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No. 14–1175
on writ of certiorari to the supreme court of
[April 19, 2016]
Justice Breyer delivered the opinion of the
Nevada v.
Hall, 440 U. S.
410 (1979) , this Court held that one State (here, Nevada) can open
the doors of its courts to a private citizen’s lawsuit against
another State (here, California) without the other State’s consent.
In this case, a private citizen, a resident of Nevada, has brought
a suit in Nevada’s courts against the Franchise Tax Board of
California, an agency of the State of California. The board has
asked us to overrule
Hall and hold that the Nevada courts
lack jurisdiction to hear this lawsuit. The Court is equally
divided on this question, and we consequently affirm the Nevada
courts’ exercise of jurisdiction over California. See,
Exxon Shipping Co. v.
Baker, 554 U. S. 471, 484
(2008) (citing
Durant v.
Essex Co., 7 Wall. 107, 112
California also asks us to reverse the Nevada
court’s decision insofar as it awards the private citizen greater
damages than Nevada law would permit a private citizen to obtain in
a similar suit against Nevada’s own agencies. We agree that
Nevada’s application of its damages law in this case reflects a
special, and constitutionally forbidden, “ ‘policy of
hostility to the public Acts’ of a sister State,” namely,
California. U. S. Const., Art. IV, §1 (Full Faith and
Credit Clause);
Franchise Tax Bd. of Cal. v.
538 U. S. 488, 499 (2003) (quoting
Carroll v.
Lanza, 349 U. S. 408, 413 (1955) ). We set aside the
Nevada Supreme Court’s decision accordingly.
Gilbert P. Hyatt, the respondent here, moved
from California to Nevada in the early 1990’s. He says that he
moved to Nevada in September 1991. California’s Franchise Tax
Board, however, after an investigation and tax audit, claimed that
Hyatt moved to Nevada later, in April 1992, and that he
consequently owed California more than $10 million in taxes,
associated penalties, and interest.
Hyatt filed this lawsuit in Nevada state court
against California’s Franchise Tax Board, a California state
agency. Hyatt sought damages for what he considered the board’s
abusive audit and investigation practices, including rifling
through his private mail, combing through his garbage, and
examining private activities at his place of worship. See App.
213–245, 267–268.
California recognized that, under
the Constitution permits Nevada’s courts to assert jurisdiction
over California despite California’s lack of consent. California
nonetheless asked the Nevada courts to dismiss the case on other
constitutional grounds. California law, it pointed out, provided
state agencies with immunity from lawsuits based upon actions taken
during the course of collecting taxes. Cal. Govt. Code Ann. §860.2
(West 1995); see also §860.2 (West 2012). It argued that the
Constitution’s Full Faith and Credit Clause required Nevada to
apply California’s sovereign immunity law to Hyatt’s case. Nevada’s
Supreme Court, however, rejected California’s claim. It held that
Nevada’s courts, as a matter of comity, would immunize California
where Nevada law would similarly immunize its own agencies and
officials (
e.g., for actions taken in the performance of a
“discretionary” function), but they would not immunize California
where Nevada law permitted actions against Nevada agencies, say,
for acts taken in bad faith or for intentional torts. App. to Pet.
for Cert. in
Franchise Tax Bd. of Cal. v.
O. T. 2002, No. 42, p. 12. We reviewed that decision, and we
Franchise Tax Bd.,
supra, at 499.
On remand, the case went to trial. A jury found
in Hyatt’s favor and awarded him close to $500 million in damages
(both compensatory and punitive) and fees (including attorney’s
fees). California appealed. It argued that the trial court had not
properly followed the Nevada Supreme Court’s earlier decision.
California explained that in a similar suit against similar Nevada
officials, Nevada statutory law would limit damages to $50,000, and
it argued that the Constitution’s Full Faith and Credit Clause
required Nevada to limit damages similarly here.
The Nevada Supreme Court accepted the premise
that Nevada statutes would impose a $50,000 limit in a similar suit
against its own officials. See 130 Nev. ___, ___, 335 P. 3d
125, 145–146 (2014); see also Nev. Rev. Stat. §41.035(1) (1995).
But the court rejected California’s conclusion. Instead, while
setting aside much of the damages award, it nonetheless affirmed $1
million of the award (earmarked as compensation for fraud), and it
remanded for a retrial on the question of damages for intentional
infliction of emotional distress. In doing so, it stated that
“damages awarded on remand . . . are not subject to any
statutory cap.” 130 Nev., at ___, 335 P. 3d, at 153. The
Nevada Supreme Court explained its holding by stating that
California’s efforts to control the actions of its own agencies
were inadequate as applied to Nevada’s own citizens. Hence,
Nevada’s “policy interest in providing adequate redress to Nevada’s
citizens [wa]s paramount to providing [California] a statutory cap
on damages under comity.”
