Oleomargarine has, for nearly a quarter of a century, been
recognized in Europe and in the United States as an article of food
and commerce, and was recognized as such by Congress in the Act of
August 2, 1886, c. 840, and, being thus a lawful article of
commerce, it cannot be wholly excluded from importation into a
state from another state where it was manufactured, although the
state into which it was imported may so regulate the introduction
as to insure purity without having the power to totally exclude
A sale of a ten-pound package of oleomargarine, manufactured,
packed, marked, imported and sold under the circumstances set forth
in detail in the special verdict in this case, was a valid sale,
although made to a person who was himself a consumer, but it is not
decided that this right of sale extended beyond the first sale by
the importer after its arrival within the state.
The importer had not only a right to sell personally, but he had
the right to employ an agent to sell for him, and a sale thus
effected was valid.
The right of the importer to sell does not depend upon whether
the original package was suitable for retail trade or not, but is
the same, whether
Page 171 U. S. 2
to consumers or to wholesale dealers, provided he sells in
original packages.
Act No. 21 of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, enacted May 21,
1885, enacting that
"no person, firm or corporate body shall manufacture out of any
oleaginous substance, or any compound of the same, other than that
produced from unadulterated milk or of cream from the same, any
article designed to take the place of butter or cheese produced
from pure unadulterated milk, or cream from the same, or of any
imitation or adulterated butter or cheese, nor shall sell or offer
for sale, or have in his, her or their possession with intent to
sell the same as an article of food,"
and making such act a misdemeanor punishable by fine and
imprisonment is invalid to the extent that it prohibits the
introduction of oleomargarine from another state, and its sale in
the original package.
The questions in these three cases are the same, and they arise
out of the selling of certain packages of oleomargarine.
The plaintiffs in error were indicted for and convicted of a
violation of a statute of Pennsylvania prohibiting such sale. The
act was passed on the 21st of May, 1885, and is to be found in the
volume of the Laws of Pennsylvania for that year, page 22. It
provides as follows:
"That no person, firm or corporate body shall manufacture out of
any oleaginous substance or any compound of the same, other than
that produced from unadulterated milk or of cream from the same,
any article designed to take the place of butter or cheese produced
from pure unadulterated milk, or cream from the same, or of any
imitation or adulterated butter or cheese, nor shall sell or offer
for sale, or have in his, her or their possession with intent to
sell the same as an article of food."
A violation of the act is made a misdemeanor, and punishable by
fine and imprisonment.
The jury found a special verdict in each case. The only
difference between the facts stated in the verdict in No. 86 and
those contained in the other cases is that in the latter the
package sold was ten pounds instead of forty pounds, and was sold
by the plaintiffs in error in those cases as agents of a different
principal, carrying on the same kind of business in the State of
Illinois, and the package was sold to a different person, and upon
a different date.
Page 171 U. S. 3
The following facts were set out in the special verdict in No.
"(1) The defendant, George Schollenberger, is a resident and
citizen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and is the duly
authorized agent in the City of Philadelphia of the Oakdale
Manufacturing Company of Providence, Rhode Island."
"(2) The said Oakdale Manufacturing Company is engaged in the
manufacture of oleomargarine in the said City of Providence and
State of Rhode Island, and as such manufacturer has complied with
all the provisions of the Act of Congress of August 2, 1886,
entitled 'An act defining butter; also imposing a tax upon and
regulating the manufacture, sale, importation and exportation of
"(3) The said defendant, as agent aforesaid, is engaged in
business at 219 Callowhill Street, in the City of Philadelphia, as
wholesale dealer in oleomargarine, and was so engaged on the second
day of October, 1893, and is not engaged in any other business,
either for himself or others."
"(4) The said defendant, on the 1st day of July, 1893, paid to
the collector of internal revenue of the First district of
Pennsylvania the sum of four hundred and eighty dollars as and for
a special tax upon the business, as agent for the Oakdale
Manufacturing Company, in oleomargarine, and obtained from said
collector a writing in the words following:"
Stamp for Special tax
$480 United States $480
per year Internal Revenue per year
No. A 434 No. A 434
" Received from George Schollenberger, agent for the Oakdale
Manufacturing Company, the sum of four hundred and eighty dollars
for special tax on the business of wholesale dealer in
oleomargarine, to be carried on at 219 Callowhill Street,
Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, for the period represented by
the coupon or coupons hereto attached."
" Dated at Philadelphia, Pa. July first, 1893."
" [Seal] William H. Doyle"
" $480
Collector, First District of Penna."
Page 171 U. S. 4
"The following clauses appear on the margin of the above:"
" This stamp is simply a receipt for a tax due the government,
and does not exempt the holder from any penalty or punishment
provided for by the law of any state for carrying on the said
business within such state, and does not authorize the commencement
nor the continuance of such business contrary to the laws of such
state or in places prohibited by a municipal law. (See section
3243, Revised Statutes, U.S.)"
" Severe penalties are imposed for neglect or refusal to place
and keep this stamp conspicuously in your establishment or place of
business. Act Aug. 2, 1886."
"Attached to this were coupons for each month of the year in
form as follows:"
" Coupon for special tax on wholesale dealer oleomargarine for
October, 1893."
"(5) On or before the said second day of October, 1893, the said
Oakdale Manufacturing Company shipped to the said defendant, their
agent aforesaid at their place of business in Philadelphia, a
package of oleomargarine separate and apart from all other
packages, being a tub thereof containing forty pounds, packed,
sealed, marked, stamped, and branded in accordance with the
requirements of the said Act of Congress of August 2, 1886. The
said package was an original package, as required by said act, and
was of such form, size, and weight as is used by producers or
shippers for the purpose of securing both convenience in handling
and security in transportation of merchandise between dealers in
the ordinary course of actual commerce, and the said form, size,
and weight were adopted in good faith, and not for the purpose of
evading the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, said package
being one of a number of similar packages forming one consignment
shipped by the said company to the said defendant. Said packages
forming said consignment were unloaded from the cars and placed in
defendant's store, and then offered for sale as an article of
"(6) On the said second day of October, 1893, in the said City
of Philadelphia at the place of business aforesaid, the said
defendant, as wholesale dealer aforesaid, sold to James
Page 171 U. S. 5
Anderson the said tub or package mentioned in the foregoing
paragraph, the oleomargarine therein contained remaining in the
original package, being the same package, with seals, marks,
stamps, and brands unbroken, in which it was packed by the said
manufacturer in the said City of Providence, Rhode Island and
thence transported into the City of Philadelphia, and delivered by
the carrier to the defendant, and the said tub was not broken nor
opened on the said premises of the said defendant, and as soon as
it was purchased by the said James Anderson, it was removed from
the said premises."
