1. Where promises are in the alternative, the fact that one of
them is at the time, or subsequently becomes, impossible of
performance does not, without more, relieve the promisor from
performing the other. P. 358.
2. In an agreement, ratified by Congress in 1894, by which the
Yankton Sioux Indians made a large cession of lands to the United
States, it was stipulated, in part consideration for the cession
and with respect to a small tract of other land containing
pipestone quarries which were long claimed by the Indians under a
Treaty of 1858 with encouragement from Congress, (1) that, if the
government questioned their ownership of that reservation,
including the fee of the land as well as the right to work the
quarries, the Secretary of the Interior should as speedily as
possible refer the matter to the Supreme Court of the United States
for decision, and (2) that, if this were not done within one year
from the ratification of the agreement by Congress, such failure on
the part of the Secretary should be a waiver by the United States
of all rights to the ownership of such pipestone reservation, and
the same should thereafter be solely the property of the tribe.
Page 272 U. S. 352
Secretary, believing the provision for securing a decision of
the Court was beyond the power of Congress, and being advised by
the Attorney General that it was impracticable, made no attempt to
carry it out. The land ceded was opened to settlement by the
government, and passed largely into the possession of innocent
purchasers, making restoration of the
status quo ante
impossible. In new of the equities growing out of these facts,
held that the second of the alternative stipulations was
enforceable even if the first was not. P.
272 U. S.
61 Ct.Cls. 40 reversed.
Certiorari (270 U.S. 637) to review a judgment of the Court of
Claims rejecting the claim of the above-named tribe of Indians for
compensation for a tract of land in Minnesota embracing the Red
Pipe Stone Quarries, which had been appropriated by the United
See also 53 Ct.Cls. 67, 81.
MR. JUSTICE SUTHERLAND delivered the opinion of the Court.
By § 22 of the Indian Appropriation Act of April 4, 1910, c.
140, 36 Stat. 269, 284, jurisdiction was conferred upon the Court
of Claims
"to hear, and report a finding of fact, as between the United
States and the Yankton Tribe of Indians of South Dakota as to the
interest, title, ownership, and right of possession of the said
to a tract of land lying in the State of Minnesota embracing the
Red Pipestone Quarries. That court, narrowly construing its powers,
reported to Congress findings of fact without passing upon the
question of title or determining any issue of law. 53 Ct.Cls. 67,
81. Congress subsequently,
Page 272 U. S. 353
on June 3, 1920, 41 Stat. 738, c. 222, conferred upon the same
court jurisdiction to adjudicate all claims of the Sioux Indians
against the United States, and, under that Act, these Indians filed
their petition in this proceeding, praying judgment for an amount
which would compensate them should it be found that the land in
question had been misappropriated by the defendant. On January 9,
1925, while the case was pending, jurisdiction was conferred more
definitely upon the same court to determine from the findings of
fact theretofore made
"the interest, title, ownership, and right of possession of the
Yankton Band of Santee Sioux Indians in and to the land known as
the 'Red Pipestone Quarries,'"
and thereupon to determine, and enter judgment for, the amount
"legally and equitably due from the United States" to petitioner
for the same. 43 Stat. 730, c. 59. That court, in addition to its
previous findings of fact, has now found that the Indians had been
and still are permitted freely to visit and procure stone from the
quarries, and that they are free to do so as long as they may
desire. Concluding that, under the treaty of 1858, 11 Stat. 743,
the only interest possessed by the tribe in the quarries was this
right, which had never been denied, the court dismissed the
petition. 61 Ct.Cls. 40.
By the treaty of 1858, these Indians ceded to the United States
all the lands then owned, possessed, or claimed by them, wherever
situated, except a particularly described tract of 400,000 acres.
In consideration of that cession, among other things, the United
States agreed (Art. VIII, p. 746) that:
"The said Yancton Indians shall be secured in the free and
unrestricted use of the red pipestone quarry, or so much thereof as
they have been accustomed to frequent and use for the purpose of
procuring stone for pipes, and the United States hereby stipulate
and agree to cause to be surveyed and marked so much thereof as
shall be necessary and proper for that purpose,
Page 272 U. S. 354
and retain the same and keep it open and free to the Indians to
visit and procure stone for pipes so long as they shall
In accordance with this agreement, the tract here in question,
containing about 648 acres, was so surveyed and marked.
