The forfeiture of goods for violation of the Nonintercourse Act
of March 1, 1809, takes place upon the commission of the offense,
and avoids a subsequent sale to an innocent purchaser, although
there may have been a regular permit for landing the goods and
although the duties may have been paid.
This was an appeal from the sentence of the Circuit Court for
the District of Maryland which restored a quantity of coffee which
had been seized and libeled for violating the Nonintercourse Act of
March 1, 1809, vol. 9, p. 243, § 4 & 5.
The claimants in the court below alleged by way of plea that the
coffee was regularly entered and the duties
Page 12 U. S. 399
secured according to law, after which they became the purchasers
for valuable consideration. They also denied that it was imported
contrary to law.
The United States demurred to that part of the plea which states
the purchase, &c., and took issue upon that part of the plea
which denies the illegal importation. By the sentence of the
district court the demurrer was overruled and the coffee restored,
which sentence was affirmed in the circuit court, and the United
States appealed to this Court.
Page 12 U. S. 404
JOHNSON, J. delivered the opinion of the Court as follows:
This case has been argued very elaborately and has been a long
time under consideration. But from the decision which the Court has
at length come to, its merits are brought within a very limited
We are of opinion that the question rests altogether on the
wording of the act of Congress, by which it is
Page 12 U. S. 405
expressly declared that the forfeiture shall take place upon the
commission of the offense. If the phraseology were such as, in the
opinion of the majority of the Court, to admit of doubt, it would
then be proper to resort to analogy and the doctrine of forfeiture
at common law to assist the mind in coming to a conclusion. But
from the view in which the subject appears to a majority of the
Court, all assistance derivable from that quarter becomes
It is true that cases of hardship and even absurdity may be
supposed to grow out of this decision, but on the other hand, if by
a sale it is put in the power of an offender to purge a forfeiture,
a state of things not less absurd will certainly result from
When hardships shall arise, provision is made by law for
affording relief under authority much more competent to decide on
such cases than this Court ever can be.
In the eternal struggle that exists between the avarice,
enterprise, and combinations of individuals on the one hand, and
the power charged with the administration of the laws, on the
other, severe laws are rendered necessary to enable the executive
to carry into effect the measures of policy adopted by the
legislature. To them belongs the right to decide on what event a
divesture of right shall take place, whether on the commission of
the offense, the seizure, or the condemnation. In this instance, we
are of opinion that the commission of the offense marks the point
of time on which the statutory transfer of right takes place.
The decree of the Circuit Court of Maryland on the demurrer
is therefore reversed and the cause remanded that the issue in fact
may be tried.
The decree which has just been pronounced by a majority of the
Court is decisive of the case of
The Mars, which is now
pending in this Court, and my decision therein must be reversed.
The opinion which I there held and the reasons which support it are
disclosed on the record, and though the discussion in this Court
has not increased my confidence in that opinion, nevertheless as I
am not yet satisfied of its incorrectness and two
Page 12 U. S. 406
of my brethren concur in it, I shall make no apology for
introducing it in this place.
