No. 15–1204
v. ALEJANDRO RODRIGUEZ, et al., individ- ually and on
behalf of all others similarly situated
on writ of certiorari to the united states
court of appeals for the ninth circuit
[February 27, 2018]
Justice Breyer, with whom Justice Ginsburg and
Justice Sotomayor join, dissenting.
This case focuses upon three groups of
noncitizens held in confinement. Each of these individuals believes
he or she has the right to enter or to remain within the United
States. The question is whether several statutory provisions of the
Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U. S. C. §1101
et seq., forbid granting them bail.
The noncitizens at issue are asylum seekers,
persons who have finished serving a sentence of confinement (for a
crime), or individuals who, while lacking a clear entitlement to
enter the United States, claim to meet the criteria for admission,
infra, at 20, 25–26, 29–30. The Government has held all
the members of the groups before us in confinement for many months,
sometimes for years, while it looks into or contests their claims.
But ultimately many members of these groups win their claims and
the Government allows them to enter or to remain in the United
States. Does the statute require members of these groups to receive
a bail hearing, after, say, six months of confinement, with the
possibility of release on bail into the community
that they do not pose a risk of flight or a threat to the
community’s safety?
The Court reads the statute as forbidding bail,
hence forbidding a bail hearing, for these individuals. In my view,
the majority’s interpretation of the statute would likely render
the statute unconstitutional. Thus, I would follow this Court’s
longstanding practice of construing a statute “so as to avoid not
only the conclusion that it is unconstitutional but also grave
doubts upon that score.”
United States v.
Jin Fuey
Moy, 241 U. S. 394, 401 (1916) . And I would interpret the
statute as requiring bail hearings, presumptively after six months
of confinement. Cf.
Zadvydas v.
Davis, 533 U. S.
678, 701 (2001)
The Respondents
Because of their importance to my conclusion,
I shall repeat, with references to record support, the key
characteristics of the groups of noncitizens who appear before
First, as I have said, the respondents in
this case are members of three special classes of noncitizens, the
most important of whom (1) arrive at our borders seeking asylum or
(2) have committed crimes but have finished serving their sentences
of imprisonment. We also consider those who (3) arrive at our
borders believing they are entitled to enter the United States for
reasons other than asylum seeking, but lack a clear entitlement to
all members of the first
group, the asylum seekers, have been found (by an immigration
official) to have a “credible fear of persecution” in their home
coun-try should the United States deny them admittance. 8
U. S. C. §1225(b)(1)(B)(ii).
All members of the
second group have, as I have said, finished serving their criminal
sentences of confinement. §1226(c)(1).
All members of the
third group may have (or may simply believe they have) a strong
claim for admittance, but they are neither “clearly and beyond a
doubt entitled to be admitted” nor conclusively determined to be
inadmissible by an immigration officer on grounds of fraud or lack
of required documentation. §1225(b)(2)(A); see §§1225(b)(1)(A)(i),
1182(a)(6)(C), (a)(7).
Third, members of the first two classes
number in the thousands. See Brief for 46 Social Science
Researchers and Professors as
Amici Curiae 6, 8
(identifying, in 2015, 7,500 asylum seekers and 12,220 noncitizens
who have finished serving sentences of criminal confinement, a
portion of whom are class members detained for more than six
Fourth, detention is often lengthy. The
classes before us consist of people who were detained for at least
six months and on average one year. App. 92, 97. The record shows
that the Government detained some asylum seekers for 831 days
(nearly 2½ years), 512 days, 456 days, 421 days, 354 days, 319
days, 318 days, and 274 days—before they won their cases and
received asylum.
Id., at 97, 228–236. It also shows that the
Government detained one noncitizen for nearly four years
after he had finished serving a criminal sentence, and the
Government detained other members of this class for 608 days, 561
days, 446 days, 438 days, 387 days, and 305 days—all before they
won their cases and received relief from removal.
Id., at
92, 213–220.
Fifth, many of those whom the Government
detains eventually obtain the relief they seek. Two-thirds of the
asylum seekers eventually receive asylum.
Id., at 98 (Table
id., at 135 (Table 38); App. to Pet. for Cert. 40a.
Nearly 40% of those who have served criminal sentences receive
relief from removal, because, for example, their earlier conviction
involved only a short sentence. See App. 95 (Table 23);
at 135 (Table 38). See also App. to Pet. for Cert. 34a; App. 210,
216–217, 312–313 (between one-half and two-thirds of the class
served sentences less than six months,
e.g., a 2-month
sentence for being under the influence of a controlled substance,
or an 8-day jail term for a minor firearms offense).
Sixth, these very asylum seekers would
have received bail hearings had they first been taken into custody
within the United States rather than at the border. See
In re X-K-, 23 I. & N. Dec. 731, 734–735
(BIA 2005); 8 U. S. C. §1226(a).
Seventh, as for those who have finished
serving their sentences (for crimes), some of those who are less
dangerous would (on the majority’s view) be held without bail the
longest, because their claims will take longer to adjudicate.
Moreover, those noncitizens would have no opportunity to obtain
while they pursue their claims, but if they
their claims, the Government must release them, typically within
six months, if the Government can find no other country willing to
take them. See
supra, at 701.
Eighth, all the respondents are held in
detention within the geographical boundaries of the United States,
either in facilities controlled by United States Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE) or in state or local jails that hold them
on ICE’s behalf. App. 302–304; see ICE, Detention Facility Locator,
online at detention-facilities (all Internet
materials as last visited Feb. 21, 2018).
Ninth, the circumstances of their
detention are similar, so far as we can tell, to those in many
prisons and jails. And in some cases the conditions of their
confinement are inappropriately poor. See Dept. of Homeland
Security (DHS), Office of Inspector General (OIG), DHS OIG
Inspection Cites Concerns With Detainee Treatment and Care at ICE
Detention Facilities (2017) (reporting instances of invasive
procedures, substandard care, and mistreatment,
indiscriminate strip searches, long waits for medical care and
hygiene products, and, in the case of one detainee, a multiday lock
down for sharing a cup of coffee with another detainee).
These record-based facts make evident what I
said at the outset: The case concerns persons whom immigration
authorities believe are not citizens and may not have a right to
enter into, or remain within, the United States. Nonetheless they
likely have a reasonable claim that they do have such a right. The
Government detains them, often for many months while it determines
the merits of, or contests, their claims. To repeat the question
before us: Does the statute entitle an individual member of one of
these classes to obtain, say, after six months of detention, a bail
hearing to decide whether he or she poses a risk of flight or
danger to the community and, if not, to receive bail?
The Constitutional Question
The majority reads the relevant statute as
prohibiting bail and hence prohibiting a bail hearing. In my view,
the relevant constitutional language, purposes, history, tradition,
and case law all make clear that the majority’s interpretation at
the very least would raise “grave doubts” about the statute’s
constitutionality. See
Jin Fuey Moy, 241 U. S., at
Consider the relevant constitutional language
and the values that language protects. The Fifth Amendment says
that “[n]o person shall be . . . deprived of life,
liberty, or property without due process of law.” An alien is a
“person.” See
Wong Wing v.
United States, 163
U. S. 228 –238 (1896). To hold him without bail is to deprive
him of bodily “liberty.” See
United States v.
