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Nos. 13–895 and 13–1138
ALABAMA et al.
ALABAMA et al.
on appeals from the united states district court for the middle
district of alabama
[March 25, 2015]
Justice Breyer delivered the opinion of the Court.
The Alabama Legislative Black Caucus and the Alabama Democratic
Conference appeal a three-judge Federal District Court decision
rejecting their challenges to the lawfulness of Alabama’s 2012
redistricting of its State House of Representatives and State
Senate. The appeals focus upon the appellants’ claims that new
district boundaries create “racial gerrymanders” in violation of
the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. See,
Shaw v.
Hunt,517 U. S. 899–908
(1996) (
Shaw II) ( Fourteenth Amendment forbids use of race
as “ ‘predominant’ ” district boundary-drawing
“ ‘factor’ ” unless boundaries are “narrowly tailored” to
achieve a “ ‘compelling state interest’ ” (citations
omitted)). We find that the District Court applied incorrect legal
standards in evaluating the claims. We consequently vacate its
decision and remand the cases for further proceedings.
The Alabama Constitution requires the legislature to reapportion
its State House and Senate electoral districts following each
decennial census. Ala. Const., Art. IX, §§199–200. In 2012 Alabama
redrew the boundaries of the State’s 105 House districts and 35
Senate districts. 2012 Ala. Acts no. 602 (House plan);
at no. 603 (Senate plan) (Acts). In doing so, Alabama sought to
achieve numerous traditional districting objectives, such as
compactness, not splitting counties or precincts, minimizing
change, and protecting incumbents. But it placed yet greater
importance on achieving two other goals. See Alabama Legislature
Reapportionment Committee Guidelines in No. 12–cv–691, Doc. 30–4,
pp. 3–5 (Committee Guidelines).
First, it sought to minimize the extent to which a district
might deviate from the theoretical ideal of precisely equal
population. In particular, it set as a goal creating a set of
districts in which no district would deviate from the theoretical,
precisely equal ideal by more than 1%—
i.e., a more rigorous
deviation standard than our precedents have found necessary under
the Constitution. See
Brown v.
Thomson,462 U. S.
835,842 (1983) (5% deviation from ideal generally permissible). No
one here doubts the desirability of a State’s efforts generally to
come close to a one-person, one-vote ideal.
Second, it sought to ensure compliance with federal law, and, in
particular, the Voting Rights Act of 1965.79Stat.439, as amended,52
U. S. C. §10301
et seq. At the time of the
redistricting Alabama was a covered jurisdiction under that Act.
Accordingly §5 of the Act required Alabama to demonstrate that an
electoral change, such as redistricting, would not bring about
retrogression in respect to racial minorities’ “ability
. . . to elect their preferred candidates of choice.”52
U. S. C. §10304(b). Specifically, Alabama believed that,
to avoid retrogression under §5, it was required to maintain
roughly the same black population percentage in existing
majority-minority districts. See Appendix B,
Compliance with these two goals posed particular difficulties
with respect to many of the State’s 35 majority-minority districts
(8 in the Senate, 27 in the House). That is because many of these
districts were (compared with the average district) underpopulated.
In order for Senate District 26, for example, to meet the State’s
no-more-than-1% population-deviation objective, the State would
have to add about 16,000 individuals to the district. And, prior to
redistricting, 72.75% of District 26’s population was black.
Accordingly, Alabama’s plan added 15,785 new individ-uals, and only
36 of those newly added individuals were white.
This suit, as it appears before us, focuses in large part upon
Alabama’s efforts to achieve these two goals. The Caucus and the
Conference basically claim that the State, in adding so many new
minority voters to majority-minority districts (and to others),
went too far. They allege the State created a constitutionally
forbidden “racial gerrymander”—a gerrymander that (
when the State adds more minority voters than needed for a
minor-ity group to elect a candidate of its choice) might, among
other things, harm the very minority voters that Acts such as the
Voting Rights Act sought to help.
After a bench trial, the Federal District Court held in favor of
the State,
i.e., against the Caucus and the Conference, with
respect to their racial gerrymandering claims as well as with
respect to several other legal claims that the Caucus and the
Conference had made. With respect to racial gerrymandering, the
District Court recognized that electoral districting violates the
Equal Protection Clause when (1) race is the “dominant and
controlling” or “predominant” consideration in deciding “to place a
significant number of voters within or without a particular
Miller v.
Johnson,515 U. S.
900,913,916 (1995), and (2) the use of race is not “narrowly
tailored to serve a compelling state interest,”
Shaw II, 517
U. S., at 902; see also
Shaw v.