It is as follows:
"The present information proceeds for a forfeiture of the brig
Mars upon the allegation that the brig departed from the
United States bound to a permitted port without giving bond
pursuant to the Act of 1 March 1809, ch. 91, § 16. There are other
counts in the information which I need not now consider, because it
is admitted there was a forfeiture under the first count, and the
answer of the present claimant sets up, as a justification of his
title, that he is a
bona fide purchaser for a valuable
consideration and without notice of the offense; and it is admitted
that this justification is true in point of fact and that there
have been no laches either as to the United States, or as to the
"The question presented to the court is whether property, which
has become forfeited to the United States, and afterwards and
before seizure, while remaining in the possession of the vendor, is
sold to a
bona fide purchaser for a valuable consideration
without notice is protected against the claim of the United
"This question is peculiarly delicate and interesting in
whatever way it is considered. On the one hand, it strikes at the
root of almost all the forfeitures
in rem which the
legislature has provided to guard the revenue laws from abuse, and
if the decision be against the United States, it may open a wide
field for fraud and colorable transfers, to the encouragement of
offenders. On the other hand, if the secret taint of forfeiture be
indissolubly attached to the property, so that at any time and
under any circumstances within the limitations of law, the United
States may enforce their rights against innocent purchasers, it is
easy to foresee that great embarrassments will arise to the
commercial interests of the country, and no man, whatever may be
his caution or diligence, can guard himself from injury and perhaps
ruin. Considerations of this nature have pressed heavily upon my
mind, and I have therefore been solicitous to avoid a discussion
involving so much public as well as private importance. I could
have wished to have reserved
Page 12 U. S. 407
this question for the consideration of all the judges in the
highest tribunal, that in forming my opinion I might have had the
light reflected from their minds, and the benefit of their
acknowledged learning. The parties have however seen fit to pursue
another course, and I shall meet the question as my duty requires
without asking for shelter under any authority, though not without
extreme diffidence."
"Before I proceed to the principle question, it will be
necessary to clear the way by adverting to some considerations
which have grown out of the argument on each side. It should be
remembered that this is not a case where the vendor was out of
possession, and of course where the law might infer a want of due
diligence in the purchaser. To such a case the maxim
emptor would certainly apply. Nor is the present a case where
the sale was made at the first moment when the property came within
the jurisdiction or grasp of the United States -- for I should have
little doubt that such a hurried sale could hardly be the
foundation of a solid title. It is not a case of voluntary gift or
collusive transfer which would probably share the fate of all
bounties in fraud or exclusion of public rights.
Jones v.
Ashurst, Skinn. 357."
"It is admitted that the sale is
bona fide, for a
valuable consideration, and without any express or implied notice.
Further, the statute, on which the information is founded has
declared that the property shall be wholly forfeited if the offense
be committed; but it has not declared at what time it shall take
effect, to what time it shall relate, nor whether it shall be
incapable of being purged by subsequent events. The forfeitures
under the statute are to be distributed in the same manner as
forfeitures under the Collection Act of 2 March, 1799, § 91, by
which informers and officers of the customs, as well as the
government, may acquire vested interests, and it follows therefore
that these interests, as to informers and officers of the customs,
cannot vest until their rights are ascertained by seizure or
"It has been argued on the part of the United States that the
forfeiture is by the statute made absolute on the commission of the
offense, and as it was competent for the legislature to enact such
a law, the title cannot be divested
Page 12 U. S. 408
by any subsequent event. That the cases of forfeiture at the
common law are not applicable because they depend upon the
qualification annexed to them by the common law, which makes them
conditional only, and not absolute forfeitures, whereas the present
statute has annexed no qualification. And in support of this
distinction the opinion of THE CHIEF JUSTICE in the case of the
States v. Grundy, 3 Cranch 337, has been quoted
where he says, p.
7 U. S. 350,"
" It has been proved that in all forfeitures accruing at common
law, nothing vests in the government until some legal step shall be
taken for the assertion of its right, after which, for many
purposes, the doctrine of relation carries back the title to the
commission of the offense, but the distinction, taken by the
counsel for the United States, between forfeitures at common law
and those accruing under a statute is certainly a sound one. Where
a forfeiture is given by a statute the rules of the common law may
be dispensed with, and the thing forfeited may either vest
immediately or on the performance of some particular act, as shall
be the will of the legislature. This must depend upon the
construction of the statute."
