In cases in which this Court has original jurisdiction, the form
of proceeding is not regulated by act of Congress, but by the rules
and orders of the court.
These rules and orders are framed in analogy to the practice in
the English Court of Chancery. But the court does not follow this
practice, where it would embarrass the case by unnecessary
technicality or defeat the purposes of justice.
There is no mode of proceeding by which the United States can
bring into review the decision of this Court upon a question of
boundary between two states. Justice therefore requires that the
United States, which represent the rights and interests of the
other twenty-nine states, should have an opportunity of being heard
before the boundary is established.
The Attorney General having filed an information, stating that
the interests of the United States are involved in the
establishment of the boundary line between Florida and Georgia, he
has a right to appear on behalf of the United States and adduce
proofs in support of the boundary claimed by them to be the true
one, and to be heard at the argument.
The United States will not, by this proceeding, become a party
in the technical sense of the word, and no judgment will be entered
for or against them. But the evidence and arguments offered, in
their behalf, will be considered by the court in deciding the
matter in controversy.
Each party is at liberty to cause surveys and maps to be made.
But the court does not deem it advisable to appoint persons for
this purpose.
In 11 How. 293 [memorandum opinion -- omitted], it is reported
that the State of Florida filed a bill in this Court, in the
exercise of its original jurisdiction, against the State of Georgia
to establish a boundary between them. The State of Georgia
answered, and other proceedings were had, but the case was not yet
at issue, nor was all the testimony taken upon which the parties
proposed to rely.
At the present term, the Attorney General appeared in Court and
filed the following information, moving at the same time for leave
to intervene on behalf of the United States for the reasons stated
in the information.
"Now on this 15th day of December, 1854, Caleb Cushing Attorney
General of the United States, in his proper person comes here into
the Court, and for the said United States gives the Court to
understand and be informed that a certain bill of complaint
Page 58 U. S. 479
is pending in said Court, by or in behalf of the State of
Florida, complainant, against the State of Georgia, defendant,
wherein is in controversy a certain portion of the boundary line
between said states, and of the lands contiguous thereto."
"That by Mariano D. Papy, Attorney General of the State of
Florida, formal notice in the name and behalf of said state has
been given to the United States that the matter of said bill is of
interest and concern to the said United States."
"That by inspection of said bill of complaint, it appears that
the State of Florida alleges that the portion of boundary line in
question should run, commencing at the junction of the Flint and
Chattachoochee Rivers, and thence in a straight line to a point at
or near a monument commonly called Ellicott's Mound, at the assumed
head of the River St. Mary's, which line has been surveyed by the
surveyors of the United States, and is known as McNeil's line, or
howsoever otherwise the same may be described or designated."
"That in said bill of complaint the State of Florida further
alleges that the State of Georgia pretends that, commencing at the
junction of the Flint and Chattahoochee Rivers, as aforesaid, the
said line should run to a point called Lake Spalding, or a point
called Lake Randolph."
"It further appears that the said points of Lake Spalding and
Lake Randolph are situated about thirty miles to the south of said
Ellicott's Mound, and the effect will be, if the pretense of the
State of Georgia be sustained, to transfer to said State of Georgia
a tract of land in the shape of a triangle, having a base of some
thirty miles, and equal sides each of the length of about one
hundred and fifty miles, comprehending upwards of one million two
hundred thousand acres of land, which have been considered and
treated heretofore as public domain of the United States, and
surveyed as such, and much of which has accordingly been sold and
patented by the government as of the Territory of East Florida
acquired from Spain."
"And for the information of the Court herein, the Attorney
General files, annexed to this motion:"
"1. A certified copy of the cautionary traverse line so surveyed
in 1825, by said McNeil."
"2. A certified copy of the filed-notes of said traverse line so
"3. A certified copy of the map of the cautionary true line,
plotted from traverse line, by said McNeil."
"4. An official copy of diagram of Surveyor General of the
United States for Florida, of surveys of public lands of United
States in said state, to September 30, 1853."
"Whereupon, and in consideration of the interest and concern
Page 58 U. S. 480
of the United States manifestly apparent in said bill of
complaint, the said Attorney General of the United States prays the
consideration of the Court here, and moves the Court that he be
permitted to appear in said case, and be heard in behalf of the
United States in such time and form as the Court shall order. "
Page 58 U. S. 490
MR. CHIEF JUSTICE TANEY delivered the opinion of the Court.
The Court proceed to dispose of the motion made by the Attorney
General for leave to be heard on behalf of the United States, in
the suit between the State of Florida and the State of Georgia.
Page 58 U. S. 491
It appears that the boundary line between these two states is in
controversy, and a bill has been filed in this Court by the State
of Florida to ascertain and establish it.
The Attorney General has filed an information, stating that the
United States are interested in the settlement of this line; that
the territory in dispute contains upwards of one million two
hundred thousand acres of land, and was ceded to the United States
by Spain as a part of Florida; and that the United States have
caused the whole of it to be surveyed as public land, and sold a
large portion of it, and issued patents to the purchasers. And upon
these grounds he asks leave to offer proofs to establish the
boundary claimed by the United States, and to be heard, in their
behalf, on the argument.
The motion is resisted on the part of the states, and the
question has been fully argued by counsel for the respective
parties. And as it is in some degree a new question, and concerns
rights and interests of so much importance, we have taken time to
consider it.
If the motion was merely to be heard at the argument, there
would, we presume, have been no opposition to it on the part of the
states. For it is the familiar practice of the Court to hear the
Attorney General in suits between individuals when he suggests that
the public interests are involved in the decision. And he is heard
not as counsel for one of the parties on the record, but on behalf
of the United States and as representing their interests. This was
done in several instances at the last term, where the United States
had sold lands as a part of the public domain, which were claimed
by individuals under grants alleged to have been made by France or
Spain previous to the cession to this country.
In these cases, however, they were argued by the Attorney
General upon the evidence produced by the respective parties. No
new evidence was offered on behalf of the United States. And the
objection now made is that he cannot be permitted to adduce
evidence in the case unless the United States are parties on the
record, and that they cannot, under the provisions of the
Constitution, become parties in this Court, in the legal sense of
the term, to a suit between two states.
We proceed to consider this objection.
The Constitution confers on this Court original jurisdiction in
all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and
consuls, and those in which a state shall be a party. And it is
settled, by repeated decisions, that a question of boundary between
states is within the jurisdiction thus conferred.
But the Constitution prescribes no particular mode of
proceeding, nor is there any act of Congress upon the subject.
Page 58 U. S. 492
And at a very early period of the government, a doubt arose
whether the Court could exercise its original jurisdiction without
a previous act of Congress regulating the process and mode of
proceeding. But the Court, upon much consideration, held that
although Congress had undoubtedly the right to prescribe the
process and mode of proceeding in such cases, as fully as in any
other Court, yet the omission to legislate on the subject could not
deprive the Court of the jurisdiction conferred; that it was a duty
imposed upon the Court; and in the absence of any legislation by
Congress, the Court itself was authorized to prescribe its mode and
form of proceeding, so as to accomplish the ends for which the
jurisdiction was given.
There was no difficulty in exercising this power where
individuals were parties, for the established forms and usages in
Courts of common law and equity would naturally be adopted. But
these precedents could not govern a case where a sovereign state
was a party defendant. Nor could the proceedings of the English
Chancery Court, in a controversy about boundaries, between
proprietary governments in this country, where the territory was
subject to the authority of the English government, and the person
of the proprietary subject to the authority of its courts, be
adopted as a guide where sovereign states were litigation a
question of boundary in a court of the United States. They
furnished analogies, but nothing more. And it became, therefore,
the duty of the court to mould its proceedings for itself, in a
manner that would best attain the ends of justice, and enable it to
exercise conveniently the power conferred. And in doing this, it
was, without doubt, one of its first objects to disengage them from
all unnecessary technicalities and niceties, and to conduct the
proceedings in the simplest form in which the ends of justice could
be attained.
It is upon this principle that the Court appears to have acted
in forming its proceedings where a state was a party defendant. The
subject came before them in
Grayson v.
Virginia, 3 Dall. 320. And the Court there said
that they adopted, as a general rule, the custom and usage of
courts of admiralty and equity, with a discretionary authority,
however, to deviate from that rule where its application would be
injurious or impracticable. And they at the same time passed an
order directing process against a state to be served on the
governor or chief magistrate, and the Attorney General of the
state. This was in 1796. And the principle upon which its process
was then framed, as well as the mode of service then prescribed,
has been followed ever since, with this exception, that in
subsequent cases the chancery practice, and not the admiralty, is
regarded as furnishing the best analogy. But the power and
Page 58 U. S. 493
propriety of deviating from the ordinary chancery practice, when
the purposes of justice require it, have been constantly
recognized; and were distinctly asserted in the case of
Rhode Island v.
Massachusetts, 14 Pet. 210, 247 [argument of
counsel -- omitted], and again in the same case in
40 U. S. 15
Pet. 273, and was recognized in the case of
Jersey v. New York, 5 Pet. 289.
We proceed to apply these principles to the case before us. It
is manifest, if the facts stated in the suggestion of the Attorney
General are supported by testimony, that the United States have a
deep interest in the decision of this controversy. And if this case
is decided adversely to their rights, they are without remedy, and
there is no form of proceeding in which they could have that
decision revised in this court or anywhere else. Justice,
therefore, requires that they should be heard before their rights
are concluded. And if this were a suit between individuals, in a
court of equity, the ordinary practice of the court would require a
person standing in the present position of the United States, to be
made a party, and would not proceed to a final decree until he had
an opportunity of being heard.