U. S. 630,649 (1993) (
Shaw I ) (Constitution
forbids “separat[ion of ] voters into different districts on
the basis of race” when the separation “lacks sufficient
Bush v.
Vera,517 U. S. 952–959,
976 (1996) (principal opinion of O’Connor, J.) (same). But, after
trial the District Court held (2 to 1) that the Caucus and the
Conference had failed to prove their racial gerrymandering claims.
The Caucus along with the Conference (and several other plaintiffs)
appealed. We noted probable jurisdiction with respect to the racial
gerrymandering claims. 572 U. S. ___ (2014).
We shall focus upon four critical District Court determinations
underlying its ultimate “no violation” conclusion. They
The Geographical Nature of the Racial Gerrymandering
Claims. The District Court characterized the appellants’ claims
as falling into two categories. In the District Court’s view, both
appellants had argued “that the Acts
as a whole constitute
racial gerrymanders,” 989 F. Supp. 2d 1227, 1287 (MD Ala.
2013) (emphasis added), and one of the appellants (the Conference)
had also argued that the State had racially gerrymandered four
specific electoral districts, Senate Districts 7, 11, 22, and 26,
id., at 1288.
Standing. The District Court held that the Caucus had
standing to argue its racial gerrymandering claim with respect to
the State “as a whole.” But the Conference lacked standing to make
any of its racial gerrymandering claims—the claim requiring
consideration of the State “as a whole,” and the claims requiring
consideration of four individual Senate districts.
Id., at
Racial Predominance. The District Court held that, in any
event, the appellants’ claims must fail because race “was not the
predominant motivating factor” either (a) “for the Acts as a whole”
or (b) with respect to “Senate Districts 7, 11, 22, or 26.”
Id., at 1293.
Narrow Tailoring/Compelling State Interest. The District
Court also held that, even were it wrong about standing and
predominance, the appellants’ racial gerrymandering claims must
fail. That is because any predominant use of race in the drawing of
electoral boundaries was “narrowly tailored” to serve a “compelling
state interest,”
id., at 1306–1307, namely the interest in
avoiding retrogression with respect to racial minorities’ “ability
to elect their preferred candidates of choice.” §10304(b).
In our view, each of these determinations reflects an error
about relevant law. And each error likely affected the District
Court’s conclusions—to the point where we must vacate the lower
court’s judgment and remand the cases to allow appellants to
reargue their racial gerrymandering claims. In light of our
opinion, all parties remain free to introduce such further evidence
as the District Court shall reasonably find appropriate.
We begin by considering the geographical nature of the racial
gerrymandering claims. The District Court repeatedly referred to
the racial gerrymandering claims as claims that race improperly
motivated the drawing of boundary lines of the State
as a whole. See,
e.g., 989 F. Supp. 2d, at 1293
(“Race was not the predominant motivating factor for the Acts as a
id., at 1287 (construing plaintiffs’ challenge as
arguing that the “Acts as a whole constitute racial gerrymanders”);
id., at 1292 (describing the plaintiffs’ challenge as a
“claim of racial gerrymandering to the Acts as a whole”); cf.
supra, at 4–5 (noting four exceptions).
A racial gerrymandering claim, however, applies to the
boundaries of individual districts. It applies
district-by-district. It does not apply to a State considered as an
undifferentiated “whole.” We have consistently described a claim of
racial gerrymandering as a claim that race was improperly used in
the drawing of the boundaries of one or more
electoral districts. See,
Shaw I,
509 U. S., at 649 (violation consists of “separat[ing] voters
into different districts on the basis of race” (emphasis
Vera, 517 U. S., at 965 (principal opinion)
(“[Courts] must scrutinize
each challenged district
. . .” (emphasis added)). We have described the
plaintiff’s evidentiary burden similarly. See
supra, at 916 (plaintiff must show that “race was the
predominant factor motivating the legislature’s decision to place a
significant number of voters within or without
a particular
district” (emphasis added)).
Our district-specific language makes sense in light of the
nature of the harms that underlie a racial gerrymandering claim.
Those harms are personal. They include being “personally
. . . subjected to [a] racial classification,”
supra, at 957 (principal opinion), as well as
being represented by a legislator who believes his “primary
obligation is to represent only the members” of a particular racial
Shaw I,
supra, at 648. They directly threaten
a voter who lives in the
district attacked. But they do not
so keenly threaten a voter who lives elsewhere in the State.
Indeed, the latter voter normally lacks standing to pursue a racial
gerrymandering claim.
United States v.