"I entirely subscribe to the doctrine here stated by THE CHIEF
JUSTICE. There can be no doubt that the legislature may provide
that its forfeitures shall take effect differently from the course
prescribed by the common law, but the question will always be has
the legislature so done? If it has not, shall the rules of the
common law govern in the absence of any positive declaration? It
should be remembered also that THE CHIEF JUSTICE is here speaking
in a case where the main question before him rested in a
considerable decree upon the point whether the legislature had not
give I an election of remedy, and suspended the vesting of any
interest until the determination of that election. But I apprehend
that the words of THE CHIEF JUSTICE by no means imply that when a
in rem is attached to a statute offense, the
rules of the common law are of course excluded. They do not, in my
judgment, import more than the opinion which I have already
expressed. Now in the case at bar, I cannot perceive in the
language of the legislature any systematic exclusion of the common
law as to forfeitures. They have declared no more than that the
Page 12 U. S. 409
commission of an act shall induce a forfeiture, and so has the
common law; but the question as to the nature and extent of the
operation of this forfeiture is nowhere that I can perceive
touched. This view of the subject leads me to deny another position
assumed by the counsel for the United States,
viz., that
the doctrine of relation has nothing to do with the present
controversy. In the progress of this examination, I think, if not
already shown, it will sufficiently appear that the doctrine of
relation has a very powerful influence in every essential view of
the subject."
"I will now consider the main question, which perhaps may be
divided into two branches."
"1. What is the interest or right which attaches to the
government in forfeitures of property before any act done to
vindicate its claims?"
"2. What is the operation of such act done to vindicate its
claims as to the offenders and as to strangers?"
"1. As to the first point. In all cases at common law where
lands are forfeited for the personal offense of the party, I take
the rule to be universally true that until the offense is
ascertained, by conviction and attainder, no title vests in the
"Before that time the party is entitled to the possession and
profits of his lands, and the government have no vested right in
them, either to enter or dispose of the estate, 2 Inst. 48. Staund.
P.C. 192. Nay, even after attainder until office found the
sovereign is considered as having but a possession in law, and an
office is necessary to complete a title. Staund. P.C. 198. The
offender, therefore, has until conviction full power and authority
to alien his lands and to convey to the purchaser a complete and
legal, though defeasible seizin; and unless such conviction follow
the offense the alienation is good against all the world. For, as
Bracton says, Lib. 2, ch. 13, 30,
'ea vero, quae post feloniam
facta sunt, semper valent and tenent nisi fuerit condemnatio
subsecuta, et si fuerit subsecuta, non valent.'"
"If this be true, and there seems no reason to doubt it,
Page 12 U. S. 410
it follows that the estate of the offender is rightful, that he
has both
jus ad rem and
jus in re, and
consequently that the Crown hath but a mere possibility which in no
wise restrains the exercise of ownership over the property.
See 4 Bl.Com. 382."
"The same doctrine is also, in general, true as to like
forfeitures of goods and chattels. Bract., Lib. 2, ch. 13; Co.Lit.
391, a; Staund. P.C. 193;
id., p. 52; 2 Inst. 48; 2
Hawk.P.C. ch. 49. Nor do the cases of deodand and suicide form any
exceptions, for the authorities all concur that the forfeiture does
not vest a property until the fact is found of record.
Case, 5 Co. 109;
Hales v. Petit, Plowd. 260, 262. It
has been supposed that goods waived vested
ipso facto in
the Crown upon waiver, but on a careful examination of the
authorities it will be found that the owner retains his full
property until an absolute seizure by the Crown. Staund. Prerog.,
lib. 3, ch. 25, 186; Fitz., Ab. Estray 2, 21 Edw. IV, p. 16. For
all purposes of alienation and sale, therefore, the property in
goods and chattels remains in the owner notwithstanding the
commission of an offense subjecting it to forfeiture, and
consequently he may convey a good title against every person but
the Crown, and against the Crown also unless in cases where the
anterior relation applies.
Jones v. Ashurst, Skinn. 357. I
think, therefore, it may be assumed as a settled principle that in
forfeitures for personal offenses before seizure or prosecution,
the sovereign has no vested title."
