Where there is no specific provision in the appropriation for
government work and there is no intention of the department in
which a government employee is employed to call upon him to fill
another separate and distinct office, his designation by the head
of his department to do certain work for another department does
not entitle him to extra compensation; and, under § 1765,
Rev.Stat., he cannot be allowed extra compensation therefor, even
though the service be of value to the government, are rendered out
of hours, and are in addition to the full performance of his
regular employment.
41 Ct.Cl. 357 affirmed.
The facts are stated in the opinion.
MR. JUSTICE WHITE delivered the opinion of the Court.
This appeal is from a judgment of the Court of Claims,
dismissing a petition filed by the appellant to recover from the
United States the sum of $3,675. 41 Ct.Cl. 357. From the findings
of the court below, the facts upon which the claim was based are
substantially as follows: Woodwell, the appellant, is by profession
a mechanical and electrical engineer. From a date prior to March 3,
1901, up to the time of the bringing of this suit, he was an
inspector of electric light plants under the jurisdiction of the
Treasury Department, receiving a salary of $2,000 per annum. In the
sundry civil
Page 214 U. S. 83
act approved March 3, 1901, the following appropriation was made
(31 Stat. 1156):
"For the establishment of an electric lighting plant for
buildings occupied by offices of the Department of the Interior,
the Patent Office building, the old Postoffice building, now
occupied by the General Land and Indian Bureaus, and the Pension
Office building, and for improvement in the heating of the Patent
Office buildings, including necessary conduits, the laying and
construction of which are hereby authorized, $74,000."
On March 11, 1901, the Secretary of the Interior sent to the
Secretary of the Treasury a communication in which, after reciting
the terms of the appropriation act above referred to, he said:
"When this item was under consideration, the Committee on
Appropriation of the House of Representatives secured, through the
Assistant Superintended of the Treasury, the itemized estimate of
cost of the proposed work, upon which the amount of appropriation
is based, and, at the hearing before the committee, it was also
indicated by members thereof that it would be expected that the
projected work should conform to the estimate and the general plan
outlined therein."
"I have therefore to request that, if practicable, some
competent person connected with the Treasury Department, expert in
such matters, may be authorized to prepare detailed plans and
specifications, upon which proposals for the work contemplated in
the appropriation may be called for at an early date."
On March 14, 1901, the Secretary of the Treasury, acknowledging
the receipt of this letter, said:
"In reply, you are informed that the work incident to the
preparation of the plans and specifications can be performed under
the supervision of a qualified employee of this office who is
familiar with the requirements; but, as the work will involve the
employment of draftsmen and other persons who cannot be supplied
from the regular force of this Department
Page 214 U. S. 84
without detriment to its business, it is assumed that such
service can be paid for from the appropriation provided for the
installation of the plant. Such expense will not exceed $500,
including the expense incident to a general inspection of the work
during the period of the installation."
"It is the judgment of this department that the installation can
be completed in all its details, in the most satisfactory manner,
without exceeding the limits of the appropriation provided therefor
-- namely, $74,000."
In answering this letter, the Secretary of the Interior
"Referring to your letter of March 14, 1901, in which you state
that, in compliance with the request of this department, a
competent person connected with the Treasury Department will be
authorized to prepare necessary plans and specifications covering
the installation of the electric lighting plant for the buildings
of this department, and to your suggestion that the work will
involve the employment of draftsmen and other persons who cannot be
supplied from the regular force of the Treasury Department, and
which would involve an expense not to exceed $500, which would
include the expense incident to the general inspection of the work
during the period of installation, I have the honor to enclose
herewith a copy of the decision of the Comptroller of the Treasury,
to whom the matter was submitted by this department, in which the
conclusion is reached that, prior to July 1, 1901, the preliminary
expenses necessary to carry into effect the appropriation for the
electric lighting plant may be incurred, although payment therefor
cannot be made previous to that date."
"The department would be glad to have the preliminary work
commenced at the earliest practical date, and would be pleased to
consider any recommendations as to the employment of the services
of draftsmen, etc., referred to in your letter. If such services
cannot be procured upon the terms named by the Comptroller, it is
believed that it can, in the meantime, be furnished by detail from
some branch of this department. "
Page 214 U. S. 85
And on May 10, 1901, the Secretary of the Treasury notified the
Secretary of the Interior as follows:
"Referring to your letter of May 8, 1901, you are informed that
Mr. J. E. Woodwell, inspector of electric light plants, has been
directed to confer with E. M. Dawson, Chief Clerk, Department of
the Interior, relative to the installation of an electric light,
heat, and power plant in the old Postoffice Department building of
this city."
