STEELE v. STEELE, 1 U.S. 409 (1789)


U.S. Supreme Court

STEELE v. STEELE, 1 U.S. 409 (1789)

1 U.S. 409 (Dall.)


Supreme Court of Pennsylvania

January Term, 1789

This was an issue joined on the facts alledged in a libel for a divorce; and, upon the trial, the Chief Justice observed, that notice ought to be given of the facts intended to be proved under the general allegations of the libel.

Rush, Justice;

I think it would be most convenient to give notice, that between two specific dates, acts of cruelty &c. were intended to be proved.

The Court seemed to adopt that idea, and recommended it for the future practice of the bar.


U.S. Supreme Court

STEELE v. STEELE, 1 U.S. 409 (1789)  1 U.S. 409 (Dall.)


Supreme Court of Pennsylvania

January Term, 1789

This was an issue joined on the facts alledged in a libel for a divorce; and, upon the trial, the Chief Justice observed, that notice ought to be given of the facts intended to be proved under the general allegations of the libel.

Rush, Justice;

I think it would be most convenient to give notice, that between two specific dates, acts of cruelty &c. were intended to be proved.

The Court seemed to adopt that idea, and recommended it for the future practice of the bar.