Salerno, 481 U. S. 739 –751 (1987). And, where there is
no bail proceeding, there has been no bail-related “process” at
all. The Due Process Clause—itself reflecting the language of the
Magna Carta—prevents arbitrary detention. Indeed, “[f]reedom from
bodily restraint has always been at the core of the liberty
protected by the Due Process Clause from arbitrary governmental
Foucha v.
Louisiana, 504 U. S. 71, 80
(1992) ; see also
Demore v.
Kim, 538 U. S. 510,
532 (2003) (Kennedy, J., concurring);
Zadvydas, 533
U. S., at 718 (Kennedy, J., dissenting).
The Due Process Clause foresees eligibility for
bail as part of “due process.” See
supra, at
Schilb v.
Kuebel, 404 U. S. 357, 365
(1971) ;
Stack v.
Boyle, 342 U. S. 1, 4 (1951) .
Bail is “basic to our system of law.”
at 365. It not only “permits the unhampered preparation of a
defense,” but also “prevent[s] the infliction of punishment prior
to conviction.”
supra, at 4. It consequently
limits the Government’s ability to deprive a person of his physical
liberty where doing so is not needed to protect the public, see
supra, at 750–751, or to assure his
appearance at, say, a trial or the equivalent, see
supra, at 4–5. Why would this constitutional language and
its bail-related purposes not apply to members of the classes of
detained persons at issue here?
The Eighth Amendment reinforces the view that
the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause does apply. The Eighth
Amendment forbids “[e]xcessive bail.” It does so in order to
prevent bail being set so high that the level itself (rather than
the reasons that might properly forbid release on bail) prevents
provisional release. See
Carlson v.
Landon, 342
U. S. 524, 545 (1952) (explaining that the English clause from
which the Eighth Amendment was copied was understood “to provide
that bail shall not be excessive in those cases where it is proper
to grant bail”). That rationale applies
a fortiori to a
refusal to hold any bail hearing at all. Thus, it is not surprising
that this Court has held that both the Fifth Amendment’s Due
Process Clause and the Eighth Amendment’s Excessive Bail Clause
apply in cases challenging bail procedures. See,
supra, at 746–755;
supra, at 537–546.
It is clear that the Fifth Amendment’s
protections extend to “all persons within the territory of the
United States.”
Wong Wing,
supra, at 238. But the
Government suggests that those protections do not apply to asylum
seekers or other arriving aliens because the law treats arriving
aliens as if they had never entered the United States; hence they
are not held within its territory.
This last-mentioned statement is, of course,
false. All of these noncitizens are held within the territory of
the United States at an immigration detention facility. Those who
enter at JFK airport are held in immigration detention facilities
e.g., New York; those who arrive in El Paso are held in,
e.g., Texas. At most one might say that they are
“constructively” held outside the United States: the word
“constructive” signaling that we indulge in a “legal fiction,”
shutting our eyes to the truth. But once we admit to uttering a
legal fiction, we highlight, we do not answer, the relevant
Why should we engage in this legal fiction
The legal answer to this question is clear. We
cannot here engage in this legal fiction. No one can claim, nor
since the time of slavery has anyone to my knowledge successfully
claimed, that persons held within the United States are totally
without constitutional protection. Whatever the fiction, would the
Constitution leave the Government free to starve, beat, or lash
those held within our boundaries? If not, then, whatever the
fiction, how can the Constitution authorize the Government to
imprison arbitrarily those who, whatever we might pretend, are in
reality right here in the United States? The answer is that the
Constitution does not authorize arbitrary detention. And the reason
that is so is simple: Freedom from arbitrary detention is as
ancient and important a right as any found within the
Constitution’s boundaries. See
supra, at
720–721 (Kennedy, J., dissenting) (“inadmissible aliens” who are
“stopped at the border” are “entitled to be free from detention
that is arbitrary or capricious”).
The Due Process Clause, among other things,
protects “those settled usages and modes of proceeding existing in
the common and statute law of England, before the emigration of our
ancestors,” and which were brought by them to this country.
Murray’s Lessee v.
Hoboken Land & Improvement
Co., 18 How. 272, 277 (1856). A brief look at Blackstone makes
clear that at the time of the American Revolution the right to bail
was “settled”—in both civil and criminal cases.
Blackstone tells us that every prisoner (except
for a convict serving his sentence) was entitled to seek release on
bail. 4 Commentaries on the Laws of England 296–297 (1769). This
right applied in every criminal case.
Ibid. A noncapital
defendant could seek bail from a local magistrate; a capital
defendant could seek bail at a hearing before the Court of King’s
Bench. See
ibid. Although a capital defendant had no right
obtain bail, he could always
seek it, because “the
court of king’s bench . . . may bail for any crime
whatsoever, be it treason, murder, or any other offense, according
to the circumstances of the case.”
Id., at 296. And although
King Charles I initially claimed the right to hold a prisoner
without bail on secret national security grounds, see
Case, 3 How. St. Tr. 1 (K. B. 1627), Parliament responded by
extracting from the King (via the 1628 Petition of Right) a promise
to cease such detention. See 2 W. Hawkins, A Treatise of the Pleas
of the Crown 107–110 (4th ed. 1771). From then on, bail was
available even when a prisoner was held on the personal command of
the King.
Ibid. That is why Blackstone says that the King’s
Bench or its judges “may bail in any Case whatsoever,” 4 Analysis
of the Laws of England 148 (6th ed. 1771), indeed, in civil cases
too, for in Blackstone’s time some private civil cases might have
begun with an arrest. See 3 Blackstone, Commentaries 290 (1768).
And bail was likewise an alternative to detention where a judgment
debtor was unable to pay a civil judgment in the era of debtor’s
prison. See,
e.g., Beers v.
Haughton, 9 Pet. 329, 356
(1835) (explaining that under Ohio law, “if a defendant, upon a
[writ of] capias, does not give sufficient appearance bail, he
shall be committed to prison”);
Hamilton v.
1 N. H. 172 (1818).
American history makes clear that the settlers
brought this practice with them to America. The Judiciary Act of
1789 conferred rights to bail proceedings in all federal criminal
cases. §33, 1Stat. 91. It said that for a noncapital defendant
“bail shall be admitted” and for a capital defendant bail may be
admitted in the discretion of a district judge, a circuit judge, or
a Justice of the Supreme Court, taking account of “the offence, and
of the evidence, and the usages of law.”
Ibid. Congress
enacted this law during its debate over the Bill of Rights, which
it subsequently sent to the States for ratification. See 1 Annals
of Cong. 90 (1789); see also
Martin v.
Lessee, 1 Wheat. 304, 351 (1816) (Members of the First
Congress were “men of great learning and ability, . . .
who had acted a principal part in framing, supporting, or opposing”
the Constitution itself). Colonial law had been similarly, or in
some instances even more, protective. See Foote, The Coming
Constitutional Crisis in Bail: I, 113 U. Pa. L. Rev. 959,
974–977 (1965).