U. S. 737–745 (1995).
Voters, of course, can present statewide
evidence in
order to prove racial gerrymandering in a particular district. See
supra, at 916. And voters might make the
claim that
every individual district in a State suffers from
racial gerrymandering. But this latter claim is not the claim that
the District Court, when using the phrase “as a whole,” considered
here. Rather, the concept as used here suggests the existence of a
legal unicorn, an animal that exists only in the legal
This is not a technical, linguistic point. Nor does it criticize
what might seem, in effect, a slip of the pen. Rather, here the
District Court’s terminology mattered. That is because the District
Court found that racial criteria had not predominated in the
drawing of some Alabama districts. And it found that fact (the fact
that race did not predominate in the drawing of some, or many
districts) sufficient to defeat what it saw as the basic claim
before it, namely a claim of racial gerrymandering with respect to
the State
as an undifferentiated whole. See,
989 F. Supp. 2d, at 1294 (rejecting plaintiffs’ challenge
because “[the legislature] followed no bright-line rule” with
respect to every majority-minority district);
id., at
1298–1299, 1301 (citing examples of majority-minority districts in
which black population percentages were reduced and examples of
majority-white districts in which precincts were split).
A showing that race-based criteria did not significantly affect
the drawing of
some Alabama districts, however, would have
done little to defeat a claim that race-based criteria
predominantly affected the drawing of
other Alabama
districts, such as Alabama’s majority-minority districts primarily
at issue here. See
id., at 1329 (Thompson, J., dissenting)
(“[T]he drafters[’] fail[ure] to achieve their sought-after
percentage in one district does not detract one iota from the fact
that they did achieve it in another”). Thus, the District Court’s
undifferentiated statewide analysis is insufficient. And we must
remand for consideration of racial gerrymandering with respect to
the individual districts subject to the appellants’ racial
gerrymandering challenges.
The State and principal dissent argue that (but for four
specifically mentioned districts) there were in effect no such
districts. The Caucus and the Conference, the State and principal
dissent say, did not seek a district-by-district analysis. And, the
State and principal dissent conclude that the Caucus and the
Conference have consequently waived the right to any further
consideration. Brief for Appellees 14, 31;
post, at 5–12
(opinion ofScalia, J.).
We do not agree. We concede that the District Court’s opinion
suggests that it was the Caucus and the Conference that led the
Court to consider racial gerrymandering of the State “as a whole.”
989 F. Supp. 2d, at 1287. At least the District Court
interpreted their filings to allege only that kind of claim.
Ibid. But our review of the record indicates that the
plaintiffs did not claim only that the legislature had racially
gerrymandered the State “as” an undifferentiated “whole.” Rather,
their evidence and their arguments embody the claim that individual
majority-minority districts were racially gerrymandered. And those
are the districts that we believe the District Court must
There are 35 majority-minority districts, 27 in the House and 8
in the Senate. The District Court’s opinion itself refers to
evidence that the legislature’s redistricting committee, in order
to satisfy what it believed the Voting Rights Act required,
deliberately chose additional black voters to move into
underpopulated majority-minority districts,
i.e., a specific
set of individual districts. See,
e.g., 989 F. Supp.
2d, at 1274 (referring to Senator Dial’s testimony that the
Committee “could have used,” but did not use, “white population
within Jefferson County to repopulate the majority-black districts”
because “doing so would have resulted in the retrogression of the
majority-black districts and potentially created a problem for
[Justice Department] preclearance”);
id., at 1276 (stating
that Representative Jim McClendon, also committee cochair,
“testified consistently with Senator Dial”);
id., at 1277
(noting that the committee’s expert, Randolph Hinaman, testified
that “he needed to add population” to majority-black districts
“without significantly lowering the percentage of the population in
each district that was majority-black”).
The Caucus and the Conference presented much evidence at trial
to show that that the legislature had deliberately moved black
voters into these majority-minority districts—again, a specific set
of districts—in order to prevent the percentage of minority voters
in each district from declining. See,
e.g., Committee
Guidelines 3–5; 1 Tr. 28–29, 36–37, 55, 63, 67–68, 77, 81, 96, 115,
124, 136, 138 (testimony of Senator Dial); Deposition of Gerald
Dial in No. 12–cv–691 (May 21, 2013), Doc. 123–5, pp. 17, 39–41,
62, 100 (Dial Deposition); 3 Tr. 222 (testimony of Representative
id., at 118–119, 145–146, 164, 182–183, 186–187
(testimony of Hinaman); Deposition of Randolph Hinaman in No.
12–cv–691 (June 25, 2013), Doc. 134–4, pp. 23–24, 101 (Hinaman
In their post-trial Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of
Law, the plaintiffs stated that the evidence showed a racial
gerrymander with respect to the majority of the majority-minority
districts; they referred to the specific splitting of precinct and
county lines in the drawing of many majority-minority districts;
and they pointed to much district-specific evidence.
