The proviso of the second section of the bankrupt act passed on
19 August, 1841, preserves all liens which may be valid by the laws
of the states respectively.
In some of the states, attachments are issued on mesne process
by which the property seized is held to await the result of the
suit. This constitutes a lien, which is saved by the proviso in the
bankrupt act.
The various kinds of liens explained.
Therefore, where an attachment was issued and the defendants
afterwards applied for the benefit of the bankrupt act, a plea of
bankruptcy was not sufficient to prevent a judgment from being
rendered condemning the property under attachment.
The fourth section of the statute, if it stood alone, would make
a plea of bankruptcy a good plea in bar in discharge of all debts,
but if the whole statute be construed together, this is not the
A rejoinder setting forth that the district court of the United
States had decided that the attachment was not a valid lien upon
the property was not a good rejoinder.
The district court could not oust the state court of its
jurisdiction, which had already attached.
Peck and Bellows were residents of the Town of Walpole, in the
County of Cheshire and State of New Hampshire. Jenness, Gage, and
Company resided in Boston.
The facts in the case are sufficiently set forth in the opinion
of the Court.
Page 48 U. S. 618
MR. JUSTICE GRIER delivered the opinion of the Court.
The defendants in error, Jenness, Gage & Co., instituted
this suit against Philip Peck and William Bellows, in the Court of
Common Pleas of Cheshire county, New Hampshire, demanding the sum
of $2,000, for goods sold and delivered. The action was served
according to the practice of that state on 10 October, 1842, by the
attachment of the goods, chattels, and lands of the defendants. The
cause was continued till April term, 1844, when Aaron P. Howland,
assignee in bankruptcy of each of the defendants, was on motion
admitted by the court to come in and defend in their names. He
pleaded severally their application to the District Court of the
United States, at Portsmouth on 26 November, 1842, for the benefit
of the bankrupt law, on which they were decreed bankrupts on 28
December, 1842. That Howland was appointed assignee and that
defendants severally received a certificate of discharge on 21
June, 1843.
To these pleas the plaintiffs below replied that before the
filing of said petitions by the defendants, to-wit, on 8 October,
1842, the plaintiffs in good faith sued and prosecuted out of the
court of common pleas their writ of attachment against the
defendants for a just debt, by virtue of which the sheriff attached
and took into his custody and possession, as security for such
judgment as the plaintiffs in their said suit might obtain, certain
goods and chattels on a schedule annexed, and now retains the
custody thereof, and therefore pray judgment to be levied of the
To this replication the defendants rejoined that Howland, the
assignee, on 25 July, 1843, presented to the district court of the
United States a petition setting forth the plaintiffs' attachment
of the goods, and averring that such attachment
Page 48 U. S. 619
was not a valid lien on the said goods, and that therefore the
sheriff had no right to detain them, and prayed the court to order
and decree that the sheriff should deliver the goods to the
assignee, or account for their value, and that the court, after
notice to the parties and hearing, had decreed accordingly.
To these rejoinders the plaintiffs demurred, and the court of
common pleas entered their judgment as follows:
"That the plaintiffs recover against the said Philip Peck and
William Bellows $1,818.87 damages and costs of suit, which sums are
to be levied only of the goods and chattels and estate of the
defendants attached upon the plaintiffs' writ aforesaid, and
described in the plaintiffs' said replications, and not
This judgment of the court of common pleas was removed by writ
of error to the Superior Court of Judicature of the State of New
Hampshire, at the instance of the defendants, and, on hearing the
judgment of the court below, was affirmed.
The defendants, now plaintiffs in error, then prosecuted their
writ of error to this Court under the twenty-fifth section of the
Judiciary Act of 1789. As the record shows that the highest court
of judicature of the State of New Hampshire has decided against a
title claimed under a statute of the United States, it is clearly a
proper case for the revision of this Court. Various questions have
been made on the argument of this case, as to the regularity of the
bankrupt proceedings, and the validity of the certificates of
discharge set forth in the pleas of the defendants below. But we do
not think it necessary to notice them, and shall therefore assume
that the bankrupt proceedings are regular and properly set forth in
the pleas.
I. The first question that will present itself for our
consideration will be, whether the replication of the plaintiffs
below sets forth matter in avoidance of the plea which will entitle
them to the judgment prayed for, and afterwards rendered by the
court. In order to test its sufficiency, we must first inquire,
whether an attachment of property under the process peculiar to New
Hampshire and some other states creates a lien or security on the
property attached, within the true meaning and intention of the
proviso of the second section of the bankrupt act.
The words of this proviso are as follows:
"And provided also that nothing in this act contained shall be
construed to annul, destroy, or impair any lawful rights of married
women or any liens, mortgages, or other securities on property,
real or
Page 48 U. S. 620
personal, which may be valid by the laws of the states
respectively and which are not inconsistent with the provisions of
the second and fifth sections of this act."
