1. The Special Master was fully justified in invoking the
doctrine of acquiescence in concluding that the true boundary
between California and Nevada is that located by two surveys,
funded by congressional appropriations in 1872 and 1892, since both
States have acquiesced in those boundary lines from the time they
were drawn. The issue of whether Congress had power to determine
the lines even though an 1863 joint survey had been commissioned by
the States, which both adopted the results thereof by statute, need
not be decided, since it is not necessary that there be a
particular relationship between the origins of a boundary and the
legal consequences of acquiescence in that boundary. Longstanding
acquiescence by the States can give the boundary lines the force of
law whether or not federal authorities had the power to draw them.
447 U. S.
2. However, the Special Master's reference will not be expanded
to authorize him to determine whether the United States should be
made a party to the case and to make recommendations as to the
quieting of title on various disputed borderlands. The ownership
and title questions that remain typically will involve only one or
the other State and the United States, or perhaps various citizens
of those States, not disputes between the States. Thus, even if
some of those questions do fall within this Court's original
jurisdiction, they will not fall within its exclusive jurisdiction,
and litigation in other forums is an appropriate means of resolving
those questions. Pp.
447 U. S.
Exceptions to Special Master's report overruled, and report
adopted in part.
BRENNAN, J., delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court.
Page 447 U. S. 126
MR. JUSTICE BRENNAN delivered the opinion of the Court.
The report of the Special Master tenders for the Court's
approval his determination of the true boundary between the States
of California and Nevada. That boundary was the subject of numerous
surveys in the latter half of the 19th century, and the central
question presented in this original action is which, if any, of the
lines which resulted properly marks the rugged border between the
two States. [
Footnote 1] The
Special Master combed the voluminous record and concluded that, in
combination, the two most recent surveys had fixed a boundary to
which both States have acquiesced for the better part of a century.
Applying the doctrine of prescription and acquiescence, he
concluded that the boundary so fixed was the proper one. Nevada
takes exception to that determination on several grounds. We
overrule those exceptions and, with the qualifications hereinafter
noted, approve and adopt the Special Master's report.
Page 447 U. S. 127
The two straight-line segments that make up the boundary between
California and Nevada were initially defined in California's
Constitution of 1849. The first, the "north-south" segment,
commences on the Oregon border at the intersection of the 42d
parallel and the 120th meridian and runs south along that meridian
to the 39th parallel. And the second, the "oblique" segment, begins
at that parallel and runs in a southeasterly direction to the point
where the Colorado River crosses the 35th parallel. Cal.Const.,
Art. XII (1849). In 1850, when California was admitted to the
Union, Congress approved the 1849 Constitution, and with it
California's eastern boundary. Act of Sept. 9, 1850, 9 Stat.
On the same day that it admitted California, Congress
established a territorial government in the area immediately to the
east. The organic Act for that new Territory -- which was then
called Utah -- stated that it was to be "bounded on the west by the
State of California." Act of Sept. 9, 1850, 9 Stat. 453. Eleven
years later, the Territory of Nevada was created out of Utah.
Congress indicated in the organic Act that Nevada might include
portions of what was then California, but with the proviso that
"so much of the Territory within the present limits of the State
of California shall not be included within this Territory until the
State of California shall assent to the same by an act irrevocable
without the consent of the United States. . . ."
Act of Mar. 2, 1861, 12 Stat. 210. No assent was ever given by
California. Accordingly, when Nevada was admitted as a State in
1864, its western boundary and California's eastern one remained
congruent. [
Footnote 2]
Page 447 U. S. 128
Notwithstanding brief and incomplete surveying efforts in the
decade after California was admitted, the actual location on the
ground of that State's eastern boundary remained highly uncertain
-- so much so that fighting broke out over the precise whereabouts
of a small valley on the north-south line above Lake Tahoe, and a
border town along the oblique line found itself claimed as the seat
of both a Nevada and a California county. [
Footnote 3] These difficulties led California and
Nevada to commission a joint survey of their border. Conducted in
1863, that survey located what is known as the Houghton-Ives line
from the Oregon border south along the 120th meridian to a point in
Lake Tahoe and then southeast for about 103 miles along the oblique
line in the direction of the relevant point on the Colorado River.
The remaining 300-plus miles of the oblique border were not
surveyed. [
Footnote 4]
Both California and Nevada adopted the Houghton-Ives line by
statute, but its significance was to be short-lived. In 1867-1868,
Daniel G. Major surveyed the Oregon-California boundary for the
General Land Office. One step in his work was to locate the
intersection of that boundary and the 120th meridian. This he did,
at a point more than two miles west
Page 447 U. S. 129
of that meridian as marked by Houghton-Ives. This discrepancy
Footnote 5] eventually led the
Commissioner of the General Land Office to recommend that Congress
appropriate money for a full survey of the eastern boundary of
California. His recommendation was followed in 1872.
The new survey was conducted by Allexey W. Von Schmidt. While
originally instructed to commence his north-south line at the point
located by Daniel G. Major, Von Schmidt concluded that the actual
120th meridian lay not only east of "Major's corner," but
six-tenths of a mile east of the Houghton-Ives line as well.