Alabama Legislative Black Caucus Plaintiffs’ Notice of Filing
Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in No. 12–cv–691,
Doc. 194, pp. 9–10, 13–14, 30–35, 40 (Caucus Post-Trial Brief);
Newton Plaintiffs’ Notice of Filing Proposed Findings of Fact and
Conclusions of Law in No. 12–cv–691, Doc. 195, pp. 33–35, 56–61,
64–67, 69–74, 82–85, 108, 121–122 (Conference Post-Trial Brief);
see also Appendix A,
infra (organizing these citations by
We recognize that the plaintiffs relied heavily upon statewide
evidence to prove that race predominated in the drawing of
individual district lines. See generally Caucus Post-Trial Brief 1,
3–7, 48–50; Conference Post-Trial Brief 2, 44–45, 105–106. And they
also sought to prove that the use of race to draw the boundaries of
the majority-minority districts affected the boundaries of other
districts as well. See,
e.g., 1 Tr. 36–37, 48, 55, 70–71,
93, 111, 124 (testimony of Dial); 3 Tr. 142, 162 (testimony of
Hinaman); see generally Caucus Post-Trial Brief 8–16. Such evidence
is perfectly relevant. We have said that the plaintiff’s burden in
a racial gerrymandering case is “to show, either through
circumstantial evidence of a district’s shape and demographics or
more direct evidence going to legislative purpose, that race was
the predominant factor motivating the legislature’s decision to
place a significant number of voters within or without a particular
Miller, 515 U. S., at 916. Cf.
Cromartie,532 U. S. 234,258 (2001) (explaining the
plaintiff’s burden in cases, unlike these, in which the State
argues that politics, not race, was its predominant motive). That
Alabama expressly adopted and applied a policy of prioritizing
mechanical racial targets above all other districting criteria
(save one-person, one-vote) provides evidence that race motivated
the drawing of particular lines in multiple districts in the State.
And neither the use of statewide evidence nor the effort to show
widespread effect can transform a racial gerrymandering claim about
a set of individual districts into a separate, general claim that
the legislature racially gerrymandered the State “as” an
undifferentiated “whole.”
We, like the principal dissent, recognize that the plaintiffs
could have presented their district-specific claims more clearly,
post, at 6–8, 10–12 (opinion of Scalia, J.), but the dissent
properly concedes that its objection would weaken had the
Conference “developed such a claim in the course of discovery and
Post, at 6. And that is just what happened.
In the past few pages and in Appendix A, we set forth the many
record references that establish this fact. The Caucus helps to
explain the complaint omissions when it tells us that the
plaintiffs unearthed the factual basis for their racial
gerrymandering claims when they deposed the committee’s
redistricting expert. See Brief for Appellants in No. 13–895, pp.
12–13. The State neither disputes this procedural history nor
objects that plaintiffs’ pleadings failed to conform with the
proof. Indeed, throughout, the plaintiffs litigated these claims
not as if they were wholly separate entities but as if they were a
team. See,
e.g., Caucus Post-Trial Brief 1 (“[We] support
the additional claims made by the [Conference] plaintiffs”); but
post, at 3–12 (Scalia, J., dissenting) (treating
separately Conference claims from Caucus claims). Thus we, like the
dissenting judge below (who also lived with these cases through
trial), conclude that the record as a whole shows that the
plaintiffs brought, and their argument rested significantly upon,
district-specific claims. See 989 F. Supp. 2d, at 1313
(Thompson, J., dissenting) (construing plaintiffs as also
challenging “each majority-Black House and Senate District”).
The principal dissent adds that the Conference waived its
district-specific claims on appeal. Cf.
post, at 8. But that
is not so. When asked specifically about its position at oral
argument, the Conference stated that it was relying on statewide
evidence to prove its district-specific challenges. Tr. of Oral
Arg. 15–16. Its counsel said that “the exact same policy was
applied in every black-majority district,”
id., at 15, and
“[b]y statewide, we simply mean a common policy applied to every
district in the State,”
id., at 16. We accept the
Conference’s clarification, which is consistent with how it
presented these claims below.
We consequently conclude that the District Court’s analysis of
racial gerrymandering of the State “as a whole” was legally
erroneous. We find that the appellants did not waive their right to
consideration of their claims as applied to particular districts.
Accordingly, we remand the cases. See
Pullman-Standard v.
Swint,456 U. S. 273,291 (1982) (remand is required when
the District Court “failed to make a finding because of an
erroneous view of the law”);
Rapanos v.
States,547 U. S. 715,757 (2006) (same).