"(7) The oleomargarine contained in said tub was manufactured
out of an oleaginous substance not produced from unadulterated milk
or cream, and was an article designed to take the place of butter,
and sold by the defendant to James Anderson as an article of food,
but the fact that the article was oleomargarine, and not butter,
was made known by the defendant to the purchaser, and there was no
attempt or purpose on the part of the defendant to sell the article
as butter, or any understanding on the part of the purchaser that
he was buying anything but oleomargarine, and the said
oleomargarine is recognized by the said Act of Congress of August
2, 1886, as an article of commerce."
"(8) The above transaction specifically found by the jury is one
of many transactions of like character made by the defendant during
the last two years."
Upon this special verdict, the trial court directed judgment to
be entered for the defendant. The case was taken by the
commonwealth to the supreme court of the state, where, after
argument, the judgment was reversed and judgment was entered in
favor of the commonwealth, and the record remanded, that sentence
might be imposed by the court below. The plaintiffs in error have
brought these judgments of conviction before this Court for review
by virtue of writs of error.
The opinion of the supreme court of the state is to be found
reported under the name of
Commonwealth v. Paul, 170
Pa.St. 284.
Page 171 U. S. 6
MR. JUSTICE PECKHAM, after stating the facts in the foregoing
language, delivered the opinion of the Court.
Counsel in behalf of the commonwealth rests the validity of the
statute in question upon two principal grounds:
(1) That oleomargarine is a newly invented or discovered
article, and that each state has the right, in the case of a newly
invented or discovered food product, to determine for its citizens
the question whether it is wholesome and nondeceptive, and neither
the Congress of the United States nor the legislatures of other
states can deprive it of this right, and that, being such newly
discovered article, it does not belong to the class universally
recognized as articles of commerce, and hence the legislation of
Pennsylvania does not regulate or affect commerce; that
nondiscriminative legislation enacted in good faith for the
protection of health and the prevention of deception, not hampering
the actual transportation of merchandise, is not presumptively
void, but is conclusively valid.
(2) That if the right of citizens of another state to send
oleomargarine into the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania be admitted, it
can only be introduced in original packages suitable for wholesale
trade, and where the article imported is intended and used for the
supply of the retail trade, or is sold by retail directly to the
consumer, the package in which it is imported from another state is
not an "original package," within the protection of the interstate
commerce provision of the Constitution of the United States.
These are the main grounds upon which the conviction is sought
to be sustained. The supreme court of the state upheld the statute
upon the ground that it was a legitimate exercise of the police
power of the state, not inconsistent with the right of the owner of
the product to bring it within the state
Page 171 U. S. 7
in appropriate packages suitable for sale to the wholesale
dealer, and not intended for sale at retail by the importer to the
consumer, and that, in the cases under consideration, the packages
were not wholesale original packages, and their sale amounted to a
mere retail trade.
Upon the first ground for sustaining the conviction in these
cases, the argument upon the part of the commonwealth runs somewhat
as follows: it may be admitted that actually pure oleomargarine is
not dangerous to the public health, but whether it be pure depends
upon the method of its manufacture, and its purity cannot be
ascertained by any superficial examination, and any certain and
effective supervision of the method of its manufacture is
impossible. It is manufactured to imitate in its appearance butter,
with a view to deceiving the ultimate consumer as to its character,
and this deception cannot be avoided by coverings, labels, or marks
upon the product. The Legislature of Pennsylvania was therefore so
far justified in protecting its citizens against oleomargarine by
prohibiting its sale; that the legislation in question does not
discriminate in favor of the citizens of Pennsylvania, or in any
manner against any particular state or any particular manufacturer
of the article; and, as there is nothing in the case tending to
prove the contrary, it must be assumed that the legislation was
enacted in good faith for the protection of the health of the
citizens and for the prevention of deception, and, as such
legislation did not hamper the actual transportation of
merchandise, the statute must be held to be within the power of the
legislature to enact, and is therefore valid. At all events, the
state has a right, in cases of newly invented food products, to
determine for its citizens the question whether they are wholesome
and nondeceptive, and that oleomargarine is one of that class of
products, and is necessarily subject to the right of the state,
either to regulate or absolutely to prohibit its sale.
In the examination of this subject, the first question to be
considered is whether oleomargarine is an article of commerce? No
affirmative evidence from witnesses called to the stand and
speaking directly to that subject is found in the record.
Page 171 U. S. 8
We must determine the question with reference to those facts
which are so well and universally known that courts will take
notice of them without particular proof's being adduced in regard
to them, and also by reference to those dealings of the commercial
world which are of like notoriety.
Any legislation of Congress upon the subject must, of course, be
regarded by this Court as a fact of the first importance. If
Congress has affirmatively pronounced the article to be a proper
subject of commerce, we should rightly be influenced by that
declaration. By reference to the statutes, we discover that
Congress in 1886 passed "[a]n act defining butter, also imposing a
tax upon and regulating the manufacture, sale, importation, and
exportation of oleomargarine." Act of August 2, 1886, c. 840, 24
Stat. 209. In that statute we find that Congress has given a
definition of the meaning of oleomargarine and has imposed a
special tax on the manufacturers of the article, on wholesale
dealers and upon retail dealers therein, and the provisions of the
Revised Statutes in relation to special taxes are, so far as
applicable, made to extend to the special taxes imposed by the
third section of the act and to the persons upon whom they are
imposed. Manufacturers are required to file with the proper
collector of internal revenue such notices, and to keep such books,
and conduct their business under such supervision, as the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the
Secretary of the Treasury, may, by regulation, require. Provision
is made for the packing of oleomargarine by the manufacturer in
packages containing not less than ten pounds, and marked as
prescribed in the act, and it provides that all sales made by
manufacturers of oleomargarine and wholesale dealers in
oleomargarine shall be in the original stamped packages. A tax of
two cents per pound is laid upon oleomargarine, to be paid by the
manufacturer, and the tax levied is to be represented by coupon
stamps. Oleomargarine imported from foreign countries is taxed, in
addition to the import duty imposed on the same, an internal
revenue tax of fifteen cents per pound. Provision is made for
warehousing, and a penalty imposed for selling the oleomargarine
thus imported if not properly stamped. Provision is
Page 171 U. S. 9
also made for the appointment of an analytical chemist and
microscopist by the Secretary of the Treasury, and such chemist or
microscopist may examine the different substances which may be
submitted in contested cases, and the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue is to decide in such cases as to the taxation, and his
decision is to be final. The Commissioner is also empowered to
"whether any substance made in imitation or semblance of butter,
and intended for human consumption, contains ingredients
deleterious to the public health; but in case of doubt or contest,
his decisions in this class of cases may be appealed from to a
board hereby constituted for the purpose, composed of the Surgeon
General of the Army, the Surgeon General of the Navy and the
Commissioner of Agriculture, and the decisions of this board shall
be final in the premises."