But it is said that they cannot, by the terms of the
Constitution, be made parties in an original proceeding in this
court between states; that if they could, the Attorney General has
no right to make them defendants without an act of Congress to
authorize it.
We do not, however, deem it necessary to examine or decide these
questions. They presuppose that we are bound to follow the English
chancery practice, and that the United States must be brought in as
a party on the record, in the technical sense of the word, so that
a judgment for or against them may be passed by the Court. But, as
we have already said, the Court is not bound, in a case of this
kind, to follow the rules and modes of proceeding in the English
chancery, but will deviate from them where the purposes of justice
require it, or the ends of justice can be more conveniently
It is evident that this object can be more conveniently
accomplished in the mode adopted by the Attorney General than by
following the English practice in cases where the government have
an interest in the issue of the suit. In a case like the one now
before us, there is no necessity for a judgment against the United
States. For when the boundary in question shall be ascertained and
determined by the judgment of the Court in the present suit, there
is no possible mode by which that decision can be reviewed to
reexamined at the instance of the United States. They would
therefore be as effectually concluded by the judgment as if they
were parties
Page 58 U. S. 494
on the record, and a judgment entered against them. The case,
then, is this: here is a suit between two states in relation to the
true position of the boundary line which divides them. But there
are twenty-nine other states, who are also interested in the
adjustment of this boundary, whose interests are represented by the
United States. Justice certainly requires that they should be heard
before their rights are concluded by the judgment of the Court. For
their interests may be different from those of either of the
litigating states. And it would hardly become this tribunal,
entrusted with jurisdiction where sovereignties are concerned, and
with the power to prescribe its own mode of proceeding, to do
injustice rather than depart from English precedents. A suit in a
court of justice between such parties, and upon such a question, is
without example in the jurisprudence of any other country. It is a
new case, and requires new modes of proceeding. And if, as has been
urged in argument, the United States cannot, under the
Constitution, become a party to this suit, in the legal sense of
that term, and the English mode of proceeding in analogous cases is
therefore impracticable, it furnishes a conclusive argument for
adopting the mode proposed. For otherwise there must be a failure
of justice.
Indeed, unless the United States can be heard in some form or
other in this suit, one of the great safeguards of the Union,
provided in the Constitution, would in effect be annulled.
By the 10th section of the 1st Article of the Constitution, no
state can enter into any agreement or compact with another state,
without the consent of Congress. Now a question of boundary between
states is, in its nature, a political question, to be settled by
compact made by the political departments of the government. And if
Florida and Georgia had, by negotiation and agreement, proceeded to
adjust this boundary, any compact between them would have been null
and void, without the assent of Congress. This provision is
obviously intended to guard the rights and interests of the other
states, and to prevent any compact or agreement between any two
states, which might affect injuriously the interest of the others.
And the right and the duty to protect these interests is vested in
the general government.
But, under our government, a boundary between two states may
become a judicial question, to be decided in this Court. And, when
it assumes that form, the assent or dissent of the United States
cannot influence the decision. The question is to be decided upon
the evidence adduced to the Court, and that decision, when
pronounced, is conclusive upon the United States, as well as upon
the states that are parties to the suit.
Page 58 U. S. 495
Now as in a case of compact, it is, by the Constitution, made
the duty of the United States to examine into the subject, and to
determine whether or not the boundary proposed to be fixed by the
agreement is consistent with the interests of the other states of
the Union; it would seem to be equally their duty to watch over
these interests when they are in litigation in this Court, and
about to be finally decided. And, if such be their duty, it would
seem to follow that there must be a corresponding right to adduce
evidence and be heard, before the judgment is given. For this is
the only mode in which they can guard the interests of the rest of
the Union, when the boundary is to be adjusted by a suit in this
Court. For, if it be otherwise, the parties to the suit may, by
admissions of facts and by agreements admitting or rejecting
testimony, place a case before the Court which would necessarily be
decided according to their wishes, and the interest and rights of
the rest of the Union excluded from the consideration of the Court.
The states might thus, in the form of an action, accomplish what
the Constitution prohibits them from doing directly by compact. Nor
is this intervention of the United States derogatory to the dignity
of the litigating states, or any impeachment of their good faith.
It merely carries into effect a provision of the Constitution,
which was adopted by the states for their general safety; and,
moreover, maintains that universal principle of justice and equity,
which gives to every party whose interest will be affected by the
judgment the right to be heard.
Upon the whole, we think the Attorney General may intervene in
the manner he has adopted, and may file in the case the testimony
referred to in the information without making the United States a
party, in the technical sense of the term; but he will have no
right to interfere in the pleading, or evidence, or admissions of
the states, or of either of them. And when the case is ready for
argument, the Court will hear the Attorney General as well as the
counsel for the respective states and, in deciding upon the true
boundary line, will take into consideration all the evidence which
may be offered by the United States or either of the states. But
the Court does not regard the United States, in this mode of
proceeding, as either plaintiff or defendant, and it is therefore
not liable to a judgment against it, nor entitled to a judgment in
its favor. We consider the Attorney General as the proper officer
to represent the United States in this Court, and that the general
government, in bringing before us for consideration the rights and
interest of the Union in the question to be decided, does nothing
more than perform a duty imposed upon it by the Constitution. And
as the mode in which that duty is to be performed
Page 58 U. S. 496
here is not regulated by law, but must depend upon the rules and
regulations prescribed by the Court, we shall not embarrass the
proceedings by endeavoring to conform them strictly to English
precedents and pleadings, and regard the mode in which the
information on behalf of the United States has been presented to be
the simplest and best manner of bringing their interest before the
Court and of enabling it to do justice to all parties whose rights
are involved in the decision.
MR. JUSTICE CURTIS, dissenting.
It is in accordance with natural justice, and with a principle
of jurisprudence that no one should be affected by a judgment or
decree without an opportunity to present to the Court, either by
himself or his lawful representative, in some regular and legal
course, his allegations and proofs and to be heard thereon, and
therefore I should have assented to the application of the Attorney
General in this case, and would willingly concur with a majority of
the Court in the order it directs to be entered if I did not find
it to be subject to objections too grave for me to disregard, and
which careful reflection, even under the influence of the great
respect I feel for the opinions of my brethren, has not enabled me
to overcome.
I will state as briefly as I can what these objections are. In
doing so, I shall first examine the nature and effect of the
application of the Attorney General to see whether it is in the
power of the Court to grant it as made, and I will then consider
whether the order directed by the Court is subject to the same
difficulties in part or in whole.
That application is, in substance, an
ex officio
information in which the Attorney General of the United States
informs this Court of the pendency of a suit here by the State of
Florida against the State of Georgia wherein there is in
controversy a portion of the boundary line between those states;
that it appears from an inspection of the bill of the State of
Florida and of the answer of the State of Georgia that, if the
pretensions of the State of Georgia shall be sustained by this
Court, the boundary line in controversy will be so run as to
include within the territorial limits of that state a tract of land
of about one million two hundred thousand acres, which have been
considered and treated heretofore as public domain of the United
States, and surveyed as such, and much of which has been sold and
granted by the United States as being part of the Territory of East
Florida acquired from Spain.
Page 58 U. S. 497
In support of this information, the Attorney General has filed
certain documents and a map, and he prays that, in consideration of
the interest and concern of the United States, he may be permitted
to appear in the case and be heard in behalf of the United States
in such time and form as the Court shall order.
The case to which this information relates now stands on the
original docket of this Court upon a bill filed by the State of
Florida and an answer by the State of Georgia. No replication had
been put in, and of course no proofs taken.
It is quite apparent, therefore, since the case is not now in a
condition to be brought to a hearing and since much time must
necessarily elapse, considering the course of the Court and the
nature of the controversy and the character of the parties, before
it can be put into a state to be heard, that this application of
the Attorney General is not designed merely to obtain the privilege
of taking part in the hearing of the cause by making an argument at
the bar upon the pleading and proofs as they may exist when the
cause may be set for a hearing, if that time shall ever arrive. It
seems to me not consistent with that respect which is due to the
Attorney Genera to suppose that he has caused the States of Florida
and Georgia, by their counsel, to appear here, and has called on
the Court to listen to and consider elaborate and learned arguments
upon questions of constitutional law and general jurisprudence,
merely to present the question whether -- in the contingency that
this case should at some future day be brought to a hearing, and in
the event that at that time the interest of the United States
should remain as it is now alleged to be -- the Court would hear
the law officer of the United States in support of its
Courts of justice make orders and decrees upon actually existing
states of fact, not upon what may possible occur at some period in
the future. And this obvious dictate of ordinary prudence is
rigidly obeyed by courts of equity when acting on subjects like
that now before the Court.
In England, the sovereign has a great number and variety of
interests and rights, which may be affected by decrees of courts of
equity. As will be more fully stated hereafter, the Attorney
General represents the Crown in respect of those rights, and no
decree affecting them is made until he has had opportunity to
become a party to the suit. But the question whether he is a
necessary party is raised in the same way and at the same time as
the question whether a private person is a necessary party. And I
believe we should search in vain for an instance in which any Court
had made an order in a cause before it was at issue,
Page 58 U. S. 498
that, if it should come to a hearing, the Attorney General
should be heard at the bar.