Similar laws have consistently remained part of
our legal tradition. In all federal criminal cases federal Acts
have provided for bail proceedings. Bail Reform Act of 1984, 18
U. S. C. §3141
et seq.; Bail Reform Act of
1966, 18 U. S. C. §3146
et seq. (1964 ed.,
Supp. II). Every State has similar or more generous laws. See
Appendix B,
Standards for granting bail have changed
somewhat over time. Initially the sole factor determining the
outcome of a bail proceeding was risk of flight. See
342 U. S., at 4–5 (interpreting the 1789 bail law, applied to
a noncapital defendant and in light of the Eighth Amendment, to
require bail no higher than required to provide “adequate
assurance” that the defendant “will stand trial and submit to
sentence if found guilty,” “based upon standards relevant to the
purpose of assuring the presence of that defendant”).
Congress gradually added community safety as a
bail factor. In 1966, Congress provided that for capital defendants
and convicted defendants pursuing appeals, bail would be granted
unless the appeal was frivolous or a court had “reason to believe
that no one or more conditions of release will reasonably assure
that the person will not flee or pose a danger to any other person
or to the community.” Bail Reform Act of 1966 §3148. In 1984,
Congress modified the bail standard for noncapital defendants by
adding concern for community safety. §3142(e)(1). This Court,
applying the Due Process Clause and the Excessive Bail Clause to
these changes, found that the 1984 Act passed constitutional
muster. See
Salerno, 481 U. S., at 746–755. Again, the
States typically apply roughly similar or more generous standards.
See Appendix B,
The cases before us, however, are not criminal
cases. Does that fact make a difference? The problem is that there
are not many instances of civil confinement (aside from immigration
detention, which I address below). Mental illness does sometimes
provide an example. Individuals dangerous to themselves or to
others may be confined involuntarily to a mental hospital. See,
United States v.
Comstock, 560
U. S. 126 (2010) ;
Kansas v.
Hendricks, 521
U. S. 346 (1997) . Those persons normally do not have what we
would call “a right to a bail hearing.” But they do possess
equivalent rights: They have the right to a hearing prior to
confinement and the right to review of the circumstances at least
annually. See
supra, at 130–131 (initial
hearing followed by review every six months);
supra, at 353 (initial hearing followed by yearly review).
And the mentally ill persons detained under these schemes are being
because they are dangerous. That being so, there
would be no point in providing a bail hearing as well. See
supra, at 748–749 (analogizing denial of
bail to dangerous individuals to the civil commitment of the
mentally ill). But there is every reason for providing a bail
proceeding to the noncitizens at issue here, because they have
received no individualized determination that they pose a risk of
flight or present a danger to others, nor is there any evidence
that most or all of them do.
This Court has also protected the right to a
bail hearing during extradition proceedings.
Wright v.
Henkel, 190 U. S. 40 (1903) , concerned the arrest and
confinement of Whitaker Wright, an American citizen, pending
extradition for a crime that Wright was accused of having committed
in Great Britain. Wright sought bail.
Id., at 43. Since the
federal bail laws applied only to those charged with committing
crimes against the United States, they did not cover Wright’s
Id., at 61–62. The relevant extradition statute
said nothing about bail.
Id., at 62. Its language (stronger
than the language at issue here) said that the individual was “to
remain” in “the proper jail” until the “surrender shall be made” to
the nation seeking extradition; and it added that he was “to
remain” in custody “until delivered up”—though after two months he
could seek release. Rev. Stat. §§5270, 5273.
In an opinion by Chief Justice Fuller, this
Court unanimously wrote that, despite the lack of express statutory
authorization and the risk of “embarrassment” to the United States
if Wright fled, Wright could seek release on bail prior to the
expiration of the 2-month period.
Wright, 190 U. S., at
62–63. Given the universal entitlement to bail under English law,
the Court was “unwilling to hold that . . . courts may
not in any case, and whatever the special circumstances, extend
that relief” to prisoners awaiting extradition.
Id., at 63.
It consequently read a
silent statute as authorizing bail
proceedings (though the Court went on to hold that, under
applicable standards, Wright’s request for bail should be denied).
The strongest basis for reading the
Constitution’s bail requirements as extending to these civil, as
well as criminal, cases, however, lies in the simple fact that the
law treats like cases alike. And reason tells us that the civil
confinement at issue here and the pretrial criminal confinement
that calls for bail are in every relevant sense identical. There is
no difference in respect to the fact of confinement itself. And I
can find no relevant difference in respect to bail-related
Which class of persons—criminal defendants or
asylum seekers—seems more likely to have acted in a manner that
typically warrants confinement? A person charged with a crime
cannot be confined at all without a finding of probable cause that
he or she committed the crime. And the majority of criminal
defendants lose their cases. See Dept. of Justice, Bureau of
Justice Statistics, B. Reaves, Felony Defendants in Large Urban
Counties, 2009–Statistical Tables, p. 24 (Dec. 2013) (reporting
that 66% of felony defendants were convicted). A high percentage of
the noncitizens before us, however, ultimately win the right they
seek, the right to be in the United States.
Nor am I aware of any evidence indicating that
the noncitizens seeking to enter, or to remain within, the United
States are more likely than criminal defendants to threaten the
safety of the community if released. In any event, this is a matter
to be determined, case by case, at bail hearings.
Which group is more likely to present a risk of
flight? Again, I can find no evidence suggesting that asylum
seekers or other noncitizens generally present a greater risk of
flight than persons imprisoned for trial where there is probable
cause to believe that the confined person has committed a crime. In
any event, this matter too is to be determined, case by case, at
bail hearings.
If there is no reasonable basis for treating
these confined noncitizens worse than ordinary defendants charged
with crimes, 18 U. S. C. §3142; worse than convicted
criminals appealing their convictions, §3143(b); worse than civilly
committed citizens,
supra, at 10–11; worse than identical
noncitizens found elsewhere within the United States,
at 4; and worse than noncitizens who have committed crimes, served
their sentences, and been definitively ordered removed (but lack a
country willing to take them),
supra, at 4, their detention
without bail is arbitrary. Thus, the constitutional language,
purposes, and tradition that require bail in instances of criminal
confinement also very likely require bail in these instances of
civil confinement. That perhaps is why Blackstone wrote that the
law provides for the possibility of “bail in any case whatsoever.”
4 Analysis of the Laws of England, at 148.
My examination of the cases from this Court
that considered detention of noncitizens and bail suggests that
this Court, while sometimes denying bail to individuals, generally
has not held that bail proceedings are unnecessary. Indeed, it
almost always has suggested the contrary.
1. In 1882 Congress enacted two laws that
restricted immigration: The first prohibited the entry of “Chinese
laborers.” The Chinese Exclusion Act, ch. 126, 22Stat. 58. The
second prohibited the entry of “any convict, lunatic, idiot, or any
person unable to take care of himself or herself without becoming a
public charge.” Act of Aug. 3, 1882, 22Stat. 214. Neither said a
word about bail. But in one instance, an excluded Chinese woman was
detained in jail in San Francisco pending her return to China. She
sought bail.
In re Ah Moy, 21 F. 808 (CC Cal. 1884). Justice
Field, sitting as a Circuit Judge, wrote that the court lacked the
authority to order bail because doing so would allow her to enter
the United States—just what the statute forbade.
Id., at
809. The other sitting Circuit Judge (Judge Sawyer) disagreed.
Id., at 810 (dissenting opinion). He pointed out that the
alien would remain “in the custody and control of the law while
lawfully on bail.”
