Acceptance, as well as delivery, of a pardon is essential to its
validity; if rejected by the person to whom it is tendered, the
court has no power to force it on him.
States v. Wilson, 7 Pet. 150.
Quaere whether the President of the United States may
exercise the pardoning power before conviction.
A witness may refuse to testify on the ground that his testimony
may have an incriminating effect, notwithstanding the President
offers, and he refuses, a pardon for any offense connected with the
matters in regard to which he is asked to testify.
There are substantial differences between legislative immunity
and a pardon; the latter carries an imputation of guilt and
acceptance of a confession of it, while the former is noncommittal,
and tantamount to silence of the witness.
There is a distinction between amnesty and pardon; the former
overlooks the offense, and is usually addressed to crimes against
the sovereignty of the state and political offenses, the latter
remits punishment and condones infractions of the peace of the
211 F. 492 reversed.
The facts, which involve the effect of a pardon of the President
of the United States tendered to one who has not been convicted of
a crime nor admitted the commission thereof, and also the necessity
of acceptance of a pardon in order to make it effective, are stated
in the opinion.
Page 236 U. S. 84
MR. JUSTICE McKENNA delivered the opinion of the Court.
Error to review a judgment for contempt against Burdick upon
presentment of the federal grand jury for
Page 236 U. S. 85
refusing to answer certain questions put to him in an
investigation then pending before the grand jury into alleged
custom frauds in violation of §§ 37 and 39 of the Criminal Code of
the United States.
Burdick first appeared before the grand jury and refused to
answer questions as to the directions he gave and the sources of
his information concerning certain articles in the New York Tribune
regarding the frauds under investigation. He is the city editor of
that paper. He declined to answer, claiming upon his oath that his
answers might tend to criminate him. Thereupon he was remanded to
appear at a later day, and upon so appearing he was handed a pardon
which he was told had been obtained for him upon the strength of
his testimony before the other grand jury. The following is a copy
of it:
"Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, to
all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:"
"Whereas George Burdick, an editor of the New York Tribune, has
declined to testify before a federal grand jury now in session in
the Southern District of New York in a proceeding entitled, 'United
States v. John Doe and Richard Roe,' as to the sources of the
information which he had in the New York Tribune office, or in his
possession, or under his control at the time he sent Henry D.
Kingsbury, a reporter on the said New York Tribune to write an
article which appeared in the said New York Tribune in its issue of
December 31st, 1913, headed, 'Glove Makers' Gems May Be Customs
Size,' on the ground that it would tend to incriminate him to
answer the questions; and,"
"Whereas the United States attorney for the Southern District of
New York desires to use the said George Burdick as a witness before
the said grand jury in the said proceeding for the purpose of
determining whether any employee of the Treasury Department at the
Page 236 U. S. 86
House, New York City, has been betraying information that came
to such person in an official capacity; and,"
"Whereas it is believed that the said George Burdick will again
refuse to testify in the said proceeding on the ground that his
testimony might tend to incriminate himself;"
"Now therefore be it known, that I, Woodrow Wilson, President of
the United States of America, in consideration of the premises,
divers other good and sufficient reasons me thereunto moving, do
hereby grant unto the said George Burdick a full and unconditional
pardon for all offenses against the United States which he, the
said George Burdick, has committed or may have committed or taken
part in in connection with the securing, writing about, or
assisting in the publication of the information so incorporated in
the aforementioned article, and in connection with any other
article, matter, or thing concerning which he may be interrogated
in the said grand jury proceeding, thereby absolving him from the
consequences of every such criminal act."
"In testimony whereof, I have hereunto signed my name and caused
the seal of the Department of Justice to be affixed. Done at the
City of Washington this fourteenth day of February, in the year of
our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fourteen, and of the
Independence of the United States the One Hundred and
He declined to accept the pardon or answer questions as to the
sources of his information, or whether he furnished certain
reporters information, giving the reason, as before, that the
answers might tend to criminate him. He was presented by the grand
jury to the district court for contempt, and adjudged guilty
thereof and to pay a fine of $500, with leave, however, to purge
himself by testifying fully as to the sources of the information
sought of him, "and in event of his refusal or failure to so
answer, a
Page 236 U. S. 87
commitment may issue in addition until he shall so comply," the
court deciding that the President has power to pardon for a crime
of which the individual has not been convicted and which he does
not admit, and that acceptance is not necessary to toll the
privilege against incrimination.