"Can the case be distinguished where the forfeiture is made to
attach to the instrument itself by means whereof the offense is
"It seems to me that the most favorable cases for the United
viz., deodands and waifs, conclusively show that
no such distinction anciently prevailed, for whatever may be the
effect of relation, it is certain that no property vested in the
Crown until seizure or inquisition. I infer, therefore, that no
absolute property vested in the United States in the case at bar
until actual seizure was made, and the decision in the King's Bench
Lockyer v. Offley, 1 T.R. 252, seems to me fully to
support the inference. It has indeed been supposed by the counsel
for the United States that
Roberts v. Witherell, 1
Page 12 U. S. 411
Salk. 223, 12 Mod. 92, and
Wilkins v. Despard, 5 T.R.
112, support a contrary doctrine. But on examination they appear to
me to confirm it. In the first, the action was detinue for property
forfeited under the navigation act of Charles II, and the court
held that the action will lay because the bringing action amounted
to a seizure. In the latter case, there had been actual seizure
made for the forfeiture, and the sole question was if condemnation
were not necessary to divest the property of the owner."
"If I am right in the view which I have already taken of the
subject, there can be little doubt that the title of the United
States so far as affects third persons rests mainly on the doctrine
of relation, and that the counsel for the United States must call
in the aid of the common law to enforce the present claim. For if
no title vests until seizure, there must at the time of seizure be
a title in the offending party capable of being divested and of
vesting in the United States. But at the time of the present
seizure, that title had been transferred to the present claimant,
and nothing was left in the vendor capable of transfer."
"2. This leads me to the examination of the second point,
viz., what is the operation of the acts done by the
sovereign to vindicate his title by forfeiture?"
"At common law, in case of attainder for treason or felony the
forfeiture of lands relates back to the time of the offense
committed so as to avoid all intermediate changes and conveyances.
4 Bl.Com. 481, 487; Co. Lit. 390b; Staund. P.C. 192, but in
general, in like cases the forfeiture of goods and chattels relates
back only to the time of conviction so that all previous changes
and alienations, and even
bona fide gifts, are protected,
4 Bl.Com. 387; Co. Lit. 391; Staund. P.C. 192; Perk. § 29; Skinn.
357. There are some cases in which the relation is carried back to
the time of the inquisition made, but unless that of suicide form
an exception, there is no case where the relation is pressed beyond
the time of the prosecution. According to the decision in Plowden
260, a
felo de se forfeits all his goods and chattels,
from the time of committing the act which occasions the death, and
the doctrine seems to be supported by
Rex v. Ward, 1, Lev.
8. The general ground assigned for it is that
Page 12 U. S. 412
otherwise the offender would go unpunished, and it is compared
to the case of flight after felony. Now admitting that this is a
solid reason and a sufficient foundation for a legal adjudication,
it may well be doubted if the doctrine or the decision in Plowden
required the forfeiture to relate back further than the death of
the party."
"The case was that Sir James Hales, the offender, was joint
tenant with his wife of a term of years, and the question made was
whether after inquisition the forfeiture should not relate back so
as to overreach the right of survivorship which accrued to the
"Now one of the judges (Weston) held that the forfeiture should
only have relation to the death, at which time the title of the
wife accrued; yet in this concourse of titles, the King's title by
prerogative should be preferred. Plowd. 264, and I find that lord
Hale, 1 Hale P.C. 414, expresses great doubt whether for all
purposes the relation could be carried back to the stroke which
occasioned the death. Be this case as it may, it is the only
exception to the general doctrine, and
inter apices juris;
a case so unjust as that which robbed an unfortunate woman not only
of the moiety which vested in her by survivorship from her husband,
but of the other moiety absolutely vested in her by grant, I am
glad to find is a judicial anomaly."
"I have said that the case of a
felo de se forms the
only exception to the general rule. There are authorities to show
that in case of flight for felony, the forfeiture, after it is
found by inquisition, verdict, or indictment, relates back to the
time of the flight so as to avoid all mesne acts.
Rex v.