Ibid. He added that it “would be a great
hardship, not to say a gross violation of her personal rights,” to
refuse bail for 15 days before her ship arrived as long as she
could provide “security satisfactory to the court” that she would
indeed depart when it did.
Id., at 809–810. Two other
Circuit Judges noted their agreement with Judge Sawyer.
at 809, n. 1. But they did not participate in the case,
ibid., the two participating judges split 1 to 1, and so the
views of presiding Justice Field prevailed. The alien appealed to
this Court,
Cheong Ah Moy v.
United States, 113
U. S. 216 (1885) , but before this Court could decide, the
ship departed with Cheong Ah Moy aboard.
2. In
Wong Wing v.
United States,
163 U. S. 228 (1896) , the Court struck down as
unconstitutional a statute that said alien Chinese laborers should
be “imprisoned at hard labor” for up to a year before being
Id., at 235. In doing so, the Court wrote that
although a sentence to hard labor was unlawful, “detention, or
temporary confinement,” was constitutional, because “[d]etention is
a usual feature of every case of arrest on a criminal charge, even
when an innocent person is wrongfully accused.”
Ibid. But an
analogy to criminal detention is an analogy to instances in which
bail hearings are required.
3. In
Tod v.
Waldman, 266
U. S. 113 (1924) , the Waldman family, like many of the
respondents here, challenged their exclusion. They had arrived at
Ellis Island fleeing religious persecution in Ukraine. They were
detained because the immigration inspector believed the mother
illiterate, one of the daughters disabled, and the whole family
likely to become public charges. They appealed to the Labor
Department, which ordered Mrs. Waldman retested for literacy,
requiring her to read both Yiddish and Hebrew. She could not. She
then petitioned for a writ of habeas corpus on the grounds that (1)
as a religious refugee she was exempt from the literacy
requirement; (2) in any event, she need read only one language, not
two; (3) her daughter was not disabled; and (4) the Department of
Labor should have allowed her to appeal administratively.
Id., at 114–115.
The relevant statutory provisions, just like the
present statute, see
infra, at 20, 29, said that an arriving
person, unless “clearly and beyond a doubt entitled” to land,
shall be detained for examination . . . by a
board of special inquiry.” Act of Feb. 5, 1917, §16, 39Stat. 886
(emphasis added). By the time the case reached this Court, however,
the family had been allowed bail. See
Waldman, 266
U. S., at 117. This Court ordered the Department of Labor to
provide the family with an administrative appeal. Then, after
initially “remand[ing] the petitioners to the custody of
immigration authorities” pending the outcome of the appeal,
id., at 120, the Court clarified in a rehearing order that
“[n]othing in the order of this Court shall prejudice an
application for release on bail of the respondents pending
compliance with the mandate of this Court.”
Tod v.
Waldman, 266 U. S. 547 (1925). This statement is
inconsistent with the earlier opinion of Justice Field, sitting as
a Circuit Judge, because it shows that even an alien challenging
her exclusion could be released on bail.
Supra, at 14.
4. In
Carlson v.
Landon, 342
U. S. 524 (1952) , this Court upheld the denial of bail to
noncitizen Communists being held pending deportation, despite a
statute that permitted bail proceedings.
Id., at 541–546. It
did so because it considered the individuals to be a risk to
security. It said nothing to suggest that bail proceedings were
5. In
Shaughnessy v.
United States ex
rel. Mezei, 345 U. S. 206 (1953) , the Attorney General
had ordered a noncitizen permanently excluded from the United
States on the ground that his “entry would be prejudicial to the
public interest for security reasons.”
Id., at 208; see
Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950, §§22–23, 64Stat.
1006–1012. He “sat on Ellis Island because this country shut him
out and others were unwilling to take him in.” 345 U. S., at
209. After 21 months in confinement he filed a petition for a writ
of habeas corpus seeking judicial review of the exclusion decision
or release on bail until he could be removed to another country.
Id., at 207, 209. This Court refused to review the exclusion
decision on the ground that the security matter fell totally within
the President’s authority, pursuant to an express congressional
delegation of power.
Id., at 210. The Court also denied
Mezei a bail proceeding because in an “exclusion proceeding
grounded on danger to the national security . . . neither
the rationale nor the statutory authority for” release on bail
Id., at 216. It denied bail, however,
the Attorney General had already found, on an individualized basis,
not only that Mezei was a security risk and consequently not
entitled to either admission or bail, but also that he could be
denied a hearing on the matter because the basis for that decision
could not be disclosed without harm to national security.
Id., at 208–209. The respondents in this case have been the
subject of no such individualized findings. And unlike Mezei, who
was requesting bail after his exclusion proceedings had ended
(while the Attorney General searched for a country that would take
him—a matter that we again confronted in
Zadvydas), the
respondents here continue to litigate the lawfulness of their
exclusion itself. Thus, Mezei, but not the respondents here, was in
a sense in the position of a convicted criminal who had lost his
appeal, not a criminal awaiting trial (or the results of an
Zadvydas v.
Davis, 533
U. S. 678 (2001) , concerned a noncitizen who had lawfully
resided in this country, committed a serious crime, completed his
prison sentence, and was then ordered deported.
Id., at 684.
Zadvydas sought release on bail during the time the Government
searched for a country that would take him.
Id., at 684–685.
The governing statute said an alien such as Zadvydas “may be
detained” pending his removal to another country. 8
U. S. C. §1231(a)(6). We interpreted those words as
requiring release from detention once it became clear that there
was “no significant likelihood of removal in the reasonably
foreseeable future”—presumptively after a period of confinement of
six months. 533 U. S., at 701. We read the statute as
requiring this release because a “statute permitting indefinite
detention of an alien would raise a serious constitutional
Id., at 690.
From a constitutional perspective, this case
a fortiori from
Zadvydas. Here only a bail
hearing is at issue, not release on bail, much less permanent
release. And here there has been no final determination that any of
the respondents lacks a legal right to stay in the United
States—the bail hearing at issue concerns conditional release
pending that final determination. It is immaterial that detention
here is not literally indefinite, because while the respondents’
removal proceedings must end eventually, they last an indeterminate
period of at least six months and a year on average, thereby
implicating the same constitutional right against prolonged
arbitrary detention that we recognized in
7. In
Demore v.
Kim, 538
U. S. 510 (2003) , we held that the Government could
constitutionally hold without bail noncitizens who had committed
certain crimes, had completed their sentences, and were in removal
proceedings. See §1226(c). But we based our holding on the
short-term nature of the confinement necessary to complete
proceedings. See
id., at 529–530. The Court wrote that the
“detention at stake . . . lasts roughly a month and a
half in the vast majority of cases in which it is invoked, and
about five months in the minority of cases in which the alien
chooses to appeal.”
Id., at 530. We added:
“[I]n 85% of the cases in which aliens are
detained [ pursuant to the relevant statute], removal
proceedings are completed in an average time of 47 days and a
median of 30 days. In the remaining 15% of cases, in which the
alien appeals the decision of the immigration judge to the Board of
Immigration Appeals, appeal takes an average of four months, with a
median time that is slightly shorter.”
Id., at 529 (citation
Demore himself, an outlier, was detained for six
Id., at 530–531.