It is quite clear from all the surrounding circumstances that
the Indians understood that, by this provision, there was granted
to them full ownership of the tract, and their claim to that effect
they have always persistently and stoutly maintained. The validity
of that claim the government has sometimes denied, and at other
times apparently conceded. One conspicuous example of the latter
character may be cited. In 1889 (25 Stat. 1012, c. 421), Congress
provided for the appraisement of the tract and the ascertainment of
the actual value of a strip of land upon it then occupied by a
railway company and the damage to the remainder of the tract by
reason of the taking of the strip for railroad purposes. As a
result of this legislation, $1,740 was collected from the railroad
company and paid to the Indians. By the same Act, it was provided
that no part of the tract should be sold without the consent of a
majority of the adult male members of the tribe, and that the
proceeds of sales should be credited to the annuity fund of the
Indians, or expended according to their determination.
Nevertheless the extent and character of the interest of the
Indians has continued to be more or less in controversy. In 1891
(26 Stat. 764, c. 240), provision was made for establishing Indian
industrial and training schools in Minnesota, Michigan, and
Wisconsin, that in Minnesota to be located on the quarry tract.
Under this Act, a school was established on the tract and opened
early in 1893; possession being taken, it is conceded, of the
entire tract. In the meantime, negotiations with the Indians had
resulted in an agreement for the cession of an additional 150,000
acres of land, which agreement was
Page 272 U. S. 355
ratified by Congress in 1894. 28 Stat. 314, c. 290. In part
consideration of the cession, the agreement contains the following
"Article XVI. If the government of the United States questions
the ownership of the Pipestone reservation by the Yankton Tribe of
Sioux Indians, under the treaty of April 19, 1858, including the
fee to the land as well as the right to work the quarries, the
Secretary of the Interior shall as speedily as possible refer the
matter to the Supreme Court of the United States, to be decided by
that tribunal. . . ."
"If the Secretary of the Interior shall not, within one year
after the ratification of this agreement by Congress, refer the
question of the ownership of said Pipestone reservation to the
Supreme Court, as provided for above, such failure upon his part
shall be construed as, and shall be, a waiver by the United States
of all rights to the ownership of the said Pipestone reservation,
and the same shall thereafter be solely the property of the Yankton
tribe of the Sioux Indians, including the fee to the land."
Concluding that the provision for referring the matter to this
Court was beyond the constitutional power of Congress, the
Secretary made no attempt to carry that part of the article into
operation beyond submitting the question for the opinion of the
Attorney General. That officer advised that compliance with it was
impracticable. There the matter rested until 1897, at which time
Congress, apparently on the theory that the Indian title had vested
under the second paragraph of the article by reason of the failure
of the Secretary to refer the matter to this Court under the first
paragraph, directed the Secretary of the Interior to negotiate with
the Indians for the purchase of the land. 30 Stat. 62, 87, c. 3.
Negotiations were had with the Indians, and an agreement made for
the transfer of their interests to the United States for the sum of
$100,000, which agreement was transmitted to
Page 272 U. S. 356
Congress and referred to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs.
A majority of the committee reported adversely, but no action upon
the report or upon the matter appears to have been taken by
Congress. The acts of legislation and the proceedings in the Court
of Claims followed as already outlined.
The lower court held, first, that the right reserved to the
Indians by the treaty of 1858 was a mere easement, and this the
government had not interfered with, and, second, that Article XVI
did not operate to enlarge this right, but was a mere direction to
refer the question of title to this Court, and, since that involved
an unconstitutional attempt to extend the original jurisdiction of
the court, the provision, on its face, was impossible of
performance, and therefore void.
We pass the first ground without considering it, and come at
once to the second. To begin with, it is not clear that the
undertaking to refer the question to this Court was impossible of
performance. The Attorney General, to whom the question was
referred by the Secretary of the Interior, advised only that it was
"impracticable." That it could not have been referred directly to
this Court is obvious, since that would have been to invoke an
original jurisdiction which the court cannot exercise under the
Constitution. But the matter might have gone to an inferior court
and have been brought here by appeal, necessary legislation to that
end, so far as required, being provided. Such a process, if it
would not have satisfied the letter, would at least, have satisfied
the purpose of the provision.
See The Harriman,
9 Wall. 161,
76 U. S.
Beebe v. Johnson, 19 Wend. 500.