I have made these observations concerning the nature and objects
of this application because the information does not specify or in
any way indicate what particular order it is desired the Court
should pass. If I felt at liberty to understand it simply as an
application to be heard at the bar, by way of argument on the
pleadings and proofs of the complainant and the defendant, I should
think the proper answer would be that the Court would advise
thereon when it was made reasonably certain that the cause would be
heard. But I am not at liberty so to view this information, not
only for the reasons I have suggested, but because the Attorney
General, with becoming frankness, has declared, both orally at the
bar and in his printed brief, that what he desires passes far
beyond this. He has thus made known to the Court that he seeks to
intervene in the cause in behalf of the United States, and he has
explained his understanding of the term "intervention" and of the
effect of an order of the Court allowing it to be that he is to
come into the cause
"not in subordination to the mode of conduction the complaint or
defense adopted by one state or by the other, nor subject to the
consequences of their acts, or of any possible mispleading,
insufficient pleading, omission to plead, or admission or omission
of fact, by either or both, but free to cooperate with or oppose
either or both and to bring forth all the points of the case
according to his own judgment, whether as to the law or the facts,
ex facto oritur jus."
Can this, or anything like this, be allowed consistently with
the Constitution and laws of the United States?
In answering this inquiry, it is necessary to determine what
would be the relation of the United States to this controversy if
the Attorney General were thus admitted. In my opinion, they would
thus become substantially and really, a party to the controversy. I
say substantially and really a party for I quite agree with the
majority of the Court in thinking that this question is not to be
decided according to any strict technical rules, or even viewed
solely by the light which they impart. As I consider it, the
question is one of constitutional law, and though the Constitution
was framed and intended to operate in connection with those systems
of law and equity existing in our country at the time of its
adoption, and many terms in it can be correctly understood only by
resorting to the interpretation of those terms in those bodies of
law, yet I concede that in examining this question we are to look
to the substance and nature of the relation to the suit, and not
merely to forms and names, and therefore I have inquired whether,
if the Attorney General
Page 58 U. S. 499
be admitted on the record in accordance with the prayer of his
information, the United States will be substantially and really a
party to this suit? And in the first place I think there can be no
substantial distinction in this matter between the United States
and the Attorney General. If what is done is sufficient to make him
a party, the United States is, in substance and in legal effect, a
party. The rights and interests which he brings before the Court
are the rights and interests of the United States. He presents
those rights and interests not as a trustee in whom they are
vested; not as specially empowered by law to sue in his own name
for the recovery of something belonging to the government; but he
acts simply as an attorney and counselor at law.
The Postmaster General is empowered by law to bring suits in his
own name in the Courts of the United States upon contracts made
with him as the head of a department, and the United States, though
exclusively interested, is not deemed a party to the controversy.
Osborn v. Bank of the
United States, 9 Wheat. 855. So an executor or
administrator, though he may have no beneficial interest in the
cause of action, is deemed the party to the suit for the purpose of
8 U. S. 4 Cranch
21 U. S. 8
Wheat. 668;
25 U. S. 12
Pet. 171. But in these and similar cases, the officer or executor
has, by law, the legal right of action vested in him.
On the other hand, it has been repeatedly decided that where a
law required a bond to be taken in the name of a public officer,
but for the benefit of individuals, as in case of sheriffs' bonds,
the person for whose use the suit was brought, and not the obligee
in whose name it was brought, was the party to the suit within the
meaning of the Constitution.
Brown v.
Strode, 5 Cranch 303;
McNutt v.
Bland, 2 How. 9;
Huff v.
Hutchinson, 14 How. 586.
These decisions go much beyond what I maintain in this case. The
rights and interests which the Attorney General desires to assert
in this case are in no manner and for no purpose vested in him, any
more than the rights and interests of the private parties
litigating in Court are vested in the attorneys and counsel whose
names are on the docket or who argue the causes at the bar.
He is not what was termed in the cases of
Browne v.
Strode and the other cases just referred to a conduit through
whom the remedy is afforded on a contract made in his name. He is
simply a law officer of the government, empowered to act for the
United States in this Court. In such a case it does not seem to me
to admit of a doubt that whatever is done by him, though in his
name, will be done by the United States.
Page 58 U. S. 500
The case of
Georgia v.
Brailsford, 2 Dall. 402, was a bill by "His
Excellency, Edward Telfair, Esquire, Governor and
Commander-in-Chief in and over the State of Georgia, in behalf of
the said state." The jurisdiction was sustained as of a suit by the
state, and an injunction granted and a trial had at the bar of this
Court. 4 Dall. 1. Yet to give the Court jurisdiction, a state must
be a party on the record.
Osborne v.
Bank, 9 Wheat. 738. In this case, the Court must
have considered the state was made a party on the record by a
proceeding in its behalf in the name of its chief executive
magistrate. So it was declared by the Court in the case of
Governor of Georgia v.
Madrazo, 1 Pet. 122, and in this last-mentioned
case it was decided, on great consideration and after examining all
the previous decisions, that a claim filed by the Governor of
Georgia, in his own name as governor but in behalf of that state,
made the state itself a party to the record within the meaning of
the Constitution and laws of the United States.
Benton v.
Woolsey, 12 Pet. 27, the District Attorney of the
United States for the Northern District of New York had filed an
information in his own name to foreclose a mortgage belonging to
the United States. The case came to this Court by appeal. In
delivering the opinion of the Court, MR. CHIEF JUSTICE TANEY
"Some doubts were at first entertained by the Court whether this
proceeding could be sustained in the form adopted by the district
attorney. It is a bill of information and complaint in the name of
the district attorney in behalf of the United States. But upon
carefully examining the bill, it appears to be, in substance, a
proceeding by the United States, although in form it is in the name
of the officer. And we find that this form of proceeding in such
cases has been for a long time used without objection in the Courts
of the United States held in the State of New York, and was
doubtless borrowed from the form used in analogous cases in the
Courts of the state where the state itself was the plaintiff in the
suit. No objection has been made to it either in the Court below or
in this Court on the part of the defendants, and we think the
United States may be considered as the real party, although in form
it is the information and complaint of the district attorney. But
although we have come to the conclusion that the proceeding is
valid and ought to be sustained by the Court, it is certainly
desirable that the practice should be uniform in the Courts of the
United States and that in all suits where the United States are the
real plaintiffs, the proceedings should be in their name unless it
is otherwise ordered by act of Congress. "
Page 58 U. S. 501
Now it is plain that the only ground upon which this proceeding
could be sustained as within the jurisdiction of a Court of the
United States was that an information by a law officer of the
government in his own name as such officer, but asserting rights of
the United States, is a controversy to which the United States is a
party within the meaning of those words in the Constitution, for it
was only because the United States was a party to the controversy
that the jurisdiction attached. It would have been in conformity
with what this decision declares to be the correct practice if this
information and all proceedings which may ensue thereon were to be
in the name of the United States; but it is also in conformity with
it to say that though in the name of the Attorney General, for the
United States, the United States will thereby be made a party to
this controversy, provided what is done is sufficient to constitute
anyone a party to it. It remains to inquire whether the rights and
privileges claimed by the Attorney General in behalf of the United
States, if conceded, will make them a party to this
It seems to me somewhat difficult to reason about so plain a
proposition. The Attorney General has already filed an information
alleging the interest of the United States and showing what it is
and how it arises. If an order is made thereon allowing him to
appear and support those allegations, the United States will appear
on the record asserting their interest in this controversy. It will
so appear that it may enjoy the rights of a party to be heard by
proper allegations and proofs, and by arguments at the bar. The
process of the Court must be accorded to it to obtain its proofs in
those modes and under those sanctions appropriated exclusively to
the taking of evidence to be used in judicial controversies. It is
to be at liberty to oppose the pretensions of the other parties and
to assert and maintain its own in a regular course of judicature,
and it, in common with the others, is to be bound by the decree,
which is to be the product of its allegations, proofs, and
arguments as well as of those of the two States of Florida and
If all this does not make the United States a party to this
controversy, it would be difficult for me to show that it has any
Under our system of jurisprudence, what constitutes a person a
party to the record? Is it not sufficient if it appears by the
record that he had a direct interest in the subject matter of the
suit; that he placed before the Court in his own name, and not in
the name of another, by some appropriate allegations, his claim or
defense; that he introduced legal evidence in support of that claim
or defense, which was heard by the Court; that he
Page 58 U. S. 502
was heard by his counsel; that his rights and what he presented
to the Court in support of them were taken into consideration by
the Court in making a decision, and that these rights were intended
to be bound, and in point of law are bound, by the decree? All this
must appear from this record if the United States be allowed to do
what has been prayed for.
The Attorney General, in his very learned and able argument, has
referred the Court not only to the practice of some of the Courts
of England, but to the Roman law and to the modern civil law of the
continent of Europe concerning intervention. This practice differs
in details in the different countries. But so far as I have been
able to examine, a third person who comes in after the institution
of a suit to assert a right of his own involved in the controversy
is considered and expressly denominated a party. The definition
given in the Code of Practice of Louisiana, which is substantially
borrowed from the French Code of Procedure, is:
"An intervention, or interpleader, is a demand by which a third
person requires to be permitted to become a party in a suit between
other persons, either by joining the plaintiff in claiming the same
thing or something connected with it or by uniting with the
defendant in resisting the claims of the plaintiff, or it may be
lawful for him, where his interest requires it, to oppose
See also Merlin, vol. 16, and Recueil, voc.
Intervention, Dalloy Dic. s. vocc.
The English law is equally clear. When the Attorney General is
brought into a suit between third persons as the representative of
the Crown and to protect its rights, though possessed of some
privileges which do not belong to private persons, he is not only
called a party, but he is treated as one. He is attended with a
copy of the bill, and if he does not appear it is considered as a
nihil dicit, and if he does appear and fails to answer,
the bill is taken
pro confesso as against the Crown. 1
Dan.Ch.Pr. 169, 170, 531, 548.
