Plaintiff, a citizen of Illinois, sued in ejectment to recover
possession of lands in that state claimed to have been granted to
plaintiff's ancestor by a patent of the United States, making the
tenant a citizen of that state, defendant. The owner, under whom
the tenant claimed, a citizen of New York, appeared and on his
motion was made party defendant. He then set up title under another
patent from the United States, and moved for a removal of the cause
first, upon the ground of diverse citizenship, which was
abandoned, and then,
secondly, that there was a
controversy involving the authority of the Land Department to grant
a patent.
Held that the case was removable for the second
Hardin v. Jordan, ante, 140 U. S. 371,
affirmed to the point that in Illinois, under a grant of lands
bounded on a lake or pond which is not tidewater and is not
navigable, the grantee takes to the centre of the lake or pond
ratably with other riparian proprietors, if there be such, and that
the projection of a strip or tongue of land beyond the meandering
line of the survey is entirely consistent with the water of the
pond or lake being the natural boundary of the granted land, which
would include the projection, if necessary to reach that
Ejectment. Judgment for the defendant. Plaintiff sued out this
writ of error.
The case is stated in the opinion.
MR. JUSTICE BRADLEY delivered the opinion of the Court.
Page 140 U. S. 407
The decision of this case depends upon the same general
principles which have just been discussed in the case of
v. Jordan, the two cases being in all essential respects much
alike, both of them relating to land on the margin and under the
waters of Wolf Lake. But before adverting to the supposed
distinction between them, it is necessary to examine a question of
The action was ejectment, and was commenced in the Circuit Court
of Cook County by Mitchell, the plaintiff in error, against three
defendants, Jabez G. Smale and John I. and Frank I. Bennett, and
summons was duly served on them. The Bennetts, being attorneys,
appeared specially for Conrad N. Jordan, and moved that he be
substituted as sole defendant. The motion was made upon an
affidavit of Jordan that the Bennetts had no interest, having
conveyed the property to him before the suit was commenced, and
that Smale was a mere tenant under him, Jordan, and had no other
interest. The court denied the motion, and thereupon Jordan, on his
own motion, was admitted to defend the cause as landlord and as
codefendant. Afterwards, and in due time, Jordan filed a petition
under the act of 1875 for the removal of the cause into the circuit
court of the United States, alleging as a ground of removal that
the plaintiff was a citizen of Illinois, and that he, Jordan, was a
citizen of New York, and sole owner of the property, and that the
sole controversy in the cause was between him, Jordan, and the
plaintiff, stating the facts previously affirmed in his affidavit
as to the want of interest in the Bennetts, and the tenancy of
Smale. Objections to the removal being made by the plaintiff,
Jordan asked and obtained leave to amend his petition, and filed an
amended petition setting out, in addition to the facts stated in
his original petition, the following matter, to-wit:
"Your petitioner states that said suit is one arising under the
laws of the United States in this, to-wit: that plaintiff seeks in
and by said suit to recover lands embraced in a survey of public
lands made by the government of the United States in 1874,
embracing a part of said section twenty, (20), Tp. 37 N., R. 15 E.,
3d P.M., in Illinois, and patents issued under
Page 140 U. S. 408
said survey under which your petitioner deraigned title in fee
simple before the commencement of said suit, and in him then vested
by conveyance from the patentee."
"That the plaintiff claims that he is seised of the fractional
tract described in the declaration as the grantee of one Horatio B.
De Witt; that the said survey, patents, and deeds of petitioner are
not made in pursuance of the acts of Congress and laws of the
United States relating to the surveying and disposition position of
the public lands of the United States, and that said act of
Congress and laws have been misconstrued by the said Land
Department and disregarded, and that said survey, patents, deeds,
and the proceedings of the Land Department are illegal and void,
and in violation of the contract rights of said Mitchell under the
laws of the United States; that by virtue of the alleged ownership
of said fractional tract described in the declaration, he, the
plaintiff, under and in pursuance of said act of Congress and laws
of the United States, is also the owner of said lands so owned by
your petitioner by virtue of said survey of 1874, and patents and
deeds thereunder. This petitioner claims title in fee to said lands
other than said fractional tract by virtue of said survey of 1874,
said patents, and deeds issued thereunder in pursuance of the act
of Congress aforesaid and laws of the United States, and therefore
states that said suit is one arising under the laws of the United
States entitling this petitioner to a removal of the suit under the
act of Congress entitled"
"An act to determine the jurisdiction of the circuit courts of
the United States, and to regulate the removal of causes from the
state courts, and for other purposes,"
"in force March 3, 1875, for that cause alone."
