In Louisiana, a holder of a first mortgage on real estate, duly
executed before a notary with
pact de non alienando, is
not bound to give notice to subsequent mortgagees, or to any person
but the debtor in possession, when he proceeds by executory process
to obtain seizure and sale of the mortgaged property to satisfy the
mortgage debt.
In Louisiana, a mortgage given to secure a future balance on an
open unliquidated account is valid, and the acknowledgment of the
amount of the balance by the debtor before a notary is all that is
necessary to be done under the code in order to ascertain it for
the purposes of executory process.
In Louisiana, informalities connected with or growing out of any
public sale made by any person authorized to sell by public auction
are prescribed against by those claiming under the sale after the
lapse of five years from the time of making it, whether against
minors, married women, or interdicted persons.
W, owning a plantation in Louisiana and being embarrassed,
agreed with several of his creditors and with K that W should
remain in possession and work the plantation, that K should make
annual advances to a stipulated amount to enable him to work it,
and should receive and dispose of the crops and apply their
products first to the payment of his own account and next to the
payment of the debts of the creditors, and that for these advances
and the balance on his account he should have a first mortgage on
the plantation with
pact de non alienando, and that the
debts of said creditors should be secured by a mortgage subsequent
to the lien to secure K's account. A second mortgage was afterwards
made to K with a like pact, and with an agreement, in which all
joined, that it should have priority over the first mortgage. The
plantation was worked at a loss, and K having made large advances,
W acknowledged the amount of them before a notary, and K proceeded
by executory process
Page 120 U. S. 766
to obtain a sale of the plantation, and it was sold under
judicial process. In a suit brought after the lapse of eight years
by one of said creditors to foreclose the creditors' mortgage and
to set aside the sale under the mortgage to K,
(1) That no notice to the creditors of the proceedings to
foreclose K's mortgage was necessary.
(2) That W's acknowledgment of the balance due on K's account
was all the ascertainment that was required.
(3) That the relation of trustee and
cestuis que trust
did not arise between K and the creditors.
(4) That the creditors were guilty of laches in allowing so long
a time to elapse after knowledge of the sale before commencing
proceedings to disturb it.
Bill in equity to foreclose a mortgage and to set aside a sale
under a prior mortgage. The case is stated in the opinion of the
MR. JUSTICE BRADLEY delivered the opinion of the Court.
The bill in this case is brought to foreclose a certain mortgage
on a plantation in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, called the Ardoyne
Plantation, with the stock thereon, and to have the same sold and
the proceeds distributed among the parties secured by the mortgage,
and to set aside, as illegal, fraudulent, and void a former sale
made by executory process at the suit of S. H. Kennedy & Co.,
one on the parties secured by the same instrument.
The mortgage referred to was given by notarial act on the 12th
of April, 1872, by one Nolan S. Williams to secure various
creditors large amounts respectively due to them -- among others,
to secure the complainants in the bill (the appellants here) the
sum of $50,606.83, with interest at eight percent per annum, due to
the New Orleans National Banking Association, and $6,856.95, with
like interest, due to McComb. The mortgage contained the pact
de non alienando. In the same instrument it was agreed
that Williams should conduct and cultivate the plantation, and
should receive $2,000 per year for his support out of the advances
to be made as hereafter stated,
Page 120 U. S. 767
and Samuel H. Kennedy, one of the appellees, for his firm of S.
H. Kennedy & Co., agreed to make all necessary advances in cash
and in purchase of supplies to carry on and cultivate the
plantation during the existence of the mortgage, not to exceed
$30,000 per year, to be evidenced by an open account to be kept by
said firm between them and the plantation. To secure Kennedy &
Co. for these advances, Williams, by the same instrument, mortgaged
the plantation to said firm, with the like
pact de non
alienando, and it was agreed by all the parties, both
mortgagor and mortgagees (who all joined in the act), that the
mortgage granted in favor of Kennedy & Co. should have priority
and rank of first mortgage over the one granted in favor of the
other creditors. To further secure Kennedy & Co., Williams also
mortgaged to them the crops of the plantation, and agreed to
consign the same to them for sale in New Orleans, and Kennedy &
Co. were to have the usual commissions and charges, and after they
were reimbursed for their advances, interest, and costs, the
balance of the proceeds of the crops was to be applied by them,
each year, to the debts due to the other mortgagees.