Id., at ___, 335 P. 3d, at
California petitioned for certiorari. We agreed
to decide two questions. First, whether to overrule
And, second, if we did not do so, whether the Constitution permits
Nevada to award Hyatt damages against a California state agency
that are greater than those that Nevada would award in a similar
suit against its own stateagencies.
In light of our 4-to-4 affirmance of Nevada’s
exercise of jurisdiction over California’s state agency, we must
consider the second question: Whether the Constitution permits
Nevada to award damages against California agencies under Nevada
law that are greater than it could award against Nevada agencies in
similar circumstances. We conclude that it does not. The Nevada
Supreme Court has ignored both Nevada’s typical rules of immunity
and California’s immunity-related statutes (insofar as California’s
statutes would prohibit a monetary recovery that is greater in
amount than the maximum recovery that Nevada law would permit in
similar circumstances). Instead, it has applied a special rule of
law that evinces a “ ‘policy of hostility’ ” toward
Franchise Tax Bd.,
supra, at 499 (quoting
Carroll v.
supra, at 413). Doing so
violates the Constitution’s requirement that “Full Faith and Credit
shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records and
judicial Proceedings of every other State.” Art. IV, §1.
The Court’s precedents strongly support this
conclusion. A statute is a “public Act” within the meaning of the
Full Faith and Credit Clause. See,
e.g., Carroll v.
supra, at 411; see also 28 U. S. C.
§1738 (referring to “[t]he Acts of the legislature” in the full
faith and credit context). We have said that the Clause “does not
require a State to substitute for its own statute, applicable to
persons and events within it, the statute of another State
reflecting a conflicting and opposed policy.”
Carroll v.
Lanza, 349 U. S., at 412. But when affirming a State’s
decision to decline to apply another State’s statute on this
ground, we have consistently emphasized that the State had “not
adopt[ed] any policy of hostility to the public Acts” of that other
Id., at 413.
Carroll v.
Lanza, the Court
considered a negligence action brought by a Missouri worker in
Arkansas’ courts. We held that the Arkansas courts need not apply a
time limitation contained in Missouri’s (but not in Arkansas’)
workman’s compensation law.
Id., at 413–414. In doing so, we
emphasized both that (1) Missouri law (compared with Arkansas law)
embodied “a conflicting and opposed policy,” and (2) Arkansas law
did not embody “any policy of hostility to the public Acts of
Id., at 412–413. This second requirement was well
established in earlier law. See,
Broderick v.
Rosner, 294 U. S. 629 –643 (1935) (New Jersey may not
enforce a jurisdictional statute that would permit enforcement of
certain claims under New Jersey law but “deny the enforcement” of
similar, valid claims under New York law);
Hughes v.
Fetter, 341 U. S. 609 –612 (1951) (invalidating a
Wisconsin statute that “close[d] the doors of its courts” to an
Illinois cause of action while permitting adjudication of similar
Wisconsin claims).
We followed this same approach when we
considered the litigation now before us for the first time. See
Franchise Tax Bd., 538 U. S., at 498–499. Nevada had
permitted Hyatt to sue California in Nevada courts. See
at 497 (citing
Hall, 440 U. S., at 414–421). Nevada’s
courts recognized that California’s law of complete immunity would
prevent any recovery in this case. The Nevada Supreme Court
consequently did not apply California law. It applied Nevada law
instead. We upheld that decision as consistent with the Full Faith
and Credit Clause. But in doing so, we emphasized both that (1) the
Clause does not require one State to apply another State’s law that
violates its “own legitimate public policy,”
Franchise Tax
supra, at 497–498 (citing
supra, at 424), and (2) Nevada’s choice of law did not
“exhibi[t] a ‘policy of hostility to the public Acts’ of a sister
Franchise Tax Bd.,
supra, at 499 (quoting
Carroll v.
supra, at 413). Rather,
Nevada had evinced “a healthy regard for California’s sovereign
status,” we said, by “relying on the contours of Nevada’s own
sovereign immunity from suit as a benchmark for its analysis.”
Franchise Tax Bd.,
supra, at 499.
The Nevada decision before us embodies a
critical departure from its earlier approach. Nevada has not
applied the principles of Nevada law ordinarily applicable to suits
against Nevada’s own agencies. Rather, it has applied a special
rule of law applicable only in lawsuits against its sister States,
such as California. With respect to damages awards greater than
$50,000, the ordinary principles of Nevada law do not “conflic[t]”
with California law, for both laws would grant immunity.
Carroll v.
Lanza, 349 U. S., at 412. Similarly,
in respect to such amounts, the “polic[ies]” underlying California
law and Nevada’s usual approach are not “opposed”; they are
Id., at 412–413.