As it is not alleged that the attachment in this case is subject
to any imputation of inconsistency with the provisions of the
second and fifth sections of the act, it will not be necessary to
give them further attention. Taking the words of the proviso
disconnected with this exception, they are of the most general and
expansive character; they are equivalent to a saving of all liens
or securities, &c., from any construction of the act that shall
in any wise annul, destroy, or impair them, and furthermore to test
their validity, we are referred to the laws of the states
At common law, there can be no lien without possession. It is
there defined a right in one man to retain that which is in his
possession belonging to another till certain demands of him, the
person in possession, are satisfied.
Hammond v. Barclay, 2
East 235. In maritime law, liens exist independently of possession,
either actual or constructive. In courts of equity, the term "lien"
is used as synonymous with a charge or encumbrance upon a thing,
where there is neither
jus in re nor
ad rem nor
possession of the thing. Hence a judgment which, by virtue of the
Statute of Westminster 2d, commonly called the Statute of Elegit,
is a charge upon the lands of the debtor, is called in courts of
equity in England and in the courts of law of many of these states
a lien, and executions which bind the personal property of the
debtor, after their delivery to the sheriff, are termed "liens"
both before and after the property is seized and taken into the
custody of the law by its officer. In the case of
Waller v.
Best, 3 How. 111, this Court decided that in
Kentucky the creditor obtains a lien upon the property of his
debtor by the delivery of a
fi. fa. to the sheriff, and
this lien is as absolute before the levy as after, and that a
creditor is not deprived of this lien by an act of bankruptcy on
the part of the debtor, committed before the levy is made but after
the execution is in the hands of the sheriff, and "it is
unnecessary," say the Court, "to remark upon the cases which have
been decided in other states, or in England, because the question
depends altogether upon the law of Kentucky."
It would be an arbitrary and fanciful exposition of the terms of
this proviso to say that it saved common law liens and not statute
liens, liens after judgment and not liens before judgment, or to
assert that it is the policy of the bankrupt act to save the lien
of a factor or bailee while it annuls that of the judgment or
execution creditor.
Page 48 U. S. 621
It is clear, therefore, that whatever is a valid lien or
security upon property, real or personal, by the laws of any state
is exempted by the express language of the act.
Let us inquire, then, whether an attachment on mesne process is
a valid lien or security on the property attached by the laws of
New Hampshire as expounded by her courts.
This species of process is peculiar to the New England states.
As early as the year 1650, while New Hampshire was united to the
Massachusetts Colony, it was enacted that
"Henceforth goods attached upon any action shall not be released
upon the appearance of the party or judgment, but shall stand
engaged until the judgment or the execution granted on the same be
Charters and Colony Laws 50. And a proviso was added in 1659
that when execution was not taken out within one month after
judgment, the attachment shall be released and void in law
The earliest provincial legislation of New Hampshire adopted the
same system, which has been continued with some variations to the
present day. In 1718, they describe the goods attached as "security
to satisfy the judgment" which the plaintiff might recover on the
trial. Provincial Laws N.H. 113. In the statute of July, 1822, and
of November sessions, 1842, ch. 2, the charge or encumbrance
created by an attachment is denominated a lien.
The mode of proceeding and practice, as at present established,
under writs of attachment in the State of New Hampshire, is thus
described by the superior court of that state in the case of
Kittridge v. Warren.
"In an attachment of personal estate, the sheriff, upon the
service of the writ, takes the possession of the goods and acquires
thereby a special property in them for the purpose of enforcing and
protecting the attachment, and the rights of all concerned in the
attachment and in goods. He is then accountable both to the
plaintiff and to the defendant for the disposition of them. If the
plaintiff obtains a judgment, they are seized and sold upon the
execution. If he fails, they are returned to the debtor. Some
person may become accountable for them, and they may thus go back
into the hands of the debtor and the attachment be dissolved, the
sheriff having, by means of a receipt for them, the security of
some third person, which is in that case to be made available to
the creditor. But if the attachment is not dissolved, it fastens
itself upon the goods as a charge or encumbrance like the
attachment upon real estate, and the avails of them are first to be
applied to the satisfaction of the judgment when recovered.
Subsequent attachments may be made upon them by the same sheriff,
Page 48 U. S. 622
where there are several attachments, the attaching creditors
have a right to priority of satisfaction, so far as those goods are
concerned, not by priority of judgment, but by that of the
Poole v. Symonds, 1 N.H. 292, 294;
v. Huntington, 2
id. 142;
Hackett v.
Pickering, 5
id. 24;
Kittredge v. Bellows, 7
id. 428;
Clarke v. Morse, 10
The statute of
elegit has never been adopted in this
state, and hence a judgment is not treated as a charge or lien on
the lands of the defendant, and the reason would seem to be because
the plaintiff could select his security upon specific property by
his attachment at the commencement of his suit and hold it for
thirty days after judgment for the purpose of satisfaction. Hence
their courts have denominated the charge or security thus obtained
a lien.