The accounts of Kennedy & Co. with the plantation for the
year 1872 showed that the advances required for that year amounted
to over $40,000, and that the net proceeds of the crop were less
than that sum.
In anticipation of this state of things, another instrument was
executed before a notary by all the parties on the 30th of
December, 1872, by which it was agreed that Kennedy & Co.
should advance $40,000 for that year, and $35,000 for each
succeeding year, instead of $30,000, as provided by the first
agreement, and to secure them for such advances, Williams mortgaged
to them the plantation anew, and the other creditors agreed and
consented that the new mortgage should have priority and rank of
first mortgage over that granted in their favor by the Act of April
12, 1872.
The accounts of the next year (1873) showed that the proceeds of
the crop were insufficient to pay Kennedy & Co.'s advances by
more than $28,000, and it seemed evident that the plantation could
not be carried on without serious loss to all the parties
Page 120 U. S. 768
In this condition of things, Kennedy & Co. justly considered
themselves authorized to proceed upon their mortgage for the
collection of the amount due to them. It stood at that time upon an
open account, and, on the 28th of January, 1874, they procured
Williams to make an acknowledgment before a notary public of the
balance due, which amounted to $28,097.36, for which he at the same
time confessed judgment and consented and agreed that under said
act, and the two acts of mortgages before referred to, Kenned &
Co. should have the right to seize and sell the plantation under
executory process. Thereupon, on the 31st of January, 1874, Kennedy
& Co. presented a petition for executory process to the judge
of the District Court for the Parish of Terrebonne setting out
therein the two mortgages, the fact that the plantation was
incurring indebtedness every year, instead of paying anything, the
amount of balance due them, and the notarial act by which Williams
had admitted the amount and confessed judgment therefor, and
praying for an order of seizure and sale to be directed to the
sheriff for the purpose of satisfying their claim. Williams
endorsed the petition, waiving all notices and legal delays. An
order was accordingly made, and Williams having waived all formal
notices, the property was advertised and sold by the sheriff on the
7th of March, 1874, and S. H. Kennedy became the purchaser for the
sum of $17,435.32, the appraised value being $26,142.62.
The grounds on which the complainants seek to set this sale
aside are illegality and fraud. The illegalities alleged are first
that the complainants and other mortgage creditors were not made
parties to the proceeding, and were not notified of the sale, and
secondly that the debt, being an open account until acknowledged by
Williams, was not an exigible debt under the mortgage alone, and
that the seizure and sale had no validity except in virtue of the
confession of judgment made by Williams on the 31st of January, and
hence could not affect the complainants who had a prior mortgage.
Neither of these objections seems to be well founded. A holder of a
first mortgage, duly executed before a notary,
Page 120 U. S. 769
pact de non alienando, is not bound to give notice
to any person but the debtor in possession.
The Code of Practice, Art. 732, declares that
"Executory process can only be resorted to in the following
cases: 1. when the creditor's right arises from an act importing a
confession of judgment, and which contains a privilege or mortgage
in his favor."
"Art. 733. An act is said to import a confession of judgment in
matters of privilege and mortgage when it is passed before a notary
public, or other officer fulfilling the same functions, in the
presence of two witnesses and the debtor has declared or
acknowledged the debt for which he gives the privilege or
"Art. 734. When the creditor is in possession of such an act, he
may proceed against the debtor or his heirs by causing the property
subject to the privilege or mortgage to be seized and sold on a
simple petition and without previous citation of the debtor in the
manner laid down in the third paragraph, second section, third
chapter, of the first part of this Code."
"Art. 735. In obtaining this order of seizure, it shall suffice
to give three days' notice to the debtor, counting from that on
which the notice is given if he resides on the spot and adding a
day for every twenty miles between the place of his residence and
the residence of the judge to whom the petition has been
The Civil Code, Art. 3397 (3360), declares that
"The mortgage has the following effects: 1. that the holder
cannot sell, engage, or mortgage the same property to other
persons, to the prejudice of the mortgage which is already made to
another creditor."
These sections do not, it is true, speak of the
pact de non
alienando and its peculiar effect. This pact and its
consequences were derived from the Spanish law, and were not
affected by the Code, and have been firmly established in the
jurisprudence of Louisiana.
Nathan v. Lee, 2 Martin (N.S.)