The Court then found detention constitutional
“during the limited period” necessary to arrange for removal, and
we contrasted that period of detention with the detention at issue
Zadvydas, referring to the detention in
Demore as
being “of a much shorter duration.” 538 U. S., at 526, 528.
Justice Kennedy stated in a concurrence that the Due Process Clause
might require bail hearings “if the continued detention became
unreasonable or unjustified.”
Id., at 532. Dissenting, I
wrote that, had I believed that Demore “had conceded that he [was]
deportable,” then, despite
Zadvydas, “I would conclude that
the Government could detain him without bail for the few weeks
ordinarily necessary for formal entry of a removal order.” 538
U. S., at 576 (opinion concurring in part and dissenting in
The Government now tells us that the statistics
it gave to the Court in
Demore were wrong. Detention
normally lasts twice as long as the Government then said it did.
And, as I have pointed out, thousands of people here are held for
considerably longer than six months without an opportunity to seek
bail. See
supra, at 3. We deal here with prolonged
detention, not the short-term detention at issue in
Demore, itself a deviation from the history and
tradition of bail and alien detention, cannot help the
The upshot is the following: The Constitution’s
language, its basic purposes, the relevant history, our tradition,
and many of the relevant cases point in the same interpretive
direction. They tell us that an interpretation of the statute
before us that would deny bail proceedings where detention is
prolonged would likely mean that the statute violates the
Constitution. The interpretive principle that flows from this
conclusion is clear and longstanding: “ ‘[A]s between two
possible interpretations of a statute, by one of which it would be
unconstitutional and by the other valid, our plain duty is to adopt
that which will save the Act.’ ”
Rust v.
Sullivan, 500 U. S. 173, 190 (1991) (quoting
Blodgett v.
Holden, 275 U. S. 142, 148 (1927)
(opinion of Holmes, J.)). Moreover, a “statute must be construed,
if fairly possible, so as to avoid not only the conclusion that it
is unconstitutional, but also grave doubts upon that score.”
Fuey Moy, 241 U. S., at 401. These legal principles
reflect a realistic assumption, namely, that Congress—particularly
a Congress that did not consider a constitutional matter—would
normally have preferred a constitutional interpretation to an
interpretation that may render a statute an unconstitutional
nullity. And that is so even where the constitutional
interpretation departs from the most natural reading of the
statute’s language. See
Edward J. DeBartolo Corp. v.
Florida Gulf Coast Building & Constr. Trades Council,
485 U. S. 568, 575 (1988) ; see also
National Federation of
Independent Business v.
Sebelius, 567 U. S. 519
–576 (2012) (majority opinion and opinion of Roberts,
C. J.).
The Statutory Provisions
The question remains whether it is possible to
read the statute as authorizing bail. As desirable as a
constitutional interpretation of a statute may be, we cannot read
it to say the opposite of what its language states. The word
“animal” does not include minerals, no matter how strongly one
might wish that it did. Indeed, where “ ‘Congress has made its
intent in the statute clear, we must give effect to that
intent,’ ” even if doing so requires us to consider the
constitutional question, and even if doing so means that we hold
the statute unconstitutional.
Zadvydas, 533 U. S., at
696 (quoting
Miller v.
French, 530 U. S. 327,
336 (2000) ). In my view, however, we can, and should, read the
relevant statutory provisions to require bail proceedings in
instances of prolonged detention without doing violence to the
statutory language or to the provisions’ basic purposes.
Asylum Seekers
The relevant provision governing the first
class of noncitizens, the asylum seekers, is §1225(b)(1)(B)(ii). It
says that, if an immigration “officer determines at the time” of an
initial interview with an alien seeking to enter the United States
“that [the] alien has a credible fear of persecution
. . . , the alien
shall be detained for
further consideration of the application for asylum.” See Appendix
infra. I have emphasized the three key words, namely,
“shall be detained.” Do those words mean that the asylum seeker
must be detained without bail?
They do not.
First, in ordinary English
and in light of the history of bail, the word “detain” is ambiguous
in respect to the relevant point. The Oxford English Dictionary
(OED), surveying the history of the word, notes that Edward Hall, a
famous 16th-century legal scholar and author of Hall’s Chronicle,
wrote: “A traytor . . . is apprehended and deteigned in
prisone for his offence,” a use of the word, as we know from
Blackstone, that is consistent with bail. See
supra, at 8–9;
OED (3d ed., Dec. 2012),
(annot. to def. 1). David Hume, the famous 18th-century historian
and philosopher, writes of being “detained in strict confinement,”
thereby implying the existence of detention without strict
Ibid. A 19th-century novelist writes,
“ ‘Beg your pardon, sir,’ said the constable, . . .
‘I shall be obliged to detain you till this business is
settled’ ”—again a use of “detain” that we know (from
Blackstone) is consistent with bail.
Ibid. And the OED
concludes that the primary meaning of “detain” is “[t]o keep in
or under restraint; to keep prisoner.”
Ibid. (emphasis added). To grant bail, we know, is not to
grant unrestrained freedom. Rather, where the Act elsewhere
expressly permits bail, it requires “bond of at least $1,500 with
security approved by, and containing conditions prescribed by, the
Attorney General.” 8 U. S. C. §1226(a)(2)(A). Similarly
in the criminal context, bail imposes numerous restraints, ranging
from the provision of a bond, to restrictions on residences and
travel, to the imposition of a curfew, to a requirement to obtain
medical treatment, to report at regular intervals, or even to
return to custody at specified hours. See 18 U. S. C.
§3142(c)(1)(B) (listing possible conditions for the pretrial
release of federal criminal defendants).
At the very least, because the word “detain” in
this context refers to a comparatively long period of time, it can
readily coexist with a word such as “bail” that refers to a shorter
period of conditional release. For instance, there is nothing
inconsistent in saying: During his exile, he was permitted to pay
short visits to his home country; during the period of active
hostilities, the soldiers would lay down their arms and fraternize
on Christmas Day; during his overseas detention, he was allowed
home to see his sick mother; or during his detention pending
proceedings, he was permitted bail.
Second, our precedent treats the
statutory word “detain” as consistent with bail. In
266 U. S. 547 , we considered an immigration statute that
stated (in respect to
arriving aliens) that “[e]very alien
who may not appear to the examining inspector at the port of
arrival to be clearly and beyond a doubt entitled to land
be detained for examination in relation thereto by a board of
special inquiry.” Act of Feb. 5, 1917, §16, 39Stat. 886 (emphasis
added). The Court indicated that bail was available, stating that
“[n]othing in the order of this court shall prejudice an
application for release on bail.” 266 U. S., at 548. In so
stating, the Court was simply following precedent, such as
Wright v.
Henkel, where the Court wrote that bail is
available even where not “specifically vested by statute.” 190
U. S., at 63; see
supra, at 11–12. When Congress passed
the relevant provisions of the Act in 1996, it legislated against
this historical backdrop, at a time when the precise language that
it adopted had been interpreted by this Court to permit bail. See
Monessen Southwestern R. Co. v.
Morgan, 486
U. S. 330, 338 (1988) (“Congress’ failure to disturb a
consistent judicial interpretation of a statute may provide some
indication that ‘Congress at least acquiesces in, and apparently
affirms, that [interpretation]’ ” (quoting
Cannon v.