Indeed, I am not aware of any case, either in equity or
admiralty or at law under particular statutes, in which a third
person who intervenes is not considered and called a party. The
ground upon which a decree
in rem is held to bind all
persons is that everyone having an interest has a right to make
himself a party to the cause, and that the seizure or arrest of the
thing gives notice to all concerned of the pendency of the
proceedings, and thus enables them to become parties. In
Rose v.
Himely, 4 Cranch 277, Chief Justice Marshall states
this familiar rule:
"Those on board a vessel are supposed to represent all who are
interested in it, and if placed in a situation which enables them
to take notice of any proceedings against a vessel and cargo
Page 58 U. S. 503
and enables them to assert the rights of the interested, the
cause is considered as properly heard, and all concerned are
parties to it."
And so in equity. Those who come in, even before the master,
are, as Lord Redesdale says, Mit.Pl. 178, 179, considered parties
to the cause in the subsequent proceedings.
With great respect for my brethren, I cannot agree that the
reasons advanced by them why the United States will not be a party
to the record are sufficient. Those reasons I understand to be that
no decree will be made against the United States and that the
Attorney General will not be allowed to interfere in any way with
the pleadings or proofs of either the State of Florida or Georgia.
As to the first of these reasons, it is certainly true that no
decree will be made against the United States in form or by name,
but if I understand the opinion of the majority of my brethren,
they consider as I do, that substance, and not form, is to be
looked to in this case, and that the only inducement for allowing
the United States to be heard is that, from the nature of the
controversy, all the world must necessarily be precluded by the
decree from disputing the correctness of the line of boundary fixed
by it. Whether the United States shall or shall not be named in the
decree would seem, therefore, to be formal, rather than
substantial, since their rights and duties will be the same whether
named or not. In either case, the decree will conclusively operate
And as to the other reason, that the Attorney General is not to
be allowed to interfere with the pleadings or evidence of the
States of Florida or Georgia, I must say, with deference for the
better opinion of my brethren, that it seems to me to be a
restriction which, while it still leaves the United States a party
to the suit, deprives them of some of the rights of a party, and to
that extent fails to carry out the very principle which requires
them to be heard at all.
The right to have this case stated by Florida in the bill so as
to present it in its entire substance is a substantial and
important right of the United States. If the case is defectively or
untruly stated there, the decree must be affected thereby, for
Georgia has the right to insist that the decree shall conform to
the bill. An explicit and full answer to the bill is also material
to the United States, that they may know what is to be relied on,
and what proofs and arguments are necessary to be adduced. The
power to cross-examine witnesses and to except to proofs when
offered has been deemed essential to the administration of justice.
I would respectfully ask upon what principle known to our
jurisprudence is the United States to be deprived of these rights
if it is admitted at all to contest the claims of Georgia?
Page 58 U. S. 504
If both Florida and Georgia may cross-examine the witnesses of
the United States and except to their proofs, what intrinsic
propriety or judicial reason can there be why the latter may not
cross-examine the witnesses and except to the proofs of the
With submission to a majority of my brethren, I confess it seems
to me that to deprive party of some rights which, under all systems
of law known to us, are deemed essential, while other rights are
allowed to him which can be conceded only to a party to the
controversy, proves the embarrassment which was felt in carrying
out the idea of making him a party, but does not overcome the
difficulty or even avoid it. It appears to me to declare, in
effect, justice requires that you should be admitted as a party on
this record, but in order to make some distinction between yourself
and other parties, you shall not enjoy all the rights of a party,
and the particular rights which you are not to enjoy are the power
of excepting to the pleadings and proofs of the other parties.
This is not satisfactory to my mind. Whether I consider only the
substantial relations of the United States to the controversy or
the analogous provisions of positive or customary law in our own
and other countries, I cannot avoid the conclusion that if they are
admitted upon this record to assert their rights -- to show what
they are, and how they are involved in this controversy; to
maintain them, in the regular course of judicature, by allegation,
proof, and argument, against the State of Georgia; to have the
process of the Court to enable them to do so; to profit by the
decree if favorable, to lose by it if adverse -- they are a party
to this controversy within the meaning of the Constitution of the
United States. And this raises the question, which in my opinion is
a very grave one, whether the Constitution permits the United
States to become a party to a controversy between two states in
this Court?
The judicial power of the United States extends, among other
things, to controversies to which the United States shall be a
party -- to controversies between two or more states -- between a
state and citizens of other states or of foreign states, where the
state commences the suit, and between a state and foreign
In distributing this jurisdiction, the Constitution has provided
that in all cases in which a state shall be a party, the Supreme
Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all other cases before
mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction. One
of the other cases before mentioned is a controversy to which the
United States is a party.
I am not aware that any doubt has ever been entertained by
Page 58 U. S. 505
anyone, that controversies to which the United States is a party
come under the appellate jurisdiction of this Court in this
distribution of jurisdiction by the Constitution. Such is the clear
meaning of the words of the Constitution. So it was construed by
the Congress in the Judiciary Act of 1789, which, by the 11th
section, conferred on the circuit courts jurisdiction of cases in
which the United States are plaintiffs, and so it has been
administered to this day.
There was a case of the
United States v. Todd,
commenced in this Court in 1794, which is not reported, but it is
stated from the record by MR. CHIEF JUSTICE TANEY in a note to the
case of the
United States v.
Ferreira, 13 How. 52. Of this case the note
Case of Yale Todd was docketed by consent in the
Supreme Court, and the Court appears to have been of opinion that
the act of Congress of 1793, directing the Secretary of War and the
Attorney General to take their opinion upon the question, gave them
original jurisdiction. In the early days of the government, the
right of Congress to give original jurisdiction to the Supreme
Court in cases not enumerated in the Constitution was maintained by
many jurists, and seems to have been entertained by the learned
judges who decided
Todd's Case. But discussion and more
mature examination have settled the question otherwise, and it has
long been the established doctrine, and we believe now assented to
by all who have examined the subject, that the original
jurisdiction of this Court is confined to the cases specified in
the Constitution, and that Congress cannot enlarge it. In all other
cases, its power must be appellate."
The decision of this Court in
Marbury v.
Madison, 1 Cranch 137, settled this construction of
the Constitution, and, as stated in this note, no one who has
examined the subject now questions it.
We have, then, two rules given by the Constitution. The one,
that if a state be a party, this Court shall have original
jurisdiction; the other, that if the United States be a party, this
Court shall have only appellate jurisdiction. And we are as clearly
prohibited from taking original jurisdiction of a controversy to
which the United States is a party as we are commanded to take it
if a state be a party. Yet when the United States shall have been
admitted on this record to become a party to this controversy, both
a state and the United States will be parties to the same
controversy. And if each of these clauses of the Constitution is to
have its literal effect, the one would require and the other
prohibit us from taking jurisdiction.
It is not to be admitted that there is any real conflict between
these clauses of the Constitution, and our plain duty is so to
construe them that each may have its just and full effect. This
Page 58 U. S. 506
attended with no real difficulty. When, after enumerating the
several distinct classes of cases and controversies to which the
judicial power of the United States shall extend, the Constitution
proceeds to distribute that power between the supreme and inferior
Courts, it must be understood as referring throughout to the
classes of cases before enumerated as distinct from each other.
And when it says "in all cases in which a state shall be a
party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction," it
means in all the cases before enumerated in which a state shall be
a party. Indeed, it says so, in express terms, when it speaks of
the other cases where appellate jurisdiction is given.
So that this original jurisdiction, which depends solely on the
character of the parties, is confined to the cases in which are
those enumerated parties, and those only.
It is true this course of reasoning leads necessarily to the
conclusion that the United States cannot be a party to a judicial
controversy with a state in any Court.
But this practical result is far from weakening my confidence in
the correctness of the reasoning by which it has been arrived at.
The Constitution of the United States substituted a government
acting on individuals in place of a confederation which legislated
for the states in their collective and sovereign capacities. The
continued existence of the states under a republican form of
government is made essential to the existence of the national
government. And the fourth section of the Fourth Article of the
Constitution pledges the power of the nation to guarantee to every
state a republican form of government, to protect each against
invasion, and, on application of its legislature or executive,
against domestic violence. This conservative duty of the whole
towards each of its parts forms no exception to the general
proposition that the Constitution confers on the United States
powers to govern the people, and not the states.
There is therefore nothing in the general plan of the
Constitution, or in the nature and objects of the powers it
confers, or in the relations between the general and state
governments to lead us to expect to find there a grant of power
over judicial controversies between the government of the Union and
the several states. On the contrary, the agency of courts to compel
the states to obey laws of the Union or to concede to the United
States its rights or claims would naturally be deemed both
superfluous and impolitic -- superfluous because the states can act
only through individuals, who are directly responsible, both
civilly and criminally, to the laws of the United States, which are
supreme, and in the Courts of the United States, which have
jurisdiction to enforce all laws of the United States, and
Page 58 U. S. 507
impolitic because calculated to provoke irritation and
resistance and to excite jealousy and alarm.
It must be remembered also that a state can be sued only by its
own consent. This consent has been given in the Constitution, but
only in cases having such parties as are there described. The
particular character of the parties to the controversy, into which
a state has consented to enter, constitutes not only an essential
element in that consent, but it is the sole description of what is
agreed to. The State of Georgia has consented to be sued by one or
more states or by foreign states, and by no other person or body
politic. The State of Georgia has consented to stand joined as a
defendant with one or more states, or with a foreign state, and
with citizens or subjects of a state other than the one bringing
the suit, but with no other person or body politic. Certainly,
there is no power existing in this government to enlarge that
consent so as to embrace in it anything to which it does not, by
its terms, extend.