Donaldson v. Maurin, 1 La. 39, and other cases cited
in Henen's Dig. Arts. "Executory Process," III(b), "Mortgage,"
VI(c), 6; Louque's Dig.
ib. This rule not only applies
Page 120 U. S. 770
subsequent purchasers from the mortgagor, but to subsequent
Guesnard v. Soulie, 8 La.Ann. 58. The
mortgage of Kennedy & Co. contained all the requisites required
for this process. It was a first mortgage by agreement of all the
parties, and contained the pact in question. The fact that the
complainants and other creditors had a junior mortgage by virtue of
the same instrument makes no difference. They agreed to stand on
the plane of second mortgagees, and must be bound by the conditions
attaching to such a position. It has even been held by the Supreme
Court of Louisiana that where two separate notes, drawn in favor of
different individuals, were secured by the same mortgage, either
mortgagee may sue to enforce his rights without a joinder of the
Utz v. Utz, 34 La.Ann. 752. And in another case it
was held that where there are concurrent mortgagees, one of them
may proceed by executory process to foreclose the mortgage without
giving special notice to the others.
Soniat v. Miles, 32
La.Ann. 164. In such cases, the other interested parties are
entitled to their proper shares of the common proceeds.
v. Trotot, 105 U. S. 751,
105 U. S.
But in this case, Kennedy & Co. had, not only the joint
mortgage of April 12, 1872, as security for their claim, but the
separate one of December 30, 1872, in which the complainants and
other creditors repeated their consent that it should be a first
mortgage, and have priority over theirs. We think therefore that
there can be no doubt that that Kennedy & Co. had a right to
proceed by executory process without giving special notice to the
other mortgagees if they had a right to executory process at all.
The complainants, however, deny that Kennedy & Co. had any such
right, because their claim stood in the form of an open,
unliquidated account, and the balance had to be acknowledged by the
debtor, Williams, before it was in a proper shape for executory
proceedings. We do not think that this objection can prevail. The
mortgage on its face was good for any sum not exceeding $35,000,
and though this was to cover future advances, it was nonetheless
efficacious as a mortgage to the extent of those advances, less the
amount of any
Page 120 U. S. 771
credits realized from the proceeds of the crop or otherwise. The
law on the subject of such mortgages is laid down in the Revised
Civil Code as follows:
"Art. 3292 (3259): A mortgage may be given for an obligation
which has not yet risen into existence, as when a man grants a
mortgage by way of security for an endorsement which another
promises to make for him."
"Art. 3293 (3260): But the right of mortgage, in this case,
shall only be realized insofar as the promise shall be carried into
effect by the person making it. The fulfillment of the promise,
however, shall impart to the mortgage a retrospective effect to the
time of the contract."
These articles, read in connection with those previously quoted,
and the express agreement of the parties, are sufficient to show
that there is no foundation for the objection. As matters stood in
January, 1874, all that was necessary was an ascertainment of the
balance due from the plantation to Kennedy & Co., and for this
balance, to any amount less than $35,000, the mortgage was as good
as if the precise sum had been named in it when it was executed. To
ascertain this balance for the purposes of executory process, all
that was wanted under the Code was the acknowledgment of the
debtor. Such an acknowledgment was made in solemn form before a
notary, and satisfied the conditions of the law.
It is true that the other mortgagees were interested in the
amount of the balance due at the end of each year, and were
undoubtedly entitled to inspect the accounts which Kennedy &
Co. were to keep with the plantation; but the latter were not
required to render accounts to them in the ordinary sense of those
terms. Their accounts were with Williams, to whom the advances were
made, or with the plantation, which was the same thing, and their
settlements were properly made with him, and, being so made, were
binding on all the parties unless fraud or collusion be shown. The
evidence shows that Kennedy & Co. were always ready and willing
to have their accounts inspected if the other parties had desired
to inspect them. This was all that the agreement implied or
required. Hence, the acknowledgment by Williams of the
Page 120 U. S. 772
correctness of the accounts, and of the balance due to Kennedy
& Co., was a sufficient ascertainment of the amount due to them
to "impart to the mortgage a retrospective effect to the time of
the contract."
The fact that Williams, in addition to making an acknowledgment
of the amount of the debt, also confessed judgment for it did not
deprive Kennedy & Co. of their rights under the mortgages,
which themselves had the force of confessed judgments. The
executory process was sued out upon them all, and had the effect
due to all or any of them. The acknowledgment, it is true, was all
that was needed under the law to make the mortgages exigible, and
the confession of judgment was a supererogatory formality which did
not affect their validity.
