A state is competent to create a commission and give it power of
regulating railroads and investigating conditions upon which
regulation may be directed, and the judiciary will only interfere
with such a commission when it appears that it has clearly
transcended its powers.
Courts are reluctant to interfere with the laws of a state or
with the tribunals constituted to enforce them; doubts will not be
resolved against the law.
It cannot as yet be asserted that Congress has, to the exclusion
of the states, taken over the whole subject of carriers' terminals,
switchings, and sidings, and
quaere where the
accommodation between intrastate and interstate commerce shall be
The fact that a movement of freight begins and ends within the
limits of a city does not take from it its character of an actual
transportation between two termini, and so
held in regard
to transportation between junction points in Detroit, Michigan.
While a city may be in some senses a terminal unit, the State
Railroad Commission may regulate traffic between different points
therein as transportation, and to do so does not amount to an
appropriation of the terminals of one road for the use and benefit
of other roads.
Transportation is the business of railroads, and when and to
what extent that business may be regulated so depends upon
circumstances that
Page 231 U. S. 458
no inflexible rule can be laid down.
Wisconsin &c. R.
Co. v. Jacobson, 179 U. S. 287.
If the provisions for penalties in a statute creating railroad
commission and providing for the enforcement of the orders made by
it are separable, as in this case, their constitutionality can be
determined when their enforcement is attempted, and the operation
of the whole act will not be suspended before that event.
Louis. & Nash. R. Co. v. Garret, ante, p.
231 U. S. 298.
Railroad companies are incorporated for purposes of
transportation, and the fact that a company was not specifically
incorporated to carry on intracity transportation cannot prevail
against the power of the state to regulate it in regard to
legitimate elements of transportation within the city.
An order of the Michigan Railroad Commission requiring certain
railroads doing an interstate business to use their tracks within
the city limits of Detroit for the interchange of intrastate
traffic sustained as being within the regulating power of the
commission, and also
held that such order was not
unconstitutional as interfering with interstate commerce or as
depriving the carriers of their property without due process of
198 F. 1009 affirmed.
The facts, which involve the validity of an order of the
Michigan Railroad Commission relative to intrastate transportation
and switch connections in the City of Detroit, are stated in the
MR. JUSTICE McKENNA delivered the opinion of the Court.
Appeal from a decree of the district court, three judges
sitting, denying a motion of appellants for interlocutory
Page 231 U. S. 459
injunction against an order of the Michigan Railroad Commission,
and the denial of a motion of appellants for the continuance of a
restraining order theretofore entered in the case.
The Commission was constituted by the public acts of the state,
and invested with quite full and detailed powers of regulation of
the railroads of the state. Act No. 300 of the Public Acts of
Michigan of 1909, as amended by act No. 139, 1911.
Section 7, as originally enacted and as amended, is alone
specially relevant to the discussion, and is inserted in the
margin, subdivision (d) being the amendment.
Page 231 U. S. 460
After the amendment took effect, and on July 29, 1912, the Grand
Trunk System, which is constituted of a number of railroad lines,
published a tariff of charges, to be effective September 1, 1911,
which, among other things, set forth the rates for the designated
services within the corporate limits of the City of Detroit, and as
to team track services, as follows:
"In case team track deliveries are required for the unloading of
shipments received from other carriers, or when
Page 231 U. S. 461
such team tracks are used for the unloading of shipments for
delivery to other carriers, three dollars per car in excess of the
charge made for switching to or from industrial sidings will be
This tariff also provided a charge of $5.00 for switching to and
from industrial sidings, and a charge of $8.00 for team track
delivery from junction points with other roads within the switching
limits of Detroit.
A complaint was made by one John S. Haggerty to the Commission
of this difference as discriminatory. Haggerty, it is said in one
of the briefs, conducts a brickmaking plant, having a siding on one
of the railroads in Detroit, and to supply his trade ships carloads
of freight over various railroad lines doing business in the city,
among which are the lines of the Grand Trunk System.
An answer was filed to the complaint by the Grand Trunk Western
Railway Company. After hearing, the Commission held that the
difference in rates was discriminatory, and the railway company was
ordered to file a tariff removing the discrimination -- that is,
the discrimination between the charges for industrial switching and
for switching between junction points and team tracks, and to
publish and make effective
"like charges for the movement of a carload shipment received
from an industry in the City of Detroit, upon said Grand Trunk
Western Railway, consigned for delivery upon a team track or other
siding of said road, within the same city, and for a like shipment
received by said Grand Trunk Western Railway from a connecting
carrier at a junction point within the corporate limits of the City
of Detroit, consigned to a team track or other siding upon said
road within the same city."