We next consider the District Court’s holding with respect to
standing. The District Court,
sua sponte, held that the
Conference lacked standing—either to bring racial gerrymandering
claims with respect to the four individual districts that the court
specifically considered (
i.e., Senate Districts 7, 11, 22,
and 26) or to bring a racial gerrymandering claim with respect to
the “State as a whole.” 989 F. Supp. 2d, at 1292.
The District Court recognized that ordinarily
“[a]n association has standing to bring suit on behalf of its
when its members would have standing to sue in their own
right, the interests at stake are germane to the organization’s
purpose, and neither the claim asserted nor the relief requested
requires individuals members’ participation in the lawsuit.”
Id., at 1291 (quoting
Friends of the Earth, Inc. v.
Laidlaw Environmental Services (TOC), Inc.,528 U. S.
167,181 (2000); emphasis added).
It also recognized that a “member” of an association “would have
standing to sue” in his or her “own right” when that member
“resides in the district that he alleges was the product of a
racial gerrymander.” 989 F. Supp. 2d, at 1291 (citing
Hays, 515 U. S., at 744–745). But, the District Court
nonetheless denied standing because it believed that the “record”
did “not clearly identify the districts in which the individual
members of the [Conference] reside,” and the Conference had “not
proved that it has members who have standing to pursue any
district-specific claims of racial gerrymandering.” 989
F. Supp. 2d, at 1292.
The District Court conceded that Dr. Joe Reed, a representative
of the Conference, testified that the Conference “has members in
almost every county in Alabama.”
Ibid. But, the District
Court went on to say that “the counties in Alabama are split into
many districts.”
Ibid. And the “Conference offered no
testimony or evidence that it has members in all of the districts
in Alabama or in any of the [four] specific districts that it
The record, however, lacks adequate support for the District
Court’s conclusion. Dr. Reed’s testimony supports, and nothing in
that record undermines, the Conference’s own statement, in its
post-trial brief, that it is a “statewide political caucus founded
in 1960.” Conference Post-Trial Brief 3. It has the “purpose” of
“endors[ing] candidates for political office who will be
responsible to the needs of the blacks and other minorities and
poor people.”
Id., at 3–4. These two statements (the second
of which the principal dissent ignores), taken together with Dr.
Reed’s testimony, support an inference that the organization has
members in all of the State’s majority-minority districts, other
things being equal, which is sufficient to meet the Conference’s
burden of establishing standing. That is to say, it seems highly
likely that a “statewide” organization with members in “almost
every county,” the purpose of which is to help “blacks and other
minorities and poor people,” will have members in each
majority-minority district. But cf
. post, at 3–5 (Scalia,
J., dissenting).
At the very least, the common sense inference is strong enough
to lead the Conference reasonably to believe that, in the absence
of a state challenge or a court request for more detailed
information, it need not provide additional information such as a
specific membership list. We have found nothing in the record, nor
has the State referred us to anything in the record, that suggests
the contrary. Cf. App. 204–205, 208 (State arguing lack of
standing, not because of inadequate member residency but because an
association “lives” nowhere and that the Conference should join
individual members). The most the State argued was that “[n]one of
individual [p]laintiffs [who brought the case with the
Conference] claims to live in” Senate District 11,
id., at
205 (emphasis added), but the Conference would likely not have
understood that argument as a request that
it provide a
membership list. In fact, the Conference might have understood the
argument as an indication that the State did
not contest its
membership in every district.
To be sure, the District Court had an independent obligation to
confirm its jurisdiction, even in the absence of a state challenge.
post, at 4–5 (Scalia, J., dissenting). But, in these
circumstances, elementary principles of procedural fairness
required that the District Court, rather than acting
sua sponte, give the Conference an oppor-tunity to
provide evidence of member residence. Cf.
Warth v.
Seldin,422 U. S. 490–502 (1975) (explaining that a
court may “allow or [r]equire” a plaintiff to supplement the record
to show standing and that “[i]f,
after this opportu-nity,
the plaintiff’s standing does not adequately appear from all
materials of record, the complaint must be dismissed” (emphasis
added)). Moreover, we have no reason to believe that the Conference
would have been unable to provide a list of members, at least with
respect to the majority-minority districts, had it been asked. It
has filed just such a list in this Court. See Affidavit of Joe L.
Reed Pursuant to this Court’s Rule 32.3 (Lodging of Conference
affidavit listing members residing in each majority-minority
district in the State); see also
Parents Involved in Community
Schools v.
Seattle School Dist. No. 1,551 U. S.