We prefer, however, to rest our decision upon other
considerations. The pipestone quarries are of great antiquity.
There, the tribes, from time immemorial, have been wont to gather,
under solemn truce, to quarry the stone, which is of a quality and
texture not found elsewhere,
Page 272 U. S. 357
and mold it into pipes -- the Indian symbols of peace. A great
store of Indian myth and legend is associated with the spot, and it
always has been regarded by the tribesmen with sentiments bordering
upon religious reverence. While transferring to the United States
their possessory title to other lands, the Indians had steadfastly
refused to surrender what they conceived to be their peculiar right
to this tract. Under these circumstances, it is by no means certain
that they would have agreed to the cession at all without the
provision in question. However that may be, it cannot be doubted
that they regarded the undertaking of the government set forth in
article XVI, as of great value, accepted it in good faith, and
relied with the utmost confidence upon the alternative promise of
Congress that, in the event the matter was not referred to this
Court, all claims of the government to the ownership of the tract
would cease and the Indian title in fee be conclusively
To deny all efficacy to that part of the undertaking upon the
ground that the other part was impossible of performance, and at
the same time hold these wards of the government to the terms of
the cession for which the undertaking formed so important an
element of consideration, would be most inequitable and utterly
indefensible upon any moral ground, and this is peculiarly true, in
view of the attitude of Congress in so dealing with the matter from
time to time, as hereinbefore recited, as to justify a belief on
the part of the Indians that their ownership was conceded. It is
impossible, however, to rescind the cession and restore the Indians
to their former rights, because the lands have been opened to
settlement and large portions of them are now in the possession of
innumerable innocent purchasers, and nothing remains but to
sanction a great injustice or enforce the alternative agreement of
the United States in respect of the ownership of the Indians. The
latter course is so
Page 272 U. S. 358
manifestly in accordance with ordinary conceptions of fairness
that it would be unfortunate if any positive rule of law stood in
the way of its accomplishment. We are of opinion that none exists.
The judgment of the Court of Claims that such an obstruction is to
be found in the conclusion that the provision for referring the
controversy to this Court was legally impossible of execution
cannot be sustained.
The general rule undoubtedly is that, where there is a legal
impossibility of performance appearing on the face of the promise,
there is no contract in respect of it. But here, the undertaking of
the government is in the alternative that either the question of
the title of the Indians shall be referred to this Court for
determination, or, in default of that being done, title in fee
shall vest in the Indians. Granted the impossibility of the first
alternative, the government nevertheless took the risk, and must,
in accordance with its definite undertaking to that effect, suffer
the stipulated consequence, in virtue of the principle that, where
promises are in the alternative, the fact that one of them is at
the time, or subsequently becomes, impossible of performance does
not at least without more, relieve the promisor from performing the
Stevens v. Webb, 7 Car. & P. 60, 62, the
defendant gave a bond in the sum of 35
l to obtain the
release of a prisoner held in custody on a
ca. sa.,
conditional to surrender him at a fine fixed. The court held the
condition void on the ground that a defendant in execution once
discharged out of custody by the plaintiff could not by law be
retaken upon that judgment, but, nevertheless, enforced payment of
the penalty, saying:
"There was therefore one branch of the agreement that the
defendant could not perform, and the law is that, if an agreement
is in the alternative, and one branch of the alternative cannot be
performed, the party is bound to perform the other, which, in this
case, is to pay 35
There is an
Page 272 U. S. 359
earlier decision, rendered in 1798 in the Court of Common Pleas,
upon exactly similar facts, to the same effect.
Da Costa v.
Davis, 1 Bos. & P. 242. In
Drake v. White, 117
Mass. 10, 13,
Stevens v. Webb, supra, was cited as
authority for the proposition that, where one part of an
alternative promise, originally possible, has subsequently become
impossible of fulfillment, the other part of the alternative must
nevertheless be performed.
See also Mill Dam Foundry v.
Hovey, 21 Pick. 417, 443;
State v. Executors of Thomas
Worthington, 7 Ohio, 171, 173;
Jacquinet v. Boutron,
19 La.Ann. 30, 32.
That the United States has taken and holds possession of the
entire quarry tract of 648 acres is not in dispute, and since the
Indians are the owners of it in fee, they are entitled to just
compensation as for a taking under the power of eminent domain.
Judgment reversed.