Whether the facts stated in the original petition for removal
were sufficient for that purpose may perhaps admit of some
question. The plaintiff was alleged to be a citizen of Illinois,
and the defendant Jordan a citizen of New York. The citizenship of
the other defendants was not mentioned, though it is understood
they were residents of Illinois. It is clear, therefore, that the
case was not removable unless the interest of Jordan was so
separate and distinct from that of the other defendants that it
could be fully determined, as between him
Page 140 U. S. 409
and the plaintiff, without the presence of the others as parties
in the cause. As he alone, according to his statement, had the
title, and as Smale was merely his tenant, if this relation was
admitted by Smale (as it was), there would seem to be no good
reason why the contest respecting the title might not have been
carried on between him and the plaintiff alone so far as Smale was
concerned. This was done in the case of
Ayers v. Watson,
113 U. S. 594; but
no objection to the removal on that ground was made, though
objections were made on other grounds, which were not sustained by
the court. Still, as the fact appeared on the record, if it had
been sufficient to divest the circuit court of jurisdiction
altogether, this Court could hardly have omitted to pass upon it.
We do not see that the statute of Illinois would make any
difference in the result. It merely declares that, in ejectment,
the occupant of the land shall be named as defendant, and that all
other persons claiming title or interest to or in the same may be
joined as defendants. Starr & Curtiss' Stat. 981, § 6. This is
merely declarative of the common law rule, and makes no change in
the character of the action or the principles of procedure therein.
True, it was decided in the case of
Phelps v. Oaks,
117 U. S. 236,
that the tenant is a proper party, and that, if the cause is
removed by reason of his citizenship, the circuit court will not be
deprived of jurisdiction by the subsequent admission of the
landlord as a defendant, though a citizen of the same state with
the plaintiff. But this does not prove that a landlord may not
become the primary and only contestant, where the tenant's
interests are subordinated to and made dependent on his.
As to the other defendants, the Bennetts, there may have been
greater difficulty in sustaining a removal. They were made
defendants, apparently in good faith, and were not acknowledged to
be tenants of Jordan, and the plaintiff might well insist on
prosecuting his action against them, as well as against Jordan in
order that, if he should be successful, there might be no failure
of a complete recovery of the land claimed by him. We have held
that a defendant cannot make an action several which the plaintiff
elects to make joint.
Little v. Giles, 118 U.
S. 596.
Page 140 U. S. 410
But be this as it may, we think that the additional ground of
removal stated in the amended petition was sufficient to authorize
the removal to be made. It states very clearly that the controversy
between the parties involved the authority of the Land Department
of the United States to grant the patent or patents under which the
defendant claimed the right to hold the land in dispute after and
in view of the patent under which the plaintiff claimed the same
land. This, if true, certainly exhibited a claim by one party under
the authority of the government of the United States, which was
contested by the other party on the ground of a want of such
authority. In the settlement of this controversy, it is true, the
laws of the State of Illinois might be invoked by one party or
both; but it would still be no less true that the authority of the
United States to make the grant relied on would necessarily be
called in question. We are therefore of opinion that the ground of
removal now referred to presented a case arising under the laws of
the United States, and so within the purview of the act of 1875.
The amendment was properly allowed, and no valid objection exists
in regard to the time of the application.
The plaintiff's declaration, as finally amended, contained two
counts on which he relied, to-wit:
1. A count claiming the fractional S.W. quarter of fractional
section 20, in township 37 north, range 15 east, according to the
official plat of the survey thereof filed in the land office at
Chicago, Illinois, prior to the year 1848.
2. A count claiming so much of the S.W. quarter of said section
20 as lies between Wolf Lake and Hyde lake. (This is the land
immediately in front of that described in the first count, and, in
the original plat, shown to be covered by water.)