701,718 (2007) (accepting a lodged affidavit in similar
circumstances). Thus, the District Court on remand should
reconsider the Conference’s standing by permitting the Conference
to file its list of members and permitting the State to respond, as
The District Court held in the alternative that the claims of
racial gerrymandering must fail because “[r]ace was not the
predominant motivating factor” in the creation of any of the
challenged districts. 989 F. Supp. 2d, at 1293. In our view,
however, the District Court did not properly calculate
“predominance.” In particular, it judged race to lack
“predominance” in part because it placed in the balance, among
other nonracial factors, legislative efforts to create districts of
approximately equal population. See,
id., at
1305 (the “need to bring the neighboring districts into compliance
with the requirement of one person, one vote
served as the
primary motivating factor for the changes to [Senate] District
22” (emphasis added));
id., at 1297 (the “constitutional
requirement of one person, one vote trumped every other districting
id., at 1296 (the “record establishes that the
drafters of the new districts, above all, had to correct [for]
severe malapportionment . . .”);
id., at 1306 (the
“inclusion of additional precincts [in Senate District 26] is a
reasonable response to the underpopulation of the District”).
In our view, however, an equal population goal is not one factor
among others to be weighed against the use of race to determine
whether race “predominates.” Rather, it is part of the
redistricting background, taken as a given, when determining
whether race, or other factors, predominate in a legislator’s
determination as to
how equal population objectives will be
To understand this conclusion, recall what “predominance” is
about: A plaintiff pursuing a racial gerrymandering claim must show
that “race was the predominant factor motivating the legislature’s
decision to place a significant number of voters within or without
a particular district.”
Miller, 515 U. S., at 916. To
do so, the “plaintiff must prove that the legislature subordinated
traditional race-neutral districting principles
. . . to racial considerations.”
Ibid. (emphasis
Now consider the nature of those offsetting “traditional
race-neutral districting principles.” We have listed several,
including “compactness, contiguity, respect for political
subdivisions or communities defined by actual shared interests,”
ibid., incumbency protection, and political affiliation,
Vera, 517 U. S., at 964, 968 (principal opinion).
But we have not listed equal population objectives. And there is
a reason for that omission. The reason that equal population
objectives do not appear on this list of “traditional” criteria is
that equal population objectives play a different role in a State’s
redistricting process. That role is not a minor one. Indeed, in
light of the Constitution’s demands, that role may often prove
“predominant” in the ordinary sense of that word. But, as the
United States points out, “predominance” in the context of a racial
gerrymandering claim is special. It is not about whether a
legislature believes that the need for equal population takes
ultimate priority. Rather, it is, as we said, whether the
legislature “placed” race “above traditional districting
considerations in determining
which persons were placed
in appropriately apportioned districts.” Brief for United
States as
Amicus Curiae 19 (some emphasis added). In other
words, if the legislature must place 1,000 or so additional voters
in a particular district in order to achieve an equal population
goal, the “predominance” question concerns
which voters the
legislature decides to choose, and specifically whether the
legislature predominately uses race as opposed to other,
“traditional” factors when doing so.
Consequently, we agree with the United States that the
requirement that districts have approximately equal populations is
a background rule against which redistricting takes place.
Id., at 12. It is not a factor to be treated like other
nonracial factors when a court determines whether race predominated
over other, “traditional” factors in the drawing of district
Had the District Court not taken a contrary view of the law, its
“predominance” conclusions, including those concerning the four
districts that the Conference specifically challenged, might well
have been different. For example, once the legislature’s “equal
population” objectives are put to the side—
i.e., seen as a
background principle—then there is strong, perhaps overwhelming,
evidence that race did predominate as a factor when the legislature
drew the boundaries of Senate District 26, the one district that
the parties have discussed here in depth.
The legislators in charge of creating the redistricting plan
believed, and told their technical adviser, that a primary
redistricting goal was to maintain existing racial percentages in
each majority-minority district, insofar as feasible. See
supra, at 9–10 (compiling extensive record testimony in
support of this point). There is considerable evidence that this
goal had a direct and significant impact on the drawing of at least
some of District 26’s boundaries. See 3 Tr. 175–180 (testimony of
Hinaman); Appendix C,
infra (change of district’s shape from
rectangular to irregular). Of the 15,785 individuals that the new
redistricting laws added to the population of District 26, just 36
were white—a remarkable feat given the local demographics. See,
e.g., 2 Tr. 127–128 (testimony of Senator Quinton Ross); 3
Tr. 179 (testimony of Hinaman). Transgressing their own
redistricting guidelines, Committee Guidelines 3–4, the drafters
split seven precincts between the majority-black District 26 and
the majority-white District 25,with the population in those
precincts clearly divided on racial lines. See Exh. V in Support of
Newton Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Summary Judgment in No. 12–cv–691,
Doc. 140–1, pp. 91–95. And the District Court conceded that race
“was a factor in the drawing of District 26,” and that the
legislature “preserved” “the percentage of the population that was
black.” 989 F. Supp. 2d, at 1306.
