1. Whether the ship is subject to a lien to secure damages
resulting from breach of a maritime affreightment contract, is a
question of maritime law not controllable by a state statute. P.
260 U. S.
2. Acceptance of part of the designated cargo under a contract
of affreightment creates no lien upon the ship for damages
resulting from refusal to take all. P.
260 U. S.
3. The maritime lien or privilege adhering to a vessel is a
secret one which may operate to the prejudice of general creditors
and purchasers without notice, and is therefore
juris, not to be extended by construction, analogy, or
inference. P.
260 U. S.
4. The lien, created by law, presupposes mutuality and
reciprocity as between ship and cargo. P.
260 U. S.
272 F. 799 reversed.
Page 260 U. S. 491
Certiorari to a decree of the circuit court of appeals,
affirming a decree of the district court for the libelant (the
present respondent) in a proceeding
in rem to enforce a
claim of maritime lien.
Page 260 U. S. 494
MR. JUSTICE McREYNOLDS delivered the opinion of the Court.
March 19, 1917, through its agent at Tacoma, Washington, Osaka
Shosen Kaisha, incorporated under the laws of Japan and owner of
the Japanese steamer
Saigon Maru, then at Singapore,
chartered the whole of that vessel, including her deck, to
respondent lumber company to carry a full cargo of lumber from the
Columbia or Willamette River to Bombay. In May, 1917, the vessel
began to load at Portland, Oregon. Having taken on a full
under-deck cargo and 241,559 feet upon the deck, the captain
refused to accept more. After insisting that the vessel was not
loaded to capacity and ineffectively demanding that she receive an
additional 508,441 feet, respondent libeled her, setting up the
charter party and the captain's refusal, and claimed substantial
damages. The owner gave bond; the vessel departed and safely
delivered her cargo.
The lumber company maintains that it suffered material loss by
the ship's refusal to accept a full load; that
Page 260 U. S. 495
she is liable therefor under the general admiralty law and also
under the Oregon statute (Olson's Laws of Oregon, § 10281), which
declares every vessel navigating the waters of the state shall be
subject to a lien for the damages resulting from nonperformance of
affreightment contracts.
Petitioner excepted to the libel upon the ground that the facts
alleged showed no lien or right to proceed
in rem. The
trial court ruled otherwise, and awarded damages upon the evidence.
The Saigon Maru, 267 F. 881. The circuit court of appeals
approved this action. 272 F. 799.
Little need be written of the claim under the state statute. The
rights and liabilities of the parties depend upon general rules of
maritime law, not subject to material alterations by state
The Roanoke, 189 U. S. 185;
Southern Pacific Co. v. Jensen, 244 U.
S. 205;
Union Fish Co. v. Erickson,
248 U. S. 308.
Both courts below acted upon the view that, while the ship is
not liable
in rem for breaches of an affreightment
contract so long as it remains wholly executory, she becomes liable
therefor whenever she partly executes it, as by taking on board
some part of the cargo. In support of this view, it is said: early
decisions of our circuit and district courts held that, under
maritime law, the ship is liable
in rem for any breach of
a contract of affreightment with owner or master. That
The Freeman,
(1856) 18 How. 182,
59 U. S. 188,
The Yankee
Blade, (1857) 19 How. 82,
60 U. S. 89-91,
modified this doctrine by denying such liability where the contract
remains purely executory, but left it in full force where the
vessel has partly performed the agreement, as by accepting part of
the indicated cargo.
The Hermitage, 12 Fed.Cas. 27, No.
The Williams, 29 Fed.Cas. 1342, No. 17,710;
Ira Chaffee, 2 F. 401;
The Director, 26 F. 708;
The Starlight, 42 F. 167;
The Oscoda, 66 F. 347;
The Helios, 108 F. 279;
The Oceano, 148 F. 131;
Wilson v. Peninsula Bark & Lumber Co., 188 F. 52, were
Page 260 U. S. 496
We think the argument is unsound.
Prior to
The Freeman and
The Yankee Blade,
this Court had expressed no opinion on the subject; but, so far as
the reports show, the lower courts had generally asserted liability
of the ship for breaches of affreightment contracts.