University of Chicago, 441 U. S. 677, 703 (1979)
Third, the Board of Immigration Appeals
reads the word “detain” as consistent with bail, for it has held
that its regulations, implementing the same statutory provision as
is before us, allow bail for asylum seekers who are apprehended
inside the United States within 100 miles of the border, rather
than at a border crossing. See
In re X-K-, 23
I. & N. Dec., at 732, 734–735 (discussing 8 CFR
§1003.19(h)(2)(i) (2004)). The same statute, same language applies
to the detention of those asylum seekers and the ones before us, so
the statute must be consistent with bail in the Board of
Immigration Appeals’ view.
Fourth, in
Zadvydas we found (to
avoid similar constitutional questions) that the words “ ‘may
be detained’ ” were consistent with requiring release from
long-term detention. 533 U. S.
, at 682 (quoting 8
U. S. C. §1231(a)(6)). The majority correctly notes that
here the language substitutes the word “shall” for the word “may.”
Ante, at 14–16. But the majority is wrong to distinguish
Zadvydas on this basis. There the Court did not emphasize
the word “detain,” for the question at issue was release from
detention. And the key word was consequently “may,” suggesting
discretion. Here the question concerns the right to a bail hearing
during detention. And the key linguistic ambiguity concerns the
word “detention.” Is that word consistent with bail proceedings?
The answer, for the reasons I have stated, is “yes.”
Fifth, the statute does not even mention
long-term detention without bail. Whether the statute speaks in
terms of discretion (“may,” as in
Zadvydas) or mandatory
action (“shall,” as in this case), the Government’s argument is
wrong for the same reason: Congress does not unambiguously
authorize long-term detention without bail by failing to say when
detention must end. As we recognized in
Zadvydas, Congress
anticipated long-term detention elsewhere in the Act, providing for
review every six months of terrorist aliens detained under 8
U. S. C. §1537(b)(2)(C), but it did not do so here. See
533 U. S., at 697.
Sixth, the Act provides that an asylum
applicant whose proceedings last longer than six months may be
given work authorization. §1158(d)(2). The majority would apply
this provision to some asylum applicants but not the ones before
Ante, at 26, n. 6. Of course, the statute does not
contain that limitation. Read most naturally, the provision offers
some indication that Congress, in the same statute, did not require
asylum seekers to remain confined without bail at the 6-month
Seventh, there is a separate statutory
provision that purports to do precisely what the majority says this
one does, providing that certain aliens “shall be detained
. . .
until removed.” §1225(b)(1)(B)(iii)(IV)
(emphasis added);
ante, at 16 (detention must continue until
proceedings “have finished”). The problem for the majority is that
this other provision applies only to those who, unlike the
respondents, have no credible fear of persecution. The provision
that applies here lacks similar language.
Linguistic ambiguity, while necessary, is not
sufficient. I would also ask whether the statute’s purposes suggest
a congressional refusal to permit bail where confinement is
prolonged. The answer is “no.” There is nothing in the statute or
in the legislative history that reveals any such congressional
intent. The most likely reason for its absence is that Congress,
like the Government when it appeared before us in
believed there were no such instances, or at least that there were
very few. Indeed, the Act suggests that asylum proceedings
ordinarily finish quickly. See §1158(d)(5)(A) (providing that
absent “exceptional circumstances,” final administrative
adjudication (not including appeal) must be completed “within 180
days,” and any appeal must be filed “within 30 days” of the
decision). And for those proceedings that last longer than six
months, we know that two-thirds of asylum seekers win their cases.
Thus, legislative silence suggests not disapproval of bail, but a
lack of consideration of the matter. For present purposes that is
sufficient. It means that Congress did not intend to forbid bail.
An interpretation that permits bail—based upon history, tradition,
statutory context, and precedent—is consistent, not inconsistent,
with what Congress intended the statutory provision to do.
The majority apparently finds a contrary purpose
in the fact that other provisions of the statute permit the
Attorney General to release an alien on parole “ ‘for urgent
humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit’ ” and
impose bail-like conditions.
Ante, at 16–17 (discussing 8
U. S. C. §1182(d)(5)(A)). Yet under the majority’s
interpretation of “detain,” the same argument could have been made
Zadvydas. We held that noncitizens presumptively are
entitled to release after six months of detention, notwithstanding
an available alternative avenue for relief, namely, bail. 533
U. S., at 683. There is no reason to reach a different result
here. While the Government historically used this provision to take
account of traditional bail factors (flight risk, safety risk), the
President since issued an Executive Order directing parole to be
granted “in all circumstances only when an individual demonstrates
urgent humanitarian reasons or a significant public benefit.” Exec.
Order. No. 13767, 82 Fed. Reg. 8793 (2017). And besides, Congress’
provision of parole to permit, for example, release for the purpose
of medical care or to testify in a court proceeding—which
to the circumstances under which a noncitizen can be released
from confinement—says nothing about whether Congress intended to
cut back on those circumstances in respect to the meaning of
“detain” and the historical understanding that detention permits
Criminals Who Have Served Their
The relevant statutory provision, §1226(c),
says in paragraph (1) that the “Attorney General shall
take into
cus- tody any alien who . . . is deportable [or
inadmissible] by reason of having committed [certain crimes] when
the alien is released,” presumably (or ordinarily) after having
served his sentence. It then goes on to say, in paragraph (2), that
the “Attorney General
may release [that] alien
. . . only if the Attorney General decides pursuant
to section 3521 of title 18 that release of the alien from custody
is necessary to provide protection to a witness [or to certain
related others].” See Appendix A–2,
I have emphasized the relevant phrases: “take
into custody” in the first paragraph, and “may release [that] alien
. . . only if” in the second paragraph. We have long
interpreted “in custody” as “not requir[ing] that a prisoner be
physically confined.”
Maleng v.
Cook, 490 U. S.
488, 491 (1989) (
per curiam). In the habeas context, we have
held that “a person released on bail or on his own recognizance” is
“ ‘in custody’ within the meaning of the statute.”
Hensley v.
Municipal Court, San Jose-Milpitas Judicial
Santa Clara Cty., 411 U. S. 345, 349 (1973)
Justices of Boston Municipal Court v.
Lydon, 466
U. S. 294 –301 (1984) (same). The reason is simple, as I
already have explained,
supra, at 21: A person who is
released on bail “is subject to restraints ‘not shared by the
public gener- ally.’ ”
supra, at 351
Jones v.
Cunningham, 371 U. S. 236, 240
(1963) ); see also
supra, at 491 (“[A]
prisoner who had been placed on parole was still ‘in
custody’ ” because his “release from physical confinement
. . . was not unconditional; instead, it was explicitly
conditioned on his reporting regularly to his parole officer,
remaining in a particular community, residence, and job, and
refraining from certain activities” (citing
supra, at 242)).