Provision is also made for the removal of oleomargarine from the
place of its manufacture for export to a foreign country without
payment of tax or affixing of stamps thereto, and there is a
penalty denounced against any person engaged in carrying on the
business of oleomargarine who should defraud, or attempt to
defraud, the United States of the tax.
This act shows that Congress, at the time of its passage in
1886, recognized the article as a proper subject of taxation, and
as one which was the subject of traffic and of exportation to
foreign countries and of importation from such countries. Its
manufacture was recognized as a lawful pursuit, and taxation was
levied upon the manufacturer of the article, upon the wholesale and
retail dealers therein, and also upon the article itself.
As to the extent of the manufacture and its commercial nature,
it is not improper to refer to the reports of the Secretary of the
Treasury, which show that the tax receipts from its manufacture and
sale in the United States under the act above mentioned during the
nine years beginning with 1887 amounted to over $10,000,000.
When we come to an inquiry as to the properties of oleomargarine
and of what the substance is composed, we find that answers to such
inquiries are to be found in the various
Page 171 U. S. 10
encyclopaedias of the day, and in the official reports of the
Commissioner of Agriculture, and in the legal reports of cases
actually decided in the courts of the country. In brief, every
intelligent man knows its general nature, and that it is prepared
as an article of food and is dealt in as such to a large extent
throughout this country and in Europe.
Upon reference to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, it is said
"pure oleomargarine butter is said to contain every element that
enters into cream butter, and to keep pure much longer, but there
is the defect of not knowing when it is pure, or what injurious
ingredients or objectionable processes may be used in its
manufacture by irresponsible parties."
The article also says,
"We append a comparative analysis of natural and artificial
butter which shows that, when properly made, the latter is a
wholesome and satisfactory substitute for the former."
There is contained in the seventeenth volume of the
Encyclopaedia Britannica an extract from a report by the secretary
of the British Embassy at Washington, in 1880, describing the
method of obtaining oleomargarine oil. This shows the article was
then well known.
Ex Parte Scott, 66 F. 45, the circuit court for the
Eastern District of Virginia, speaking by Hughes, District Judge,
"It is a fact of common knowledge that oleomargarine has been
subjected to the severest scientific scrutiny, and has been adopted
by every leading government in Europe as well as America for use by
the armies and navies. Though not originally invented by us, it is
a gift of American enterprise and progressive invention to the
world. It has become one of the conspicuous articles of interstate
commerce, and furnishes a large income to the general government
annually. . . . It is entering rapidly into domestic use, and the
trade in oleomargarine has become large and important. The
attention of the national government has been attracted to it as a
source of revenue. . . . Provincial prejudice against this now
staple of commerce is natural, but a city of the size and prospects
of Norfolk as a world's entrepot ought not to be foremost in
manifesting such a prejudice. "
Page 171 U. S. 11
People v. Marx, 99 N.Y. 377, which was a prosecution
under the New York statute (Laws 1884, c. 202) prohibiting the
manufacture or sale of oleomargarine, the Court of Appeals of New
York held the act unconstitutional. It appears from the opinion
that, on the trial of that action,
"it was proved on the part of the defendant by distinguished
chemists that oleomargarine was composed of the same elements as
dairy butter. That the only difference between them was that it
contained a smaller proportion of fatty substance known as
'butterine.' That this butterine exists in dairy butter only in a
small proportion -- from three to six percent. That it exists in no
other substance than butter made from milk, and it is introduced to
oleomargarine butter by adding to oleomargarine stock some milk,
cream, or butter, and churning, and that, when this is done, it has
all the elements of natural butter, but there must always be a
smaller percentage of butterine in the manufactured product than in
the butter made from milk. The only effect of the butterine is to
give flavor to the butter, having nothing to do with its
wholesomeness. That the oleaginous substances in the oleomargarine
are identical with those produced from milk or cream. Professor
Chandler testified that the only difference between the two
articles was that dairy butter had more butterine. That
oleomargarine contained not over one percent of that substance,
while dairy butter might contain four or five percent, and that, if
four or five percent of butterine were added to the oleomargarine,
there would be no difference; it would be butter; irrespective of
the sources, they would be the same substances. According to the
testimony of Professor Morton, whose statement was not controverted
or questioned, oleomargarine, so far from being an article devised
for purposes of deception in trade, was devised in 1872 or 1873 by
an eminent French scientist who had been employed by the French
government to devise a substitute for butter."
This extract from the opinion in the New York case, speaking of
the testimony given before the trial judge, is not quoted for the
purpose of proving the facts therein stated, but for the purpose of
showing that as
Page 171 U. S. 12
long ago as the time when that case was decided -- June, 1885 --
the article was then well known as an article of food, and
manufactured as a substitute for butter, and we may notice from
some of the histories of the article the fact (which is stated in
the opinion) that it was first devised as long ago as 1872 or 1873
by a French gentleman who had been employed by the French
government to devise a substitute for butter. The article is a
subject of export, and is largely used in foreign countries. Upon
all these facts, we think it apparent that oleomargarine has become
a proper subject of commerce among the states and with foreign
The general rule to be deduced from the decisions of this Court
is that a lawful article of commerce cannot be wholly excluded from
importation into a state from another state where it was
manufactured or grown. A state has power to regulate the
introduction of any article, including a food product so as to
insure purity of the article imported, but such police power does
not include the total exclusion even of an article of food.