See Dunken v. Fales, 5 N. 538;
Kittredge v.
Bellows, 7
id. 427;
Clarke v. Morse, 10
id. 238;
Burnam v. Folsom, 5
id. 568;
Kittridge v. Warren; Kittridge v. Emerson, &c.
In Massachusetts also the charge or encumbrance created by an
attachment is denominated a lien.
See 9 Mass. 210;
Fettyplace v. Dutch, 13 Pick. 392;
Arnold v.
Brown, 24 Pick. 95;
Kilborn v. Lyman, 6 Met. 299
&c. In Connecticut also,
see Carter v. Champion, 8
Conn. 550.
Having thus shown that an attachment on mesne process creates a
charge on the property attached in favor of the plaintiff, which
is, in the language of the statutes and courts of New Hampshire,
called a "security" and a "lien," it will be unnecessary to notice
arguments which have been urged against them on the ground of their
peculiarities or distinctive features. The mere accidents of the
subject cannot alter its essence. It is a statute lien, and
therefore as much protected by the general language of the proviso
as a common law lien.
II. Could this lien be defeated by the interposition of the plea
of bankruptcy as a bar to a judgment in favor of the plaintiff?
By the fourth section of the act it is declared that
"The certificate or discharge, when duly granted, shall, in all
courts of justice, be deemed a full and complete discharge of all
debts, contracts, and other engagements of such bankrupt which are
provable under this act, and shall or may be pleaded as a full and
complete bar to all suits brought in any court of judicature
And it is contended as the lien of the attachment was defeasible
and could only be rendered absolute and of practical benefit to the
plaintiff by the recovery of a judgment for his demand, which is
effectually barred by the plea, that therefore the action and the
lien must fall together.
This conclusion would be undoubtedly correct if we construe
Page 48 U. S. 623
this section of the act by itself, and without regard to other
provisions of the same act.
But it is among the elementary principles with regard to the
construction of statutes that every section, provision, and clause
of a statute shall be expounded by a reference to every other, and
if possible, every clause and provision shall avail and have the
effect contemplated by the legislature. One portion of a statute
should not be construed to annul or destroy what has been clearly
granted by another. The most general and absolute terms of one
section may be qualified and limited by conditions and exceptions
contained in another, so that all may stand together.
The proviso to the second section of this act declares "that
nothing in this act contained shall be construed to annul, destroy,
or impair" any liens &c. Here, then, is an absolute prohibition
to the court to construe the general terms of the fourth section so
as to defeat the lien saved by the second. It is clear, therefore,
that the court, while it grants the defendant the benefit of his
discharge, must do it in such a manner as not to impair the rights
saved to the plaintiff. All liens, whether by mortgage or judgment,
by common law or by statute, are for the purpose of obtaining
satisfaction of some debt or claim, and the construction of the
fourth section which would treat the bankrupt's certificate as an
absolute discharge from all his debts, for every purpose, would be
alike destructive of them all. The mortgagee, the factor, or the
bottomry lender is in no better condition than the judgment or
attachment creditor. And an attempt to make a distinction between
them which would save the rights of one and impair or destroy those
of the other, would be judicial legislation --
jus dare,
jus dicere. In order, therefore, to give full effect
to all the provisions of the act, the bankrupt's certificate must
be made to operate as a discharge of his person and future
acquisitions, while at the same time the mortgagees or other lien
creditors shall be permitted to have their satisfaction out of the
property mortgaged or subject to lien. A legal right without a
remedy would be an anomaly in the law.
The judgment rendered in this case has fully attained both these
objects. While it discharges the defendant from personal liability,
it saves to the plaintiffs below their remedy and awards their
satisfaction out of the property attached, "and not otherwise." The
books are full of precedents for such a judgment. When an
administrator pleads
plene administravit, the plaintiff
may admit the plea and take judgment of assets,
acciderint. When the defendant pleads a discharge of his
person under an insolvent law, the plaintiff may confess the
Page 48 U. S. 624
plea and have judgment to be levied only of defendant's future
effects. 1 Chitty, Pl. 548.
III. The only question that remains to be considered is whether
the rejoinder of the defendants below is a sufficient answer to the
It sets up, by way of avoidance of the attachment pleaded in the
replication, that the district court of the United States, on the
petition of the assignee and on notice to the plaintiff in this
suit, had decreed that this attachment was not a lien on the
property in the custody of the sheriff, and ordered him to deliver
it up to the assignee or account to him for its value. It does not
pretend to show how the proceedings in the court of common pleas
had been removed to the district court or how its judgment on the
cause pending before it could be thus anticipated, nor that the
district court had found any means of enforcing its decree by
compelling the sheriff to deliver the property attached to the
assignee, and thus in effect destroy the lien, but it seems to rely
on the decree as a judgment on the question which should operate by
way of estoppel. This necessarily involves the inquiry whether the
district court was vested with any power or authority to oust the
court of common pleas of its jurisdiction over the cause and
supersede its judgment by this summary proceeding.