Subsequently to the making of such order, the Grand Trunk System
published a new tariff, to be effective March 16, 1912, naming a
rate of $5.00 between industrial tracks, and a like rate between
junction points with connecting
Page 231 U. S. 462
carriers, within the switching district of Detroit, and
industrial tracks within the said limits; $8.00 between junction
points with other railroad companies, within said limits, and team
tracks within said limits, and $8.00 between team tracks on the
railway's own lines. The tariff was duly filed with the Commission
and with the Interstate Commerce Commission.
Haggerty filed a supplementary petition with the Commission,
complaining that the new rates were unreasonable and exorbitant,
and, on March 15, 1912, the Commission ordered the postponement of
the same until April 29th to give the Commission an opportunity for
investigation into "the reasonableness of such proposed rate and
the matter set forth in the complaint." Thereupon the Grand Trunk
System issued a supplement to its tariff, suspending the intrastate
rates named in its tariff, and, on March 30th, published a new
tariff, cancelling all rates between industries having private
sidings on the System, and hold or team tracks on that System, and
all rates between junction points with other carriers within the
corporate limits of Detroit and the team tracks of the System. The
effect of this tariff was to withdraw all intrastate and interstate
switching movements except as to the Detroit & Toledo Shore
Line, with which the Grand Trunk was under contract for terminal
On April 10, the Commission suspended this supplemental tariff
in order to give it opportunity to investigate, and, two days
afterward, the bill in this case was filed. On April 27, an amended
bill was filed, and, on the same day, the Detroit, Grand Haven
& Milwaukee Railway Company filed its bill.
We may observe that the order of the Commission of April 10th is
the only one in controversy. The other orders of February 6th and
March 15th, 1912, were directed against the Grand Trunk Western
Railway, and when it came to the knowledge of the Commission
Page 231 U. S. 463
that road did not enter the city, the orders were cancelled.
The bills prayed that the acts referred to and the order of the
Commission be declared null and void as to complainants, that
injunctions interlocutory and perpetual be granted restraining
appellees from executing the order and from taking any steps or
proceedings to enforce any of the penalties or remedies of the
Answers were filed to the bills, and supporting and attacking
affidavits. The district court, upon hearing, denied an injunction
and vacated the restraining order, but suspended the formal entry
of its orders. Subsequently the cases were consolidated for the
purposes of an appeal, and an appeal allowed. The bond was fixed at
$100,000, and the restraining orders continued in force pending the
The two suits may be treated a one, the material points being
identical except as to the territory through which the roads run
and the diversity of citizenship which exists only in the first
suit filed. The foundation of both suits is the same -- that the
order of the Commission and the Acts of the state under which it
was made, insofar as the order and the acts require of complainants
or their property any of the services above set forth or so
threatened to be required, constitute the taking of their property
without due process of law in contravention of the Fourteenth
Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and is also a
violation of the commerce clause of that instrument. The
specification under the latter is
"that Congress has taken over the whole subject matter of
terminals, team tracks, switching tracks, sidings, etc., of
carriers engaged in interstate commerce, and has enacted that such
carriers shall not be required to give the use of such terminal
facilities to other carriers engaged in like business."
It is further objected against said order that the companies
Page 231 U. S. 464
were not incorporated for the purpose of local or intrastate
switching or drayage business, but for the purpose of interstate
and intrastate commerce, and further, the penalties prescribed by
the acts under which the Commission purported to have acted are so
drastic that a resort to court to test the validity thereof is at
the risk of imprisonment in the jails of the various counties where
the lines of the companies run, and therefore the companies are
denied the equal protection of the laws and their property is taken
without due process of law.
The question in the case is whether, under the statutes of the
State of Michigan, appellants can be compelled to use the tracks it
owns and operates in the City of Detroit for the interchange of
intrastate traffic; or, stating the question more specifically,
whether the companies shall receive cars from another carrier at a
junction point or physical connection with such carrier within the
corporate limits of Detroit for transportation to the team tracks
of the companies, and whether the companies shall allow the use of
their team tracks for cars to be hauled from their team tracks to a
junction point or physical connection with another carrier within
such limits, and be required to haul such cars in either of the
above-named movements or between industrial sidings.