I cannot agree that because the State of Georgia consented to be
sued by the State of Florida, Georgia thereby consented to the
introduction into the controversy of any party whose rights were so
involved in the controversy that the Court is bound, upon
principles of natural justice, to have that party before the Court
in order to make a decree.
In the first place, if it be conceded that a third party, not
capable of suing a state or being sued by one, is a necessary party
to a controversy between two states, and that the Court cannot make
a decree without the presence of that party, it would seem to me to
be the legitimate inference, that in such a case the states had not
consented to be sued. Having consented to be sued, in controversies
having certain described parties, it would seem that a controversy
which could not be carried on by them was not one to which the
consent applies.
So far as I am aware, the other grants of judicial power by the
Constitution, which depend on the character of the parties, have
been so construed. Has it ever been supposed that into a suit
between citizens of different states a third party not competent to
sue or be sued could come or be brought because he was a necessary
party without whose presence a decree could not be made? Has the
doctrine ever been advanced that when the Constitution gave
jurisdiction over suits between citizens of different states, it
thereby by implication authorized that jurisdiction to be extended
so as to embrace every person whose rights were so involved in the
controversy that the principles of natural justice required him to
be heard?
Take the case of a suit between a citizen of Florida and a
citizen of Georgia, in the course of which it appears that an
Page 58 U. S. 508
inhabitant of this district who is not competent to sue or
capable of being sued has such an interest in the controversy that
the Court can make no decree between the parties before them
without affecting that interest; has it ever been supposed that
there was any implied power granted by the Constitution and the
11th section of the Judiciary Act of 1789 to make him a party, or
has the conclusion been that in all such cases the Court cannot act
at all? The latter, I apprehend, is the settled conclusion. The
forty-seventh rule for the equity practice of the circuit courts
provides that if persons who might otherwise be deemed necessary or
proper parties to the suit cannot be made so because their joinder
would oust the jurisdiction of the Court as to the parties before
the court, the court may, in its discretion, proceed in the cause
without making such persons parties, and in such cases the decree
shall be without prejudice to the rights of the absent parties.
This certainly assumes that there is no implied power, arising out
of the necessity of the case, to make them parties or to bring them
into the cause so as to hear and bind them without making them
parties. The Court is to distribute all the justice it can between
the parties over whom it has jurisdiction; but if it can do nothing
without the presence of a necessary party, the remedy is not to
bring him in, or allow him to come in, but to refuse to act, and
leave the parties to terminate their dispute by other means. This
is declared by this Court in
Hagan v.
Walker, 14 How. 36, and the earlier cases lead to
the same conclusion.
Russell v. Clarke's
Ex'rs, 7 Cranch 98;
Cameron v.
Roberts, 3 Wheat. 591;
Wormley v.
Wormley, 8 Wheat. 451;
Carneal v.
Banks, 10 Wheat. 188;
West v. Randall, 2
Mason 195, 196;
Shields v. Barrow, ante, 58 U. S. 130, of
the present term.
It is true there is a class of cases in which this Court has
decided that when the jurisdiction of the circuit court, by reason
of the character of the parties, has once attached, it is not
devested by one of the parties' losing the character which entitled
him to sue or subjected him to be sued in the circuit court, or by
his death and administration's being granted to a citizen who would
not have been competent to sue, and further that when the judgment
in rem, as in a suit in ejectment, no change of
the property
pendente lite could prevent the circuit court
from exercising its jurisdiction over its own execution. The cases
Morgan's Heirs v.
Morgan, 2 Wheat. 297;
Mollan v.
Torrance, 9 Wheat. 537, are of the first class. It
was there held that a change of domicile did not defeat the
jurisdiction which had once attached. In the case of
Clarke v.
Mathewson, 12 Pet. 164, it was held that a bill of
revivor was but a continuation of the original suit and that the
jurisdiction having once attached was complete, and continued to
enable the court to
Page 58 U. S. 509
adjudicate on that subject matter. In
Dun v.
Clarke, 8 Pet. 1, it was held that the circuit
court had jurisdiction of a bill to enjoin the levy of an execution
on a judgment in ejectment, though the land had been devised so
that all parties were citizens of the same state.
This was upon the ground that the devisee of the land was to be
deemed the mere representative of the plaintiff in the judgment,
and that as to him, the bill was not an original suit, but a
proceeding on the equity side of the court to enable the court to
control its own execution, and according to the case of
Harris v.
Hardeman, 14 How. 334, the same thing might have
been done upon motion on the law side of the court. But the court
refused to take jurisdiction over the other parties to the bill who
had an interest in the land, or to decide the merits of the
controversy, and confined itself to staying the execution of the
judgment until the merits could be investigated in a suit in a
state court.
It will be seen, I think, that none of these cases rests at all
on the ground that there is jurisdiction by implication over a
third party whose rights are such as to make his presence in the
cause necessary. But if they did, they would fall far short of
proving that such an implication can be made in this case. The
Constitution is merely silent concerning the introduction of a
third person, not competent to sue or be sued in the courts of the
Union, into a suit in the circuit courts; but it is not silent
concerning controversies to which the United States is a party. It
declares in effect that over such controversies this Court shall
not have original jurisdiction, for it makes its jurisdiction over
such controversies appellate, and this, as has been long settled,
excludes all original jurisdiction over such controversies, and
even prevents Congress from conferring it.
Marbury v.
Madison, 1 Cranch 137. To say that there is an
implication that when the United States is a necessary party to an
original suit in this Court, they can become a party here would be,
in my opinion, not only an extension of the original jurisdiction
of this Court to a case not described by the Constitution as within
it, but to a party as to whom we are expressly forbidden to take
such jurisdiction.
Nor do I find in the nature and circumstances of this case any
such necessity for making the United States a party as would lay a
foundation for the presumption that it must be competent for the
Court and consistent with the Constitution and laws to allow it to
be done. This is not a broad question whether, in the exercise of
the original jurisdiction of this Court, we are obliged to exclude
all third parties though they may have the most important rights
and interests necessarily involved in the suit. I apprehend no such
question arises here.
Page 58 U. S. 510
I do not doubt that in an original suit in equity here, between
two states, or between a state and a foreign state, or between a
state as complainant and individuals, or in a suit affecting
ambassadors other public ministers or consuls, any necessary party
may be brought in who is competent to be sued by the plaintiff or
to sue the defendant in that suit in this Court. Thus a state may
sue here other states, foreign states, all citizens of other states
and of foreign states, and this I believe includes every possible
party, except its own citizens and inhabitants of this district and
of the territories and the United States. Setting aside residents
of this district and of the territories who cannot be deemed of
great moment in this particular matter, and citizens of the state
bringing the suit, whose rights the Constitution evidently
considers need no protection from this government, the practical
effect of the doctrine I maintain will be found to be confined to
the United States. It cannot be made a party to such a suit, and,
in my judgment, it is in accordance with the whole plan of the
government, as well as with the particular provisions of the
Constitution concerning the judicial power, that it should not be
able to interpose and assume an adverse position to a state in a
judicial controversy in this Court. Besides, I do not find in this
case any real necessity to make the United States a party,
according to the principles of equity law. A Court of equity
generally requires all persons who have an interest in a suit to be
made parties. But it is a familiar rule that when it is
impracticable to bring before the Court all interested, it is
enough to make such parties as have a common interest with those
who are absent. In such a case, the parties who are present
represent the rights of those who are absent, and the court
proceeds to make its decree, binding the rights of the absent
parties, with the same confidence that justice is done as if they
were before the court. Story's Eq.Pl. 97, 112.
Now what is this case? The interest of Florida and that of the
United States are identical. That interest is to have the boundary
line fixed as far to the northward as the proofs will allow. It is
true that what Florida seeks is the protection of its rightful
jurisdiction as a sovereign state, and what the United States
desires is the protection of its title as a landholder, and as the
grantor of lands now held by its grantees. But both the political
jurisdiction of Florida, and the title of the United States to land
acquired from Spain, being coextensive with the Territory of
Florida, these two parties have a common interest in the subject
matter of this suit, and Florida is, in the contemplation of a
Court of equity, competent to represent the interest of the United
States as an owner of land.
Page 58 U. S. 511
This would certainly be true in the case of individual parties,
and in my opinion the same rule applies with still greater force to
these parties. Florida is a sovereign state, whose suit must be
conducted according to the will of its legislature. There is no
room for any suspicion of any unworthy motives or conduct in its
management. It is a high duty of that state, which it owes to
itself and which will doubtless be discharged to vindicate its
jurisdictional rights and make good its claims to all the territory
which comes within its true limits. Though the question is merely
where a line should be run, that line carries with it the
sovereignty and territorial jurisdiction of states.
On the other hand, the United States is a landholder, whose
title may be affected by running the line in one place rather than
another. And so will the titles of hundreds of other landholders in
this territory, whose interest is precisely the same as that of the
United States in kind, though not in amount. To say that it is
necessary for the purposes of justice that the United States, as
the proprietor of lands, should be admitted into this suit to take
care lest the State of Florida should omit something by way of
pleading or evidence seems to me to be yielding to an imaginary
necessity only.
It is not alleged that the United States has any interest in
this controversy except as an owner or grantor of land.