Accordingly, Von Schmidt marked a new north-south line starting at
this location. His survey of the oblique boundary also had its
surprises. From the intersection of his north-south segment and the
39th parallel, he set off in what he thought was the direction of
the intersection of the Colorado River and the 35th parallel.
Unfortunately, the Colorado River had shifted since the point for
which he was aiming had been marked, and rather than end at the
wrong place, he attempted to correct the line he was marking. It
later turned out that his corrections were not complete, and his
line not entirely straight. But linear or not, his work did
generate a boundary. And, although neither State adopted it by
statute, the Von Schmidt survey won gradual acceptance in both
California and Nevada.
In the 1880's, however, substantial doubts about the accuracy of
the oblique segment of the Von Schmidt line were voiced in
Washington. As a result, Congress appropriated funds in 1892 for a
new survey of that segment. The survey was undertaken by personnel
of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and conducted over a
period of several years. It yielded a new oblique line and
determined that the one charted by Von Schmidt had been neither
straight nor accurate.
Page 447 U. S. 130
Both States adopted the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey
line by statute -- California in 1901 and Nevada in 1903. [
Footnote 6]
The Special Master concluded that the Von Schmidt survey of the
north-south line and the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey
one of the oblique line were the most recent and accurate surveys
available. While noting that Von Schmidt had not been entirely
accurate, the Master found that the north-south line that resulted
from his survey had been consistently and routinely recognized and
accepted by agencies and departments of the State of Nevada for
more than a century. That the Houghton-Ives line was the first
north-south boundary marked, and the only one approved by statute
was, he found, beside the point, because, as a practical matter,
that boundary had been superseded a decade after it was
established, and neither State had objected. [
Footnote 7] As for the oblique boundary, the
Master found that the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey line
had not only been adopted by statute, but also been accepted and
used by the two States for nearly 80 years. Since both States had
treated these lines as the boundary from the time they were drawn,
the Master invoked the doctrine of acquiescence to determine that
together they in fact constitute the true and correct interstate
The State of Nevada's primary contention is that the Special
Master's reliance upon the doctrine of acquiescence was
Page 447 U. S. 131
in error. Basically, the argument is that, once Nevada and
California had conducted the 1863 joint survey which produced the
Houghton-Ives line, the Federal Government had no constitutional
authority to mark a different line which had the effect of removing
territory from one State and granting it to the other. Since the
Congress was without power to determine the Von Schmidt and United
States Coast and Geodetic Survey lines, the argument continues,
they are without legal effect. And because States may not confer
upon the Federal Government a power which the Constitution does not
vest in it, acquiescence in those lines cannot make them lawful.
Thus, Nevada concludes, either (1) Congress is constitutionally
empowered to redraw the boundaries of the several States, in which
case the Von Schmidt and Geodetic Survey lines may be upheld
regardless of acquiescence, or (2) Congress is constitutionally
powerless to alter those boundaries, in which case no mere century
of acquiescence can convert a usurpation into law.
The flaw in this argument is that it assumes that there must be
a particular relationship between the
origins of a
boundary and the legal
consequences of acquiescence in
that boundary. In fact, however, no such relationship need exist.
Longstanding acquiescence by California and Nevada can give the Von
Schmidt and Geodetic Survey lines the force of law whether or not
federal authorities had the power to draw them. And the
determination that the two States' conduct has had precisely this
effect, therefore, does not place any sort of constitutional
imprimatur upon the federal actions involved.
See Ohio v.
Kentucky, 410 U. S. 641,
410 U. S.
648-651 (1973);
Indiana v. Kentucky,
136 U. S. 479,
136 U. S.
509-510 (1890). Accordingly, we need not address the
issue of federal power to which Nevada adverts. It is enough that
California claims and has always claimed all territory up to a
specifically described boundary -- the 120th meridian and the
oblique line with which it connects -- and that both States have
long acquiesced
Page 447 U. S. 132
in particular lines marking that boundary. [
Footnote 8] If Nevada felt that those lines were
inaccurate and operated to deprive it of territory lawfully within
its jurisdiction, the time to object was when the surveys were
conducted, not a century later.
Ohio v. Kentucky, supra at
410 U. S. 649.
In consequence, we hold that, in these circumstances, the Special
Master was fully justified in invoking the doctrine of
acquiescence. [
Footnote 9]
Having determined that the Special Master's resolution of the
boundary dispute was proper, we turn to his recommendations
regarding the quite separate issue of ownership of various
Page 447 U. S. 133
disputed borderlands. This matter is here on California's motion
to file a second amended complaint and bifurcate issues, which
seeks further proceedings before the Special Master after the
boundary questions are determined. Specifically, the United States
has apparently confirmed or "clear-listed" to California and Nevada
certain parcels that turn out to be on the "wrong" side of the
boundary between those States. The Special Master was of the view
that California's motion should be allowed, and that he should be
authorized (1) to determine whether the United States should be
made a party to this case and (2) to make recommendations as to the
quieting of title on various borderlands.
