Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center
As the highest court in the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court has shaped the rights and freedoms of Americans since the Founding. Justia provides a free collection of all U.S. Supreme Court decisions from 1791 to the present. We also offer opinion summaries, briefs, oral argument audio, and resources that provide a panoramic view of each case in its context.
Thompson v. United States (March 21, 2025)
A statute that prohibits knowingly making a false statement to influence the FDIC’s action on a loan does not criminalize statements that are misleading but not false.
Delligatti v. United States (March 21, 2025)
Knowingly or intentionally causing injury or death, whether by act or omission, necessarily involves the “use” of “physical force” against another person within the meaning of a federal firearm sentencing enhancement statute.
Bufkin v. Collins (March 5, 2025)
The VA’s determination that the evidence regarding a service-related disability claim is in “approximate balance” is a predominantly factual determination reviewed only for clear error.
City and County of San Francisco v. EPA (March 4, 2025)
§1311(b)(1)(C) of the Clean Water Act does not authorize the EPA to include “end-result” provisions in NPDES permits. Determining what steps a permittee must take to ensure that water quality standards are met is the EPA’s responsibility.
Dewberry Group, Inc. v. Dewberry Engineers Inc. (February 26, 2025)
An award of "defendant's profits" to a prevailing plaintiff in a trademark infringement case should not have gone beyond the profits of the named corporate defendant to include those of separately incorporated affiliates that were not parties to the case.

Chief Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice