Congress has power to prohibit the introduction of intoxicating
liquors into an Indian reservation wheresoever situate, and to
prohibit traffic in such liquors with tribal Indians, whether upon
or off a reservation, and whether within or without the limits of a
That power is sufficiently comprehensive to enable Congress,
Page 232 U. S. 479
securing the cession of a part of an Indian reservation within a
state, to prohibit the sale of intoxicants upon the ceded lands if,
in its judgment, the prohibition is reasonably essential to the
protection of the Indians residing on the unceded lands.
As Congress possesses this power, the state possesses no
exclusive control over the subject, and the congressional
prohibition is supreme.
The provision in Art. 17 of the agreement with the Yankton Sioux
against the sale of intoxicating liquor on the lands ceded to the
United States and the prohibition in the Act of August 15, 1894,
ratifying the agreement, are both within the power of Congress, and
are proper regulations for the protection of the Indian wards of
the Nation.
While a prohibition by act of Congress against the sale of
liquor on lands ceded by Indians to the United States within the
limits of a state, to be a constitutional exercise of the power of
Congress, must not go beyond what is reasonably essential to the
protection of the Indians, and may become inoperative when all the
Indians affected thereby become completely emancipated from federal
control, Congress is invested with wide discretion, and its action,
unless purely arbitrary, must be accepted and given full effect by
the courts.
The prohibition against the sale of liquor on land ceded by the
Yankton Sioux, under the agreement ratified by the Act of August
15, 1894, properly remains in force so long as conditions remain,
as they still do, substantially the same, and, unless sooner
altered by Congress, will continue so long as the presence and
status of the Indians sustain it as a federal regulation.
The facts, which involve the construction of the provisions in
the treaty and statutes establishing the Yankton Sioux Indian
Reservation against the sale of liquor and the effect of such
provisions on the sale of liquor on ceded lands forming a part of
such Reservation, are stated in the opinion.
Page 232 U. S. 480
MR. JUSTICE VAN DEVANTER delivered the opinion of the Court.
This direct writ of error brings under review a judgment of
conviction for unlawfully selling intoxicating liquors upon ceded
lands formerly included in the Yankton Sioux Indian Reservation, in
the State of South Dakota. This reservation was created by the
Treaty of April 19, 1858 (11 Stat. 743), for the use of the Yankton
tribe of Sioux Indians, and originally embraced 400,000 acres. A
considerable part of it was allotted in severalty to the members of
the tribe under the Act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. 388, c. 119),
and the Amendatory Act of February 28, 1891, 26 Stat. 794, c. 383,
the allotments being in small tracts scattered throughout the
reservation. By an agreement ratified and confirmed by Congress
August 15, 1894, 28 Stat. 286, 314, c. 290, the tribe ceded and
relinquished to the United States all the unallotted lands. In
Article 17 of the agreement, it was stipulated:
"No intoxicating liquors nor other intoxicants shall ever be
sold or given away upon any of the lands by this agreement ceded
and sold to the United States, nor upon any other lands within or
comprising the reservations of the Yankton Sioux or Dakota Indians,
as described in the treaty between the said Indians and the United
States, dated April 19th, 1858, and as afterwards surveyed and set
off to the said Indians. The penalty for the violation of this
provision shall be such as Congress may prescribe in the act
ratifying this agreement."
And, in the ratifying act, it was provided:
"That every person who shall sell or give away any intoxicating
liquors or other intoxicants upon any of the lands by said
agreement ceded, or upon any of the lands included in the Yankton
Sioux Indian Reservation as created by the treaty of April
nineteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, shall be punishable
by imprisonment for not more than two
Page 232 U. S. 481
years and by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars."
Conformably to § 5 of the Act of 1887, each allottee was given a
trust certificate declaring that the United States would hold the
land embraced in his allotment, for the period of twenty-five years
or such extended period as the President might direct, in trust for
him, or, in case of his decease, for his heirs, but without power
in him or them to convey or make any contract touching the land
during the trust period, and at the expiration of that period would
issue to him or them a patent conveying the title in fee,
discharged of the trust. Some of the allotted lands were
subsequently disposed of pursuant to express authority from
Congress, and those remaining approach 100,000 acres, occupied by
more than 1,500 Indians. Rep.Com.Ind.Affairs, 1911, p. 72. The
trust period has not expired, nor has the tribal relation of the
Indians been dissolved. An agent or superintendent remains in
charge of their affairs, and they are still wards of the
Hallowell v. United States, 221 U.
S. 317;
United States v. Sandoval, 231 U. S.
The ceded lands, excepting some small tracts retained by the
government as sites for an Indian agency, Indian schools, and the
like, were opened to disposition under the homestead and townsite
laws, May 21, 1895, 29 Stat. 865, and have largely passed into
private ownership.