We recognize that the District Court also found, with respect to
District 26, that “preservi[ng] the core of the existing
[d]istrict,” following “county lines,” and following “highway
lines” played an important boundary-drawing role.
Ibid. But
the first of these (core preservation) is not directly relevant to
the origin of the
new district inhabitants; the second
(county lines) seems of marginal importance since virtually all
Senate District 26 boundaries departed from county lines; and the
third (highways) was not mentioned in the legislative redistricting
guidelines. Cf. Committee Guidelines 3–5.
All this is to say that, with respect to District 26 and likely
others as well, had the District Court treated equal population
goals as background factors, it might have concluded that race was
the predominant boundary-drawing consideration. Thus, on remand,
the District Court should reconsider its “no predominance”
conclusions with respect to Senate District 26 and others to which
our analysis is applicable.
Finally, we note that our discussion in this section is limited
to correcting the District Court’s misapplication of the
“predominance” test for strict scrutiny discussed in
515 U. S., at 916. It does not express a view on the question
of whether the intentional use of race in redistricting, even in
the absence of proof that traditional districting principles were
subordinated to race, triggers strict scrutiny. See
517 U. S., at 996 (Kennedy, J., concurring).
The District Court, in a yet further alternative holding, found
that “[e]ven if the [State] subordinated traditional districting
principles to racial considerations,” the racial gerrymandering
claims failed because, in any event, “the Districts would satisfy
strict scrutiny.” 989 F. Supp. 2d, at 1306. In the District
Court’s view, the “Acts are narrowly tailored to comply with
Section 5” of the Voting Rights Act.
Id., at 1311. That
provision “required the Legislature to maintain, where feasible,
the existing number of majority-black districts and
substantially reduce the relative percentages of black voters in
those districts.
” Ibid. (emphasis added). And, insofar
as the State’s redistricting embodied racial considerations, it did
so in order to meet this §5 requirement.
In our view, however, this alternative holding rests upon a
misperception of the law. Section 5, which covered particular
States and certain other jurisdictions, does not require a covered
jurisdiction to maintain a particular numerical minority
percentage. It requires the jurisdiction to maintain a minority’s
ability to elect a preferred candidate of choice. That is precisely
what the language of the statute says. It prohibits a covered
jurisdiction from adopting any change that “has the purpose of or
will have the effect of diminishing the ability of [the minority
group] to elect their preferred candidates of choice.”52
U. S. C. §10304(b); see also §10304(d) (the “purpose of
subsection (b) . . . is to protect the ability of such
citizens to elect their preferred candidates of choice”).
That is also just what Department of Justice Guidelines say. The
Guidelines state specifically that the Department’s preclearance
determinations are not based
“on any predetermined or fixed demographic
percentages. . . . Rather, in the Department’s view,
this determination requires a functional analysis of the electoral
behavior within the particular jurisdiction or election
district. . . . [C]ensus data alone may not provide
sufficient indicia of electoral behavior to make the requisite
determination.” Guidance Concerning Redistricting Under Section 5
of the Voting Rights Act, 76 Fed. Reg. 7471 (2011).
Consistent with this view, the United States tells us that
“Section 5” does not “requir[e] the State to maintain the same
percentage of black voters in each of the majority-black districts
as had existed in the prior districting plans.” Brief for United
States as
Amicus Curiae 22. Rather, it “prohibits only those
diminutions of a minority group’s proportionate strength that strip
the group within a district of its existing ability to elect its
candidates of choice.”
Id., at 22–23. We agree. Section 5
does not require maintaining the same population percentages in
majority-minority districts as in the prior plan. Rather, §5 is
satisfied if minority voters retain the ability to elect their
preferred candidates.
The history of §5 further supports this view. In adopting the
statutory language to which we referred above, Congress rejected
this Court’s decision in
Georgia v.
U. S. 461,480 (2003) (holding that it is not nec-essarily
retrogressive for a State to replace safe majority-minority
districts with crossover or influence districts), and it adopted
the views of the dissent. H. R. Rep. No. 109–478, pp. 68–69, and n.
183 (2006). While the thrust of Justice Souter’s dissent was that,
in a §5 retrogression case, courts should ask whether a new voting
provision would likely deprive minority voters of their ability to
elect a candidate of their choice—language that Congress adopted in
revising §5—his dissent also made clear that courts should not
mechanically rely upon numerical percentages but should take
account of all significant circumstances.
Georgia v.
supra, at 493, 498, 505, 509. And while the
revised language of §5 may raise some interpretive
e.g., its application to coalition, crossover, and
influence districts—it is clear that Congress did not mandate that
a 1% reduction in a 70% black population district would be
necessarily retrogressive. See Persily, The Promises and Pitfalls
of the New Voting Rights Act, 117 Yale L. J. 174, 218 (2007).
