Applicant States, municipalities, and others, which have brought
suit challenging the constitutionality of the 1974 Amendments to
the Fair Labor Standards Act, request,
inter alia, a stay
of provisions that go into effect January 1, 1975, following the
District Court's denial of a preliminary injunction and dismissal
of the complaint, which the court characterized as involving "a
difficult and substantial question of law." In view of various
factors, including that court's concern, the pervasive impact of
its judgment on all state and municipal governments, and the
brevity of time, an order is entered granting the requested relief
until the application can be presented to the full Court at the
earliest convenient date.
See: 406 F.
Supp. 826.
This matter came to me as an individual Circuit Justice for the
District of Columbia Circuit after the close of regular business
hours of this Court on Tuesday, December 31, 1974, on a motion of
the above-named applicants, States and municipalities, the National
League of Cities, and the National Governors' Conference. The
application of said parties requests a stay of those parts of the
1974 Amendments to the Fair Labor Standards Act, Pub.L. 93-259, 88
Stat. 55, amending 29 U.S.C. § 201
et seq., which go into
effect January 1, 1975, a stay of the regulations promulgated by
the Secretary of Labor, 29 CFR Part 553, 39 Fed.Reg. 44142,
Employees of Public Agencies Engaged in Fire Protection or Law
Enforcement Activities, including security personnel in
correctional institutions of said States and municipalities, and an
injunction against enforcement by
Page 419 U. S. 1322
the Secretary of Labor or by any other person in any federal
court, to enforce parts of the said 1974 Amendments to the
above-described Act, which went into effect May 1, 1974.
The above-entitled case was filed in the United States District
Court for the District of Columbia on December 12, 1974. A
three-judge District Court was convened and on Monday, December 30,
1974, heard arguments on plaintiffs' and plaintiff intervenors'
(all of whom, except for plaintiff intervenor State of California,
are applicants on this application) application for a preliminary
injunction. Earlier today, an order was entered, denying a
preliminary injunction and dismissing the complaint in the
above-entitled action.
The three-judge District Court in denying the relief on the day
after it heard arguments expressed the view that the complaint
raised "a difficult and substantial question of law," but concluded
that it was bound by this Court's holding in
Maryland v.
Wirtz, 392 U. S. 183
In light of the pervasive impact of the judgment of the District
Court on every state and municipal government in the United States,
the novelty of the legal questions presented, the expressed concern
of the District Court as to the substantiality of the
constitutional questions raised, the brevity of time available to
the District Court and to me as Circuit Justice, and the extent and
nature of the injury to the applicants, it is not appropriate to
take final action as an individual Justice.
Against this background, and balancing the injury to the
contemplated enforcement of the regulations by the Secretary,
against the injury to the applicants if they are ultimately
successful, and sharing the doubts and concerns articulated by the
District Court, I am not prepared -- less than five hours before
the regulations of the
Page 419 U. S. 1323
Secretary become effective -- to do more than enter an interim
order granting the relief prayed for until the application can be
presented to the full Court at the earliest convenient date. At
that time, the entire matter can be considered with the benefit of
a response from the Solicitor General on behalf of the
Accordingly, an order will be entered forthwith, granting the
relief prayed for until further order of the Court and referring
the application to the full Court.
The Solicitor General has been directed to file any response he
desires to make on or before Wednesday, January 8, 1975.