The complainants' case therefore must stand or fall upon the
charge of fraud and conspiracy on the part of Kennedy & Co. and
Williams. We have carefully examined the evidence in relation to
this charge, and are satisfied with the conclusions reached by the
circuit court on the subject. The main stress of the argument of
the appellants on this point is laid on the want of notice to them
of the executory proceedings, and the haste with which the
proceedings were conducted. We have already shown that they were
not entitled to notice, and the haste in the proceedings is
accounted for by the fact that unless a sale were made in the early
spring, the purchaser could not make a crop for that year, and
hence the property would command a greater price at an early sale
than at a later one. The evidence shows that everything was done in
good faith and with all due publicity. The charge that Kennedy
induced parties not to appear and bid at the sale is not
substantiated by satisfactory proof; on the contrary, we think it
is disproved. None of the parties interested seem to have thought
the proceedings assailable either for fraud or any other cause. The
sale was made March 7, 1874. Kennedy took immediate possession and
carried on the plantation. The complainant bank had suspended
October 4, 1873, and went into bankruptcy. A receiver (Cockrem) was
appointed October 20, 1873, and another receiver (Casey) July 1,
1874. The
Page 120 U. S. 773
latter, in his report to the comptroller, classed the claim
against Williams as worthless. He or his predecessor must have
examined into the condition of the security at the time, and must
have ascertained all about the sale to Kennedy, if they were not
aware of it when it took place. The receiver paid no further
attention to the claim until shortly before the filing of the bill
in this case, which was May 15, 1882, more than eight years after
the sale took place. The notes given to the complainants had then
been due over five years, and no interest or principal had ever
been paid on them. Surely such an important asset of the bank, the
principal of which was over $50,000, could not have been
overlooked. The other second mortgagees were equally oblivious to
any illegality or fraud in the sale until this suit was brought. It
seems incredible that parties so deeply interested, represented as
they were by vigilant and able counsel, did not in all this period
discover the alleged illegalities and frauds. The proceedings
incident to the sale were matter of record; the petition for
executory process, the order, the acknowledgment of the debt, the
appraisement of the property, the purchaser's bid, the sheriff's
deed, all lay open to inspection, and no sign was ever made for
more than eight years by any of these parties. They must have been
satisfied with the regularity of the proceedings and the good faith
of Kennedy & Co. and Williams. Their conduct is inexplicable on
any other hypothesis.
As to any irregularities in the sale, the statute of limitations
of 1855, now to be found in §§ 2809 and 3392 of the Revised
Statutes, and article 3543 of the Revised Civil Code, clearly
applies. This statute declares that
"All informalities connected with or growing out of any public
sale, made by any person authorized to sell at public auction,
shall be prescribed against by those claiming under such sale,
after the lapse of five years from the time of making it, whether
against minors, married women, or interdicted persons."
But it is alleged that the defendants Kennedy & Co. were
trustees for the complainants and the other mortgage creditors, and
therefore that they are answerable for all profits and gains
realized by Mr. Kennedy from the plantation purchased
Page 120 U. S. 774
by him. We are of opinion, however, that the relation of
trustees did not arise from the agreement. Kennedy & Co. were
to receive the crops and dispose of them, and if any surplus
remained after reimbursing themselves for their advances and proper
charges, they were to pay it over to the other mortgagees instead
of paying it to Williams. They only occupied the position of
factors, legally responsible for any surplus in their hands. For
this surplus, if they neglected to pay it over, they were liable in
an action at law. This is a very different position from that of a
trustee in the chancery sense of that term. The fact is they never
had any surplus, and were never liable in any amount to the
complainants or their co-mortgagees.
But if we were not satisfied that the complainants have no case
on the merits, we should still regard the great lapse of time which
intervened between the transaction complained of and the filing of
the bill for relief as a very serious obstacle to a decree in their
favor. Eight years passed away before any complaint was made. The
principal of the notes did not mature till April, 1877, it is true,
but the interest became annually due, and none was ever paid. The
ground of relief, if any existed, commenced to exist on the day of
sale, and if the complainants or the assignees did not know of it
at once, they must have known of it within a short period
thereafter. There is nothing alleged as ground of disturbing the
sale which they did not know, or which they were not put upon
inquiry to ascertain, within a year from the sale at most.
On the whole, we are satisfied that the decree of the circuit
court was right, and it is therefore