"It is grounded upon the authority of the master to contract for
the employment of the vessel, and upon the general doctrine of the
maritime law, that the vessel is bodily answerable for such
contracts of the master made for her benefit."
The Flash, 1 Abbott, 67, 70, Fed.Cas. No. 4,857;
The Rebecca, 1 Ware, 188, Fed.Cas. No. 11,619;
The Ira
Chaffee, supra. Since 1857, some of the lower courts have said
that the ship becomes liable for breaches of affreightment
contracts with her owner or master whenever partly executed by her;
but it is forcibly maintained that in none of the cases was the
point directly involved.
The Hermitage, The Williams, The Ira
Chaffee, The Director, The Starlight, The Oscoda, The Helios, The
Oceano, and
Wilson v. Peninsula Bark & Lumber Co.,
The Freeman and
The Yankee Blade distinctly
rejected the theory of the earlier opinions. They are inconsistent
with the doctrine that partial performance may create a privilege
or lien upon the vessel. And, insofar as the lower courts express
approval of this doctrine in their more recent opinions, they fail
properly to interpret what has been said here.
While perhaps not essential to the decision, this Court, through
Mr. Justice Curtis, said in
The Freeman:
"Under the maritime law of the United States, the vessel is
bound to the cargo, and the cargo to the vessel, for the
performance of a contract of affreightment; but the law creates no
lien on a vessel as a security for the performance of a contract to
transport cargo until some lawful contract of affreightment is made
and a cargo shipped under it."
The Yankee Blade, Mr. Justice Grier, speaking for
the Court, declared:
Page 260 U. S. 497
"The maritime 'privilege' or lien is adopted from the civil law,
and imports a tacit hypothecation of the subject of it. It is a
jus in re,' without actual possession or any right of
possession. It accompanies the property into the hands of a
bona fide purchaser. It can be executed and divested only
by a proceeding
in rem. This sort of proceeding against
personal property is unknown to the common law, and is peculiar to
the process of courts of admiralty. The foreign and other
attachments of property in the state courts, though by analogy
loosely termed proceedings
in rem, are evidently not
within the category. But this privilege or lien, though adhering to
the vessel, is a secret one; it may operate to the prejudice of
general creditors and purchasers without notice; it is therefore
stricti juris,' and cannot be extended by construction,
analogy, or inference. 'Analogy,' says Pardessus (Droit Civ. vol.
3, 597),"
"cannot afford a decisive argument, because privileges are of
strict right. They are an exception to the rule by which all
creditors have equal rights in the property of their debtor, and an
exception should be declared and described in express words; we
cannot arrive at it by reasoning from one case to another. . .
"Now, it is a doctrine not to be found in any treatise on
maritime law that every contract by the owner or master of a
vessel, for the future employment of it, hypothecates the vessel
for its performance. This lien or privilege is founded on the rule
of maritime law as stated by Cleirac (597): 'Le batel est obligee a
la marchandise et la marchandise au batel.' The obligation is
mutual and reciprocal. The merchandise is bound or hypothecated to
the vessel for freight and charges (unless released by the
covenants of the charter party), and the vessel to the cargo. The
bill of lading usually sets forth the terms of the contract, and
shows the duty assumed by the vessel. Where there is a charter
party, its
Page 260 U. S. 498
covenants will define the duties imposed on the ship. Hence, it
is said (1 Valin, Ordon. de Mar. b. 3, Tit. 1, art. 11) that 'the
ship, with her tackle, the freight, and the cargo, are respectively
bound (affectee) by the covenants of the charter party.' But this
duty of the vessel, to the performance of which the law binds her
by hypothecation, is to deliver the cargo at the time and place
stipulated in the bill of lading or charter party, without injury
or deterioration. If the cargo be not placed on board, it is not
bound to the vessel, and the vessel cannot be in default for the
nondelivery, in good order, of goods never received on board.
Consequently, if the master or owner refuses to perform his
contract, or for any other reason the ship does not receive cargo
and depart on her voyage according to contract, the charterer has
no privilege or maritime lien on the ship for such breach of the
contract by the owners, but must resort to his personal action for
damages, as in other cases. . . . "
"And this Court has decided, in the case of
The Schooner Freeman
v. Buckingham, 18 How. 188, that the law creates no
lien on a vessel as a security for the performance of a contract to
transport cargo until some lawful contract of affreightment is made
and a cargo shipped under it."