Minnesota v. Barber, 136 U.
S. 313, it was held that an inspection law relating to
an article of food was not a rightful exercise of the police power
of the state if the inspection prescribed were of such a character
or if it were burdened with such conditions as would wholly prevent
the introduction of the sound article from other states. This was
held in relation to the slaughter of animals whose meat was to be
sold as food in the state passing the so-called "inspection law."
The principle was affirmed in
Brimmer v. Rebman,
138 U. S. 78, and
Scott v. Donald, 165 U. S. 58,
165 U. S.
Is the rule altered in a case where the inspection or analysis
of the article to be imported is somewhat difficult and burdensome?
Can the pure and healthy food product be totally excluded on that
account? No case has gone to that extent in this Court. The nearest
approach to it was the case of
Peirce v. New
Hampshire, 5 How. 504, involving the importation of
intoxicating liquors. But in
Leisy v. Hardin, 135 U.
S. 100, the New Hampshire case was overruled and it was
stated by the present CHIEF JUSTICE, in speaking for the Court,
Page 171 U. S. 13
"Whatever our individual views may be as to the deleterious or
dangerous qualities of particular articles, we cannot hold that any
articles which Congress recognizes as subjects of interstate
commerce are not such, or that whatever are thus recognized can be
controlled by state laws amounting to regulations while they retain
that character, although at the same time, if directly dangerous in
themselves, the state may take appropriate measures to guard
against injury before it obtains complete jurisdiction over them.
To concede to a state the power to exclude, directly or indirectly,
articles so situated is to concede to a majority of the people of a
state, represented in the state legislature, the power to regulate
commercial intercourse between the states by determining what shall
be its subjects when that power was distinctly granted to be
exercised by the people of the United States represented in
Congress, and its possession by the latter was considered essential
to that more perfect union which the Constitution was adopted to
To the same effect, we think, is the case of
Company v. Husen, 95 U. S. 465, in
which it was said that
"whatever may be the power of a state over commerce that is
completely internal, it can no more prohibit or regulate that which
is interstate than it can that which is with foreign nations."
The Court therefore, while conceding the right of the state to
enact reasonable inspection laws to prevent the importation of
diseased cattle, held the law of Missouri there under consideration
to be invalid because it prohibited absolutely the introduction of
Texas cattle during the time named in the act even though they were
perfectly healthy and sound.
The Court said that a state could not, under the cover of
exerting its police powers, substantially prohibit or burden either
foreign or interstate commerce. Reasonable and appropriate laws for
the inspection of articles, including food products, were admitted
to be valid, but absolute prohibition of an unadulterated, healthy,
and pure article has never been permitted as a remedy against the
importation of that which was adulterated, and therefore unhealthy
or impure.
Page 171 U. S. 14
We do not think the fact that the article is subject to be
adulterated by dishonest persons, in the course of its manufacture,
with other substances which it is claimed may in some instances
become deleterious to health creates the right in any state through
its legislature to forbid the introduction of the unadulterated
article into the state. The fact that the article is liable to
adulteration in the course of manufacture, and that the articles
with which it may be mixed may possibly and under some
circumstances be deleterious to the health of those who consume it,
is known to us by means of various references to the subject in
books and encyclopaedias, but there was no affirmative evidence
offered on the trial to prove the fact. From these sources of
information, it may be admitted that oleomargarine, in the course
of its manufacture, may sometimes be adulterated by dishonest
manufacturers with articles that possibly may become injurious to
health. Conceding the fact, we yet deny the right of a state to
absolutely prohibit the introduction within its borders of an
article of commerce which is not adulterated, and which in its pure
state is healthful, simply because such an article, in the course
of its manufacture, may be adulterated by dishonest manufacturers
for purposes of fraud or illegal gains. The bad article may be
prohibited, but not the pure and healthy one.
In the execution of its police powers, we admit the right of the
state to enact such legislation as it may deem proper, even in
regard to articles of interstate commerce, for the purpose of
preventing fraud or deception in the sale of any commodity, and to
the extent that it may be fairly necessary to prevent the
introduction or sale of an adulterated article within the limits of
the state. But, in carrying out its purposes, the state cannot
absolutely prohibit the introduction within the state of an article
of commerce like pure oleomargarine. It has ceased to be what
counsel for the commonwealth has termed it -- a newly discovered
food product. An article that has been openly manufactured for
nearly a quarter of a century, where the ingredients of the pure
article are perfectly well known and have been known for a number
of years, and where the general process of manufacture has been
Page 171 U. S. 15
for an equal period, cannot truthfully be said to be a newly
discovered product within the proper meaning of the term as here
used. The time when a newly discovered article ceases to be such
cannot always be definitely stated, but all will admit that there
does come a period when the article cannot be so described. In this
particular case, we have no difficulty in holding that
oleomargarine has so far ceased to be a newly discovered article as
that its nature, mode of manufacture, ingredients, and effect upon
the health are, and have been for many years, as well known as
almost any article of food in daily use. Therefore, if we admit
that a newly discovered article of food might be wholly prohibited
from being introduced within the limits of a state while its
properties, whether healthful or not, were still unknown or in
regard to which there might still be doubt, yet this is not the
case with oleomargarine. If properly and honestly manufactured, it
is conceded to be a healthful and nutritious article of food. The
fact that it may be adulterated does not afford a foundation to
absolutely prohibit its introduction into the state. Although the
adulterated article may possibly, in some cases, be injurious to
the health of the public, yet that does not furnish a justification
for an absolute prohibition. A law which does thus prohibit the
introduction of an article like oleomargarine within the state is
not a law which regulates or restricts the sale of articles deemed
injurious to the health of the community, but is one which prevents
the introduction of a perfectly healthful commodity merely for the
purpose of in that way more easily preventing an adulterated and
possibly injurious article from being introduced. We do not think
this is a fair exercise of legislative discretion when applied to
the article in question.
It is claimed, however, that the very statute under
consideration has heretofore been held valid by this Court in the
case of
Powell v. Pennsylvania, 127 U.