Burdick again appeared before the grand jury, again was
questioned as before, again refused to accept the pardon, and again
refused to answer upon the same grounds as before. A final order of
commitment was then made and entered, and he was committed to the
custody of the United States marshal until he should purge himself
of contempt, or until the further order of the court. This writ of
error was then allowed.
The question in the case is the effect of the unaccepted pardon.
The Solicitor General, in his discussion of the question, following
the division of the district court, contends (1) that the President
has power to pardon an offense before admission or conviction of
it, and (2) the acceptance of the pardon is not necessary to its
complete exculpating effect. The conclusion is hence deduced that
the pardon removed from Burdick all danger of accusation or
conviction of crime, and that therefore the answers to the
questions put to him could not tend to or accomplish his
Plaintiff in error counters the contention and conclusion with
directly opposing ones, and makes other contentions which attack
the sufficiency of the pardon as immunity and the power of the
President to grant a pardon for an offense not precedently
established nor confessed nor defined.
The discussion of counsel is as broad as their contentions. Our
consideration may be more limited. In our view, of the case it is
not material to decide whether the pardoning power may be exercised
before conviction. We may, however, refer to some aspects of the
contentions of plaintiff in error, although the case may be brought
Page 236 U. S. 88
the narrow question, is the acceptance of a pardon necessary? We
are relieved from much discussion of it by
States v. Wilson, 7 Pet. 150. Indeed, all of the
principles upon which its solution depends were there considered,
and the facts of the case gave them a peculiar and interesting
There were a number of indictments against Wilson and one
Porter, some of which were for obstructing the mail and others for
robbing the mail and putting the life of the carrier in jeopardy.
They were convicted on one of the latter indictments, sentenced to
death, and Porter was executed in pursuance of the sentence.
President Jackson pardoned Wilson, the pardon reciting that it was
for the crime for which he had been sentenced to suffer death,
remitting such penalty with the express stipulation that the pardon
should not extend to any judgment which might be had or obtained
against him in any other case or cases then pending before the
court for other offenses wherewith he might stand charged.
To another of the indictments, Wilson withdrew his plea of not
guilty and pleaded guilty. Upon being arraigned for sentence, the
court suggested the propriety of inquiring as to the effect of the
pardon, "although alleged to relate to a conviction on another
indictment." Wilson was asked if he wished to avail himself of the
pardon, to which he answered in person that
"he had nothing to say, and that he did not wish in any manner
to avail himself, in order to avoid sentence in this particular
case, of the pardon referred to."
The judges were opposed in opinion, and certified to this Court
for decision two propositions which were argued by the district
attorney of the United States, with one only of which we are
concerned. It was as follows:
"2. That the prisoner can, under this conviction, derive no
advantage from the pardon without bringing the same judicially
before the court by plea, motion, or otherwise. "
Page 236 U. S. 89
There was no appearance for Wilson. Attorney General Taney
(afterwards Chief Justice of this Court) argued the case on behalf
of the United States. The burden of his argument was that a pardon,
to be effective, must be accepted. The proposition was necessary to
be established, as his contention was that a plea of the pardon was
necessary to arrest the sentence upon Wilson. And he said, speaking
of the pardon, "It is a grant to him [Wilson]; it is his property,
and he may accept it or not, as he pleases;" and, further:
"It is insisted that, unless he pleads it, or in some way claims
its benefit, thereby denoting his acceptance of the proffered
grace, the court cannot notice it, nor allow it to prevent them
from passing sentence. The whole current of authority establishes
this principle."
The authorities were cited, and it was declared that "the
necessity of pleading it, or claiming it in some other manner grows
out of the nature of the grant. He must accept it."
There can be no doubt, therefore, of the contention of the
Attorney General, and we have quoted it in order to estimate
accurately the response of the Court to it. The response was
complete, and considered the contention in two aspects: (1) a
pardon as the act of the President, the official act under the
Constitution, and (2) the attitude and right of the person to whom
it is tendered. Of the former it was said that the power had
"exercised from time immemorial by the executive of that nation
[England], whose language is our language, and to whose judicial
institutions ours bear a close resemblance; we adopt their
principles respecting the operation and effect of a pardon, and
look into their books for the rules prescribing the manner in which
it is to be used by the person who would avail himself of it."
From that source of authority and principle the court deduced
and declared this conclusion:
"A pardon is an act of grace, proceeding from the power
entrusted with the execution of
Page 236 U. S. 90
the laws, which exempts the individual on whom it is bestowed
from the punishment the law inflicts for a crime he has committed.