The place at which the intoxicating liquors were sold was within
the defendant's own premises in the town of Dante, an organized
municipality located upon a part of the ceded lands then held in
private ownership by the inhabitants, none of whom was an Indian.
The defendant is a white man, but whether the persons to whom the
liquors were sold were white or Indian does not appear, and is
immaterial under the statutory provision before quoted, upon which
the prosecution was founded.
The objections urged in the district court against the
Page 232 U. S. 482
conviction, and now renewed, call in question the validity of
that statutory provision, and are, first, that the power to
regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors upon all ceded lands
rests exclusively in the state; and, second, that, if Congress
possesses any such power, it necessarily is limited to what is
reasonably essential to the protection of the Indians occupying the
unceded lands, and that this limitation is transcended by the
provision in question because it embraces territory greatly in
excess of what the situation reasonably requires, and because its
operation is not confined to a designated period, reasonable in
duration, but apparently is intended to be perpetual.
The power of Congress to prohibit the introduction of
intoxicating liquors into an Indian reservation, wheresoever
situate, and to prohibit traffic in such liquors with tribal
Indians, whether upon or off a reservation and whether within or
without the limits of a state, does not admit of any doubt. It
arises in part from the clause in the Constitution investing
Congress with authority "to regulate commerce with foreign nations,
and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes," and in
part from the recognized relation of tribal Indians to the federal
United States v.
Holliday, 3 Wall. 407,
70 U. S. 417;
United States v. Sutton, 215 U. S. 291;
Hallowell v. United States, supra; Ex Parte Webb,
225 U. S. 663,
225 U. S. 683,
225 U. S. 691;
United States v. Wright, 229 U. S. 226;
United States v. Sandoval, supra.
"These Indian tribes are the wards of the Nation. They are
communities dependent on the United States. . . . From their very
weakness and helplessness, so largely due to the course of dealing
of the federal government with them and the treaties in which it
has been promised, there arises the duty of protection, and with it
the power. This has always been recognized by the Executive and by
Congress, and by this Court, whenever the question has arisen."
United States v. Kagama, 118 U.
S. 375,
118 U. S.
Page 232 U. S. 483
Whether this power to protect the government's Indian wards
against the evils of intemperance, of which they are easy victims,
is sufficiently comprehensive to enable Congress, when securing the
cession of part of an Indian reservation within a state, to
prohibit the sale of intoxicants upon the ceded lands if, in its
judgment, that is reasonably essential to the protection of the
Indians residing upon the unceded lands is the real question
presented by the first of the defendant's objections. We say it is
the real question, because if Congress possesses power to do this,
it follows that the state possesses no exclusive control over the
subject, and that the congressional prohibition is supreme.
United States v. Holliday, supra, p.
70 U. S.
The stipulation before quoted shows that, when the Indians and
the commissioners representing the United States agreed upon a
cession of the unallotted lands, among which the allotted tracts
were interspersed, both were of opinion that due regard for the
welfare of the Indians required that traffic in intoxicants upon
the ceded lands be interdicted, as it was before the cession, and
Congress, evidently being of a like opinion, inserted in the
ratifying act the provision making it a punishable offense for any
person to sell or give away any intoxicating liquors or other
intoxicants upon any of the ceded lands. Stipulations and
provisions of this character are not new, but have occasionally
appeared in Indian treaties and legislation for more than fifty
years. The case of
United States v. Forty-three Gallons of
Whiskey, 93 U. S. 188, arose
out of a treaty with the Chippewas in 1863, 13 Stat. 668, wherein a
considerable portion of a reservation in the State of Minnesota was
ceded to the United States. The treaty contained a stipulation that
the laws of the United States, then in force or thereafter enacted,
prohibiting the introduction and sale of spirituous liquors in the
Indian country should be operative throughout the ceded lands
Page 232 U. S. 484
until Congress or the President should direct otherwise, and the
principal question in the case was whether this stipulation
encroached upon the power of the state and upon its equal footing
with the original states. This Court upheld the stipulation, and in
the course of the opinion, after observing (p.
93 U. S. 194)
that the power of Congress to regulate commerce with the Indian
tribes is "as broad and as free from restrictions as that to
regulate commerce with foreign nations," said (p.
93 U. S.
"As long as these Indians remain a distinct people, with an
existing tribal organization, recognized by the political
department of the government, Congress has the power to say with
whom, and on what terms, they shall deal, and what articles shall
be contraband. If liquor is injurious to them inside of a
reservation, it is equally so outside of it, and why cannot
Congress forbid its introduction into a place near by, which they
would be likely to frequent? It is easy to see that the love of
liquor would tempt them to stray beyond their borders to obtain it,
and that bad white men, knowing this, would carry on the traffic in
adjoining localities, rather than venture upon forbidden
And again (p.