S. 678. That case did not involve rights arising under
the commerce clause of the federal Constitution. The article was
manufactured and sold within the state, and the question was one as
to the police power of the state acting upon a subject always
Page 171 U. S. 16
within its jurisdiction. The plaintiff in error was convicted of
selling within the commonwealth two cases containing five pounds
each of an article of food designed to take the place of butter,
the sale having taken place in the City of Harrisburg, and it was
part of a quantity manufactured in, and, as alleged, in accordance
with the laws of, the commonwealth. The plaintiff in error claimed
that the statute under which his conviction was had was a violation
of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United
States. This Court held that the statute did not violate any
provision of that amendment, and therefore held that the conviction
was valid.
Powell case did not and could not involve the
rights of an importer under the commerce clause. The right of a
state to enact laws in relation to the administration of its
internal affairs is one thing, and the right of a state to prevent
the introduction within its limits of an article of commerce is
another, and a totally different, thing. Legislation which has its
effect wholly within the state, and upon products manufactured and
sold therein, might be held valid as not in violation of any
provision of the federal Constitution, when at the same time
legislation directed towards prohibiting the importation within the
state of the same article manufactured outside of its limits might
be regarded as illegal because in violation of the rights of
citizens of other states arising under the commerce clause of that
Referring what is said in the opinion in
Powell's case
to the facts upon which the case arose and in regard to which the
opinion was based and the case decided, there is nothing whatever
inconsistent with that opinion in holding, as we do here, that
oleomargarine is a legitimate subject of commerce among the states,
and that no state has a right to totally prohibit its introduction
in its pure condition from without the state under any exercise of
its police power. The legislature of the state has the power in
many cases to determine as a matter of state policy whether to
permit the manufacture and sale of articles within the state or to
entirely forbid such manufacture and sale, so long as the
legislation is confined to the manufacture
Page 171 U. S. 17
and the sale within the state. Those are questions of public
policy, which, as was said in the case of
Powell, belong
to the legislative department to determine; but the legislative
policy does not extend so far as to embrace the right to absolutely
prohibit the introduction within the limits of the state of an
article like oleomargarine properly and honestly manufactured.
Powell case was, in the opinion of the Court,
governed in its important aspect by that of
Mugler v.
Kansas, 123 U. S. 623, in
which case it was said that it did not involve any question arising
under the commerce clause of the Constitution of the United States.
The last-cited case was followed in
Kidd v. Pearson,
128 U. S. 1.
Nor is the question determined adversely to this view in the
case of
Plumley v. Massachusetts, 155
U. S. 462. The statute in that case prevented the sale
of this substance in imitation of yellow butter produced from pure
unadulterated milk, or cream of the same, and the statute contained
a proviso that nothing therein should be
"construed to prohibit the manufacture or sale of oleomargarine
in a separate or distinct form and in such manner as will advise
the consumer of its real character, free from coloration or
ingredients that cause it to look like butter."
This Court held that a conviction under that statute for having
sold an article known as oleomargarine, not produced from
unadulterated milk or cream, but manufactured
in imitation of
yellow butter produced from pure unadulterated milk or cream, was
valid. Attention was called in the opinion to the fact that
the statute did not prohibit the manufacture or sale of all
oleomargarine, but only such as was colored in imitation of yellow
butter produced from unadulterated milk or cream of such milk. If
free from coloration or ingredient that caused it to look like
butter, the right to sell it in a separate and distinct form, and
in such manner as would advise the consumer of the real character,
was neither restricted nor prohibited. The Court held that under
the statute, the party was only forbidden to practice in such
matters a fraud upon the general public; that the statute seeks to
suppress false pretenses and to promote fair dealing in the
Page 171 U. S. 18
sale of an article of food, and that it compels the sale of
oleomargarine for what it really is by preventing its sale for what
it is not; that the term "commerce among the states" did not mean a
recognition of a right to practice a fraud upon the public in the
sale of an article, even if it had become the subject of trade in
different parts of the country. It was said that the Constitution
of the United States did not take from the states the power of
preventing deception and fraud in the sale within their respective
limits of articles, in whatever state manufactured, and that that
instrument did not secure to anyone the privilege of committing a
wrong against society.
It will thus be seen that the case was based entirely upon the
theory of the right of a state to prevent deception and fraud in
the sale of any article, and that it was the fraud and deception
contained in selling the article for what it was not, and in
selling it so that it should appear to be another and a different
article, that this right of the state was upheld. The question of
the right to totally prohibit the introduction from another state
of the pure article did not arise, and of course was not passed
upon. The act of Congress above cited was referred to by the
counsel for the appellant in the
Plumley case as
furnishing a full system of legislation upon the subject, and he
claimed that it excluded any legislation on the same subject by the
state, but it was held that there was no ground to suppose that
Congress intended by that enactment to interfere with the exercise
by the states of any authority they could rightfully exercise over
the sale within their respective limits of the article defined as
oleomargarine, and, as section 3243 of the Revised Statutes was
referred to in the act, it was held that the section was
incorporated in the act for the purpose of making it clear that
Congress did not intend to restrict the power of the states over
the subject of the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine within
their respective limits.
The taxes prescribed by that act were held to have been imposed
for national purposes, and their imposition did not give authority
to those who paid them to engage in the manufacture or sale of
oleomargarine within any state which lawfully
Page 171 U. S. 19
forbade such manufacture or sale, or to disregard any
regulations which a state might lawfully prescribe in reference to
that article. It was also held that the act of Congress was not
intended as a regulation of commerce among the states.
By the reference which we have already made to this statute, we
have not intended to claim that it was a regulation of commerce
among the states further than the provisions of the act distinctly
applied to its manufacture and sale. We refer to it for the purpose
of showing that the article itself was therein recognized as a
proper and lawful subject of commerce with foreign nations and
among the several states under such lawful regulations as the state
might choose to impose. We think that what Congress thus taxes and
recognizes as a proper subject of commerce cannot be totally
excluded from any particular state simply because the state may
choose to decide that, for the purpose of preventing the
importation of an impure or adulterated article, it will not permit
the introduction of the pure and unadulterated article within its
borders upon any terms whatever.
We are therefore of opinion that the first ground for upholding
the conviction in these cases cannot be sustained.
Nor do we think the conviction can be sustained upon the ground
taken in the opinion of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
The question in regard to packing the oleomargarine first arose
in the case of
Commonwealth v. Schollenberger, 156
Penn.St. 201. The defendant in that case was an agent of a
nonresident manufacturer of oleomargarine, and he sold at his store
in Pennsylvania a package of the article weighing eighty pounds,
made and stamped and branded in Rhode Island for use as an article
of food. It was held that the case did not show that the sales were
made in the original package of commerce. And it was said that a
jury would be justified in finding that the mode of putting up the
package was not adapted to meet the requirements of actual
interstate commerce, but the requirements of an unlawful intrastate
retail trade. But the special verdict in this case shows what
Page 171 U. S. 20
court said was lacking in the case just cited, for it appears in
the verdict that the package in which the oleomargarine was sold
was an original package, as required by the act of Congress, and
was of such
"form, size, and weight as is used by producers or shippers for
the purpose of securing both convenience in handling and security
in transportation of merchandise between dealers in the ordinary
course of actual commerce, and the said form, size, and weight were
adopted in good faith, and not for the purpose of evading the laws
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, said package being one of a
number of similar packages forming one consignment shipped by the
said company to the said defendant."
It also appears from the special verdict that the defendant was
engaged in business in the City of Philadelphia as a wholesale
dealer in oleomargarine as agent for the manufacturer; that he had
paid the special tax upon the business as a wholesale dealer, and
had otherwise complied with all the requirements of the act of
Congress, and the article was openly sold as oleomargarine, and
that fact was made known to the purchaser, and he understood that
he was buying oleomargarine, and as soon as the tub was purchased,
it was removed unbroken from the place of sale by the purchaser
Upon the facts found in the special verdict, it is said in the
opinion of the court below that
"it is very clear that this sale was a violation of our statute.
The conviction was eminently proper, therefore, and should be
sustained unless the sale can be justified as one made of an
original package within the proper meaning of that phrase. The
nonresidence of the manufacturer does not play any important part
in this case, for the comes into this state to establish a store
for the sale of his goods, pays the license exacted by the revenue
laws, and puts his agent in charge of the sale of his goods from
his store, not to the trade, but to customers. We have therefore a
Pennsylvania store selling its stock of goods to its customers for
their consumption from its own shelves, and, unless these goods are
in such original packages as the laws of United States must
protect, the sale is clearly punishable under our statute. . . .
Page 171 U. S. 21
question is whether a package intended and used for the supply
of the retail trade is an 'original package' within the protection
of the interstate commerce cases."
What are the rights of one engaged in interstate commerce in
regard to the introduction of a lawful article of commerce into a
state? Those rights have been declared by various decisions of this
Court, some of them made at a very early date, and coming down to
the present time.
In the leading case of
Gibbons v.
Ogden, 9 Wheat. 1,
22 U. S. 193, it
was said by Marshall, C.J., that the commerce clause extends to
every species of commercial intercourse among the several states,
and that it does not stop at the external boundary of a state, and
that this power to regulate included the power to prescribe the
rule by which commerce is to be governed, and it was held that
navigation was included within that power.
Brown v.
Maryland, 12 Wheat. 419, it was stated that this
power to regulate commerce could not be stopped at the external
boundary of a state, but must enter its interior, and that if the
power reached the interior of the state and might be there
exercised, it must be capable of authorizing the sale of those
articles which it introduces. It was said that
"sale is the object of importation, and is an essential
ingredient of that intercourse of which importation constitutes a
part. It is as essential an ingredient, as indispensable to the
existence of the entire thing, then, as importation itself. It must
be considered as a component part of the power to regulate
Years after the decision of the last case, and after many other
decisions had been made upon the general subject of the commerce
clause, this Court, in
Bowman v. Chicago & Northwestern
Railway, 125 U. S. 465,
held that the state could not, for the purpose of protecting its
people against the evils of intemperance, pass an act which
regulated commerce by forbidding any common carrier to bring
intoxicating liquors into the state from another state or territory
excepting upon conditions mentioned in the act. Such act was held
to be repugnant to the Constitution of the United States as
Page 171 U. S. 22
interstate commerce in an essential and vital part. But whether
the right to transport an article of commerce from one state to
another included by necessary implication the right of the
consignee to sell it in unbroken packages at the place where the
transportation terminated was not decided. In
Brown v.
Maryland, supra, it was said that the right of transportation
did include the right to sell, as to foreign commerce, and in the
course of his opinion, Chief Justice Marshall said that the
conclusion would be the same in the case of commerce among the
states; but, as it was not necessary to express any opinion upon
the point, it was simply held in the
Bowman case that the
power to regulate or forbid the sale of a commodity after it had
been brought into a state does not carry with it the right and
power to prevent its introduction by transportation from another
The case of
Leisy v. Hardin, 135 U.
S. 100, went a step further than the
case, and held that the importer had the right to sell in a state
into which he brought the article from another state in the
original packages or kegs, unbroken and unopened, notwithstanding a
statute of the state prohibiting the sale of such articles except
for the purposes therein named and under a license from the state.
Such a statute was held to be unconstitutional, as repugnant to the
clause of the Constitution granting power to Congress to regulate
commerce with foreign nations and among the several states. MR.
CHIEF JUSTICE FULLER, in speaking for the Court, said:
"Under our decision in
Bowman v. Chicago & Northwestern
Railway, they had the right to import this beer into that
state, and, in the view which we have expressed, they had the right
to sell it, by which act alone it would become mingled in the
common mass of property within the state. Up to that point of time,
we hold that in the absence of congressional permission to do so,
the state had no power to interfere, by seizure or any other
action, in prohibition of importation and sale by the foreign or
nonresident importer."
The right of the state to prohibit the sale in the original
package was denied in the absence of any law of Congress upon the
subject permitting the state to prohibit such sale.
Page 171 U. S. 23
There is no such law of Congress relating to articles like
oleomargarine. Such articles are therefore in like condition as
were the liquors in the cases above cited.
Subsequent to the decision in the
Leisy case, and on
the 8th of August, 1890. c. 728, 26 Stat. 313, Congress passed an
act commonly known as the "Wilson Act," which provided that upon
the arrival in any state or territory of the intoxicating liquors
transported therein, they should be subject to the operation and
effect of the laws of the state or territory enacted in the
exercise of its police power to the same extent and in the same
manner as though such liquors had been produced in such state or
territory, and that they should not be exempt therefrom by reason
of being introduced therein in original packages or otherwise. This
was held to be a valid and constitutional exercise of the power
conferred upon Congress.