It is the
private [italics ours], though official, act of
the executive magistrate, delivered to the individual for whose
benefit it is intended."
In emphasis of the official act and its functional deficiency if
not accepted by him to whom it is tendered, it was said:
"A private deed, not communicated to him, whatever may be its
character, whether a pardon or release, is totally unknown, and
cannot be acted on."
Turning, then, to the other side -- that is, the effect of a
pardon on him to whom it is offered -- and completing its
description and expressing the condition of its consummation, this
was said:
"A pardon is a deed, to the validity of which delivery is
essential, and delivery is not complete without acceptance. It may
then be rejected by the person to whom it is tendered, and if it be
rejected, we have discovered no power in a court to force it on
That a pardon, by its mere issue, has automatic effect
resistless by him to whom it is tendered, forcing upon him by mere
executive power whatever consequences it may have or however he may
regard it, which seems to be the contention of the government in
the case at bar, was rejected by the Court with particularity and
emphasis. The decision is unmistakable. A pardon was denominated as
the "private" act, the "private deed," of the executive magistrate,
and the denomination was advisedly selected to mark the
incompleteness of the act or deed without its acceptance.
Indeed, the grace of a pardon, though good its intention, may be
only in pretense or seeming; in pretense, as having purpose not
moving from the individual to whom it is offered; in seeming, as
involving consequences of even greater disgrace than those from
which it purports to relieve. Circumstances may be made to bring
innocence under the penalties of the law. If so brought, escape
Page 236 U. S. 91
confession of guilt implied in the acceptance of a pardon may be
rejected, preferring to be the victim of the law rather than its
acknowledged transgressor, preferring death even to such certain
infamy. This, at least theoretically, is a right, and a right is
often best tested in its extreme. "It may be supposed," the Court
said in
United States v. Wilson,
"that no being condemned to death would reject a pardon; but the
rule must be the same in capital cases and in misdemeanors. A
pardon may be conditional, and the condition may be more
objectionable than the punishment inflicted by the judgment."
The case would seem to need no further comment, and we have
quoted from it not only for its authority, but for its argument. It
demonstrates by both the necessity of the acceptance of a pardon to
its legal efficacy, and the court did not hesitate in decision, as
we have seen, whatever the alternative of acceptance, whether it be
death or lesser penalty. The contrast shows the right of the
individual against the exercise of executive power not solicited by
him nor accepted by him.
The principles declared in
United States v. Wilson have
endured for years; no case has reversed or modified them. In
Ex Parte
Wells, 18 How. 307,
59 U. S. 310,
this Court said:
"It was with the fullest knowledge of the law upon the subject
of pardons and the philosophy of government in its bearing upon the
Constitution when this Court instructed Chief Justice Marshall"
to declare the doctrine of that case. And in
Commonwealth v.
Lockwood, it was said by Mr. Justice Gray, speaking for the
Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, he then being a member of
that court, it is within the election of a defendant "whether he
will avail himself of a pardon from the executive (be the pardon
absolute or conditional)." 109 Mass. 323, 339,. The whole
discussion of the learned justice will repay a reference. He cites
and reviews
Page 236 U. S. 92
the cases with the same accurate and masterful consideration
that distinguished all of his judicial work, and the proposition
declared was one of the conclusions deduced.
United States v. Wilson, however, is attempted to be
removed as authority by the contention that it dealt with
conditional pardons, and that, besides, a witness cannot apprehend
from his testimony a conviction of guilt, which conviction he
himself has the power to avert, or be heard to say that the
testimony can be used adversely to him, when he himself has the
power to prevent it by accepting the immunity offered him. In
support of the contentions, there is an intimation of analogy
between pardon and amnesty, cases are cited, and certain statutes
of the United States are adduced whereby immunity was imposed in
certain instances, and under its unsolicited protection testimony
has been exacted against the claim of privilege asserted by
witnesses. There is plausibility in the contentions; it disappears
upon reflection. Let us consider the contentions in their
(1) To hold that the principle of
United States v.
Wilson was expressed only as to conditional pardons would be
to assert that the language and illustrations which were used to
emphasize the principle announced were meant only to destroy it.
Besides, the pardon passed on was not conditional. It was limited
in that -- and only in that -- it was confined to the crime for
which the defendant had been convicted and for which he had been
sentenced to suffer death. This was its emphasis and distinction.