Unquestionably there are political considerations affecting the
federal relations of the states and connected with the extent of
their territory in reference to which the United States has a
direct and important interest. This is not only obvious in itself,
but is recognized by the Constitution in various ways, and, amongst
others, by the prohibition of the states to make any compact
without the consent of the United States. But the object of this
suit is not to change the limits or territory of states, but to
ascertain their true and actual boundary, and in this question the
United States has no interest except that justice should be done --
an interest which is not of a character to warrant the government
in interposing in this case to assist in securing it, any more than
in any other case pending in this Court. It is suggested that the
counsel for the two states may make agreements as to evidence and
other matters respecting the suit, and that the United States ought
to be a party in order to supervise such; but it seems to me that
if this were a sufficient reason for making the United States a
party in this case, it would apply to all cases between two states,
for in all cases such arrangements are as likely to be made as in
this one. But if such agreements of counsel respecting the mode of
conducting a suit between two states could be deemed compacts
between those states within the restraining clause of the 10th
Page 58 U. S. 512
section of the First Article of the Constitution, Congress, and
not the Attorney General or this Court, must sanction them, and
there does not seems to be any satisfactory reason why that officer
should be connected with the subject. Any agreement fixing the line
of boundary made by the two states and not sanctioned by Congress
would certainly not be executed by this Court, which is to decree
on the existing rights of the parties and not upon new rights
created by a compact which is not valid without the assent of
But if the objection to the jurisdiction could be overcome, I
should still be of opinion that the Attorney General as not
authority to make the United States a party to a suit in this
Court. That officer possesses no powers derived from usage or
implied from the name of his office. His powers are only
coextensive with his duty, and that is defined by law to be "to
prosecute and conduct all suits in the Supreme Court in which the
United States shall be concerned." 1 Stat. 93. It belongs to
Congress alone to decide in what cases the United States may be
made a party in the courts and to designate the officers by whom
they may be made a party. This power Congress has exercised. It has
conferred upon the district attorneys power to prosecute all
delinquents for crimes and offenses cognizable under the authority
of the United States and all civil actions in which the United
States shall be concerned. 1 Stat. 92. By the Act of May 29, 1830,
§ 5, 4 Stat. 415, the Solicitor of the Treasury is empowered to
instruct the district attorneys in all matters and proceedings
appertaining to suits in which the United States is a party, or
interested, and by the 10th section of the same act, the Attorney
General is to advise with and direct the Solicitor. But no
authority is conferred by any law upon any officer to make the
United States a party to any suit except as a plaintiff or
prosecutor. If the United States be interested in a suit against an
individual, and he thinks fit to allow the law officer of the
United States to prosecute or defend in his name, I know of no
objection to it, and it is very often done. It may be suggested
that as the line of boundary will be fixed by the final decree in
this case, and as the rights of the United States will thereby be
concluded, it can do them no injury, but may be beneficial to them,
to be a party to this cause. If this be so and the Court has
jurisdiction, it may afford sufficient reason why Congress, in its
discretion, should authorize an appearance by the Attorney General
in behalf of the United States; but it does not enlarge the power
of that officer or enable him to do what, in my opinion, no law has
conferred on him power to do -- to make the United States a party
to an original suit in this Court.
Page 58 U. S. 513
I am authorized to say that MR. JUSTICE McLean concurs in this
I dissent from the opinion of the Court. The Attorney General
suggests to the Court that the State of Florida has filed here an
original bill against the State of Georgia for a settlement of the
boundary between the states. He represents that the line claimed by
Florida is that which the United States has recognized in the
surveys, sales, and other operations of the Land Office, and that
the line of Georgia diminishes the domain of the United States in
Florida twelve hundred thousand acres. "Whereupon, and in
consideration of the interest and concern of the United States," he
moves for leave "to appear in said cause, and be heard in behalf of
the United States, in such time and form as the Court will order."
The condition of the cause in relation to which the motion is made
is that a bill and answer have been filed, but no issue exists, and
none of the ulterior stages in the course of the cause attained,
nor has there been any motion to the Court requiring an examination
of the record, and so the motion, as understood from its terms, is
certainly premature. But the words, "to appear in said cause and be
heard in behalf of the United States" very indifferently explain
the significance of the motion. The application is that the
Attorney General may "intervene,"
"not as a technical party; not as joining with the one or other
party; not in subordination to the mode of conducting the complaint
or defense adopted by the one state or the other, nor subject to
the consequences of their acts, or of any possible mispleading,
insufficient pleading, omission to plead, or admission or omission
of fact, by either party, or both, but to cooperate with or to
oppose both or either and to bring forth all the points of the case
according to his own judgment, whether as to the law or fact."
Though the pleadings show that the interests of the State of
Florida and of the United States unite to maintain the same line,
the Attorney General declines to adopt her suit lest the condition
of the United States might become "precarious," "depending on the
discretion of Florida." Nor will the Attorney General file a bill
for the United States, nor agree that Florida may make them
defendants to hers, for "that the Court is not empowered by the
Constitution to entertain an original suit" of the kind.
Nor is the motive for this intervention merely that the United
States have a fiscal interest, for the Attorney General suggests
that the Constitution may be violated by agreements and compacts of
states, "entered of record," thereby altering the limits
Page 58 U. S. 514
of the states and the structure of the Union, "to the direct
prejudice of the rights, interests, and laws of the United States."
These suggestions of possible injustice arising from collusive
compacts "entered of record" may be used in any judicial
controversy between states, and in this case no evidence of such
appears of record, and if such suggestions are heeded, the Attorney
General must be constantly an applicant for leave to appear, "not
as a technical party," but to employ some oversight,
superintendence, or censorship in suits between states of the Union
in this Court, and surely such a claim requires new modes of
proceeding, and that now proposed is as peculiar as the claim. The
United States appears, with the assertion of its exemption from
suit in this Court, that the original jurisdiction of the Court
does not embrace them as a party. Thus declaring independence of
process, pleading, and decree in an original suit in the Court, it
asks to assist or to assail, at its pleasure, suitors legally
before it, and to mould the decree in their case by allegations,
evidence, and arguments, introduced without, and perhaps against,
its will.
The principle of common law and chancery procedure is that suits
are commenced, prosecuted, and defended by parties to the record in
their own names and the intervention of third persons, not parties,
is unknown to the system, and we may affirm confidently in a case
like this, where the party is above and beyond the jurisdiction of
the Court, such a case is without a precedent. 2 Chitty's Pr. 343.
The case of
Pentland v. Quorrington, 3 My. & C. 249,
was that of a trustee with a full assignment suing in the name of
the assignor under his power of attorney and obtaining a decree
with notice to the defendant. The nominal plaintiff agreed to an
order for delay, and the trustee petitioned for a discharge of the
order, and that he might conduct the suit. Lord Cottenham said:
"It is a perfectly new equity. The only suit in Court is a suit
between the defendant and the party assignor with whom the contract
was made. The plaintiff assignor is a party to the arrangement for
effectuating which the present order has been made. Your case is
against him, that whereas he has authorized you to carry on this
suit in his name, he has entered into the arrangement in question
without your concurrence. If I were to make such an order, I should
be giving you the right of carrying on this suit against the
defendant; I should be displacing the plaintiff on the record."
He asked: "Is there any instance of such an interference on the
part of the Court as you now ask?" The eminent solicitor answered:
"I admit that I have never seen a case like the present." So in
Drever v. Manderley, 4 M. & C. 94, an order allowing a
third person to control a suit where the subject
Page 58 U. S. 515
belonged to him by assignment, but to which he was not a party
by any proceeding, was pronounced by the same chancellor "perfectly
irregular." The Court did not object to the right to the subject of
the suit, but to the mode of enforcing the right by the attempt to
control the suit. It required the assignee to exhibit his right by
bill, according to the practice of the Court, in his own name.
Chief Justice Marshall, in describing the controversies to which
the judicial power of the United States extends, says:
"The words are of well understood and limited signification. It
is a controversy between parties which had taken a shape for
judicial decision. . . . To come within the description of a case
in law and equity, a question must assume a legal form for forensic
litigation and judicial decision. There must be parties come into
Court who can be reached by its process and bound by its power,
whose rights admit of ultimate decision by a tribunal to which they
are bound to submit."
5 Wheat.App. 16, 17. The supposed cases of exception cited by
the Attorney General only display the pervading extent of this
principle. The instances quoted are rules under the interpleading
act of Wm. IV; landlords defending for tenants in ejectment,
vouchees in warranty in real actions, bills of interpleader, and
suits by representative parties, for or against themselves and
others. The cases referred to in courts of common law arise where a
person having the primary right or obligation is called as a party
to the suit to defend that right or to fulfill the obligation, and
Lord Coke speaks of the common law instance of a vouchee as
"seeming strange" and depending upon "ancient, continual, and
constant allowance," 2 Ins. 241; and so, in interpleading suits,
parties having an adverse interest are called in by process, as
parties, to disengage a neutral who may have the subject of
controversy and desires to relinquish it to the owner when he shall
be ascertained, and in representative cases the Court acts upon the
parties to the record and determines the case made by them. In this
case, the United States admits no representation on its behalf; nor
will it undertake the suit of either, nor admit the jurisdiction of
the Court to treat it as a suitor or party, but contests the
authority of the Court, is ready to contest or strengthen the
positions of either party, and thus it seeks, by an anomalous
Austrian intervention, to overlook and control the proceedings of
the litigants to their own aggrandizement. I find no precedent in
the direct and straightforward course of the common law, nor in the
statutes altering it, for such a conduct. I will briefly examine
the precedents to which we have been cited, in the codes of
procedure of those tribunals which apply the jurisprudence of
imperial or
Page 58 U. S. 516
papal Rome. The French code permits the interposition of third
persons in existing suits. An intervenor may guard a present or
future interest, or one certain, contingent, conditional, or
collateral, whether pecuniary or personal or held as a
representative. But the inquiry is how and under what
circumstances? And the answer is by propounding his pretensions to
the court as a suitor, inviting contest, alleging proofs,
recognizing the jurisdiction of the court, and submitting to its
decree. 4 Bioche Dic. de Pro. 590; La.Code, Prac. § 324.