In re Rahrer, 140 U.
S. 545. In the absence of congressional legislation,
therefore, the right to import a lawful article of commerce from
one state to another continues until a sale in the original package
in which the article was introduced into the state.
The case of
Ement v. Missouri, 156 U.
S. 296, involved the validity of a statute of Missouri
providing that peddlers of goods, going from place to place within
the state to sell them, should take out and pay for licenses. The
statute was held not to violate the commerce clause of the
Constitution of the United States, because it made no
discrimination between residents or products of the state and those
of other states. The conviction of the plaintiff in error for a
violation of the statute was upheld, although he was an agent of a
corporation which manufactured the property in another state and
sent it to him to sell as its agent. It was held to be within the
police power of the state to regulate the occupation of itinerant
peddlers, and to compel them to obtain licenses to practice their
trade, and such power had been exerted from the earliest times. The
remark of Chief Justice Marshall in
Brown v. Maryland,
supra, was quoted, that
"the right of sale may very well be annexed to importation,
without annexing to it also the privilege of using the officers
licensed by the
Page 171 U. S. 24
state to make sales in a peculiar way."
156 U. S.
313.) It was the privilege of selling in a peculiar way,
as a peddler, which was licensed in the
Ement case, and
such a person, it was therein decided, could properly be made to
pay a license for selling in that way an article manufactured in
another state and sent into Missouri, as well as for selling in the
same way articles manufactured in Missouri, so long as there was no
discrimination between the two classes of goods.
Ement case does not overrule or affect the cases
above cited as to the right to sell.
We are not aware of any such distinction as is attempted to be
drawn by the court below in these cases between a sale at wholesale
to individuals engaged in the wholesale trade or one at retail to
the consumer. How small may be an original package it is not
necessary to here determine. We do say that a sale of a ten-pound
package of oleomargarine, manufactured, packed, marked, imported,
and sold under the circumstances set forth in detail in the special
verdict, was a valid sale although to a person who was himself a
consumer. We do not say or intimate that this right of sale
extended beyond the first sale by the importer after its arrival
within the state.
Waring v.
Mayor, 8 Wall. 110,
75 U. S. 122.
The importer had the right to sell not only personally, but he had
the right to employ an agent to sell for him; otherwise his right
to sell would be substantially valueless, for it cannot be supposed
that he would be personally engaged in the sale of every original
package sent to the different states in the Union. Having the right
to sell through his agent, a sale thus effected is valid.
The right of the importer to sell cannot depend upon whether the
original package is suitable for retail trade or not. His right to
sell is the same whether to consumers or to wholesale dealers in
the article, provided he sells them in original packages. This does
not interfere with the acknowledged right of the state to use such
means as may be necessary to prevent the introduction of an
adulterated article, and for that purpose to inspect and test the
article introduced, provided the state law does really inspect and
does not substantially
Page 171 U. S. 25
prohibit the introduction of the pure article, and thereby
interfere with interstate commerce. It cannot, for the purpose of
preventing the introduction of an impure or adulterated article,
absolutely prohibit the introduction of that which is pure and
wholesome. The act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania under
consideration, to the extent that it prohibits the introduction of
oleomargarine from another state and its sale in the original
package as described in the special verdict, is invalid.
The judgments are therefore reversed, and the cases remanded
to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania for further proceedings not
inconsistent with this opinion.
MR. JUSTICE GRAY, with whom concurred MR. JUSTICE HARLAN,
MR. JUSTICE HARLAN and myself cannot concur in this judgment,
and will state as briefly as may be some of the grounds of our
dissent. The question at issue appears to us to be so completely
covered by two or three recent judgments of this Court as to make
it unnecessary to cite other authorities.
As has been said by this Court, speaking by the present CHIEF
"The power of the state to impose restraints and burdens upon
persons and property in conservation and promotion of the public
health, good order, and prosperity is a power originally and always
belonging to the states, not surrendered by them to the general
government nor directly restrained by the Constitution of the
United States, and essentially exclusive. And this Court has
uniformly recognized state legislation, legitimately for police
purposes, as not, in the sense of the Constitution, necessarily
infringing upon any right which has been confided, expressly or by
implication, to the national government."
Rahrer's Case, 140 U. S. 545,
140 U. S.
The statute of Pennsylvania of May 21, 1885, under which the
plaintiffs in error were indicted and convicted for selling in
Pennsylvania oleomargarine in the original packages in
Page 171 U. S. 26
which it had been sent to them from other states, provides
"no person, firm, or corporate body shall manufacture out of any
oleaginous substance or any compound of the same other than that
produced from unadulterated milk or of cream from the same, any
article designed to take the place of butter or cheese produced
from pure unadulterated milk or cream from the same, or of any
imitation or adulterated butter or cheese, nor shall sell or offer
for sale, or have in his, her or their possession with intent to
sell the same, as an article of food."
Penn.Stat. 1885, c. 25.
Powell v. Pennsylvania, 127 U.