Moreover, there is no reason to interpret
“custody” differently than “detain.” The OED defines “custody” as
“[t]he state of being detained,”
Entry/46305 (def. 5). “Detained,” as I have previously pointed out,
can be read consistently with bail. See
supra, at 20–23. The
OED also defines the statutory phrase, “take (a person) into
custody,” as “to arrest and imprison (a person),” (def. 5). And we know from the
history, tradition, case law, and other sources earlier discussed,
including Blackstone, that arresting and imprisoning a person is
consistent with a bail hearing and a subsequent grant of bail, even
where a statute contains words such as “commitment” or “detain.”
supra, at 5–19 (citing,
e.g., Wright, 190
U. S., at 62 (reading as consistent with a bail proceeding the
statutory language “ ‘shall issue [a] warrant for the
commitment . . . to the proper jail, there to
remain’ ” until “ ‘surrender’ ” for
But what about the second phrase, stating that
the Attorney General “may release [that] alien . . .
only if the Attorney General decides pursuant to section
3521 of title 18 that release of the alien from custody is
necessary to provide protection to a witness”? Does the presence of
the words “only if” show that the statute automatically denies bail
for any other reason?
It does not. That is because the phrase has
nothing to do with bail. It has to do with a special program, the
Witness Protection Program, set forth in 18 U. S. C.
§3521. That program allows the Attorney General to relocate the
witness, to give him an entirely new identity, to help his family
similarly, and to pay him a stipend, among other things.
§§3521(a)(1), (b)(1). The Attorney General may “take such action as
[he] determines to be necessary to protect the person,” presumably
even free the witness from whatever obligations might require him
to report to an immigration or judicial authority. §3521(b)(1).
Accordingly, when the Attorney General “release[s]” an alien under
8 U. S. C. §1226(c)(2), he does not grant bail; he may
well do far more, freeing the witness from a host of obligations
and restraints, including those many obligations and restraints
that accompany bail. See
supra, at 21.
This understanding of “release” in §1226(c) is
consistent with the OED’s definition of “release” as “to free from
restraint” or even “to liberate from . . . an obligation”
(not simply “to free from . . . captivity”), view/Entry/161859 (def. 6(a)). And it is
consistent with our earlier reading of the word “detain.”
Supra, at 20–24. Following the OED’s definition of “detain”
as “
under restraint,” we have understood the word
“detention” to include the state of being “under” those
“restraints” that typically accompany bail.
Supra, at 20–24.
That is to say, both the individual on bail and the individual not
on bail are “detained”; and the Attorney General, through his
Witness Protection Program powers can free the individual from
both. To repeat: The provision at issue means that the Attorney
General “may release” the detained person from the restraints that
accompany detainment—whether that individual has been detained
with, or without, bail.
So understood the phrase has nothing to do with
the issue before us: whether a confined individual is, or is not,
entitled to bail or a bail hearing. It simply means that the
Attorney General cannot free that person from all, or most,
restraining conditions (including those that accompany bail) unless
the alien is placed in the Witness Protection Program. So read, the
words “only if” neither favor nor disfavor a reading of the statute
consistent with the right to a bail proceeding.
The purpose-related reasons that argue for a
bail-favorable reading are also applicable here. Congress did not
consider the problem of long-term detention. It wrote the statute
with brief detention in mind. See H. R. Rep. No. 104–469, pt.
1, p. 123, and n. 25 (1996) (stating that the “average stay [was]
28 days”). Congress did not know (for apparently the Government did
not know in
Demore) that the average length of detention for
this class would turn out to be about a year. Nor did Congress
necessarily know that about 40% of class members eventually obtain
the right to remain in the United States.
I should add that reading the statute as denying
bail to those whose detention is prolonged is anomalous. Those
whose removal is legally or factually questionable could be
imprisoned indefinitely while the matter is being decided. Those
whose removal is not questionable (for they are under a final
removal order) could be further imprisoned for no more than six
months. See
supra, at 4, 17. In fact, even before our
decision in
Zadvydas, the Government gave bail hearings to
noncitizens under a final order of removal after six months of
detention. See 533 U. S., at 683.
Other Applicants for Admission
The statutory provision that governs the third
category of noncitizens seeking admission at the border is
§1225(b)(2)(A). It says that “if the examining immigration officer
determines that an alien seeking admission is not clearly and
beyond a doubt entitled to be admitted, the alien shall be detained
for a proceeding under section 1229a of this title.” See Appendix
The Government tells us that this miscellaneous
cate- gory consists of persons who are neither (1) clearly eligible
for admission, nor (2) clearly ineligible. Pet. for Cert. 3–4. A
clearly eligible person is, of course, immediately admitted. A
clearly ineligible person—someone who lacks the required documents,
or provides fraudulent ones—is “removed . . . without
further hearing or review.” §1225(b)(1)(A)(i); see §§1182(a)(6)(C),
(a)(7). But where the matter is not clear,
i.e., where the
immigration officer determines that an alien “is not clearly and
beyond a doubt entitled to be admitted,” he is detained for a re-
moval proceeding. §1225(b)(2)(A). Like all respondents, this class
has been detained for at least six months. It may include persons
returning to the United States who have work permits or other
documents seemingly entitling them to entry, but whom an
immigration officer suspects are inadmissible for some other
reason, such as because they may have incomplete vaccinations or
have committed student visa abuse or a crime of “moral turpitude.”
See §1182(a) (delineating classes of aliens ineligible for
admission). For instance, the Federal Register is replete with
examples of offenses that immigration authorities have thought are
crimes of moral turpitude but that the courts of appeals later
determine are not. See,
e.g., Goldeshtein v.
INS, 8
F. 3d 645, 648 (CA9 1993) (structuring financial transactions
to avoid currency reports);
Nunez v.
Holder, 594
F. 3d 1124, 1138 (CA9 2010) (indecent exposure). It also may
include individuals who claim citizenship by virtue of birth or
parentage but who lack documents clearly proving their claim.
The critical statutory words are the same as
those I have just discussed in the context of the asylum
seekers—“shall be detained.” There is no more plausible reason here
than there was there to believe those words foreclose bail. See
supra, at 20–24. The constitutional considerations, the
statutory language, and the purposes underlying the statute are
virtually the same. Thus, the result should be the same: Given the
constitutional considerations, we should interpret the statute as
permitting bail.
The majority concludes in Part V,
at 29–31, by saying that, before considering bail-related
constitutional arguments, the lower courts “should reexamine
whether respondents can continue litigating their claims as a
Ante, at 29. Relying on dicta in
Reno v.
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Comm., 525 U. S. 471
(1999) (
AADC), it then suggests that the respondents may not
be able to continue litigating because the Act says that
“no court (other than the Supreme Court)
shall have jurisdiction or authority to enjoin or restrain the
operation [of the statutory provisions here at issue] other than
with respect to the application of such provi- sions to an
individual alien against whom proceedings under such part have been
initiated.” 8 U. S. C. §1252(f )(1).
Were the majority’s suggestion correct as to
this jurisdictional question, it would have shown, at most, that we
should decide the constitutional question here and now. We have
already asked for and received briefs on that question. But I do
not believe the majority is correct. Every member of the classes
before us falls within the provision’s exception. Every one of them
is an “individual alien against whom proceedings under such part
have been initiated.”
