their interests, political, commercial or
other. It is for
Page 279 U. S. 241
them to define on what terms they intend to close their
interlude of savage life and to reenter the domain of law."
Fauchille, Traite de Droit International Public, 1921, Vol. II,
p. 55, says that:
"A state of war puts an end to treaties concluded with a view to
peaceful relations between the signatories and the object or end of
which is to strengthen or maintain such peaceful relations, for
example, treaties of alliance, subsidies, guarantees, commerce,
navigation, customs union, etc. Those treaties, from their very
nature, are subject to an implicit resolutory condition -- namely a
break in the state of peace. They cannot survive the outbreak of
hostilities between the signatory states. War, to them, is a cause
of final extinction, and not of mere suspension. When peace is
concluded, they do not spontaneously come out of a comatose state;
they do not revive unless expressly renewed in the peace treaty.
Footnote 2]"
These expressions and others of similar import which might be
added, confirm our conclusion that the provision of the Jay Treaty
now under consideration was brought to an end by the War of 1812,
leaving the contracting powers discharged from all obligation in
respect thereto, and, in the absence of a renewal, free to deal
with the matter as their views of national policy, respectively,
might from time to time dictate.
Page 279 U. S. 242
We are not unmindful of the agreement in Article XXVIII of the
"that the first ten articles of this treaty shall be permanent,
and that the subsequent articles, except the twelfth, shall be
limited in their duration to twelve years."
It is quite apparent that the word "permanent," as applied to
the first ten articles, was used to differentiate them from the
subsequent articles -- that is to say, it was not employed as a
synonym for "perpetual" or "everlasting," but in the sense that
those articles were not limited to a specific period of time, as
was the case in respect of the remaining articles. Having regard to
the context, such an interpretation of the word "permanent" is
neither strained nor unusual.
See Texas, etc., Railway Co. v.
Marshall, 136 U. S. 393,
136 U. S. 403;
Bassett v. Johnson, 2 N.J.Eq. 154, 162.
It is true, as respondents assert, that citizens and subjects of
the two countries continued after the War of 1812, as before,
freely to pass and repass the international boundary line. And so
they would have done if there never had been a treaty on the
subject. Until a very recent period, the policy of the United
States, with certain definitely specified exceptions, had been to
open its doors to all comers without regard to their allegiance.
This policy sufficiently accounts for the acquiescence of the
government in the continued exercise of the crossing privilege upon
the part of the inhabitants of Canada, with whom we have always
been upon the most friendly terms, and a presumption that such
acquiescence recognized a revival of the treaty obligation cannot
be indulged.
Second. In construing § 3(2) of the Immigration Act, we
are not concerned with the ordinary definition of the word
"immigrant" as one who comes for permanent residence. The act makes
its own definition, which is that "the term
immigrant' means
any alien departing from any place outside the United States
destined for the United States." The term thus includes every alien
Page 279 U. S.
to this country either to reside permanently or for
temporary purposes, unless he can bring himself within one of the
exceptions. The only exception pertinent to the present case is the
second, quoted at the beginning of this opinion -- namely, an alien
visiting the United States "temporarily for business or pleasure."
The contention is that respondents were temporary visitors for
business, and the case is therefore narrowed to the simple inquiry
whether the word "business," as used in the statute, includes
ordinary work for hire. The word is one of flexibility, and, when
used in a statute, its meaning depends upon the context or upon the
purposes of the legislation. It may be so used as either to include
or exclude labor, "for, though labor may be business, it is not
necessarily so, and the converse is equally true, that business is
not always labor." Bloom v. Richards, 2 Ohio St. 387, 396.
The true sense in which the word was here employed will be best
ascertained by considering the policy, necessity, and causes which
induced the enactment. See Heydenfeldt v. Daney Gold, etc.,
Co., 93 U. S. 634,
93 U. S. 638;
Holy Trinity Church v. United States, 143 U.