S. 678, the defendant was indicted under this very
statute for selling, and for having in his possession with intent
to sell, oleomargarine manufactured in Pennsylvania before the
passage of the statute, and at the trial, in order to show that the
statute was not a lawful exercise of the police power of the state,
offered to prove that the articles which he sold, and those which
he had in his possession for sale, were in fact wholesome and
nutritious, and were part of a large quantity manufactured by him
before the passage of the statute, by the use of land, buildings,
and machinery, purchased by him at great expense for carrying on
this business, and the value of which would be destroyed if he were
prevented from continuing it. The evidence offered was excluded,
and the defendant was convicted, and his conviction was affirmed by
the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and by this Court upon writ of
This Court, in its opinion upholding this statute as a
constitutional and valid exercise of the police power of the state,
after mentioning the defendant's offer to prove that the articles
which he sold or had in his possession for sale were in fact
wholesome and nutritious, proceeded as follows:
"It is entirely consistent with that offer that many -- indeed,
that most -- kinds of oleomargarine butter in the market contain
ingredients that are or may become injurious to health. The Court
cannot say from anything of which it may take judicial cognizance
that such is not the fact. Under the circumstances disclosed in the
record, and in obedience to settled rules of constitutional
construction, it must be assumed that
Page 171 U. S. 27
such is the fact. . . . Whether the manufacture of
oleomargarine, or imitation butter, of the kind described in the
statute is or may be conducted in such a way, or with such skill
and secrecy, as to baffle ordinary inspection, or whether it
involves such danger to the public health as to require, for the
protection of the people, the entire suppression of the business,
rather than its regulation in such manner as to permit the
manufacture and sale of articles of that class that do not contain
noxious ingredients, are questions of fact and of public policy
which belong to the legislative department to determine. And as it
does not appear upon the face of the statute or from any facts of
which the court must take judicial cognizance that it infringes
rights secured by the fundamental law, the legislative
determination of those questions is conclusive upon the courts. It
is not a part of their functions to conduct investigations of facts
entering into questions of public policy merely, and to sustain or
frustrate the legislative will, embodied in statutes, as they may
happen to approve or disapprove its determination of such
questions. . . . The Legislature of Pennsylvania, upon the fullest
investigation, as we must conclusively presume, and upon reasonable
grounds, as must be assumed from the record, has determined that
the prohibition of the sale, or offering for sale, or having in
possession to sell, for purposes of food, of any article
manufactured out of oleaginous substances or compounds other than
those produced from unadultered milk or cream from unadulterated
milk, to take the place of butter produced from unadulterated milk
or cream from unadulterated milk, will promote the public health,
and prevent frauds in the sale of such articles."
127 U.S.
127 U. S.
684-686, 8 Sup.Ct. 996, 1263.
That decision appears to us to establish that the courts cannot
take judicial cognizance, without proof, either that oleomargarine
is wholesome or that it is unwholesome, and we are unable to
perceive how judicial cognizance of such a fact can be acquired by
referring to the various opinions which have found expression in
scientific publications, or in testimony given in cases before
other courts and between other parties.
Page 171 U. S. 28
Evidence that the articles sold were wholesome and nutritious
having been excluded as immaterial when offered in defense in
Powell's case, it necessarily follows that the
commonwealth in the case at bar had no occasion to offer evidence
to prove the contrary.
The decision in
Powell's case conclusively establishes
that the statute in question is a constitutional exercise of the
police power of the state unless it can be considered as affected
by the power to regulate commerce, as granted to or exercised by
Congress under the Constitution of the United States.
The Act of Congress of August 2, 1886, c. 840, imposing internal
revenue taxes upon manufacturers and sellers of oleomargarine and
defining what shall be considered as oleomargarine for the purposes
of that act, expressly provides, in § 3, that section 3243 of the
Revised Statutes, so far as applicable, shall apply to such taxes
and persons. 24 Stat. 209. By section 3243 of the Revised
"the payment of any tax imposed by the internal revenue laws for
carrying on any trade or business shall not be held to exempt any
person from any penalty or punishment provided by the laws of any
state for carrying on the same within such state, or in any manner
to authorize the commencement or continuance of such trade or
business contrary to the laws of such state, or in places
prohibited by municipal law; nor shall the payment of any such tax
be held to prohibit any state from placing a duty or tax on the
same trade or business, for state or other purposes."
As was said by this Court in
Plumley v. Massachusetts,
155 U. S. 461:
"It is manifest that this section was incorporated into the Act
of August 2, 1886, to make it clear that Congress had no purpose to
restrict the power of the states over the subject of the
manufacture and sale of oleomargarine within their respective
limits. The taxes prescribed by that act were imposed for national
purposes, and their imposition did not give authority to those who
paid them to engage in the manufacture of sale of oleomargarine in
any state which lawfully forbade such manufacture or sale, or to
disregard any regulations which a state might lawfully prescribe
Page 171 U. S. 29
reference to that article. Nor was the act of Congress relating
to oleomargarine intended as a regulation of commerce among the
states. Its provisions do not have special application to the
transfer of oleomargarine from one state of the Union to another.
They relieve the manufacturer or seller, if he conforms to the
regulations prescribed by Congress or by the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue under the authority conferred upon him in that
regard, from penalty or punishment so far as the general government
is concerned, but they do not interfere with the exercise by the
states of any authority they possess of preventing deception or
fraud in the sales of property within their respective limits."
155 U.S.
155 U. S.
"If there be any subject over which it would seem the states
ought to have plenary control, and the power to legislate in
respect to which it ought not to be supposed was intended to be
surrendered to the general government, it is the protection of the
people against fraud and deception in the sale of food products.
Such legislation may, indeed, indirectly or incidentally affect
trade in such products transported from one state to another state.
But that circumstance does not show that laws of the character
alluded to are inconsistent with the power of Congress to regulate
commerce among the states."
155 U.S.
155 U. S.
Plumley's case, it was accordingly adjudged by this
Court, affirming the judgment of the Supreme Judicial Court of
Massachusetts, that a statute of Massachusetts, imposing a penalty
on the manufacture, sale, offering for sale, or having in
possession with intent to sell,
"any article or compound made wholly or partly out of any fat,
oil or oleaginous substance, or compound thereof, not produced from
unadulterated milk or cream from the same, which shall be in
imitation of yellow butter produced from pure unadulterated milk or
cream from the same"
was constitutional and valid, as applied to sales in
Massachusetts of oleomargarine made in another state, artificially
colored so as to look like yellow butter, and imported in the
packages in which is was sold.
The necessary result of the decisions in
Powell's case
and in
Plumley's case, and of the reasoning upon which
those decisions
Page 171 U. S. 30
were founded, and by which alone they can be justified, appears
to us to be that each state may, in the exercise of its police
power, without violating the provisions of the Constitution and
laws of the United States concerning interstate commerce, make such
regulations relating to all sales of oleomargarine within the
state, even in original packages brought from another state, as the
legislature of the state may deem necessary to protect the people
from being induced to purchase articles, either not fit for food or
differing in nature from what they purport to be; that the
questions of danger to health, and of likelihood of fraud or
deception, and of the preventive measures required for the
protection of the people, are questions of fact and of public
policy the determination of which belongs to the legislative
department, and not to the judiciary, and that, if the legislature
is satisfied that oleomargarine is unwholesome, or that in the
tubs, pots, or packages in which it is commonly offered for sale it
looks so like butter, the only way to protect the people against
injury to health in the one case or against fraud or deception in
the other is to absolutely prohibit its sale, it is within the
constitutional power of the legislature to do so.