Bulkley, Claimant of the
Barque Edwin v. Naumkeag Steam Cotton Co., 24 How.
65 U. S. 393,
the barque was libeled to recover damages for not delivering part
of the cotton -- 707 bales -- which the master had agreed to carry
from Mobile to Boston. With most of the cargo on board, the vessel
was towed below the bar, there to receive the remainder from
lighters. A lighter carrying 100 bales sank, and the cotton was
lost or damaged. The barque delivered 607 bales at Boston in good
condition. The owner of the vessel claimed exemption for her upon
the ground that she never received the 100 bales. This Court
"In the present case, the cargo was delivered
Page 260 U. S. 499
in pursuance of the contract, the goods in the custody of the
master, and subject to his lien for freight, as effectually as if
they had been upon the deck of the ship, the contract confessedly
binding both the owner and the shipper, and, unless it be held that
the latter is entitled to his lien upon the vessel also, he is
deprived of one of the privileges of the contract when, at the same
time, the owner is in the full enjoyment of all those belonging to
his side of it."
Later opinions approve the same general rule.
"The doctrine that the obligation between ship and cargo is
mutual and reciprocal, and does not attach until the cargo is on
board, or in the custody of the master, has been so often discussed
and so long settled that it would be useless labor to restate it or
the principles which lie at its foundation. The case of the
Schooner Freeman v. Buckingham, decided by this Court, is
decisive of this case."
The Lady
Franklin, 8 Wall. 325,
75 U. S.
"It is a principle of maritime law that the owner of the cargo
has a lien on the vessel for any injury he may sustain by the fault
of the vessel or the master, but the law creates no lien on a
vessel as a security for the performance of a contract to transport
a cargo until some lawful contract of affreightment is made, and
the cargo to which it relates has been delivered to the custody of
the master or some one authorized to receive it."
The Keokuk, 9
Wall. 517,
76 U. S.
The maritime privilege or lien, though adhering to the vessel,
is a secret one which may operate to the prejudice of general
creditors and purchasers without notice, and is therefore
stricti juris and cannot be extended by construction,
analogy or inference.
The Yankee Blade, supra. The
contract of affreightment itself creates no lien, and this Court
has consistently declared that the obligation between ship and
cargo is mutual and reciprocal, and does not attach until the cargo
is on board or in
Page 260 U. S. 500
the master's custody. We think the lien created by the law must
be mutual and reciprocal; the lien of the cargo owner upon the ship
is limited by the corresponding and reciprocal rights of the
shipowner upon the cargo.
See The Thomas P. Sheldon, 113
F. 779, 782-783.
The theory that partial acceptance of the designated cargo under
a contract of affreightment creates a privilege of lien upon the
ship for damages resulting from failure to take all, is
inconsistent with the opinions of this Court and, we think, without
support of adequate authority. In
The S. L. Watson, 118 F.
945, 952, the court well said:
"The rule of admiralty, as always stated, is that the cargo is
bound to the ship and the ship to the cargo. Whatever cases may
have been decided otherwise disregarded the universal fact that no
lien arises in admiralty except in connection with some visible
occurrence relating to the vessel or cargo or to a person injured.
This is necessary in order that innocent parties dealing with
vessels may not be the losers by secret liens, the existence of
which they have no possibility of detecting by any relation to any
visible fact. It is in harmony with this rule that no lien lies in
behalf of a vessel against her cargo for dead freight, or against a
vessel for supplies contracted for, but not actually put aboard.
The Kiersage, 2 Curt. 421, Fed.Cas. No. 7,762; Pars. Ship.
& Adm. (1869) 142, 143. It follows out the same principle that
Mr. Justice Curtis states in
The Kiersage, 2 Curt. 424,
Fed.Cas. No. 7,762, that admiralty liens are
juris, and that they cannot be extended argumentatively, or by
analogy or inference. He says: 'They must be given by the law
itself, and the case must be found described in the law.'"