Other charges were pending against him, and it was expressed that
the pardon should not extend to them. But such would have been its
effect without expression. And we may say that it had more
precision than the pardon in the pending case. Wilson had been
indicted for a specific statutory crime, convicted, and sentenced
to suffer death. It was to the crime so defined and established
that the
Page 236 U. S. 93
pardon was directed. In the case at bar, nothing is defined.
There is no identity of the offenses pardoned, and no other clue to
ascertain them but the information incorporated in an article in a
newspaper. And not that entirely, for absolution is declared for
whatever crimes may have been committed or taken part in "in
connection with any other article, matter, or thing concerning
which he [Burdick] may be interrogated."
It is hence contended by Burdick that the pardon is illegal for
the absence of specification, not reciting the offenses upon which
it is intended to operate -- worthless therefore as immunity. To
support the contention, cases are cited. It is asserted besides
that the pardon is void as being outside of the power of the
President under the Constitution of the United States because it
was issued before accusation or conviction or admission of an
offense. This, it is insisted, is precluded by the constitutional
provision which gives power only "to grant reprieves and pardons
for offenses against the United States," and it is argued, in
effect, that not in the imagination or purpose of executive
magistracy can an "offense against the United States" be
established, but only by the confession of the offending individual
or the judgment of the judicial tribunals. We do not dwell further
on the attack. We prefer to place the case on the ground we have
(2) May plaintiff in error, having the means of immunity at
hand, that is, the pardon of the President, refuse to testify on
the ground that his testimony may have an incriminating effect? A
superficial consideration might dictate a negative answer, but the
answer would confound rights which are distinct and
It is to be borne in mind that the power of the President under
the Constitution to grant pardons and the right of a witness must
be kept in accommodation. Both have sanction in the Constitution,
and it should therefore be the anxiety of the law to preserve both
-- to leave to each
Page 236 U. S. 94
its proper place. In this as in other conflicts between personal
rights and the powers of government, technical -- even nice --
distinctions are proper to be regarded. Granting, then, that the
pardon was legally issued and was sufficient for immunity, it was
Burdick's right to refuse it, as we have seen, and it therefore not
becoming effective, his right under the Constitution to decline to
testify remained to be asserted, and the reasons for his action
were personal. It is true we have said (
Brown v. Walker,
161 U. S. 601,
161 U. S. 605)
that the law regards only mere penal consequences, and not "the
personal disgrace or opprobrium attaching to the exposure" of
crime, but certainly such consequence may influence the assertion
or relinquishment of a right. This consideration is not out of
place in the case at bar. If it be objected that the sensitiveness
of Burdick was extreme because his refusal to answer was itself an
implication of crime, we answer, not necessarily in fact, not at
all in theory of law. It supposed only a possibility of a charge of
crime, and interposed protection against the charge, and, reaching
beyond it, against furnishing what might be urged or used as
evidence to support it.
This brings us to the differences between legislative immunity
and a pardon. They are substantial. The latter carries an
imputation of guilt; acceptance a confession of it. The former has
no such imputation or confession. It is tantamount to the silence
of the witness. It is noncommittal. It is the unobtrusive act of
the law given protection against a sinister use of his testimony,
not like a pardon, requiring him to confess his guilt in order to
avoid a conviction of it.
It is of little service to assert or deny an analogy between
amnesty and pardon. Mr. Justice Field, in
Knote v. United
States, 95 U. S. 149,
95 U. S. 153,
said that "the distinction between them is one rather of
philological interest than of legal importance." This is so as to
their ultimate effect, but there are incidental differences of
importance. They
Page 236 U. S. 95
are of different character and have different purposes. The one
overlooks offense; the other remits punishment. The first is
usually addressed to crimes against the sovereignty of the state,
to political offenses, forgiveness being deemed more expedient for
the public welfare than prosecution and punishment. The second
condones infractions of the peace of the state. Amnesty is usually
general, addressed to classes or even communities -- a legislative
act, or under legislation, constitutional or statutory -- the act
of the supreme magistrate. There may or may not be distinct acts of
acceptance. If other rights are dependent upon it and are asserted,
there is affirmative evidence of acceptance. Examples are afforded
United States v.
Klein, 13 Wall. 128;
Foundry, 6 Wall. 766;
v. United States, 16 Wall. 147.
See also Knote
v. United States, supra. If there be no other rights, its only
purpose is to stay the movement of the law. Its function is
exercised when it overlooks the offense and the offender, leaving
both in oblivion.
Judgment reversed, with directions to dismiss the
proceedings in contempt, and discharge Burdick from
MR. JUSTICE McREYNOLDS took no part in the consideration and
decision of this case.