Wendman, Cro.Jac. 82. But I think the better opinion,
notwithstanding, is that it relates only to the time of finding the
flight. Co.Lit. 390; Stannd. P.C. 192, 5 Co. 109b; Bro. Forfeiture
des terres 119;
id., Relation, 31. But is has been argued
that admitting the rule that the forfeiture of goods and chattels
in general relates back to the time of conviction, yet it is
inapplicable to a case where a specific thing is declared forfeited
by law, for in such case the
corpus delicti attaches to
the thing in whose hands soever it may come, and the case of
deodand, put by counsel, in Plowden 262, is cited in illustration.
'If my horse strike a man
Page 12 U. S. 413
and afterwards I sell my horse, and after that the man dies, the
horse shall be forfeited.' I do not find any authority to support
this position, although it is cited as law in 1 Hawk.P.C. ch. 26, §
7, and in terms de la ley, deodand. It seems a peculiar case
growing out of the avarice of the church and the superstition of
the laity in ancient times. The distinction seems also countenanced
by the court in
Lockyer v. Offley, 1 T.R. 252. The counsel
for the plaintiff there argued that the ship was forfeited the
moment the smuggling was committed, even though the had afterwards
come into the hands of a
bona fide purchaser, and Mr.
Justice Willes, in delivering the opinion of the court, in alluding
to the argument that the forfeiture attached the moment the act was
done, said 'it may be so as to some purposes, as to prevent
intermediate alienations and encumbrances.' To be sure, this
expression carries with it a pretty strong implication, but in the
same case, returning to the argument, the same learned judge says
'I do not know that it has been ever so decided -- it may depend
upon circumstances, such as length of possession, laches in
seizing, or other matters.' And the decision of the court went
ultimately upon other grounds. I must therefore consider the
authority as not fairly extending to this point, and indeed as
rather leaning the other way. On the other hand, the case of lord
and villain has been cited from Co.Lit. 118, § 117, to show that
even where a right to seize property exists in the lord, it is not
perfected by seizure so as to overreach prior alienations, for
until seizure, it is said that he has neither
jus in re,
jus ad rem, but a mere possibility. And the conclusion
drawn from this example is not materially affected by the
consideration that a contrary doctrine prevails in the case of the
id., § 118, because the reason assigned is
perfectly consistent with it --
viz., that the property is
in the sovereign before any seizure or office. I do not think much
reliance can be placed upon analogies borrowed from the feudal
tenures, because they were governed by peculiar and technical
niceties, the reasons of which have long since ceased and perhaps
cannot now be well understood. But if the principle of the case put
be that where the absolute property in not vested before the
alienation, a subsequent seizure will not avoid such alienation if
bona fide, it is directly applicable to the case at
bar. "
Page 12 U. S. 414
"I have already endeavored to show that the absolute property
did not vest in the United States until seizure, and I think it
would be a bold assertion that the United States could, before such
seizure, have conveyed the property to a purchaser, or have clothed
it with a national character. I consider a passage in lord Hale's
treatise on the customs as corroborating the view which I have
already taken of this case. He says"
" Though a title of forfeiture be given by the lading or
unlading, the custom not being paid, yet the King's title is not
complete till he hath judgment of record to ascertain his title,
for otherwise there would be endless suits and vexations, for it
may be ten or twenty years hence that there might be a pretense of
forfeiture now incurred."
"Harg. Law tracts 226. According to lord Hale, even seizure
would not be sufficient to fix the title in the King, but it must
be consummated by a judgment of record."
"But the point of difficulty is to decide whether the United
States had not such an inchoate title as, connected with a
subsequent seizure, would, by a retroactive effect, defeat the
intermediate purchase. Now it is precisely in this view that the
case of villain may admit an unfavorable distinction, for until
seizure, the lord has not even an inchoate title, but a mere
possibility. And though the property is in the like case of the
sovereign said to be in him without seizure or office, yet I
apprehend the title is not consummate until seizure or office, for
until that time it could hardly be held that a purchaser under the
villain, or even the villain himself had a tortious possession and
use of the property. The case of villenage then, even supposing it
to apply, does not go
quatuor pedibus with the present.