93 U. S.
"The chiefs doubtless saw, from the curtailment of their
reservation, and the consequent restriction of the limits of the
'Indian country,' that the ceded lands would be used to store
liquors for sale to the young men of the tribe, and they well knew
that, if there was no cession, they were already sufficiently
protected by the extent of their reservation. Under such
circumstances, it was natural that they should be unwilling to sell
until assured that the commercial regulation respecting the
introduction of spirituous liquors should remain in force in the
ceded country, until otherwise directed by Congress or the
President. This stipulation was not only reasonable in itself, but
was justly due from a strong government to a weak people it had
engaged to protect. . . . Based as it is exclusively on the
Page 232 U. S. 485
authority over the
subject matter, there is no
disturbance of the principle of state equality."
The case came here a second time, and the views before expressed
were reaffirmed.
108 U. S. 108 U.S.
The case of
Dick v. United States, 208 U.
S. 340, is even more in point. There, the Nez Perce
tribe, by an agreement ratified by Congress, had ceded to the
United States a large portion of their reservation in the State of
Idaho, and in the agreement was a stipulation subjecting the ceded
lands, for a period of twenty-five years, to the federal laws
prohibiting the introduction of intoxicants into the Indian
country. The major part of the unceded lands was allotted in
severalty to members of the tribe under the Acts of 1887 and 1891,
supra, and the ceded lands were opened to disposition
under the public land laws. In regular course, some of the ceded
lands were patented to white men and came to be the site of a town.
Under the stipulation, Dick was prosecuted for introducing
intoxicating liquors into the town, and was convicted; whereupon he
brought the judgment here for review, his chief contention being
that, in view of Idaho's position as a state, Congress was without
constitutional power to authorize or ratify the stipulation. Upon
full consideration, this Court affirmed the judgment, and,
United States v. Forty-three Gallons of Whiskey,
supra, and other cases, held that the stipulation was a valid
regulation, and not subject to objection on constitutional grounds.
See also Bates v. Clark, 95 U. S. 204,
95 U. S. 208;
Clairmont v. United States, 225 U.
S. 551,
225 U. S.
We could not sustain the defendant's first objection without
departing from the principles announced and applied in those cases,
and this we have no disposition to do, for we regard them as
embodying a right conception of the power of Congress in dealing
with the Indian wards and adopting measures for their
We come, then, to the objection that the prohibition in
Page 232 U. S. 486
the Act of 1894 covers an unnecessarily extensive territory, and
is not limited in duration, and so transcends the power of
As the power is incident only to the presence of the Indians and
their status as wards of the government, it must be conceded that
it does not go beyond what is reasonably essential to their
protection, and that, to be effective, its exercise must not be
purely arbitrary, but founded upon some reasonable basis. Thus, a
prohibition like that now before us, if covering an entire state
when there were only a few Indian wards in a single county,
undoubtedly would be condemned as arbitrary. And a prohibition
valid in the beginning doubtless would become inoperative when, in
regular course, the Indians affected were completely emancipated
from federal guardianship and control. A different view in either
case would involve an unjustifiable encroachment upon a power
obviously residing in the state. On the other hand, it must also be
conceded that, in determining what is reasonably essential to the
protection of the Indians, Congress is invested with a wide
discretion, and its action, unless purely arbitrary, must be
accepted and given full effect by the courts.
The claim that the territory covered by this prohibition is so
excessive as to make it purely arbitrary is devoid of merit. The
original reservation embraced 400,000 acres -- a district
practically 25 miles square. The allotments are in small tracts
scattered throughout this district, and aggregate nearly 100,000
acres. The number of Indians affected is upwards of 1,500, and they
are more or less in a state of transition from an unsettled to a
settled life. In this situation, and having some regard to the
weakness of Indians in respect of the use of intoxicants, we are
far from believing that Congress exceeded the limits of its
discretion in applying the prohibition to all the ceded lands.
Page 232 U. S. 487
Of the claim that the prohibition is not expressly limited in
its duration, it is enough to observe that this objection cannot be
of present avail. The conditions justifying the prohibition remain
substantially the same as when it was adopted. The trust period has
not expired, the tribal relation has not been dissolved, and the
wardship of the Indians has not been terminated.
See Tiger v.
Western Investment Co., 221 U. S. 286,
221 U. S. 315;
Act May 8, 1906, 34 Stat. 182, c. 2348;
United States v.
Pelican, decided this day,
ante, p.
232 U. S. 442. The
fact that the conditions may become so changed in the future as to
render the prohibition inoperative affords no reason for condemning
it now. Unless sooner repealed, it will continue in force as long
as the presence and status of the Indians sustain it as a federal
Judgment affirmed.