It is contended that the order is an interference with
interstate commerce. The contention is premature, if not without
foundation. Section 7, before its amendment, required all railroads
subject to it to establish switching connections between one
another, and to establish depots, and otherwise, for the
interchange of traffic between their respective lines, and for the
receiving, forwarding, and delivering of property and passengers to
and from their several lines and those connecting therewith, and
also for the transfer and delivery of cars without unreasonable
delay or discrimination to any point on their own lines or on any
connecting line, and forbidding discrimination
Page 231 U. S. 465
in rates and charges. And the respective companies were required
to draw over their roads the merchandise and cars of any other
corporation or individual having connecting tracks when the cars
are of proper gauge, equipment, and properly loaded. Power was
given to the Commission, if the compensation could not be agreed on
by the roads, to fix such compensation. In other words, the duty of
investigation was imposed on the Commission, and the duty to render
such judgment as was suitable to the situation, and to award
compensation to the carriers for any service required of them.
We have seen from the statement of facts that the first concern
of the Grand Trunk was the right to charge what it pleased or
discriminate between the services. Inconvenience to its interstate
business seems to be an afterthought. Besides, the fact of
inconvenience is disputed. It is charged, it is true, in an
affidavit filed by appellants; but there was a counter affidavit,
and it was averred that the interchange of traffic required by the
legislature of the state did not impede interstate business, but,
on the contrary, facilitated it and intrastate commerce, and
relieved, not caused, congestion on the tracks of the various
railroads in the city. And, as we have seen, the order of the
Commission was suspensory only of the tariff of the appellants, not
a final determination against it, or of the conditions which might
or might not justify it. It is too late in the day to question the
competency of a state to create a commission and to give it the
power of regulating railroads, and necessarily of investigating the
conditions upon which regulation may be directed. If a judicial
interference is sought with the exercise of such power, it must be
clearly shown to have been transcended, not left as a conclusion
from the balancing of conflicting affidavits, or even, it may be,
as held by the district court, on
ex parte affidavits.
Courts are reluctant to interfere with the laws of a state or with
the tribunals constituted
Page 231 U. S. 466
to enforce them. Doubts will not be resolved against the law,
nor the decision of its tribunals prevented or anticipated unless
the necessity for either be demonstrated. Upon these principles,
the district court acted, and rightly acted.
We will not dwell on the contention of appellants that Congress
has taken over the whole subject of terminals, team tracks,
switching tracks, sidings, etc. We need make no other comment than
that it cannot be asserted as a matter of law that Congress has
done so, and where the accommodation between intrastate and
interstate commerce shall be made we are not called upon to say on
this record.
Before proceeding to the more important contention of appellants
-- that is, movement between junction points and other points -- it
is well to observe that a distinction is alleged to exist between
team tracks and industrial sidings or tracks. The allegation (which
is neither admitted nor denied in the answer) is that the lands
upon which the latter are located are held, owned, or were acquired
for the purpose of accommodating the tracks without expense to
appellants either in the acquisition or maintenance of the lands or
tracks. Appellants, it is urged further, are not responsible for
cars placed on such tracks, nor are appellants required to police
them. Team tracks are laid upon the ground acquired by appellants,
and were constructed and are maintained by them. The latter
therefore are distinctly accessories or facilities in the receipt
and delivery of freight in transportation, both within and to and
from points outside of the city. The industrial sidings have, it
may be said, more special character. But upon this distinction no
point is made in the argument, and the district court left it
untouched in its decision, no doubt because, in that court, as
here, no emphasis was put upon the distinction. In other words,
because it was considered that it falls under the principles
Page 231 U. S. 467
which related to the team tracks, and we may so regard it.
The proposition of appellants is, as said by the district court,
that such service and team track service "are not in a proper sense
transportation, but are essentially distinguishable therefrom;" or,
to put it another way -- and one which expresses more specially the
contention of appellants -- they are mere conveniences at the
destination or initial point of the transportation, and hence are
terminal facilities merely, and their use is not required to be
given to other railroads. The district court did not regard them in
the latter character. After stating the conditions which exist in
Detroit and its extent, the court said of them:
"Such tracks are necessary to prevent the congestion which would
result from requiring all carload freight, both in and out, to be
delivered at the freight depots of the respective roads, and in a
very proper sense are shipping stations."