Subsequently, the Secretary of the Interior made the following
order, an official copy of which was sent to Mr. Woodwell through
the Secretary of the Treasury:
"Department of the Interior"
"Washington, June 21, 1901"
"A board to consist of Mr. Edward M. Dawson, chief clerk of the
department, Mr. J. E. Woodwell, inspector of electric light plants,
Treasury Department, and Mr. Joseph S. Hill, engineer, etc.,
'General Postoffice,' is hereby constituted to, from time to time,
open bids and recommend awards of contracts for the work embraced
in the installation of the electric lighting plant for the
buildings of the Interior Department and in the improvement of the
heating of the Patent Office building."
"The board will meet at the office of the chief clerk of the
department at such time is may be designated by advertisements for
opening proposals for the work."
On November 23, 1901, the Acting Secretary of the Treasury sent
the following communication:
"Referring to your letter of November 21, 1901, requesting that
Mr. J. E. Woodwell, inspector of electric light plants, Treasury
Department, be instructed to conduct a test of the engines and
dynamos being manufactured by the Ridgeway Dynamo & Engine
Company, Ridgeway, Pennsylvania, for the Interior Department, I
have the honor to state that, owing to prior and important
instructions, it will be impractical for
Page 214 U. S. 86
Mr. Woodwell to make the test the 25th instant, as desired by
"You are advised, however, that, if the matter can be held in
abeyance until December 2, 1901, Mr. Woodwell will be instructed to
make the test."
Thereafter the following from the Acting Secretary of the
Interior was received by Mr. Woodwell:
"Department of the Interior"
"Washington, January 2, 1902"
"Permission having been obtained from the Secretary of the
Treasury for you to perform such service, you are hereby authorized
and directed to proceed to Ridgeway, Pennsylvania, as the
representative of this department at shop tests to be made,
commencing on Monday next, the 6th instant, of the engines and
dynamos to be furnished by the Ridgeway Dynamo & Engine
Company, under contract with this department."
"There is herewith enclosed, for your information and guidance,
a copy of the specifications of the contract, wherein it is
provided that 'the regulation, guaranteed efficiency, heating
effect, and insulation resistance shall be determined by actual
test in the presence of the department's authorized inspector, who
shall determine test conditions. The tests to be made at the shops
where the dynamos are constructed, upon due notification by
contractors of their readiness to commence said test, and at the
expense of the contractor, except traveling and other necessary
expenses of Department's agent. Should the test be delayed or
require repetition for any reason for which the contractor is
justly responsible, the cost of the delayed or any subsequent test,
including the traveling and other necessary expenses of the
Department's agent, shall be at the expense of the
"Mr. L. K. Sager, of this department (Patent Office), will be
detailed to accompany you and assist in making the tests."
"Your actual expenses while engaged upon this service
Page 214 U. S. 87
will be paid by this department upon presentation of proper
accounts and vouchers from funds available."
Because of the foregoing correspondence, Mr. Woodwell, as a
mechanical and electrical engineer, performed certain services in
and about the installation of said electric lighting and heating
plant, between the 10th day of May, 1901, and the 1st day of
February, 1902, and devoted 897 hours to said service, and also
necessarily expended $110 in connection therewith.
The services rendered were performed by Woodwell outside of his
regular office hours as an employee in the Treasury Department, and
during the time when the services were rendered he also fully
discharged his duties as such employee of the Treasury
While the Court of Claims declared that the facts above recited
presented a strong equitable case in favor of the claimant,
entitling him to a reasonable allowance if authority of law existed
therefor, it nevertheless entered judgment for the government upon
the ground that the law -- as contained in §§ 1763, 1764, and 1765
of the Revised Statutes, copied in the margin
* -- forbade the
awarding of any compensation.
Page 214 U. S. 88
It was held that the facts did not make out a case of the
holding by one person at the same time of two distinct offices,
places, or employments, each having its own duties and its own
compensation, but was merely a case of the performance of extra
services by a government employee, for the performance of which,
even if it be assumed that there was authority of law therefor,
nevertheless there was no "appropriation therefor explicitly
stating that it was for such additional pay, extra allowance, or
We see no reason to doubt the correctness of the reasoning and
conclusion of the court below. A succinct history of the
legislation respecting the question of extra compensation for
government employees is contained in the case of
United States
v. King, 147 U. S. 676,
147 U. S.
679-681. The decision of this case does not require that
we should restate that history. If the facts presented by the
record before us exhibit a case merely of the performances of extra
services, and not one of the filling of two distinct places,
offices, or employments, payment for such extra service is plainly
prohibited by the terms of § 1765, Rev.Stat. That section was taken
from two statutes, the first passed March 3, 1839 (5 Stat. 349, c.