Indeed, Alabama’s mechanical interpretation of §5 can raise serious
constitutional concerns. See
supra, at
The record makes clear that both the District Court and the
legislature relied heavily upon a mechanically numerical view as to
what counts as forbidden retrogression. See Appendix B,
infra. And the difference between that view and the more
purpose-oriented view reflected in the statute’s language can
matter. Imagine a majority-minority district with a 70% black
population. Assume also that voting in that district, like that in
the State itself, is racially polarized. And assume that the
district has long elected to office black voters’ preferred
candidate. Other things being equal, it would seem highly unlikely
that a redistricting plan that, while increasing the numerical size
of the district, reduced the percentage of the black population
from, say, 70% to 65% would have a significant impact on the black
voters’ ability to elect their preferred candidate. And, for that
reason, it would be difficult to explain just why a plan that uses
racial criteria predominately to maintain the black population at
70% is “narrowly tailored” to achieve a “compelling state
interest,” namely the interest in preventing §5 retrogression. The
cir-cumstances of this hypothetical example, we add, areclose to
those characterizing Senate District 26, as set forth in the
District Court’s opinion and throughout the record. See,
e.g., 1 Tr. 131–132 (testimony of Dial); 3 Tr. 180
(testimony of Hinaman).
In saying this, we do not insist that a legislature guess
precisely what percentage reduction a court or the Justice
Department might eventually find to be retrogressive. The law
cannot insist that a state legislature, when redistricting,
precisely what percent minority population §5
demands. The standards of §5 are complex; they often require
evaluation of controverted claims about voting behavior; the
evidence may be unclear; and, with respect to any particular
district, judges may disagree about the proper outcome. The law
cannot lay a trap for an unwary legislature, condemning its
redistricting plan as either (1) unconstitutional racial
gerrymandering should the legislature place a few too many minority
voters in a district or (2) retrogressive under §5 should the
legislature place a few too few. See
Vera, 517 U. S.,
at 977 (principal opinion). Thus, we agree with the United States
that a court’s analysis of the narrow tailoring requirement insists
only that the legislature have a “strong basis in evidence” in
support of the (race-based) choice that it has made. Brief for
United States as
Amicus Curiae 29 (citing
Ricci v.
DeStefano,557 U. S. 557,585 (2009)). This standard, as
the United States points out, “does not demand that a State’s
actions actually be necessary to achieve a compelling state
interest in order to be constitutionally valid.” Brief for United
States as
Amicus Curiae 29. And legislators “may have a
strong basis in evidence to use racial classifications in order to
comply with a statute when they have
good reasons to believe
such use is required, even if a court does not find that the
actions were necessary for statutory compliance.”
(emphasis added).
Here the District Court enunciated a narrow tailoring standard
close to the one we have just mentioned. It said that a plan is
“narrowly tailored . . . when the race-based action taken was
reasonably necessary” to achieve a compelling interest. 989
F. Supp. 2d, at 1307 (emphasis added). And it held that
preventing retrogression is a compel-ling interest.
Id., at
1306–1307. While we do not here decide whether, given
County v.
Holder, 570 U. S. ___ (2013), continued
compliance with §5 remains a compelling interest, we conclude that
the District Court and the legislature asked the wrong question
with respect to narrow tailoring. They asked: “How can we maintain
present minority percentages in majority-minority districts?” But
given §5’s language, its purpose, the Justice Department
Guidelines, and the relevant precedent, they should have asked: “To
what extent must we preserve existing minority percentages in order
to maintain the minority’s present ability to elect the candidate
of its choice?” Asking the wrong question may well have led to the
wrong answer. Hence, we cannot accept the District Court’s
“compelling interest/narrow tailoring” conclusion.
* * *
For these reasons, the judgment of the District Court is
vacated. We note that appellants have also raised additional
questions in their jurisdictional statements, relating to their
one-person, one-vote claims (Caucus) and vote dilution claims
(Conference), which were also rejected by the District Court. We do
not pass upon these claims. The District Court remains free to
reconsider the claims should it find reconsideration appropriate.
And the parties are free to raise them, including as modified by
the District Court, on any further appeal.
The cases are remanded for further proceedings consistent with
this opinion.
It is so ordered.
* Senate District 26 excluded from this list
State’s Use of Incorrect Retrogression Standard
The following citations reflect instances in either the District
Court opinion or in the record showing that the State believed that
§5 forbids, not just
substantial reductions, but
reduction in the percentage of black inhabitants of a
majority-minority district.