The court concluded that the services were transportation, and
that the statute of the state validly empowered the Commission
"to require local transportation by a railroad between its own
shipping stations within a city, whether such plurality of shipping
stations has been voluntarily established by the railroad, as here,
or has been required by the Commission, under its lawful powers,
and provided such transportation is for such substantial distance
and of such a character as reasonably to require a railroad haul,
as distinguished from other means of carriage."
The court further said:
"It is also clear that a statute validly may, and the statutes
we are considering do, authorize the employment of such depots,
side tracks, and team tracks of a railroad for transporting carload
freight to or from the junction of such road with another road as a
substantial part of a continuous transportation routing, where such
junction is outside the city limits."
And it was remarked that the fact that the freight movement
begins and ends within
Page 231 U. S. 468
the limits of a city does not take from it its character "of an
actual transportation between two termini," the other conditions
obtaining. We concur in the conclusion of the court.
The extent of Detroit is about 22 miles, and its population
about 500,000. The effect of the order is simply that the companies
shall accept freight at the designated points for shipment to the
other designated points. This, except in an extreme sense, is not a
use of the tracks and terminals; or rather, it is only a proper use
-- the use for which the roads were constituted to afford. An area
of 22 miles is attempted by appellants to be localized and made a
destination point. A city may, in a sense, be such a terminal unit,
but, considering the extent of Detroit, it is competent, we think,
for the state, under the conditions which this record presents, to
consider points within it the beginning and destination of traffic.
And to call the service necessary to such intrastate movement of
freight a taking of terminals is misleading, and puts out of view
the full signification of the question which the record presents,
which is, is there a distinct and sufficient movement between
places which the companies can be required to perform, or which, to
put it another way, constitutes transportation, and therefore such
as the companies were created to perform? That cars may be
delivered or received is but an incident. The statute therefore is
a regulation of the business of appellants, not an appropriation of
their terminal facilities for the use and benefit of other roads.
It is therefore justified by the doctrine of
Wisconsin &c.
R. Co. v. Jacobson, 179 U. S. 287.
See also Minneapolis & St. Louis R. Co. v. Minnesota,
186 U. S. 257. In
Jacobson case, an order of the Railroad Commission of
the State of Minnesota was considered which required two railroads
of the state to make track connections. The statute of the state
provided that all common carriers subject to its provisions
Page 231 U. S. 469
should provide at all points of connection, crossing, or
intersection at grade, where it was necessary for interstate
commerce, ample facilities for transferring cars used in the
regular business of their respective lines of road from other lines
or tracks to those of any other carrier whose lines or tracks might
connect with, cross, or intersect their own, and should provide
facilities for the interchange of cars, and for the receiving,
forwarding, and delivering of passengers, property, and cars to and
from their several lines and those of other carriers connecting
therewith, without discrimination in rates and charges. And it was
provided that one carrier should not be required to furnish its
tracks, equipment, or terminal facilities to another without
reasonable compensation, the cost of connections to be
proportionately divided between the carriers, and in case of
disagreement, it was to be settled by the Commission. The roads
were required to establish reasonable joint through rates at the
demand of any person or of the Commission. And it was provided that
carload lots should be transferred without unloading the cars
unless it be done without cost to the shipper or receiver, and
without unreasonable delay.
Under this statute, track connections were required to be made
by the Wisconsin &c. R. Co. with an intersecting road. In its
answer before the State Railroad Commission, it alleged that to
construct a connecting track would require it to go outside of its
right of way, and to condemn that to compel such connection would
violate the commerce clause of the Constitution and the Fourteenth
Amendment. The Commission directed the connection to be made, and
its order was affirmed by the local state court to which an appeal
was taken, as provided by the statute. This Court affirmed the
order, deciding that it was a proper exercise of the power of
regulation of the business of the companies. The reasoning to
sustain this
Page 231 U. S. 470
conclusion need not be reproduced. It rested upon the ultimate
proposition that railroad companies "are organized for the public
interests and to subserve primarily the public good and
convenience." And, deciding this to be the purpose of the creation
of the roads, and that government had power to secure it, it was
held that, where a provision for regulation is reasonable and
appropriate, when considered with regard to the interests both of
the company and of the public, the legislation is valid, and will
furnish ample authority for the courts to enforce it, even though
eminent domain must be exercised or cost incurred. This principle,
illustrated by the facts of the case, is apposite to the regulation
under review. If the establishment of track connections by
intersecting roads, with the necessary accessories of sidings and
switches, be required, and acceptance and delivery of loaded cars
as a convenience of transportation, surely team tracks and sidings
in Detroit and the delivery and acceptance of loaded cars are as
much so.