The case of
Attorney General v. Freeman, Hard. 101, has
also been relied on by the claimant. In that case, the party, after
outlawry and before inquisition, made a
bona fide lease of
his lands, and it was held that the forfeiture did not overreach
the title of the purchaser."
"But I do not think that much reliance can be placed on this
case, because it turned on a settled distinction that until
inquisition the King has no title in the real chattels or freeholds
of the outlaw, but in personal chattels the title is the King
without inquisition. 1
Page 12 U. S. 415
Ld.Ray. 305; Salk. 395; 12 Mod. 176. And the relation does not
extend beyond the time of the commencement of the title. The case
The Anthony Mangin, 3
Cranch 356, n., before Mr. justice Winchester, is the only other
authority that I recollect which has been thought materially to
bear upon the question. I entertain the most entire respect for the
opinions of that truly able and learned judge, and although the
decision of that case did not rest upon the present question, it is
but justice to acknowledge that it has thrown great light on the
subject and enabled us all to meet the stress of this cause with
more certainty than could otherwise have been done. It was very
clearly the opinion of the learned judge that a seizure did not
relate back to the time of forfeiture so as to overreach an
bona fide conveyance, and he has certainly
offered cogent reasons in support of that opinion. But after a
diligent examination of the authorities cited by him, I am well
satisfied that the point has never been solemnly adjudged, and must
now be decided upon principle."
"It seems to be a rule founded in common sense as well as strict
justice that fictions of law shall not be permitted to work any
wrong, but shall be used
ut res magis valeat quam pereat,
and this rule, so equitable in itself, seems recognized in the
common law. 2 Vent. 200. And in respect to the doctrine of
relation, this rule has been admitted in its fullest extent in
civil cases. Bro. Relation 18; 1 H. VII, p. 17; Bro. Debt, p. 139.
For it has been repeatedly adjudged that relations shall never work
an injury, 'and shall never be strained to the prejudice of a third
person who is not a privy or a party to the act,' and further that
'in destruction of a lawful estate vested, the law will never make
any fiction.' 2 Vent. 200."
"It is true, as we have already seen, that a different rule
prevails as to forfeitures of lands in treason and felony, founded
probably on feudal principles or the barbaric character of the
times; yet even as to cases of treason and felony, a striking
distinction is admitted in favor of goods and chattels, and mesne
acts before conviction or inquisition are suffered to retain their
actual validity. "
Page 12 U. S. 416
"Looking to the vast extent of commercial transfers, the favor
with which navigation and trade are fostered in modern times, and
the extreme difficulty of ascertaining latent defects of title, it
seems difficult to resist the impression that the present is a case
which requires the application of the milder rule of the law."
"If the principle contended for by the government be admitted in
its full extent, it will be found very difficult to bound it. A
bale of goods which is once contaminated with a forfeiture will
retain its noxious quality through every successive transfer, even
until it has assumed under the hands of the artisan its ultimate
application to domestic use. Yet such a position would strike us
all as monstrous. If we say that the forfeiture shall cease with
the change of the identity of the whole package, as such, still an
intrinsic difficulty remains. The object of the government would be
completely evaded by the offender, and the innocent purchaser would
sink under the pressure of frauds which he could never know nor by
diligence avert."
"On the whole I have come to the result, not however without
much diffidence of my own opinion, that a forfeiture attached to a
thing conveys no property to the government in the thing until
seizure made or suit brought. That previous to that time, the owner
has the exclusive right of possession and property, though the
government may be considered as having an inchoate title, or
possibility. That against the offender or his representatives, upon
seizure or suit, the title by operation of law relates back to the
time of the offense so as to avoid all mesne acts; but as to a
bona fide purchaser for valuable consideration and without
notice of the offense, the doctrine of relation does not apply so
as to divest his legitimate title."
"Considering, as I do, that this question is of very great
importance, I trust that it will receive the decision of the
highest tribunal, and I shall not feel humbled if upon better
examination a different doctrine shall prevail by the judgment of
that court. I do therefore adjudge and decree that the decree of
the district court in the premises be affirmed."