But that is not so in respect to Nevada’s
special rule. That rule, allowing damages awards greater than
$50,000, is not only “opposed” to California law,
ibid.; it
is also inconsistent with the general principles of Nevada immunity
law, see
Franchise Tax Bd.,
supra, at 499. The Nevada
Supreme Court explained its departure from those general principles
by describing California’s system of controlling its own agencies
as failing to provide “adequate” recourse to Nevada’s citizens. 130
Nev., at ___, 335 P. 3d, at 147. It expressed concerns about
the fact that California’s agencies “ ‘operat[e]
outside’ ” the systems of “ ‘legislative control,
administrative oversight, and public accountability’ ” that
Nevada applies to its own agencies.
Ibid. (quoting
Faulkner v.
University of Tenn., 627 So. 2d 362
(Ala. 1992)). Such an explanation, which amounts to little more
than a conclusory statement disparaging California’s own
legislative, judicial, and administrative controls, cannot justify
the application of a special and discriminatory rule. Rather,
viewed through a full faith and credit lens, a State that
disregards its own ordinary legal principles on this ground
is hostile to another State. A constitutional rule that
would permit this kind of discriminatory hostility is likely to
cause chaotic interference by some States into the internal,
legislative affairs of others. Imagine, for example, that many or
all States enacted such discriminatory, special laws, and justified
them on the sole basis that (in their view) a sister State’s law
provided inadequate protection to their citizens. Would each
affected sister State have to change its own laws? Entirely?
Piece-by-piece, in order to respond to the new special laws enacted
by every other State? It is difficult to reconcile such a system of
special and discriminatory rules with the Constitution’s vision of
50 individual and equally dignified States. In light of the
“constitutional equality” among the States,
Coyle v.
Smith, 221 U. S. 559, 580 (1911) , Nevada has not
offered “sufficient policy considerations” to justify the
application of a special rule of Nevada law that discriminates
against its sister States,
Carroll v.
supra, at 413. In our view, Nevada’s rule lacks the “healthy
regard for California’s sovereign status” that was the hallmark of
its earlier decision, and it reflects a constitutionally
impermissible “ ‘policy of hostility to the public Acts’ of a
sister State.”
Franchise Tax Bd.,
supra, at 499
Carroll v.
supra, at 413).
In so holding we need not, and do not, intend to
return to a complex “balancing-of-interests approach to conflicts
of law under the Full Faith and Credit Clause.”
Franchise Tax
Bd., 538 U. S.
, at 496. Long ago this Court’s
efforts to apply that kind of analysis led to results that seemed
to differ depending, for example, upon whether the case involved
commercial law, a shareholders’ action, insurance claims, or
workman’s compensation statutes. See,
e.g., Bradford
Elec. Light Co. v.
Clapper, 286 U. S. 145 –159
Carroll v.
supra, at 414–420
(Frankfurter, J., dissenting) (listing, and trying to classify,
nearly 50 cases). We have since abandoned that approach, and we
continue to recognize that a State need not “ ‘substitute the
statutes of other states for its own statutes dealing with a
subject matter concerning which it is competent to
legislate.’ ”
Franchise Tax Bd.,
supra, at 496
Pacific Employers Ins. Co. v.
Accident Comm’n, 306 U. S. 493, 501 (1939) ). But here, we can
safely conclude that, in devising a special—and hostile—rule for
California, Nevada has not “sensitively applied principles of
comity with a healthy regard for California’s sovereign status.”
Franchise Tax Bd.,
supra, at 499; see
Washington Gas Light Co., 448 U. S. 261, 272 (1980)
(plurality opinion) (Clause seeks to prevent “parochial
entrenchment on the interests of other States”);
Allstate Ins.
Co. v.
Hague, 449 U. S. 302 , and n. 10 (1981)
(Stevens, J., concurring in judgment) (Clause is properly brought
to bear when a State’s choice of law “threatens the federal
interest in national unity by unjustifiably infringing upon the
legitimate interests of another State”); cf.
Supreme Court of
N. H. v.
Piper, 470 U. S. 274, 288
(1985) (Privileges and Immunities Clause prevents the New Hampshire
Supreme Court from promulgating a rule that limits bar admission to
state residents, discriminating against out-of-state lawyers);
Bendix Autolite Corp. v.
Midwesco Enterprises, Inc.,
486 U. S. 888, 894 (1988) (Commerce Clause invalidates a
statute of limitations that “imposes a greater burden on
out-of-state companies than it does on [in-state] companies”).
For these reasons, insofar as the Nevada Supreme
Court has declined to apply California law in favor of a special
rule of Nevada law that is hostile to its sister States, we find
its decision unconstitutional. We vacate its judgment and remand
the case for further proceedings not inconsistent with this
It is so ordered.
Justice Alito concurs in the judgment.