The defendants pleaded not guilty, and, a jury being waived, the
cause was tried by the court before Judge Gresham in July, 1885, at
the same time with the case of
Hardin v. Jordan. The judge
made a special finding of facts, and gave judgment for the
plaintiff for the S.W. fractional quarter of fractional section 20,
in township 37 north, range 16 east, as patented by the United
States to Horatio B. De Witt under patent dated
Page 140 U. S. 411
March 1, 1850, and described in the first count, but limited by
the meander line of the original survey on the side next to the
lake, and as to all the rest of the land in dispute found the
defendants not guilty. The fractional quarter section thus found to
belong to the plaintiff was one of the fractional lots on Wolf Lake
surveyed in 1834-35, as mentioned in the case of
Hardin v.
Jordan, lying on the north side of the lake, and on the plat
of the survey it was shown as bordering on and bounded by the lake.
The difference between this case and that of
Hardin v.
Jordan is supposed to arise from the fact that the strip or
tongue of land running into the lake from the north side beyond the
meander line (as mentioned in
Hardin v. Jordan) was
immediately in front of the fractional quarter section belonging to
the plaintiff. In the special finding of facts the court sets out
so much of the original survey as describes the meander line
running around the north end of the lake, and eastwardly as far as
the Indiana line, and also a copy of the plat of the survey, an
outline of which is shown in the report of
Hardin v.
Jordan. As stated in that case, the meander line is described
in the survey as running along the margin of the lake, and the plat
shows all the fractional lots to be adjoining the lake. The finding
then states that in March, 1850, Horatio B. De Witt purchased from
the United States and received a patent for the lot described
"the S.W. fractional quarter of fractional section 20, in
township 37, range 15, in the district of lands subject to sale at
Chicago, Illinois, containing 4.53 acres, according to the official
plat of the survey of the said lands returned to the General Land
Office by the Surveyor General,"
and that the plaintiff by mesne conveyances had acquired and
held the title in fee simple conveyed to De Witt by said patent.
The finding then describes the lake and the tongue of land
projecting into it from the north side, substantially as shown in
the report of
Hardin v. Jordan, to which reference may be
made. The finding then proceeds as follows:
"Eighth. That the lakes and lands not embraced in the original
survey -- that is to say, all the lands, swamp as well as those
covered by water, including the ridge, which are outside
Page 140 U. S. 412
the meandered line, run around said lake or lakes -- the
Commissioner of the General Land Office caused to be surveyed in
1874; that after such survey was made, the United States, by its
proper officers, sold to Alice A. Condit the west half of the
southwest quarter, the south half of the east half of the southwest
quarter, and lot 2 of the southwest quarter, of fractional section
20, T. 37 N., R. 15 E., of this P.M., and issued to said Alice A.
Condit patents in the usual form for said lands, and that the
defendant, Conrad N. Jordan, is the owner, by mesne conveyances, of
the lands so patented to said Condit; that Horatio B. De Witt,
owner of the fractional S.W. 1/4 of fractional section 20 in the
original survey, contested before the proper officers of the Land
Department the right of the United States to sell and convey title
to said lands under said second survey, which contest was decided
against the said De Witt by the Secretary of the Interior on
appeal, and in favor of the right of the United States to sell said
lands under said survey."
"Ninth. That said meandered line, as it was originally run
across said ridge from a point one chain east of the meander corner
on the west, and as is now adopted by the court as a line of
boundary, is entirely above the water, except where said line
intersects the east line of the fractional quarter section, to
which point the water of Wolf Lake may possibly reach at high
stages, and that in ordinary stages, the waters approach to within
four or five chains of said point."