This view is not opposed by
Louisville &c. R. Co. v.
Stock Yards Co., 212 U. S. 132.
There, a provision of the Constitution of the State of Kentucky
which required a carrier to deliver its cars to a connecting
carrier was held invalid because it did not provide adequate
protection for their return, or compensation for their use. It was
hence held that it amounted to a taking of property without due
process of law. But the Court was careful to say that.
"in view of the well known and necessary practice of connecting
roads, we are far from saying that a valid law could not be passed
to prevent the cost and loss of time entailed by needless
transshipment or breaking bulk in case of an unreasonable refusal
by a carrier to interchange cars with another for through
The point of the decision was that compensation should be
provided, and by the law. As it is expressed in the opinion: "The
law itself must save the parties' rights, and not leave them
Page 231 U. S. 471
to the discretion of the courts." This as a condition was
explained, for it was said:
"We do not mean, however, that the silence of the [state]
Constitution might not be remedied by an act of legislature or a
regulation by a duly authorized subordinate body if such
legislation should be held consistent with the state constitution
by the state court."
These conditions exist in the case at bar.
There is another part of the case which is more applicable to
the contentions of the parties hereto, and determine, it is urged,
against the statute under consideration and the order of the
Commission. The judgment reviewed required the railroad company to
receive at its connection with the Southern Railway Company, and to
switch, transport, and deliver all livestock consigned from the
Central Stock Yards (the stock depot of the Southern Railway) to
anyone at the Bourbon Stock Yards (the stock depot of the
Louisville & Nashville Railroad). This part of the judgment was
based also upon the constitution of the state. We said:
"If the principle is sound, every road into Louisville, by
making a physical connection with the Louisville & Nashville,
can get the use of its costly terminals and make it do the
switching necessary to that end upon simply paying for the service
of carriage. The duty of a carrier to accept goods tendered at its
station does not extend to the acceptance of cars offered to it at
an arbitrary point near its terminus by a competing road for the
purpose of reaching and using its terminal station. To require such
an acceptance from a railroad is to take its property in a very
effective sense, and cannot be justified unless the railroad holds
that property subject to greater liabilities than those incident to
its calling alone."
It will be observed that the beginning of traffic was at the
Central Stock Yards, the stockyards of the Southern, and was to be
hauled by that road to its connection with the Louisville &
Nashville, and by the latter from that
Page 231 U. S. 472
point to the Bourbon Stock Yards, the stock depot of the latter
railroad. The yards were the terminals of the respective roads for
livestock delivery, and the case turned upon the point that the
roads were competitive, and that the point of delivery was an
arbitrary one, and that thereby the terminal station of one company
was required to be shared with the other company.
In the case at bar, a shipper is contesting for the right as a
part of transportation. The order of the Commission was a
recognition of the right, and legally so. Considering the theater
of the movements, the facilities for them are no more terminal or
switching facilities than the depots, side tracks, and main lines
are terminal facilities in a less densely populated district. A
precise distinction between facilities can neither be expressed nor
enforced. Transportation is the business of railroads, and when
that business may be regulated and to what extent regulated may
depend upon circumstances. No inflexible principle of decision can
be laid down. This was recognized in
Wisconsin &c. R. Co.
Jacobson, supra. There, the Court was careful not to say that
under no circumstances could an order requiring track connections
between intersecting roads be a violation of constitutional rights.
"It would depend," it was said,
"upon the facts surrounding the cases in regard to which the
judgment was given. . . . And in many cases, questions of degree
are the controlling ones by which to determine the validity, or the
reverse, of legislative action."