We decline at this point to expand the Special Master's
reference. The ownership and title questions that remain typically
will involve only one or the other State and the United States, or
perhaps various citizens of those States. Disputes between
California and Nevada are not in the offing. [
Footnote 10] In consequence, even if some of the
ownership questions to come do fall within our original
jurisdiction, they will not fall within our exclusive jurisdiction.
28 U.S.C. 1251 (1976 ed., Supp. II). Under these circumstances we
see no reason to refer the matter to the Special Master. On the
contrary, litigation in other forums seems an entirely appropriate
means of resolving whatever questions remain.
In sum, we overrule Nevada's exceptions and approve and adopt
the Special Master's report and recommendations except insofar as
those recommendations would allow California's second amended
complaint and permit proceedings relating to the ownership of
disputed lands on the California-Nevada boundary.
So ordered.
Footnote 1]
California instituted this original action on April 22, 1977,
when it filed its motion for leave to file complaint and complaint.
On June 29, 1977, we granted that motion and appointed the Special
Master. Basically, California sought a declaration that the
currently recognized line dividing the two States was in fact the
lawful boundary. As counsel for the State characterized it at oral
argument, the suit was in the nature of a quiet title action, and
was precipitated by growing doubts about the geographic accuracy of
the existing line as well as concerns regarding the validity of
certain titles which depended upon the location of the border. The
Special Master's report was filed in this Court on October 29,
1979, 444 U.S. 922, and we set Nevada's exceptions and related
matters for oral argument. 444 U.S. 1065 (1980).
Footnote 2]
Nevada's Constitution stated that its boundary would proceed
"in a North Westerly direction along [the oblique section of
the] Eastern boundary line of the State of California to the forty
third degree of Longitude West from Washington [and then] North
along said forty third degree of West Longitude, and said Eastern
boundary line of the State of California to the forty second degree
of North Latitude. . . ."
Nev. Const., Art. XIV, § 1 (1864). Although it turns out that
the 43d degree of longitude west from Washington does not exactly
coincide with the 120th meridian west of Greenwich -- which was the
north-south reference in the California Constitution -- the Special
Master concluded that the Congress that approved Nevada's
Constitution was of the view that the two lines were identical.
Certainly the language of the Nevada Constitution supports this
conclusion by seeming to equate the 43d degree of longitude west of
Washington with the eastern boundary of California. In any event,
we need not explore the matter further, since it would be relevant
only were we to require a new survey of one or the other
longitudinal line, and we do not find such a new survey
Footnote 3]
Indeed, the town -- Aurora -- elected representatives to both
the California and Nevada Legislatures in 1862, and those
representatives apparently became speakers of their respective
Footnote 4]
Two years later, one James S. Lawson extended the oblique
portion of the Houghton-Ives line another 73 miles.
Footnote 5]
A third survey, conducted in the summer of 1872 near the Oregon
border, contributed to the confusion by concluding that the 120th
meridian lay to the east of the locations pinpointed by both Major
and Houghton-Ives.
Footnote 6]
Nevada's statute was in effect when the present litigation was
commenced, although it has subsequently been repealed.
Footnote 7]
California notes that Nevada welcomed the Von Schmidt survey at
the time it was conducted. Indeed, the Surveyor General of that
State remarked that,
"within a year, the State will be inclosed by an actual surveyed
line and monuments, and the troubles heretofore existing, to State
and county officials, in dealing with an imaginary line, will be
entirely and forever obviated."
Report of the Surveyor General and State Land Register of the
State of Nevada for the years 1871 and 1872, p. 8.
Footnote 8]
Nor is Nevada's position saved by the contention that California
could not profit by the doctrine of acquiescence, because its claim
to the lands up to the Von Schmidt and United States Coast and
Geodetic Survey lands was not made under color of title or claim of
right. The fact is that California's claim has always been for all
lands on its side of the boundary described rather specifically in
its Constitution. So long as its claims were made under a survey
that purported to reflect that boundary, it had colorable title and
a claim of right.
Footnote 9]
Several subsidiary issues relating to the California-Nevada
border are considered in the Special Master's recommendations.
First, it turns out that Von Schmidt's north-south line and the
United States Coast and Geodetic Survey oblique line do not
intersect at precisely the 39th parallel, as in theory they should.
The Special Master suggests that the two States be given the
opportunity to determine by agreement the point in Lake Tahoe where
the two lines meet. Failing such an accord, he indicates that he
would recommend a solution; but this probably will not be
necessary, since the parties are apparently in agreement that, if
the balance of the Master's report is accepted, the best course is
to extend the oblique line in a northwesterly direction to the
point where it crosses the north-south line. This solution to the
problem is entirely permissible.
Cf. New Hampshire v.
Maine, 426 U. S. 363
(1976). Second, the Master recommends that he be authorized to
arrange for surveys, at the parties' expense, if necessary to
resolve disputes over the precise location of portions of either of
the lines we approve today. That, too, seems appropriate. And
third, he states that we should reserve the taxing of costs until
after a further report -- a suggestion which we will follow, since
the possibility of partial surveys would make an assessment at this
time premature.
Footnote 10]
At oral argument, counsel for the State of California conceded
that he knew of no instance in which both States claimed the same