S. 457, 143 U. S. 463;
Ozawa v. United States, 260 U. S. 178,
260 U. S.
The various acts of Congress since 1916 evince a progressive
policy of restricting immigration. The history of this legislation
points clearly to the conclusion that one of its great purposes was
to protect American labor against the influx of foreign labor. In
the report of the House Committee to accompany the bill which
became the Quota Act of May 19, 1921, 42 Stat. 5 (H. of R. Report
4, 67th Cong. 1st Sess,), it was stated (p. 3) that one of the
causes which called for the immediate passage of an act to restrict
immigration was: "2. Large unemployment in the United States,
making it impracticable for the United States to accept a heavy
immigration." And further (p. 7):
"In the opinion of a majority of the members of this
Page 279 U. S. 244
the economic aspects of immigration alone call for the passage
of this restrictive legislation, if there were no other
In the Senate report upon the same bill (S. Report 17, 67th
Cong. 1st Sess. p. 4), one of the evils pointed out was that a
large part of the new immigration had been of a migratory
character, immigrants coming to the United States not so much for
the purpose of permanent residence as to seek temporary profitable
employment. The report of the House Committee to accompany the bill
which afterwards became the Act of 1924, now under consideration
(H. of R. Report 350, 68th Cong., 1st Sess.) likewise makes clear
that protection of American labor was one of the controlling
reasons for further restriction of immigration. The committee,
after pointing out that various suggested plans for admitting
laborers and farmers had been rejected, said (p. 22): "As has been
so often said with reference to the demand for the admission of
laborers, the present gain is not worth the future cost."
In view of this definite policy, it cannot be supposed the
Congress intended, by admitting aliens temporarily for business, to
permit their coming to labor for hire in competition with American
workmen, whose protection it was one of the main purposes of the
legislation to secure.
The word "business," as here used, must be limited in
application to intercourse of a commercial character, and we hold
that the departmental regulation, to the effect that temporary
visits for the purpose of performing labor for hire, are not within
the purview of § 3(2) of the act, is in accordance with the
congressional intent.
Judgment reversed.
Footnote 1]
"Sec. 3. When used in this Act, the term 'immigrant' means any
alien departing from any place outside the United States destined
for the United States, except (1) a government official, his
family, attendants, servants, and employees, (2) an alien visiting
the United States temporarily as a tourist or temporarily for
business or pleasure, (3) an alien in continuous transit through
the United States, (4) an alien lawfully admitted to the United
States who later goes in transit from one part of the United States
to another through foreign contiguous territory, (5) a
fide alien seaman serving as such on a vessel arriving at a
port of the United States and seeking to enter temporarily the
United States solely in the pursuit of his calling as a seaman, and
(6) an alien entitled to enter the United States solely to carry on
trade under and in pursuance of the provisions of a present
existing treaty of commerce and navigation."
"Sec. 4. When used in this Act, the term 'non-quota immigrant'
means --"
* * * *"
"(c) An immigrant who was born in the Dominion of Canada,
Newfoundland, the Republic of Mexico, the Republic of Cuba, the
Republic of Haiti, the Dominican Republic, the Canal Zone, or an
independent country of Central or South America, and his wife, and
his unmarried children under 18 years of age, if accompanying or
following to join him;"
* * * *"
"Sec. 5. When used in this Act, the term 'quota immigrant' means
any immigrant who is not a nonquota immigrant. An alien who is not
particularly specified in this Act as a nonquota immigrant or a
nonimmigrant shall not be admitted as a nonquota immigrant or a
nonimmigrant by reason of relationship to any individual who is so
specified or by reason of being excepted from the operation of any
other law regulating or forbidding immigration."
"Sec. 24. The Commissioner General, with the approval of the
Secretary of Labor, shall prescribe rules and regulations for the
enforcement of the provisions of this Act; but all such rules and
regulations, insofar as they relate to the administration of this
Act by consular officers, shall be prescribed by the Secretary of
State on the recommendation of the Secretary of Labor."
Footnote 2]
". . .
resolus par l'etat de guerre les traites conclus
en vue de relations pacifiques entre les signataires et ayant pour
object ou pour but la consolidation ou le maintien de ces relations
pacifiques les traites d'alliance, de subsides, de garantie, de
commerce, de navigation, d'union douaniere, etc. Ces traites sont
par leur nature meme affectes d'une condition resolutoire
implicite, la cessation de l'etat de paix. Ils ne peuvent pas
survivre a l'ouverture des hostilites entre les Etats signataires.
La guerre est pour eux une cause d'extinction definitive, et non
une cause de simple suspension. La paix conclude, ils ne sortent
pas spontanement d'un etat de lethargie momentane: ils ne revivent
pas, a moins qu'ils ne soient expressement renouveles dans le
traite de paix."