Indeed, no case could better illustrate the value of the
principle than does this case, where the exceptional situation of
Detroit as shown by the record, the relation of the tracks in
controversy to that situation, their length and their functions, as
respects the commerce of Detroit, which, in the nature of things,
they perform not merely as instruments of terminal service and
delivery, but of railway transportation in the completest sense,
are essential and controlling factors in the determination of
Page 231 U. S. 473
the question presented. To which controlling conditions there
must, of course, be added the fact that the railroad itself, for a
long period of time, had recognized the situation and had applied
the tracks to uses of transportation in the proper sense, as
distinguished from mere terminal service -- a use which was only
abandoned or sought to be abandoned when authority was exerted to
prevent unreasonable, and to secure reasonable, charges for the
It is contended by appellants that the statute is void upon its
face because the severity of the penalties precludes an appeal to
the courts against its provisions except at such risks and costs
that they should not be compelled to incur, and
Ex Parte
Young, 209 U. S. 123, is
adduced. But the provision for penalties is in a section by itself,
and when their enforcement is attempted, their constitutionality
can then be determined.
Minnesota Rate Cases, 230 U.
S. 352;
Louisville & Nashville R. Co. v.
Garrett, ante, p.
231 U. S. 298.
As we have determined that the tracks or terminal facilities of
appellants are not taken by the order of the Commission, we need
not consider a subdivision of § 7 which provides that nothing in
the act shall be construed as requiring any railroad to give the
use of its tracks or terminal facilities to another railroad
engaged in like business.
The contention of appellants that they were not incorporated for
the purpose of intra-city transportation is untenable. They were
incorporated for the purpose of transportation, and geographical
limitations under the circumstances which this record exhibits
cannot prevail against the power of the state to regulate.
Decree affirmed.
"(55) SEC. 7. (a) All railroads subject to the provisions of
this act shall afford all reasonable and proper facilities by the
establishment of switch connections between one another and the
establishment of depots and otherwise for the interchange of
traffic between their respective lines and for the receiving,
forwarding, and delivering of passengers and property to and from
their several lines and those connecting therewith, and shall
transfer and deliver without unreasonable delay or discrimination
any freight or cars or passengers destined to any point on its own
line or on any connecting line, and shall not discriminate in their
rates and charges between such connecting lines:
precedence may be given to livestock and perishable property.
Nothing in this act shall be construed as requiring any railroad to
give the use of its tracks or terminal facilities to another
railroad engaged in like business. Any person or any officer or
agent of any corporation or company who shall deliver property for
transportation to any common carrier subject to the provisions of
this act shall have the right and privilege of routing such
shipments, and of prescribing and directing over what connecting
line property so shipped shall be transported. and it shall be the
duty of the initial carrier to observe the direction of such person
or such officer or agent of any corporation or company, and to
cause such freight to be transported over such connecting line as
may be directed and required by such shipper."
"(57) (c) Every corporation owning a railroad in use shall at
reasonable times and for a reasonable compensation, draw over the
same the merchandise and cars of any other corporation or
individual having connecting tracks;
Provided, such cars
are of the proper gauge, are in good running order, and equipped as
required by law, and otherwise safe for transportation, and
properly loaded;
Provided further, if the corporations
cannot agree upon the times at which the cars shall be drawn, or
the compensation to be paid, the said Commission shall, upon
petition of either party and notice to the other, after hearing the
parties interested, determine the rate of compensation and fix such
other periods, having reference to the convenience and interests of
the corporation or corporations and the public to be accommodated
thereby, and the award of the Commission shall be binding upon the
respective corporations interested therein until the same shall
have been revised."
"(57a) (d) Every common carrier operating within this state
shall receive and transport at reasonable rates any and all carload
traffic offered for transportation under the usual conditions,
locally consigned between points in the same city or town, and
shall receive and transport at reasonable rates from any junction
point or transfer point or intersection with another railroad in
such city or town any and all such carload freight destined to team
tracks or other sidings on any line operated by the delivering
carrier, and shall deliver such car or cars upon such team tracks
or sidings in the city or town where such car or cars are received
from such connecting line, when required so to do;
Provided, that, when delivery is requested, which will
involve the use of a private siding not owned or controlled by
consignee, said consignee shall file with both receiving and
delivering carriers written permission, signed by the owner or
lessee of such private siding, authorizing the use of same. When
the particular delivery desired cannot be accomplished owing to the
congestion of cars upon such siding or team tracks, it shall be the
duty of the delivering carrier to notify consignee of such
conditions, and it shall be the duty of such consignee, upon
receipt of such notice, to advise upon what other siding delivery
will be accepted, or whether or not it is desired that such car or
cars shall be held awaiting the opportunity for delivery upon the
siding originally designated as the destination."