83), and the second August 23, 1842 (5 Stat. 510, c. 183), and may
be considered to be, to some extent,
in pari materia with
§§ 1763 and 1764.
United States v. Saunders, 120 U.
S. 126. As said in the
Saunders case, speaking
of §§ 1763-1765:
"Taking these sections all together, the purpose of this
legislation was to prevent a person holding an office or
appointment for which the law provides a definite compensation by
way of salary or otherwise, which is intended to cover all the
services which, as such officer, he may be called upon to render,
from receiving extra compensation, additional allowances or pay for
other services which may be required of him either by act of
Congress or by order of the head of his department, or in any other
mode added to or connected with the regular duties of the place
which he holds; but that
Page 214 U. S. 89
they have no application to the case of two distinct offices,
places, or employments, each of which has its own duties and its
own compensation, which offices may both be held by one person at
the same time. In the latter case, he is, in the eye of the law,
two officers, or holds two places or appointments, the functions of
which are separate and distinct, and, according to all the
decisions, he is, in such case, entitled to recover the two
compensations. In the former case, he performs the added duties
under his appointment to a single place, and the statute has
provided that he shall receive no additional compensation for that
class of duties unless it is so provided by special
Not only was there no specific provision in the appropriation
for the employment and compensation of an electrical engineer to
prepare plans and supervise the construction and installation of
the plant in question, but the correspondence does not permit an
inference that it was the intention of the Department of the
Interior to call upon Mr. Woodwell to fill a separate and distinct
office or employment from that which he already held under the
government. The letter of the Secretary of the Interior of date
March 11, 1901, imports that the estimate upon which the
appropriation was based was made upon the assumption that such work
as was desired to be performed by the experts requested from the
Treasury Department would be without extra cost to the government,
and the whole correspondence tends to negate the conception of
either an express or implied contract between the Secretary of the
Interior and Mr. Woodwell, by which the latter was to perform
services for which he was to be especially compensated out of the
appropriation in question or otherwise. The request made of the
Secretary of the Treasury was not that he should name a competent
person with whom the Secretary of the Interior might contract for
the performance of the desired services, but was that he should
"authorize," that is, designate, "a competent person" to do such
work. The reply to such request, dated March 14, 1901, we think
makes evident the
Page 214 U. S. 90
fact that it was not expected that the person who was to be
supplied from the regular force of the Treasury Department, because
it could be done without detriment to the public service, would be
additionally compensated. Indeed, any inference that such thought
was entertained by the Secretary of the Treasury is rebutted by the
circumstance that, in his letter, he directed the attention of the
Secretary of the Interior to the fact that an expense of about $500
would be necessary for the employment of draftsmen and others who
could not be supplied by the Treasury Department, and that this sum
would be regarded as sufficient for "the expense incident to a
general inspection of the work during the period of installation."
The direction given to Mr. Woodwell to confer with the chief clerk
of the Department of the Interior "relative to the installation of
a electric light, heating, and power plant in the old Postoffice
Department building" was addressed to him in his capacity of
"inspector of electric light plants" in the Treasury Department.
Presumptively, the aid which Mr. Woodwell rendered by direction of
the Secretary of the Treasury to the Department of the Interior was
done by him in and by virtue of the order and direction of his
superior officer, and was not therefore a distinct employment.
Certainly it cannot be said that Mr. Woodwell, whatever may have
been the value of his services, was called upon to render a service
specially required by an existing law, and for the performance of
which the remuneration was fixed by law. These conclusions clearly
bring the case within the prohibitions against payment contained in
§ 1765, Rev.Stat. As there is no contention in argument respecting
the claim for expenses ($110), which it is assumed has been paid,
we eliminate it from consideration.
"SEC. 1763. No person who holds an office, the salary or annual
compensation attached to which amounts to the sum of two thousand,
five hundred dollars, shall receive compensation for discharging
the duties of any other office, unless expressly authorized by
"SEC. 1764. No allowance or compensation shall be made to any
officer or clerk, by reason of the discharge of duties which belong
to any other officer or clerk in the same or any other department,
and no allowance or compensation shall be made for any extra
services whatever which any officer or clerk may be required to
perform, unless expressly authorized by law."
"SEC. 1765. No officer in any branch of the public service, or
any other person whose salary, pay, or emoluments are fixed by law
or regulations, shall receive any additional pay, extra allowance,
or compensation, in any form whatever, for the disbursement of
public money, or for any other service or duty whatever, unless the
same is authorized by law, and the appropriation therefor
explicitly states that it is for such additional pay, extra
allowance, or compensation."