The district court has exclusive jurisdiction "of all suits and
proceedings in bankruptcy." But the suit pending before the court
of common pleas was not a suit or proceeding in bankruptcy, and
although the plea of bankruptcy was interposed by the defendants,
the court was as competent to entertain and judge of that plea as
of any other. It had full and complete jurisdiction over the
parties and the subject matter of the suit, and its jurisdiction
had attached more than a month before any act of bankruptcy was
committed. It was an independent tribunal, not deriving its
authority from the same sovereign, and, as regards the district
court, a foreign forum, in every way its equal. The district court
had no supervisory power over it. The acts of Congress point out
but one mode by which the judgments of state courts can be revised
or annulled, and that is by this Court, under the twenty-fifth
section of the Judiciary Act. In certain cases where one of the
parties is a citizen of another state, he has the privilege of
removing his suit to the courts of the United States. But in all
other respects they are to be regarded as equal and independent
It is a doctrine of law too long established to require a
citation of authorities that where a court has jurisdiction, it has
a right to decide every question which occurs in the cause, and
Page 48 U. S. 625
whether its decision be correct or otherwise, its judgment, till
reversed, is regarded as binding in every other court, and that
where the jurisdiction of a court and the right of a plaintiff to
prosecute his suit in it have once attached, that right cannot be
arrested or taken away by proceedings in another court. These rules
have their foundation not merely in comity, but on necessity. For
if one may enjoin, the other may retort by injunction, and thus the
parties be without remedy; being liable to a process for contempt
in one if they dare to proceed in the other. Neither can one take
property from the custody of the other by replevin or any other
process, for this would produce a conflict extremely embarrassing
to the administration of justice. In the case of
Kennedy v.
Earl of Cassilis, Lord Eldon at one time granted an injunction
to restrain a party from proceeding in a suit pending in the Court
of Sessions of Scotland, which, on more mature reflection, he
dissolved because it was admitted if the Court of Chancery could in
that way restrain proceedings in an independent foreign tribunal,
the Court of Sessions might equally enjoin the parties from
proceeding in chancery, and thus they would be unable to proceed in
either court. The fact, therefore, that an injunction issues only
to the parties before the court, and not to the court, is no
evasion of the difficulties that are the necessary result of an
attempt to exercise that power over a party who is a litigant in
another and independent forum.
The act of Congress of 2 March, 1793, ch. 66, § 5, declares that
a writ of injunction shall not be granted "to stay proceedings in
any court of a state." In the case of
Diggs v.
Wolcott, 4 Cranch 179, the decree of the circuit
court had enjoined the defendant from proceeding in a suit pending
in a state court, and this Court reversed the decree because it had
no jurisdiction to enjoin proceedings in a state court.
It follows, therefore, that the district court had no
supervisory power over the state court, either by injunction or the
more summary method pursued in this case, unless it has been
conferred by the Bankrupt Act. But we cannot discover any provision
in that act which limits the jurisdiction of the state courts or
confers any power on the bankrupt court to supersede their
jurisdiction, to annul or anticipate their judgments, or wrest
property from the custody of their officers. On the contrary, it
provides that
"All suits in law and equity then pending in which such bankrupt
is a party may be prosecuted and defended by such assignee to its
final conclusion in the same way and with the same effect as they
might have been by such bankrupt."
Instead of drawing the decision of the case into the
Page 48 U. S. 626
court, the act sends the assignee in bankruptcy to the state
court where the suit is pending, and admits its power to decide the
cause. It confers no authority on the district court to restrain
proceedings therein by injunction or any other process, much less
to take property out of its custody or possession with a strong
hand. An attempt to enforce the decree set forth in the rejoinder
would probably have been met with resistance and resulted in a
collision of jurisdictions much to be deprecated.
In fine, we can find no precedent for the proceeding set forth
in this plea, and no grant of power to make such decree or to
execute it, either in direct terms or by necessary implication,
from any provisions of the bankrupt act, and we are not at liberty
to interpolate it on any supposed grounds of policy or
The plea cannot, therefore, be sustained, and the judgment of
the Superior court of New Hampshire must be
This cause came on to be heard on the transcript of the record
of the Superior Court of Judicature of the State of New Hampshire
and was argued by counsel. On consideration whereof it is now here
ordered and adjudged by this Court that the judgment of the said
Superior Court of Judicature be and the same is hereby affirmed
with costs and damages at the rate of six percentum per annum.