Our general views with regard to the effect of patents granted
for lands around the margin of a nonnavigable lake, and shown by
the plat referred to therein to bind on the lake, were expressed in
the preceding case of
Hardin v. Jordan, and need not be
repeated here. We think it a great hardship, and one not to be
endured, for the government officers to make new surveys and grants
of the beds of such lakes after selling and granting the lands
bordering thereon or represented so to be. It is nothing more nor
less than taking from the first grantee a most valuable, and often
the most valuable, part of his grant. Plenty of
speculators will always be found, as such property increases in
value, to enter it and deprive the proper owner of
Page 140 U. S. 413
its enjoyment, and to place such person in possession under a
new survey and grant and put the original grantee of the adjoining
property to his action of ejectment and plenary proof of his own
title is a cause of vexatious litigation which ought not to be
created or sanctioned. The pretense for making such surveys,
arising from the fact that strips and tongues of land are found to
project into the water beyond the meander line run for the purpose
of getting its general contour, and of measuring the quantity to be
paid for, will always exist, since such irregular projections do
always, or in most cases, exist. The difficulty of following the
edge or margin of such projections, and all the various sinuosities
of the water line, is the very occasion and cause of ruling the
meander line, which by its exclusions and inclusions of such
irregularities of contour produces an average result closely
approximating to the truth as to the quantity of upland contained
in the fractional lots bordering on the lake or stream. The
official plat made from such survey does not show the meander line,
but shows the general form of the lake deduced therefrom and the
surrounding fractional lots adjoining and bordering on the same.
The patents when issued refer to this plat for identification of
the lots conveyed, and are equivalent to and have the legal effect
of a declaration that they extend to and are bounded by the lake or
stream. Such lake or stream itself, as a natural object or
monument, is virtually and truly one of the calls of the
description or boundary of the premises conveyed, and all the legal
consequences of such a boundary, in the matter of riparian rights
and title to land under water, regularly follow.
We do not mean to say that in running a pretended meander line,
the surveyor may not make a plain and obvious mistake or be guilty
of a palpable fraud, in which case the government would have the
right to recall the survey and have it corrected by the courts or
in some other way. Cases have happened in which, by mistake, the
meander line described by a surveyor in the field notes of his
survey did not approach the water line intended to be portrayed.
Such mistakes, of course, do not bind the government. Nor do we
mean to say that in granting lands bordering on a nonnavigable
Page 140 U. S. 414
lake or stream, the authorities might not formerly, by express
words, have limited the granted premises to the water's edge, and
reserved the right to survey and grant out the lake or river bottom
to other parties. But since the grant to the respective states of
all swamp and overflowed lands therein, this cannot be done.
In the present case it cannot be seriously contended that any
palpable mistake was made or that any fraud was committed by the
surveyor who made the survey in 1834-1835. It is apparent from the
finding of facts that the lake in question is subject to
considerable changes in the height and depth of the water therein.
datum or benchmark is used in Cook County, Illinois,
where the premises in question are situated, as a standard of
comparison for the height of water in Lake Michigan. Of course, the
height of water in Wolf Lake is affected by that of Lake Michigan,
since they are connected by two different outlets. The finding of
facts states that the level of water in the lake in question, when
the government survey was made in 1834-35, was 2.2 feet above the
datum, and four-tenths of a foot above the average level
of Lake Michigan, which is 1.8 feet above
datum. But it
also states that Lake Michigan at times rises to five feet above
datum, which would cause the lake in question to rise to a
level of 2.8 feet (or nearly 3 feet) higher than it was when the
government survey was made. At such times, of course, very little
of the said projecting tongue of land would be visible. But whether
so or not, it would not alter the case. The existence of such
projecting tongue is entirely consistent with the water's or lake's
being the natural boundary of the plaintiff's land, which would
include the said projection if necessary in order to reach the said
boundary. It has been decided again and again that the meander line
is not a boundary, but that the body of water whose margin is
meandered is the true boundary.
Company v. Schurmeir, 7 Wall. 272;
Jefferis v.
East Omaha Land Co., 134 U. S. 178;
Middleton v. Pritchard, 3 Scam. 510;
Canal Trustees v.
Haven, 5 Gilman, 548, 558;
Houck v. Yates, 82 Ill.
Fuller v. Dauphin, 124 Ill. 542;
Boorman v.
Sunnuchs, 42 Wis. 235;
Page 140 U. S. 415
Marquette Boom Co. v. Adams, 44 Mich. 403;
Clute v.