Ibid. The Court in
AADC did not
con- sider, and had no reason to consider, the application of
§1252(f)(1) to such a class. Regardless, a court could order
declaratory relief. Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23(b)(2)
permits a class action where “final injunctive relief or
corresponding declaratory relief is appropriate respecting
the class as a whole.” (Emphasis added.) And the Advisory Committee
says that declaratory relief can fall within the Rule’s term
“corresponding” if it “serves as a basis for later injunctive
relief.” Notes on Rule 23(b)(2)–1966 Amendment, 28
U. S. C. App., p. 812.
Jurisdiction also is unaffected by 8
U. S. C. §1252(b)(9), which by its terms applies only
“[w]ith respect to review of an order of removal under
[§1252(a)(1)].” §1252(b). Respondents challenge their detention
without bail, not an order of removal.
Neither does
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v.
Dukes, 564 U. S. 338 (2011) , bar these class actions.
Every member of each class seeks the same relief (a bail hearing),
every member has been denied that relief, and the differences in
situation among members of the class are not relevant to their
entitlement to a bail hearing.
At a minimum I can find nothing in the statute
or in the cases to which the majority refers that would prevent the
respondents from pursuing their action, obtaining a declaratory
judgment, and then using that judgment to obtain relief, namely, a
bail hearing, in an individual case. Thus, I believe the lower
courts are free to consider the constitutionality of the relevant
statutory provisions as the majority now interprets them.
The relevant constitutional language,
purposes, history, traditions, context, and case law, taken
together, make it likely that, where confinement of the noncitizens
before us is prolonged (presumptively longer than six months), bail
proceedings are constitutionally required. Given this serious
constitutional problem, I would interpret the statutory provisions
before us as authorizing bail. Their language permits that reading,
it furthers their basic purposes, and it is consistent with the
history, tradition, and constitutional values associated with bail
proceedings. I believe that those bail proceedings should take
place in accordance with customary rules of procedure and burdens
of proof rather than the special rules that the Ninth Circuit
The bail questions before us are technical but
at heart they are simple. We need only recall the words of the
Declaration of Independence, in particular its insistence that
all men and women have “certain unalienable Rights,” and
that among them is the right to “Liberty.” We need merely remember
that the Constitution’s Due Process Clause protects each person’s
liberty from arbitrary deprivation. And we need just keep in mind
the fact that, since Blackstone’s time and long before, liberty has
included the right of a confined person to seek release on bail. It
is neither technical nor unusually difficult to read the words of
these statutes as consistent with this basic right. I would find it
far more difficult, indeed, I would find it alarming, to believe
that Congress wrote these statutory words in order to put thousands
of individuals at risk of lengthy confinement all within the United
States but all without hope of bail. I would read the statutory
words as consistent with, indeed as requiring protection of, the
basic right to seek bail.
Because the majority does not do so, with
respect, I dissent.
Statute Applicable to Asylum Seekers
8 U. S. C. §1225. “Inspection by
immigration officers; expedited removal of inadmissible arriving
aliens; referral for hearing
. . . . .
“(b) Inspection of applicants for
“(1) Inspection of aliens arriving in the United
States and certain other aliens who have not been admitted or
“(A) Screening
“(i) In general
“If an immigration officer determines that an
alien (other than an alien described in subparagraph (F)) who is
arriving in the United States or is described in clause (iii) is
inadmissible under section 1182(a)(6)(C) or 1182(a)(7) of this
title, the officer shall order the alien removed from the United
States without further hearing or review unless the alien indicates
either an intention to apply for asylum under section 1158 of this
title or a fear of persecution.
“(ii) Claims for asylum
“If an immigration officer determines that an
alien (other than an alien described in subparagraph (F)) who is
arriving in the United States or is described in clause (iii) is
inadmissible under section 1182(a)(6)(C) or 1182(a)(7) of this
title and the alien indicates either an intention to apply for
asylum under section 1158 of this title or a fear of persecution,
the officer shall refer the alien for an interview by an asylum
officer under subparagraph (B).
. . . . .
“(B) Asylum interviews
“(i) Conduct by asylum officers
“An asylum officer shall conduct interviews of
aliens referred under subparagraph (A)(ii), either at a port of
entry or at such other place designated by the Attorney
“(ii) Referral of certain aliens
“If the officer determines at the time of the
interview that an alien has a credible fear of persecution (within
the meaning of clause (v)), the alien
shall be detained for
further consideration of the application for asylum.” (Emphasis
Statute Applicable to Criminal Aliens
8 U. S. C. §1226. “Apprehension and
detention of aliens
“(a) Arrest, detention, and release
“On a warrant issued by the Attorney General, an
alien may be arrested and detained pending a decision on whether
the alien is to be removed from the United States. Except as
provided in subsection (c) of this section and pending such
decision, the Attorney General—
“(1) may continue to detain the arrested alien;
“(2) may release the alien on—
bond of at least $1,500 with
security approved by, and containing conditions prescribed by, the
Attorney General; or
“(B) conditional parole;
. . . . .
“(c) Detention of criminal aliens
“(1) Custody
“The Attorney General
shall take into
custody any alien who—
“(A) is inadmissible by reason of having
committed any offense covered in section 1182(a)(2) of this
“(B) is deportable by reason of having committed
any offense covered in section 1227(a)(2)(A)(ii), (A)(iii), (B),
(C), or (D) of this title,
“(C) is deportable under section
1227(a)(2)(A)(i) of this title on the basis of an offense for which
the alien has been sentence[d] to a term of imprisonment of at
least 1 year, or
“(D) is inadmissible under section 1182(a)(3)(B)
of this title or deportable under section 1227(a)(4)(B) of this
“when the alien is released, without regard to
whether the alien is released on parole, supervised release, or
probation, and without regard to whether the alien may be arrested
or imprisoned again for the same offense.
“(2) Release
“The Attorney General
may release an
alien described in paragraph (1)
only if the Attorney
General decides
pursuant to section 3521 of title 18 that
release of the alien from custody is necessary to provide
protection to a witness, a potential witness, a person cooperating
with an investigation into major criminal activity, or an immediate
family member or close associate of a witness, potential witness,
or person cooperating with such an investigation, and the alien
satisfies the Attorney General that the alien will not pose a
danger to the safety of other persons or of property and is likely
to appear for any scheduled proceeding. A decision relating to such
release shall take place in accordance with a procedure that
considers the severity of the offense committed by the alien.”
(Emphasis added.)
Statute Applicable to Miscellaneous Applicants
for Admission
8 U. S. C. §1225. “Inspection by
immigration officers; expedited removal of inadmissible arriving
aliens; referral for hearing
. . . . .
“(b) Inspection of applicants for
. . . . .
“(2) Inspection of other aliens
“(A) In general
“Subject to subparagraphs (B) and (C), in the
case of an alien who is an applicant for admission, if the
examining immigration officer determines that an alien seeking
admission is not clearly and beyond a doubt entitled to be
admitted, the alien
shall be detained for a proceeding under
section 1229a of this title.
“(B) Exception
“Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to an
“(i) who is a crewman,
“(ii) to whom paragraph (1) applies, or
“(iii) who is a stowaway.
“(C) Treatment of aliens arriving from
contiguous territory
“In the case of an alien described in
subparagraph (A) who is arriving on land (whether or not at a
designated port of arrival) from a foreign territory contiguous to
the United States, the Attorney General may return the alien to
that territory pending a proceeding under section 1229a of this
title.” (Emphasis added.)
State Bail Law