La Canada, describing the Spanish system, says there are
necessarily two parties to every suit (
actor and
reo); and when a third litigant comes, he is called by
that number (tercero); and because he can oppose either of the
parties or both, the word "opposer" is added (tercero opositor),
and his act is called third opposition. If he comes to aid another
party in the same right, he accepts the suit as he finds it, and
acts conjointly; if his rights are independent, adverse, or
paramount, his suit is treated as an original suit and is conducted
as ordinary suits.
The third opposer is technically a party to the cause, and
really subject to the decree. La Canada, Juicos Civiles 393.
Nor do the admiralty or ecclesiastical codes afford any sanction
to the motion. Their jurisdiction being largely
in rem,
they allow persons who have a present and certain claim to the
res, to propound their interest, if the court has
jurisdiction, and by the act, the persons become parties to the
suit, liable for costs and entitled to appeal. The various codes,
then, differ in the time and manner of calling parties before the
court. The conditions of a suit at the common law in general are
settled at its institution, and new and independent parties are not
introduced in the subsequent stages. The courts of chancery are
more liberal in reference to the time of making parties and in the
extent of their amendments. But in both courts, the plaintiff is
dominus litis, and third persons may not come in
unless he amends the proceedings, or his bill is fitted for it as
being a representative bill. But in the civil, admiralty, and
ecclesiastical courts, the power of third persons to propound their
rights in the subject of dispute is not so dependent upon the will
of the prior parties. But all the codes of procedure unite in this
-- that persons must come in according to a regular course of
procedure, accepting the authority of the Court, citing adverse
parties to defend, and yielding to whatever decree it may
pronounce. The more than imperial claim, in this instance, is for
all the faculties of a suitor, without a submission to the
obligations and restrictions of one. But it is supposed that
precedents in the English chancery support a pretension of the
Attorney General to intervene according to his motion. An important
Page 58 U. S. 517
of the rights of the Crown are represented there by the Queen's
Attorney General, but how? He is introduced upon the record as a
"technical" party to the suit, and the Crown is bound by the
decree. When the right is adverse to the plaintiff, the Attorney
General is made a party by prayer in the bill and the service of a
copy. If he fails to appear, it is a
nil dicit, and if he
appears and will not answer, a decree
pro confesso is
taken. Danl.Ch.Pr. 175, 501, 548; Dick. 729; 1 Y. & J. 509.
And Courts there exercise over the Attorney General the same
authority which they exercise over every other suitor, and he would
not be permitted more than any other suitor to prosecute any
proceeding merely vexatious, or which had no legal object.
Queen v. Prosser, 11 Beav. 306.
The cases cited, of
Penn v. Lord Baltimore, Hovenden v.
Annesly, Attorney General v. Galway, and the analogous cases
Dolder v. Bank of England and
Burgess v.
Wheat, Cas.temp.Hard. 332; 2 Sch. & Lef. 617; 1 Moll. 95;
10 Ves. 352; 1 Eden.Ch. 177, are instances of the application of
the rule that the Court will require the Crown to be made a party
to the record, under the name of the Attorney General, and that he
comes as an actual and obedient party, and not in any illusory and
indeterminate form, so that if the claim of the Attorney General to
represent the United States in Courts to the extent claimed is
tenable, the manner of the intervention here is inadmissible.
But I do not admit that the Attorney General has any corporate
or juridical character, or that he can be introduced upon the
record, in his official name, as an actor or respondent in a suit.
His duties are strictly professional duties, and his powers those
of an attorney at law. Whatever he may do for the United States a
special attorney might be retained to do; nor can the United States
appear in his name nor by his agency in cases where they may not be
a party.
I have considered this motion upon the concessions of the
argument, but the principle lying at the foundation of the case
should not form the basis of a judgment merely on the strength of
such concessions, and hence I proceed to its examination.
"The judicial power of the United States extends to all cases in
law and equity arising under the Constitution and laws of the
United States and treaties made under their authority; to all cases
affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls; to
controversies to which the United States shall be a party; to
controversies between two or more states; and between a state or
the citizens thereof and foreign states, citizens, and subjects.
Page 58 U. S. 518
"In all cases affecting ambassadors &c., and those in which
a state shall be a party, the Supreme Court shall have original
jurisdiction. In all other cases before mentioned, the Supreme
Court shall have appellate jurisdiction only."
It was not in the design of the Constitution to alter or even to
modify the existing relations of any of the sovereign parties named
in this article to legal jurisdictions by enlarging their
liableness to suit, but its purpose was to erect tribunals to which
they might resort for the determination of the suits which they
might legally commence or might voluntarily submit or were subject
to according to their preexisting conditions. Thus, no suit can be
commenced against the United States, foreign states or ambassadors,
and public ministers; nor are they brought within the jurisdiction
of the courts of the United States to any degree beyond that to
which they were liable without this constitutional clause. The
construction which allows the exemption of these parties as
sovereigns or their representatives to operate sanctions also the
title of the states to the same right, for they are mentioned in
the same clause, and the jurisdiction conceded to this Court in
reference to them is expressed in similar or identical
I am aware that at an early day in the existence of this Court,
a contrary opinion was expressed by a majority upon a motion for an
interlocutory order in a suit against a state, and I propose to
examine the principle established in the controversy of which that
opinion is a part.
While the Constitution was under discussion, General Hamilton
(Federalist, 81) said "That it is in the nature of sovereignty not
to be amenable to the suit of an individual without its consent,"
and contended
"That to ascribe to the federal courts, by mere implication and
in destruction of a preexisting right of the state governments, a
power which would involve such consequences would be altogether
forced and unwarrantable."
So Mr. Madison, replying to the vehement and prophetic
denunciations of Patrick Henry in a careful exposition of the
judiciary clause, calmed the Virginia convention by assuring it
"It is not in the power of individuals to call any state into
court. The only operation the clause can have is that if a state
should wish to bring a suit against a citizen, it must be brought
in the federal court."
And the late Chief Justice Marshall supported him, saying:
"With respect to disputes between a state and citizens of
another state, its jurisdiction has been decried with unusual
vehemence. I hope no gentleman will think a state will be called at
the bar of a federal court. It is not rational to suppose that the
sovereign power shall be dragged before a court. The intent is to
Page 58 U. S. 519
states to recover claims of individuals residing in other
states. I contend this construction is warranted by the words."
Virginia Deb. 387, 405, 406.
When these assurances from the most accredited friends of the
new government were disappointed by the institution of suits in
this Court against several of the states by individual plaintiffs
shortly after the adoption of the Constitution, a strong sentiment
of wrong was felt, and corresponding indignation expressed. This
indignation was not occasioned by any apprehension of consequences
to the states as debtors, but by the fact that they supposed their
rights to be violated. The history will bear no other
interpretation. In
Chisolm v. Georgia, that state
instructed counsel to present to the Court a written remonstrance
and protestation against the exercise of jurisdiction, but not to
argue the cause. The Attorney General opened the case of the
plaintiff by saying:
"He did not want the remonstrance of Georgia to satisfy him that
the motion for judgment was unpopular. Before that remonstrance was
read, he had learned from the acts of another state that she too
condemned it."
The Court awarded a writ of inquiry upon the default of the
state sustaining the jurisdiction upon arguments of the utility,
justice, and safety of the delegation of the power, and of the
diminution and abasement wrought upon the states by the
Constitution. Mr. Justice Wilson states the case "as one of
uncommon magnitude." He says:
"One of the parties is a state, certainly respectable, claiming
to be sovereign. The question to be determined is whether this
state, so respectable and whose claim soars so high, is amenable to
the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of the United States? This
question, important in itself, will depend on others more important
still, and may perhaps be ultimately resolved into one no less
radical than this: do the people of the United States form a
It is not difficult to perceive the profound misconception of
the relations of the states to the Union which dictated his
judgment. The following year, the Legislature of the Commonwealth
of Virginia adopted a resolution which contains a reply to the
"Resolved unanimously that a state cannot, under the
Constitution of the United States, be made a defendant at the suit
of any individual or individuals, and that the decision of the
Supreme Federal Court that a state may be placed in that situation
is incompatible with and dangerous to the sovereignty and
independence of the individual states, as the same tends to a
general consolidation of these confederated republics,"
and instructed their Senators and Representatives
"to unite their utmost and earliest exertions to obtain such
amendments as will remove or explain any clause which can be
construed to imply
Page 58 U. S. 520
or justify a decision that a state is compellable to answer in
any suit by any individual or individuals in any court of the
United States."
One month after, January, 1794, the Senate was moved by Mr.
Strong, of Massachusetts, to adopt the Eleventh Amendment to the
Constitution, declaring that the Constitution should not be
construed to authorize such suits. Various attempts were made in
both branches of Congress to limit the operation of the amendment,
but without effect. It was accepted without the alteration of a
letter, by a vote of 23 to 2 in the Senate and 81 to 9 in the House
of Representations, and received the assent of the state
legislatures. Georgia ratified the amendment as "an explanatory
article," her legislature
"concurring therewith, deeming the same to be the only just and
true construction of the judicial power by which the rights and
dignity of the several states can be effectively secured."
Thus the supreme constitutional jurisdiction of the United
States, the concurrent action of Congress, and the state
legislatures, expressing a consent nearly unanimous, corrected the
opinion of the Supreme Court and intercepted its final judgments in
these cases by declaring that the Constitution should not be so
construed as to allow them.