Fisher, 65 Mich. 48;
Ridgway v. Ludlow, 58 Ind. 249;
Kraut v. Crawford, 18 Ia. 549, Forsyth v. Smale, 7 Bissell
201. The case last cited (Forsyth v. Smale) presented the very case
of a tongue of land projecting beyond the meander line into Lake
George, a small lake in Indiana, situated to the east of Wolf Lake,
and connected therewith. It is cited and commented on in the
opinion in
Hardin v. Jordan. In conclusion, our view on
this part of the case is that the patent to De Witt conveyed, and
the plaintiff is entitled to, all of the fractional S.W. 1/4 of
section 20 from its northern boundary line extending southwardly to
the actual water line of the lake, wherever that may be, with the
riparian rights incident to such position.
The other points raised in the case have been discussed in the
opinion in
Hardin v. Jordan, and do not require further
notice. In conclusion, our opinion is that the judgment of the
circuit court should be reversed, and that a general judgment
should be rendered for the plaintiff for the property described in
both additional counts of his declaration.
The judgment is reversed accordingly, and the cause is
remanded with instructions to enter judgment in conformity with
this opinion.
MR. JUSTICE BREWER, with whom concurred MR. JUSTICE GRAY and MR.
JUSTICE BROWN, dissenting.
MR. JUSTICE GRAY, MR. JUSTICE BROWN, and myself dissent in this
case also, as in the preceding, on the merits for the reason stated
therein. This further fact is worthy of notice. The tract
originally patented consisted of a fractional quarter section
containing only four and 53/100 acres. It appears that at the time
of the survey and patent and now, there was and is a tongue of land
extending out beyond the surveyed land into the lake, containing
about twenty-five acres, so that by purchasing this little piece of
four acres and a fraction at the government price, the purchaser,
as it is held, took title not merely to the land surveyed, but to
the twenty-five acres of
Page 140 U. S. 416
dry land outside of the survey, as well as the large area of
land under the lake and in front of the bank. This result is
certainly suggestive.
On the question of removal, it appears that in this action, one
of ejectment, there were present as defendants a tenant and his
landlord, the latter coming in on his own motion after suit was
commenced. The tenant and the plaintiff were citizens of the same
state. The Illinois statute of ejectment bearing upon the question
of parties defendant is as follows:
"If the premises for which the action is brought are actually
occupied by any person, such actual occupant shall be named
defendant in the suit, and all other persons claiming title or
interest to or in the same may also be joined as defendants."
Starr & Curtiss' Stat. 981, sec. 6. The defendant was
therefore a necessary party. In
Phelps v. Oaks,
117 U. S. 236,
which was also an action of ejectment, tenant and landlord being
parties defendant, the latter coming in as here after the
commencement of the suit, this court held that
"the plaintiff has a real and substantial 'controversy' with the
defendant (the tenant) within the meaning of the act for removal of
causes from state courts, which continues after his landlord is
summoned in and becomes a party for the purpose of protecting his
own interests."
The decision seems to us to forbid a removal on the ground of
So far as a federal question is concerned, it is familiar law
that ejectment turns on the plaintiff's title. If that be good, he
is entitled to recover; if it fails, then it is immaterial what
claim or title defendant may have, the verdict must be in his
"If there is any exception to the rule that in an action to
recover possession of land, the plaintiff must recover on the
strength of his own title, and that the defendant in possession can
lawfully say until you show
some title, you have no right
to disturb me, it has not been pointed out to us."
Reynolds v. Mining Company, 116 U.
S. 687,
116 U. S.
If plaintiff's first grantor, by his patent from the government
for the land on the bank, took title to the center of the lake, he
was entitled to judgment for possession, and no act of the officers
of the Land Department subsequently thereto could divest or limit
his right or prevent his recovering judgment. On the other hand, if
the patent only carried title to the water line, then it is
entirely immaterial to the plaintiff what action the officers of
the Land Department may have taken in reference to the premises
beyond; the defendant would be entitled to judgment, and that
irrespectively of the question whether he had any title, or though
it was vested in the state.
It is a novel proposition that in an action of ejectment a party
defendant can, by setting up some claim under the laws of the
United States -- a claim which cannot be inquired into on the trial
because it in no manner affects the plaintiff's title, which is the
subject of dispute, make such unnecessary and irrelevant claim a
ground of removal from the state to the federal court.
We think the case should have been reversed and remanded to the
state court, and in that way an early reexamination might have been
had in the supreme court of the state on the merits of the
principal question.