The Reporter of the Court closes the volume which contains the
case of
Chisolm by saying
"The writ of inquiry was not sued out and executed, so that this
cause and all other suits against states were swept at once from
the records of the Court by the amendment of the Constitution."
The course of argument which excluded the jurisdiction of such
cases applies with equal force to suits by foreign states against
the states of the Union. And the considerations which forbid suits
against the states by individuals, indicated with such clearness in
the Federalist, form the basis of the luminous and masterly
judgments in the English chancery in the case of
Duke of
Brunswick v. King of Hanover, 6 Beav. 1; 2 H.L. 1, where the
delicacy, difficulty, and danger of the jurisdiction and its want
of practical value are fully set forth, and the conclusion
"That it is a general rule, in accordance with the laws of
nations, that a sovereign prince resident in the dominions of
another is exempt from the jurisdiction of the Courts there."
It is clear the Constitution did not abrogate any law of
nations, and the only question is whether the states consented to
suits without any reciprocal right, or whether the existence of
such a power in foreign states could possibly assist any objects of
the confederacy. On the contrary, would not such a promiscuous
grant jeopard its tranquility and peace? The answer of Mr. Madison
to the Virginia convention is positive and direct. "I do not
Page 58 U. S. 521
conceive," he says,
"that any controversy can ever be decided in these Courts,
between an American and foreign state, without the consent of
parties. If they consent, provision is here made. The disputes
ought to be tried by the national tribunal. This is consonant with
the law of nations."
Virginia Deb. 391. To this consent it may be that Congress would
be a necessary party.
The nature of the jurisdiction in regard to the states having
been considered, the inquiry can now be made, can the United States
be a party to a suit between two or more states? The Constitution
does not mention such a case. There were before the federal
convention propositions to extend the judicial powers to questions
"which involve the national peace and harmony," "to controversies
between the United States and an individual state," and in the
modified form, "to examine into and decide upon the claims of the
United States and an individual state to territory." None was
incorporated into the Constitution, and the last was peremptorily
rejected. The jurisdiction of this Court over cases to which the
United States and the states are respectively parties is materially
different -- the one original, the other appellate only. There was
no encouragement nor serious countenance to the proposition to vest
this Court with jurisdiction of such cases. This Court is organized
and its members appointed by one of the parties. Their influence
extends with the jurisdiction of this Court, their means of
reputation with its powers, their habitual connection with the
federal legislation naturally inspires a sentiment in favor of the
federal authority. These operative causes of bias were known, and
apprehensive as the states were of consolidation and the
overbearing influence of the central government, we can well
understand why only the modified proposal as to jurisdiction was
pressed to a vote. I repeat that the enumeration of the parties in
this article of the Constitution did not enlarge the liabilities of
the states to suits, but it only provided tribunals where suits
might be brought, to which they were already subject, or might
desire to commence. Nor does the clause authorizing suits between
two or more states afford any contradiction to this conclusion.
The Articles of Confederation, by which they were then combined,
allowed Congress, as the occasion might arise, to appoint special
"to which all disputes and differences now subsisting or that
might hereafter arise between two or more states concerning
boundary, jurisdiction, or any other cause whatever,"
should be submitted.
Similar provisions for special and occasional tribunals in
matters of jurisdiction and boundary formed a part of the plan of
the Constitution till near the close of the convention, when
Page 58 U. S. 522
they were stricken out and the general jurisdiction over those
as well as other controversies delegated to this Court. My
conclusion after an examination of the clause is that it is only in
controversies between the states that one of their number can be
impleaded in this Court without its explicit consent, and that this
jurisdiction is special as to the controversy and the parties,
embracing none except those between the states of the Union; that
the Court has no original jurisdiction of the United States, and
none of a controversy between them and an individual state, and
consequently that they have no title to appear as a party to the
record nor in any undefined and uncertain relation to it.
And now the question arises whether the United States can or
ought to be concluded as to its property without a privilege to
appear and be heard, by a judgment of the Court, upon a question of
boundary submitted by two or more of the states for its
Without assigning any effect to the judgment that may be
rendered, or anticipating whether the rights of the United States
may be reserved, I will assume that the United States will be
estopped by the judgment, and that no reservation of its
proprietary rights can be made, and consider whether under such
circumstances there is injustice. The government of Florida
involves in this suit her highest claims -- those of sovereignty
and jurisdiction -- and fulfills its chief political obligations in
its prosecution. If individual claims are affected by the decree in
such a suit, it is because they are so incorporated in the rights
of their sovereign as to have no separate or independent existence.
She is the representative of all the proprietary rights and
interests of her people in their contest with another sovereign.
The United States, in resigning its sovereignty over the Territory
of Florida to the people and by recognizing its government,
relinquished its authority over this controversy and consented that
its proprietary claims to the waste and unappropriated lands should
abide the issue to which the state, in her wisdom and fidelity,
should attain. This sovereign control of Florida was modified upon
her accession to the Union. After this, if the controversy was
settled by negotiation and compact, the consent of Congress was
necessary to its binding operation, as in other cases of compact.
If it was settled contradictorily, then this tribunal was appointed
to make the determination.
Nor do I perceive that the executive department has any title to
disturb the parties or the Court with the expression of anxieties
or apprehensions that this Court will be lured to perform what
Congress alone may do, or that these constitutional conditions
Page 58 U. S. 523
will not be honorably fulfilled. The existence of this federal
government, in its whole extent, is a testimonial to the
magnanimous and disinterested polity of the states of the Union;
nor is the concession which submits to a tribunal of justice the
peaceful and rational adjustment of the controversies between
sovereign states the least weighty of the proofs of those
dispositions. It seems to me that it is the duty of this Court to
come to the exercise of the jurisdiction the states have conferred
in the same spirit -- to exercise it according to the letter of
their submission -- to exclude from it suspicion, jealousies,
interventions from any authority, but to meet the parties to the
controversy with confidence.
Dissenting from every part of the order, I have filed the
reasons for the dissent.
Ordered that the Attorney General have leave to adduce evidence,
either written or parol, and to examine witnesses and file their
depositions in order to establish the boundary claimed by the
United States.
After the motion of the Attorney General for leave to intervene
in this suit had been decided, Mr. Westcott and Mr. Johnson on
behalf of the State of Florida, moved for leave to take out
commissions to examine witnesses in the case, and for sundry orders
to expedite the case and prepare it for trial.
Among the orders moved for was the following:
"That the consent of the State of Florida being hereby given
thereto, the Attorney General of the United States may, in behalf
of the United States, use the name of said complainant whenever he
may deem it advisable that the United States should sue out any
commission to take any testimony or procure any proofs in said
cause, he giving notice thereof to the solicitors or counsel for
said parties as aforesaid."
This part of the motion was opposed by the counsel for the State
of Georgia, and in behalf of that state a motion was made to
appoint a commissioner and surveyor to survey the premises in
dispute and take testimony and report to the Court, the motion
stating particularly how the duty was to be performed. This motion
was opposed by the counsel for the State of Florida.
MR. CHIEF JUSTICE TANEY delivered the opinion of the Court.
The Court have considered the above motions.
Page 58 U. S. 524
The motion to authorize the Attorney General of the United
States to take testimony and to conduct the proceedings on behalf
of Florida with the assent of the state is refused. Each state must
conduct its proceedings for itself. Whatever the Attorney General
does in the case must be for the United States, and in the name of
the United States, and with reference to its interest or duty in
this controversy.
The motion on behalf of the State of Georgia to appoint one or
more persons to make the necessary surveys and to report their
opinion to the Court is also overruled. Each party is at liberty to
cause surveys to be made and maps prepared and filed by such person
as the state may select or, if they can agree, they may jointly
appoint one. And these surveys and maps and the proofs applicable
to them will be examined and considered by the Court at the
hearing, with the other testimony. But the Court does not deem it
advisable to appoint one or more persons to make these surveys and
examinations as officers of the Court, and thinks the case will be
better brought before it by leaving each state to act for
The Court therefore overrules the motions and, for the purpose
of preparing the case for hearing, makes the following order:
Final Order
On consideration of the several motions filed yesterday by the
complainant's counsel and of the arguments of counsel thereupon
had, as well in support of as against the same, it is ordered by
the Court that the said motions be and they are hereby overruled.
And it is further now here ordered by the Court that the said
parties in said cause be allowed until the first Monday of
December, 1855, to obtain, take, and file the testimony and proofs
by said parties respectively to be adduced and given in evidence on
the hearing of said cause, and that to enable said parties
respectively so to do, commissions in the usual form be issued by
the clerk to examine witnesses upon application of either party,
accompanied by interrogatories, a copy whereof has been served upon
the adverse party or its solicitor or counsel twenty days previous
to such application in order that cross-interrogatories may be
filed within said twenty days by such adverse party, and that the
commissioner or commissioners in each instance, if not agreed upon
by the counsel of the respective parties, be named by the Chief
Justice or one of the Associate Justices of this Court, and that
forthwith, on the return of any commission executed, the clerk do
open and file the same and cause the same to be printed for the use
of said parties.
Page 58 U. S. 525
And also that any exceptions to testimony may be taken at the
final hearing, and if exceptions be then taken to the competency of
testimony which the opposite party can remove by further proof, the
Court will reserve the decision and give time to the party to
produce it.
And also that said cause be set for final hearing on the bill,
answer, replication, exhibits, testimony, and proofs, so adduced,
filed, and admitted, on the second Monday of January, 1856, unless
cause be then shown to the Court for the continuance thereof.